Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 37 Hepatitis Patients

When dad arrived, everyone was not here yet. Of course, what is missing is definitely the chief officer.

Ma Hongkui has been suspended from his duties, so he is no longer eligible to participate in the branch meeting.

The instructor has already arrived. Ordinarily a branch meeting. He is the instructor, so to be precise, he is the branch secretary.

But for production matters and personnel arrangements. His authority is not great. This is also related to Ma Quanyi's always strong character.

Therefore, instructors can only make decisions on some big things. Interfering with some of Ma Quanyi's actions.

The instructor glanced at Dad with a complicated expression. There was both guilt and confusion in his eyes.

He personally accepted Wu Tianming's arrival in the company. He knows best about some things in his files.

He wasn't sure about anything else. But Dr. Ye and Wu Tianming didn't know each other, so he could confirm it 100%.

He really couldn't understand Dr. Ye's efforts to protect this person.

After all, Wu Tianming's identity is complicated. No one wants to come into contact with such a person in this day and age. Not to mention protection.

In fact, not only him, but also the first and third platoon commanders and the division chief couldn't understand.

The reason why I support him is because of my absolute trust in Dr. Ye!

Ma Quanyi walked in together with the deputy instructor and deputy company commander.

In a company with such a strong commander, even the instructor stepped aside. Don't talk about these two deputies.

They can only find a sense of presence by standing closely beside Ma Quanyi.

As soon as they came in and finished cooking, Dr. Ye said:

"Wu Tianming has a heart problem. I firmly disagree with letting him be responsible for the icebreaking task alone. If something goes wrong, who will bear the responsibility?"

The deputy instructor's face was tense, and the corners of his mouth cracked even as he smiled.

His triangular eyes stared at Dr. Ye. "Even if you are a doctor, you can't just say whatever you say, right?"

After saying that, he stood up and walked a few steps in the house. Then he said:

"I'm not a doctor, but I know that when people are sick, they need a diagnosis. If he has a heart disease, why didn't the regiment tell him when he was sent here? Why didn't he bring a diagnosis certificate? Could it be that the organization is so irresponsible? "

Ma Quanyi had a smile on his face. I am very satisfied with what the deputy instructor said.

Dr. Ye also stood up. Feeling a little emotional.

"Heart disease can only be detected when he is sick. When he is not sick, doing an electrocardiogram is just like a normal person! Besides, even if you do an electrocardiogram, you have to go to the regiment hospital. How about I take him there tomorrow?"

The deputy instructor shook his head. "Why should he go to regiment headquarters for examination if he has no symptoms?"

Dr. Ye slammed the table and roared:

"He almost died a few days ago. It was my son who saw him and asked me to rescue him. Can I lie about this?

I am a doctor, and it is my duty to save lives and heal the wounded! I won’t do anything to desecrate this profession! "

The deputy instructor nodded, "So, he started drinking in a few days. He even took your son with him. He was so drunk that your wife thought your son was lost, right?"

These words are so poisonous. Ye Yuze glanced at his father worriedly. Seeing that he was indeed so angry that his face turned red but he was speechless.

So Ye Yuze couldn't help but interjected:

"Uncle, Ye Tianming is just like you. He didn't know he was sick. He almost died that day but was rescued and said he was not sick!"

Then he looked carefully at the deputy instructor Ji Yan. There was some worry in his expression. Turn around and ask dad.

"Dad, what disease does this uncle have? Why is he as thin as a monkey? Show him quickly!

People say that people with hepatitis will be so thin and yellow. There is no way to check whether hepatitis is present in the company. How about you take Uncle Wu and this uncle with you. Hepatitis is contagious! "

Ye Yuze looked at the deputy instructor with concern. Then I blocked my nose with my sleeve as I remembered something. He changed his position and was far away from him.

These words really had an effect. Originally, the deputy instructor and company commander Ma Quanyi were sitting together.

But at this moment, Ma Quanyi moved the chair away without leaving any trace.

The third platoon leader, Zhao Dengxuan, burst out laughing.

He had been watching the excitement, but it was when he saw Ma Quanyi's actions that he couldn't help laughing.

This guy is not alone in the company. There are five or six people who can only get along because of Ma Quanyi's support.

Now Ye Yuze's words made Ma Quanyi wary. This guy’s life will be hard in the future!

He looked at Ye Yuze carefully, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it. The little guy's big eyes are particularly bright under his dark eyebrows.

The long eyelashes blink like two rows of small trembling brushes as the eyes blink.

The key point is that this kid is full of intelligence! The more I look at it, the more I like it.

What he said just now seemed like a child caring about the deputy instructor's body.

But Ji Feng, who was talking both inside and outside of his words, directly retorted the deputy instructor's words, making Ma Quanyi wary. Who would be willing to hang out with a hepatitis patient?

He waved to Ye Yuze and called him to his side. He has no sons, just two daughters.

This boy and his second girl are quite a suitable pair. It seems that he should be trained as a son-in-law! Otherwise, it would just depend on this kid’s scheming. It will definitely be too late if you start now.

Ye Yuze snuggled on Zhao Dengxuan's lap, looking like a good baby. If he hadn't known that he was Yinhua's father, he wouldn't have relied on a man's thigh to beat him to death!

The deputy instructor was not stupid. He was immediately discouraged when he saw Ma Quanyi's behavior. He sat aside and stopped talking.

Dad said something when he saw this scene.

"Company commander, I will take Lao Wu and the deputy instructor to the regiment headquarters tomorrow to have a look!"

Ma Quanyi felt a little embarrassed at this time. He turned to look at the instructor.

"Wu Tianming just assigned him a task. It's not good to change it overnight. Let's talk about it in a few days!"

The instructor nodded, this is a matter of giving in. He was happy to see it.

The company commander and instructor set the tone. Naturally, others will not refute.

At this time, Ma Hongkui suddenly broke in.

"Company commander, Wu Tianming has been back to sleep since noon. He has not been in the canal. The canal has begun to freeze!"

Ma Quanyi looked unusually calm, but his face darkened.

"It seems that Wu Tianming is really against the organization! If the canal freezes at work tomorrow and affects power generation, let's see how I deal with him!"

Now that the matter has been settled, the meeting will naturally end.

Dad turned a corner, pulled Ye Yuze and walked towards Wu Tianming's nest.

When I opened the door curtain, I saw the old man Wu Tianming sitting by the stove drinking tea.

Dad was a little anxious. "Old Wu, I will find a way to take you to the regiment headquarters for inspection in the past two days. But before that, you must complete the tasks assigned to you by the company!"

Unexpectedly, Wu Tianming laughed.

"Dr. Ye, I met two benefactors in total in the infrastructure company. One is you. The other is your son. As long as I, Old Wu, live, I will definitely repay you!"

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