Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 421 Boil the Frog in Warm Water

Because it was already mid-November when Ye Yuze contracted the garment factory. So this month means that he still has to bear the salary for the entire November. In other words, you have to pay half a month more.

He didn't care about this, because it was made clear during the meeting that those who don't work only have a basic salary of 30 yuan. The reason why I am willing to pay these 30 yuan is because the contract price is too close to the people. Sun Zhengzheng is so generous, so he has to give him enough face, right?

Besides, these two hundred machines, large and small, can’t be contracted at this price anywhere? Ye Yuze calculated that as long as there were fifty workers working in the factory, he would make a decent profit. Now he doesn't let his mother and Sun Lanyu come over because he is afraid that they will intensify the conflict. He wants to wait until the differentiation is successfully resolved.

Ye Yuze came to the factory again in the morning. Both Niu and Tian were there. Seeing him, he quickly took out a piece of paper: "Yuze, a total of 98 people were late yesterday, 56 left early. There were 23 who left midway, and three were absent from work."

Ye Yuze smiled: "Two gentlemen, if you are late and leave early, you will be deducted 2 cents, and if you are absent from work, you will be deducted 1 cent. Is your income good? You must remember this, it is all your money! Don't tell others first."

The two old men counted on their hands for a long time, but they couldn't figure out how much they earned yesterday. Ye Yuze told them to keep the list well, and the accountant would calculate it for them when the time comes.

He came a little early, and only Niu Fenglan and Dong Fenglan came to the factory. The two of them were cutting fabric, and Ye Yuze felt hot in his heart. It seemed like there were good workers everywhere? It would be unreasonable not to treat such workers well.

When Dong Yueying and Xie Xiaorong arrived, Ye Yuze handed them the money for yesterday's pants: "This is the money Niu Fenglan and the others earned yesterday. From now on, piece-rate wages will be paid every day. You can just give it to them later."

Seeing Ye Yuze turn around and leave, Xie Xiaorong hesitated and shouted: "Director Ye, do you want the food in the cafeteria to be improved? You are the new one, so this will make everyone feel comfortable."

Ye Yuze shook his head: "I am the director of the factory, not a philanthropist. I give money to those who work, and I pay back to those who don't work. My money does not come from strong winds. Most people don't work now. If I give thirty a month and improve the food, who will give me this money?”

Xie Xiaorong was choked and speechless, lowered his head and stopped talking. When Ye Yuze left the factory, she complained to Dong Yueying: "Sister Dong, why is he like this?"

Dong Yueying had been staring at Ye Yuze's back in a daze. After hearing Xie Xiaorong's words, he thought for a while and then said: "Maybe he is right, let's go and distribute the money."

Although the little girl didn't understand what Dong Yueying said, she still followed Dong Yueying to the workshop obediently. At this time, people from the cutting workshop began to work with Niu Fenglan and the others. The equipment in the factory was originally used to produce labor cloth work clothes. Although it is not as advanced as Ye Yuze's equipment, it is not an old machine. Several people worked all morning and cut out more than a thousand pairs of jeans.

Although she did very little work yesterday, Niu Fenglan remembered the amount of work each person did. She gave Dong Yueying a piece of paper with clearly written words on it. Dong Yueying paid each worker according to this number. She was a little stunned when she saw her name on it.

Niu Fenglan explained with a smile: "Yingzi, you will be paid for your work. This is the boss's rule. You worked all day yesterday, and this is what you deserve. If you refuse, the money will have to be returned to him."

Dong Yueying pondered for a moment and took it directly. Although it was only one yuan, there was still a guaranteed one yuan. If this added up, it would be higher than the salary. Dong Yueying's salary is 52 per month.

Maybe it was because the money was distributed in the morning, which stimulated everyone? Those who had been working in Ye Yuze's factory did not bother with anyone today and went straight to work. Dong Yueying and Xie Xiaorong also kept busy. By the time they got off work at 5 p.m., they had produced more than 500 pairs of jeans.

The piece rate wage for each pair of jeans is two yuan, which is more than a thousand yuan. Although there are almost eighty people working today, when totaled, it is almost seven yuan per person. This number is not something others feel. But Dong Yueying and Xie Xiaorong, who were in charge of statistics, were a little surprised. They didn't know if Ye Yuze would default on the bill tomorrow with so much money?

Sun Lanyu grabbed Ye Yuze's ears: "If you don't tell me what medicine is sold in the gourd today, I will pull your ears until they are like Zhu Bajie!"

Ye Yuze looked helplessly at this beautiful sister who was originally elegant, cold, and domineering. I couldn't help but complain: "Pay attention to your image, your actions have ruined the image you have been putting on for more than 20 years!"

Sun Lanyu shook her head nonchalantly: "There are only two of us in this room. What image can I have in your eyes? You can't tell me?"

Forced to have no choice but to succumb to this power, Ye Yuze did not say any specific plans because he did not have any. He just told her everything he had done in the past two days.

Sun Lanyu was not stupid. As soon as Ye Yuze finished speaking, she understood. He hugged Ye Yuze and kissed him: "You are so smart. This is called subduing someone without fighting!"

Ye Yuze wiped the saliva from his face: "Do you know this is sexual harassment?"

Sun Lanyu looked at him disdainfully: "You are not a man, so what kind of harassment is this?"

Ye Yuze said angrily: "Then who am I?"

Sun Lanyu looked at him carefully: "You are a boy. A child is called Xiai."

Ye Yuze was so angry that he really wanted to show her his weapon and show her that it was no longer a toothpick. But he really didn't dare, he was shy.

Erhong came, and Ye Yuze wasn't surprised when she came, because although she didn't come every day, it was about the same. Now Ye Yuze and Sun Lanyu have given her the clothing store. In Xiaoshan Market, no one is more lively than her shop. What surprised Ye Yuze was that Li Gang came with her. Seeing that the two people were acting very intimately, was there something wrong?

What surprised Ye Yuze was actually not this. He didn't understand why Li Gang didn't go in? You must know that he is the eldest brother of Lubei District!

Li Gang saw Ye Yuze smile and was about to say something, but Er Hong glared at him and shut up. Ye Yuze couldn't help but laugh: "Second sister, this tutor is very strict!"

Li Gang blushed and didn't dare to defend himself. How could he still be like a big brother? What a kitten!

Er Hong glared at Ye Yuze: "Can you men just leave it alone? Look at my brother-in-law and the others. If I had been late, he would have gone in long ago!"

Ye Yuze turned to Sun Lanyu and said, "Look, my second sister says I'm a man, right? I'm already eighteen years old."

Sun Lanyu looked indifferent: "The age in the household registration is false. Anyone under the age of eighteen is not a man."

Dear friends, who are you saving all the tickets for? Steal

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