Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 385 Future Aunt

This girl is different from other girls in the village at first glance. Not only does she have a delicate face, but her waist is very thin, and her fitted clothes perfectly outline her curves. No wonder her eyes light up when she looks at her from a distance.

When Ye Yuze heard people praising him, he quickly jumped out of the car and shouted: "Hello, auntie."

The girl's face turned red all of a sudden, and she looked at the old uncle with angry eyes, as if this was his instruction. The old uncle looked confused and knocked Ye Yuze on the head: "What are you yelling for?"

Ye Yuze immediately hid behind the girl and continued to shout: "Auntie, help me, this guy is too violent, you have to educate him well, otherwise others will suffer in the future!"

The girl's sense of justice immediately exploded. She hugged Ye Yuze out of doubt, stared at the old uncle, and shouted angrily: "Ye Lizhuan, don't hit anyone!"

The moment he saw the girl, Ye Yuze understood why his grandma looked down on her? In their generation, when choosing wives, they preferred those with big breasts and big butts. It is best if the top and bottom are equally thick. Such people will have strength and be able to have children. The aunt is a perfect template.

But don’t young people today have that kind of vision? Ye Yuze thought about it, if his grandma found such a wife for him, he would not have to flee back to northern Xinjiang, but would probably have to go abroad directly. Otherwise, you will be worried to death.

Ye Yuze would naturally make such a marriage come true, but he was not suitable to stay here at this time. It was almost dark, and people didn't need light bulbs in this kind of occasion. After asking about the approximate location of his aunt's house, Ye Yuze left on his own.

Luzhuang is larger than Ye Yuze's village. His aunt's family lives in the southwest corner of the village, and he came in from the east end of the village. So I walked for a while. It was dinner time at this time, and there was no one outside, so Ye Yuze couldn't ask unless he went directly to someone's home.

Ye Yuze wandered around for a while and found nothing. There was no house number in the village, so he was wandering around blindly. At this time, Ye Yuze discovered a peach tree at the entrance of a courtyard. The peaches on it were so bright and attractive.

Ye Yuze couldn't help but walk over. Ye Yuze had never seen this thing before. He couldn't help but reach out and want to pick one and try it. Ye Yuze knew that it didn't matter if he picked one from the fruit trees in the village and ate it.

I just took the peach in my hand and haven’t eaten it yet. A dog burst out of the open yard and barked at him. I was so scared that I dared to eat it. This dog was a native dog, very big, and its barking voice was very powerful. The top one is a baritone.

Seeing that this guy had no intention of letting him go, Ye Yuze awkwardly shook the peach in his hand: "Brother Dog, I'll just pick one and try it. You don't need to go to war like this, right?"

But the dog was unmoved at all and continued to bark angrily, with an attitude of never letting the thief go. Ye Yuze really didn't dare to turn around and walk away. It would be troublesome if he pounced from behind.

Ye Yuze thought for a while and took out a dollar from his mouth. He discussed with the dog: "Well, a pound of peaches is only one or two cents. I'll give you a piece. Can you buy the bones and eat them yourself? Let me go first."

In fact, Ye Yuze is really not weird. When he was in Northern Xinjiang, Ye Yuze often talked to Yinzi like this, and the guy always understood and cooperated with him.

But the dog in front of him obviously didn't understand the language with him. He had no intention of communicating except for cursing, and he was extremely immune to the temptation of money.

When Ye Yuze was in a dilemma, "Pfft!" a chuckle came over. Then a clear cry sounded: "Yinzi, go home!"

Ye Yuze looked up and was shocked! This is a girl about her own age. Ye Yuze didn't pay much attention to whether she was pretty or not. What surprised him was that this girl looked so much like Yinhua, even the two braids on the back of her head were almost the same length.

The difference is that this girl seems to be shy. She didn't dare to look at Ye Yuze, because she was amused by Ye Yuze's behavior just now, and now she was lowering her head and pinching the corners of her clothes at a loss.

Ye Yuze shook his head to calm down. Yinhua is gone, and there will no longer be this person in this world. At this moment, he wanted to run away, and whispered: "Do you know where Ye Xiu's family lives? I am her nephew."

The girl finally raised her head and pointed at a door: "Teacher Ye? Her house is right behind my house, that door is it!"

Ye Yuze said "Thank you." He walked toward his aunt's house as if running away. No one dared to look at this girl again. At this moment, he had the urge to leave this village. How could there be people who looked so similar in this world?

My aunt already has a son and a daughter, and my uncle is an honest and honest rural man. He seems to be the accountant of the team. After household quotas were implemented, the accountant's role was no longer significant. In the past, it was definitely the type where you didn’t have to do farm work and you were still taller.

My aunt was surprised when she saw Ye Yuze come in. Ye Yuze quickly stood up and hugged him. Ye Yuze enjoyed the warmth. He knew that his second aunt and aunt really loved him, and whether his uncles or uncles loved him or not depended on their wives.

The dinner at my aunt's house was not very good, just cornmeal pancakes. There were also a few green peppers on the table, and they broke them into pieces and ate them with dipping sauce. A bowl of polenta was also placed in front of one person. Corn is called cob here. It’s Bangzi Mian Bianzi’s Bangzi Noodle porridge and vegetable dipping sauce. This is the standard dish for people in Qiu County at this time.

My aunt worked as a teacher in a village school. Although it was privately run and the salary was very low, for that era. It can also subsidize household expenses. My aunt's house is very old. It seems that she was not assigned a new house when she got married. Ye Yuze looked a little sad.

After chatting for a while, Ye Yuze said goodbye and left. I didn't agree to my aunt's offer to stay overnight. The main thing is that although this house has three and a half rooms, they all live on the kang in the west room. The east room didn't even have a Kang mat, so there was no way anyone could live in it. If Ye Yuze stayed, he would have to share a kang with the whole family.

After going out, Ye Yuze saw the girl sitting under the peach tree reading a book. Although the moonlight is very good, reading in this kind of light is difficult for the eyes. But Ye Yuze didn't speak anymore and hurriedly walked past her.

"Wait a minute!" Ye Yuze was almost walking through her yard when a voice stopped him. Ye Yuze turned around and saw the girl chasing after her in a hurry. Beads of sweat appeared on the tip of her nose, whether she was running or anxious.

The girl stuffed two peaches into Ye Yuze's hand: "Just now... the money scared... you, this... is for you to eat." The girl was very timid and stuttered a bit when she spoke. After stuffing the peaches into Ye Yuze's hand, she turned around and ran away.

Ye Yuze grabbed her hand, and the girl's neck turned red by his move. Not even struggling anymore.

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