Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 386 The girl who looks exactly like Yinhua

"Why is it called silver?" Ye Yuze asked something that was incomprehensible to a girl. He didn't react at that time. What should Ye Yuze ask again?

"Why is your dog called Yinzi?" Ye Yuze added after seeing the girl's blank gaze.

Only then did the girl realize. "Because, because it is white?" The girl looked matter-of-factly, as if Ye Yuze had asked a stupid question and had even forgotten that his hand was being held.

Ye Yuze was indifferent, why was it such a coincidence? Is there something somewhere hinting at me? "Then what's your name?" Ye Yuze then asked, he wanted to see if the name would be the same?

" name is Wang Ya, no, my name is Wang Yu'e." The girl said it smoothly. It was obviously her nickname, but she probably felt that it was not nice to say it in front of a stranger, so she added her nickname.

Ye Yuze breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably. At least he didn't call Yinhua, otherwise he really wouldn't know what to do? Only then did he realize that he was still holding someone else's hand. Wang Ya realized this problem again at this time and began to struggle again.

Ye Yuze dug into his pocket and found a digital watch. He kept a few pieces of this thing as a gift. It is cheap and good-looking, so it is the best gift for relatives and friends. He took it out directly and stuffed it into Wang Ya's hand. "This is a specialty of our place. I ate your peach. This is a thank you gift."

Wang Ya was obviously shocked by this thing, and she threw her watch to the ground. Ye Yuze glared, picked it up again and stuffed it back into her hand: "Don't refuse, or I'll throw this peach away to you too!"

Ye Yuze didn't understand why his voice was so loud? He rarely loses his temper with women, except for Zhao Ling'er, who can't help but quarrel.

The girl was frightened and trembled. She subconsciously clenched the electronic watch in her hand and did not dare to throw it away again. This look made Ye Yuze suddenly feel pain in his heart, and he quickly slowed down his voice: "This is not valuable, you can use it in school."

There is no high school in my aunt's village, so Wang Ya must be a junior high school student. At that time, not many people in the village had watches, and most of their daily life consisted of watching the sky. After saying this, Ye Yuze left without staying any longer. Wang Ya stood there stunned for a while, until Ye Yuze could no longer be seen, and then returned home.

When Ye Yuze returned to the entrance of the village, his uncle's car was there, but the person was missing. After walking around for a while, a faint sound came from a sorghum field nearby. Ye Yuze walked over quietly, wanting to hear what they had to say? The result was a surprise. More and more, my future aunt is crying.

The old uncle next to him comforted him: "Don't cry. It's okay. Your father kicked me out today. If I go back tomorrow, the most he will do is give me a beating. What else can I do?"

This is a lot of information, so I went to my aunt's house for a while. It seems that my uncle has been through a terrible experience! He was even kicked out of the house. This future aunt seems to be a nice person. A girl like this will definitely help my uncle win her. To avoid having to experience the same treatment as my aunt when I come back later.

Thinking of this, he stepped back and sat on the back of his bicycle, waiting patiently for the pair of fateful couples. The families on both sides disagreed. This fate was miserable enough. At any rate, grandma’s attitude is not firm, otherwise it might lead to a tragedy of committing suicide for love!

After waiting for a long time, the two miserable mandarin ducks finally emerged from the ground. Seeing Ye Yuze, he was stunned for a moment. It turned out that the two of them had forgotten the light bulb a long time ago. Ye Yuze looked up to the sky and sighed, are there any lovers in this world who can forget about light bulbs?

On the way back, Ye Yuze asked his uncle, did his aunt's family seem to be not doing well? The old uncle sighed: "Your uncle is not very good at farm work. He has been working as an accountant since he never went to school. He is dumbfounded. This year's wheat seeds have not been harvested. During the wheat harvest, he picks wheat from the grass and cuts it. In the village It’s all become a joke.”

Ye Yuze heard a dark clue. Is such a person considered a talent in rural areas? Auntie found it with a few lanterns? But when I think about it, I feel relieved. How could they have thought that the land would be divided among themselves when they got married? Otherwise, how could the life of a couple with one teacher and one accountant be so bad? This means that man’s calculation is not as good as God’s calculation!

"By the way, uncle, why does my aunt and her father disagree with your matter?" Ye Yuze was a little confused about this matter. His family should be in good condition in the nearby village?

The old uncle hesitated for a moment and then told Ye Yuze: "Her father doesn't want his daughter and grandma to live in the same yard, so he asked me to build a house. But with six rooms that big? What kind of house should I build?"

"By the way, what does her father do? Is he also farming in the village?" Ye Yuze couldn't help but praise his future father-in-law for his vision. It will definitely be troublesome for a big family to live together. Women are troublesome. Jin, let alone grandma, the two sisters-in-law may not be able to rest all day long.

"Her father is a bricklayer and is famous in villages all over the country. Didn't he call a few people to set up a construction team this year and help people build houses everywhere." After the old uncle said this, Ye Yuze secretly sighed that the old uncle was so lucky. Just find any father-in-law and he will be the first generation contractor. It seems that the old uncle will not have to worry about his life in the future.

After clarifying the situation, Ye Yuze had a clear idea in his mind. I fell asleep when I got home. The next morning, Ye Yuze bought some wine and meat, and called Ma Ye and Xu Le to his home to discuss the housing base.

Both of them had a very good impression of Ye Yuze, and they both got a daughter-in-law for nothing. One picked up the village party secretary. Even though the land is divided, he is still the boss in the village? The parent official who cannot be avoided for anything in the village.

As soon as the two of them discussed it, they were given another place behind grandma's house. This is not considered favoritism, but it is also a big trap. Most people can't even afford the money to fill the soil.

The reason why Ye Yuze likes this place is because it not only guards the edge of the village. It is also next to the road out of the village. Although it is a dirt road, it is also one of the main roads out of the village. As for money, it’s all trivial!

Grandma was smiling, puffing away at her pipe, looking at Ye Yuze with indescribable kindness. With such a grandson, the sons don’t have to worry. As for the house, she didn't interfere. The grandson had the final say.

Mr. Ma is used to Ye Yuze's vigorous and resolute actions. At this time, the wheat harvest has been finished and the cobs have not yet grown. It is actually the slack season. It's just that the land is theirs, so everyone can't sit still and go to weed the field with hoes.

Now, as soon as Mr. Ma and Xu Le greeted each other, a group of people came up cheering. This time Ye Yuze didn't care about food. Follow Xu Le's advice, it's only a dime for a cart of soil, the more you work, the more you get. Anyway, the soil doesn't cost money, it's not far away, what's wasted is your strength. But how can any rural person be afraid of laboring?

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