Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 39 Complete Victory

At this moment, Wu Tianming, a weathered man, looked at the doll with great admiration.

Ye Wancheng was at the edge of the ditch, watching his son silently.

Although I don’t know what he wants to do? But he didn't stop. Don't know why. He suddenly had an expectation for his son.

Ma Quanyi also had an expectant expression on his face. He is the company commander. Although he is strong, he does not understand production.

The ice in this ditch can be estimated a little bit. He can know. It would take more than half a day of work from the whole company to finish it.

And I can’t take a break at noon. Because the ice that was smashed away will solidify again. It is necessary to let the water flow in one breath.

He has already informed the canteen that meals will be delivered at noon. The reason why I made a bet with Ye Yuze. He just wanted to give his opponent a heavy blow today!

Ye Yuze nodded to Yang Geyong. Yang Geyong squatted on the bow of the boat. Turn on the switch of that new weapon.

"Whoosh!" accompanied by the vibration of the motor. A strange wind blew out of the fan blades. Make a noise.

Yang Geyong put the fan blade close to the ice surface, but the ice surface did not make even a sound. It was beaten into powder like tofu.

The whole company looked at all this in stunned silence. Everyone was dumbfounded. "What kind of weapon is this? Is it so sharp?"

The deputy instructor was stunned by Ye Yuze last night. I haven't spoken a word today.

There is no way, the company commander has alienated him because he is afraid of hepatitis. You have to keep a distance of more than one meter when talking.

And he also felt like something was wrong with his body. If you are really sick, the last person you can't offend in such a remote place is the doctor!

If it was because he was Dr. Ye's son that he had worries yesterday.

So today it was the doll itself that made him deeply afraid. Especially today's sexy operation made him feel powerless. I can't afford it!

Ma Hongkui's hand holding the gun was already sweating. He couldn't figure out what Ye Yuze had done.

But he understood that the most important thing he should do at this time was to shut up. Otherwise, you might get beaten up by a group.

Although his brain is not very efficient. But he's not hopelessly stupid!

Ma Quanyi clenched his fists. The nails have dug into the flesh.

With this kind of artifact in the company, he, the company commander, should be the happiest person. But at this moment, he was not only unhappy. I still hope that this thing will break soon.

No one can be selfless when their authority is challenged!

But the reality did not develop as he imagined.

I saw that little boy Ye Yuze, who was as arrogant as a general. He waved his two little hands wrapped in gauze to direct his two soldiers.

All the ice in the direction of his finger turned into powder and melted into the rapids.

At this moment, the ice in the reservoir has long disappeared. A pool of blue water contrasts with the blue sky.

The boat was already galloping in the channel. The ice on the two-meter-wide water surface disappeared as soon as the boat passed by.

All the people on the shore were excited. Especially the women. There were tears in every eye.

This power station was built five years ago. No one can forget the feeling of soaking in ice water in winter.

Many female warriors fight to avoid being looked down upon by those men. Even regardless of her menstrual period, she did not hesitate to get into the ice water.

Although he pretends to be calm and calm on the surface. But only you know the real taste!

"Good boy, thank you, aunt!"

Mother Yang, who was still fighting with her mother yesterday about her child, was the first to shout out!

Then the voices of women from all companies sounded out one after another.

Women are most easily moved. At this moment, they really wanted to hold these people on the boat in their arms and kiss them.

No, kiss those two children. Forget it Wu Tianming!

as the boat returned to where the crowd stood. The instructor looked at his watch. 26 minutes. This is still counting the time it takes to come back.

He was also very emotional. Take a deep breath and calm yourself down. Asked loudly:

"What is this thing called? Who invented it?"

Wu Tianming looked indifferent and pointed at Ye Yuze.

"This little guy did it yesterday morning!"

The instructor looked at Ye Yuze. His eyes were full of gratitude.

Ye Yuze waved his hand and said humbly:

"This is called an ice breaker. I saw this thing in the park in my mouth. So I remembered it.

I didn’t do this myself, it was Wei Zhongyi, Uncle Wei and Yang Geyong who helped me do it. I can't do it myself! "

Standing on the other side of the ditch, Wei Zhongyi, a tall man who had been following the power lines down, was also full of tears.

"It's all Ye Yuze's fault. Platoon Leader Yang's kids and I just helped him!"

Everyone understood where this thing came from. It was Dr. Ye's eight-year-old child who did it.

Everyone's eyes were focused on that little figure. Full of gratitude and shock!

Dad's mouth was grinning like a fool. Maybe my biological father always has this expression at times like this!

"Big prizes, big prizes!" the instructor murmured.

Then he looked at Ma Quanyi. "Captain Ma, I suggest you report this to the regiment. This matter must be heavily rewarded!"

Ma Quanyi was wandering around the world at this time. I didn't hear what the instructor said at all. He was thinking about what he should do at this moment.

Until the instructor repeated it again. He finally recovered. Followed.

"Okay, we must reward you heavily. Report it to the regiment headquarters in the name of the infrastructure company branch!"

The instructor looked at Ye Yuze. "Do you have any requests?"

Ye Yuze curled his lips. “The pencil case from last time hasn’t been distributed yet!”

The instructor looked embarrassed and asked, "Can you have a better style?"

But he still explained: "I have already bought the pencil case. But I haven't bothered to go to the group to get it these days. This time it is two in one. I will go to the group to ask you for credit in person!"

What happened today made the instructor unknowingly stop treating Ye Yuze as a child.

Ye Yuze looked at Ma Quanyi. He still owes a promise.

If it were another person, he would definitely give this face to the company commander. If you don't let him apologize, the relationship will be better in the future.

But Ye Yuze doesn't. He understands that some conflicts are unavoidable. Dad's jealous character is destined to be incompatible with this kind of people.

It would be better to completely attack the opponent's arrogance. At the very least, it will make him worry about doing things in the future.

Seeing Ye Yuze's gaze, Ma Quanyi's face was filled with uncertainty.

But he is also a ruthless person. There was just a slight hesitation. Then he said to Wu Tianming:

"I wrongly blamed you. I apologize for what I just said. I'll leave the ice-breaking job to you in the future."

This job has obviously changed from the most arduous physical work to the easiest job that only needs to be done once a day.

The reason why it was left to Wu Tianming. This is Ma Quanyi's greatest sincerity.

His eyes looked at Dr. Ye again. Just wanted to say something.

Doctor Ye waved his hand. "They're all for work, with different starting points. You're right too!"

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