Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 422 Establishing Prestige

It turned out that these two people got along well before the severe crackdown. After that, Erhong didn't let Li Gang fool around anymore and locked him up in the store all day long. No one could find him except his closest brothers. .

But that didn't help. Li Gang was arrested as soon as the crackdown began, but this guy really had nothing to do except fight. The main thing is that no one sued him when he got into a fight. The public security organs must have evidence when handling cases. Without witnesses, there is no way to convict. In addition, Li Gang's family was not that simple. He was released after staying in the detention center for a month.

After coming out, Erhong watched her even more closely and refused to leave. When the parents on both sides saw the two children like this, they agreed to hold a wedding for them when they were old enough.

After asking, Ye Yuze found out that several of Li Gang's video halls were still there. It turned out that they had never released those things that they shouldn't have released. Ye Yuze grinned. If he had known it, why would he have withdrawn the shares? Lost a lot of money in vain.

Li Gang was very grateful to Ye Yuze. He went from a poor gangster to a small fortune now, and he did not fall into trouble. This also had a lot to do with Ye Yuze. At least Li Gang really listened to Ye Yuze's repeated instructions not to touch those things.

Li Gang and Er Hong are here to get the goods. The only store in Tangcheng that sells warrior jeans is Er Hong's store. There's nothing we can do about it. No matter how nervous our family is, they have to squeeze it out. Not only did she have jeans there, but she also had tops.

After talking for a while, when Er Hong and the others were about to leave, Ye Yuze called out to Li Gang: "Brother Gang, do you know my brother-in-law? His partner is waiting for him in the video room right now. See if you can help her." If you open several chain stores, you can each hold half of the shares."

Before Li Gang could speak, Er Hong directly interjected: "We don't want shares, so we should help her!"

Looking at the domineering and open-minded second sister, Ye Yuze was a little moved. These are real relatives. If you have anything to say, please speak up and I will ensure that you don't lose track. Li Gang also nodded: "You can't take the shares, we will treat it as your business."

Ye Yuze shook his head: "If you continue to ask for shares, the main reason is that she has no helpers, and you have to ask someone to help her look after the store. Just deduct these expenses from your shareholding system."

At this point, Ye Yuze took out 10,000 yuan: "Use this as capital first, don't say it was given by me."

Erhong pushed the money back and said dissatisfied: "You look down on your second sister? We hold half of the shares and we still want your capital. I don't need the two dollars!"

After saying that, he took Li Gang and left. They came on a three-wheeler. Erhong sat on the car and waved to Ye Yuze.

Ye Yuze was about to go to the district clothing factory. This time Sun Lanyu insisted on going with him. Ye Yuze couldn't stop him and had to get into her car. The first two times, Ye Yuze came by bicycle because he was afraid of being too eye-catching. Today when the car drove to the factory gate and honked the horn, Niu Dali ran over and opened the gate.

Ye Yuze threw him a box of cigarettes. He asked in a low voice: "How is your income today?"

Niu Dali may have figured out the calculation, and waved his hand excitedly: "It's over ten!"

Ye Yuze did not forget to encourage him: "Come on, don't let your income fall!"

Sun Lanyu was confused. She didn't know what the two of them were doing. Ye Yuze just asked for a long time and didn't say anything, so he gave up.

Ye Yuze took a look inside those offices, but they were still scattered. He probably got tired of sitting in his own office, so they all went to the supply and marketing department to chat. There were also poker players in several houses, and they had a great time.

Ye Yuze ignored them. Seeing that the door of the finance room was locked, he and Sun Lanyu went directly into the workshop. There are about a hundred sewing machines working in the two workshops. Dong Yueying and Xie Xiaorong gave everyone cut pieces of cloth.

Ye Yuze called Xie Xiaorong and handed her the money he had prepared: "Give me yesterday's money. There are 562 pairs of pants in total. This is 1124."

Xie Xiaorong called Dong Yueying and Niu Fenglan, and the three of them distributed the money according to the list. In fact, there are still a lot of people in the workshop at this time. These people either don't want to work, or they are embarrassed to do it. Anyway, they just stand there and watch others working, and some of them are sarcastic.

Seeing that everyone who worked yesterday received more than five yuan, and some even received eight yuan, including Dong Yueying and Xie Xiaorong, many people's expressions changed. This is real gold and silver! It would be a lie to say that you are not moved.

Today Ye Yuze also brought detailed prices for each process of piece-rate wages and posted them on the bulletin board in the workshop. People cheered and gathered around, reading and talking about how much they could earn in a day with their own hand speed. After calculating, I was dumbfounded. There were many quick people here. I didn't dare to count anymore after I got ten yuan. This amount of money is so shocking.

"Capitalists, capitalists who eat people without spitting out their bones!" A voice came from the crowd. Ye Yuze looked over and immediately became angry. It turned out that it was Li Dong who was waving his hands and making comments.

Ye Yuze walked up to him in a few steps and yelled: "Put out the cigarette for me!"

It turned out that this guy was not only complaining, but also smoking a lit cigarette in the workshop. How could Li Dong be convinced after being scolded by Ye Yuze? He rolled his eyes and cursed: "Go away, this is our factory, you can't control me!"

How could Ye Yuze tolerate such a thing? A slap knocked the cigarette out of his mouth. Although he didn't use any force, Li Dong still felt burning pain when the edge of his palm touched his lips.

He's always a free-spirited person, but where has he ever suffered such a loss? Especially Ye Yuze, who wanted to ruin his own job. Li Dong was almost frustrated these days. He who never went to work often came here every day just to find fault with Ye Yuze. When it comes to fighting, who has he really never been afraid of?

He screamed strangely and rushed towards Ye Yuze, hitting Ye Yuze in the face with his fist. Ye Yuze didn't even hide. When he rushed to him, he raised his right leg and put it on Li Dong's chest.

Ye Yuze's kick was already fierce, and with Li Dong's own momentum, Li Dong didn't even scream. He covered his chest and rolled on the ground. It was really painful, but he couldn't scream yet.

Ye Yuze did not continue to fight and waited for him to get up. This Li Dong was really smart. After rolling on the ground for a while, he endured the pain and got up. There were too many people watching, and he couldn't afford to lose this person.

After standing firm, he looked around and found a wrench next to a machine. He picked it up and shouted: "Brothers, come together and knock down this capitalist!"

Before he finished speaking, two more people came out from behind him and rushed towards Ye Yuze with him.

Ye Yuze still didn't move at all, and when he rushed forward, he kicked him in the same place again. As for the remaining two people, one was punched in the face by Ye Yuze, and the other simply did not dare to rush forward.

Code writing is not easy. If you don’t give me a ticket, I promise to update it twice.

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