Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 40 Life hangs on a thread

Ye Yuze sighed secretly, Dad is such a loyal person!

But Dad has made his attitude clear, so naturally he can't say anything more. I hope Ma Quanyi can accept this favor.

Only the malicious look in Ma Hongkui's eyes flashed.

He is a simple person, and he generally won't do things that involve humiliation and burden!

But in this environment, you know what not to say? Otherwise, it is easy to be beaten by a group of people.

The instructor will discuss this with Ma Quanyi. Then announce. I have a day off today.

The company's biggest task in winter has been solved. And it was completely solved. Future production tasks will naturally have to be rearranged. This needs to be discussed at a branch meeting.

The oil pressing factory and the noodle factory do not require many people. It seems that even the company needs a new side job.

The infrastructure company is a construction unit of the regiment, but in this winter, there is no way to build anywhere.

The adults all went home happily. Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong went to collect the condoms.

The two men climbed to the top but were disappointed. All the grains of wheat that were sown were eaten up. But nothing was found.

However, there is no way around this. I had to take the condom home.

Yang Geyong said that the snow chickens and pigeons here are alert. I won’t be able to use it anymore.

"Take me to the border and take a look. What do I want to see?"

Ye Yuze has always been curious about the border. Yang Geyong originally didn’t want to go. But looking at Ye Yuze's pleading eyes, there was no way to refuse.

"Then let's go back and ride horses. The road is not close, and we have to go around the guard post. We have people standing guard not far to the west."

Ye Yuze nodded, and the two of them walked back down the mountain. When passing through a forest next to the company. Suddenly two figures appeared. stood in front of them.

Most of the forests in northern Xinjiang are poplar or birch forests.

The trunk is straight and smooth, with few side branches two or three meters below.

So, just stay twenty or thirty meters away. The figures of the two people are clearly visible.

Ye Yuze pointed at the taller figure next to Ma Guoqing and asked:

"Who is that person?"

Yang Geyong's expression has changed.

"That's Ma Guoqing's half-brother Ma Guoping. He was released from the juvenile detention center last year. But he doesn't go home very often. I wonder where he hangs out all day?"

Ye Yuze also felt a little nervous. Ma Guoping had obviously followed his father. Tall and strong.

Although his face is still childish, he is 1.7 meters tall.

Ye Yuze licked his lips, "How old is he?"

Yang Geyong narrowed his eyes slightly and stretched his hands to his waist. Revealing the spurs. Then he answered:

"He probably just came of age this year. He had a fight with someone in the area before. He broke his arm and was sentenced to two years."

He has realized that he cannot be kind today, so he is ready to draw his sword. He wasn't even afraid of their father, so how could he be afraid of his son.

Ye Yuze didn't have the habit of carrying a knife, so he looked around. I saw a branch not far away, which was also quite strong.

Run over quickly. A few times, all the branches with leaves were trampled down. A branch as thick as an arm is left.

I weighed it in my hand and found it quite handy. He and Yang Geyong rushed forward side by side.

Yang Geyong whispered: "When the fight starts, you can knock Ma Guoqing down with a stick and run away. Leave me alone!"

Ye Yuze said nothing, he couldn't do this kind of thing. If you can't do it, you can't agree.

Walking up to him, Ma Guoping took out a shovel from behind. This is obviously a sign of bad intentions.

Ma Guoqing arrived without anything, probably because Ma Guoping felt that there was no need for his brother to take action.

Ma Guoping glanced at Ye Yuze and the others with fierce eyes and cursed:

"You two little bastards, you don't know what your last name is after I've been away for the past two years, right? You even dare to bully my dad. Believe it or not, I've abolished you today?"

Yang Geyong didn't speak, and was still leaning forward. Ma Guoping noticed something was wrong and was just about to pick up the stick. Yang Geyong's military thorn has been thrust out.

But after all, Ma Guoping was a few years older, and he was also a master of fighting every day. The response was extremely quick.

He originally wanted to smash Yang Geyong's knife directly with a stick. But because the distance was too close, Yang Geyong's knife had directly pierced his arm.

There is little flesh on the back of the forearm, so the knife cannot penetrate deeply. Just make a hole. Blood flowed out all of a sudden.

At this time, Ye Yuze had already picked up his stick and hit Ma Guoqing directly on the shoulder.

He swayed for a moment and then "sat down on the ground with a thud."

By this time, Ma Guoping had distanced himself from Yang Geyong. Yang Geyong was hit on the head with two sticks in succession.

Yang Geyong shook his body twice in succession, but did not fall.

At this time, Ye Yuze had already walked around behind Ma Guoping and hit him on the head with a stick.

But Ye Yuze is young and not strong enough. It didn't cause him any harm at all. With a swing of his hand, Ye Yuze's stick flew away.

Then he picked up the stick and hit Ye Yuze on the head!

Ye Yuze rolled forward directly to Ma Guoping's feet. He stretched out his arms to hug his legs, and then pushed forward with his shoulders. Ma Guoping sat down on the ground.

At this time Yang Geyong had already rushed up. A knife stabbed him in the shoulder.

Unexpectedly, Ma Guoping grabbed his wrist and grabbed the handle of the knife. Then he pulled out the knife from his shoulder and stabbed Yang Geyong in the chest.

That was a three-edged military thorn. Yang Geyong's life was dead when the knife penetrated him.

At the critical moment, Ye Yuze let go of his legs. The head hit his chin directly.

Ma Guoping screamed, and blood began to flow from his mouth instantly.

How could Yang Geyong let go of this opportunity? He grabbed Ma Guoping's wrist with both hands and tried to snatch the knife away.

But Ma Guoping was too strong. Not only did he not take the knife away. He also stabbed him in the shoulder socket.

Yang Geyong's body went limp and he lost all strength. Ma Guoping continued to stab Yang Geyong in the chest with his knife.

Ye Yuze's eyes were red at this moment. He hugged Ma Guoping's arm. He bit Ma Guoping's wrist hard.

No matter how weak Ye Yuze was, this bite was so painful that Ma Guoping screamed. The knife fell to the ground.

At this time, Yang Geyong had already gotten up, picked up Ma Guoping's stick, and hit him hard on the head.

By this time, Ma Guoqing had already gotten up. But this guy is cowardly. Completely different from his brother.

He saw Yang Geyong hit his brother on the head with a stick. He screamed and ran towards the company.

Ma Guoping knocked Ye Yuze to the ground. He picked up the knife and rushed towards Yang Geyong.

Yang Geyong hit him on the head with a stick again. But this guy didn't care about being hit at all. He swung his knife and stabbed Yang Geyong in the head.

Ye Yuze got up and jumped forward, hugging Ma Guoping's legs directly.

Ma Guoping is rushing forward at this moment. His legs were hugged, and he suddenly fell into a trap.

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