Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 36 New Weapons

"Uncle Wei, let me come in and take a look. I don't know what a hydropower station looks like!"

Ye Yuze put on an innocent smile and said with a smile to Wei Zhongyi.

Wei Zhongyi naturally found it difficult to drive people away. A word of advice, "Don't touch those gate boxes!"

At that time, there were basically no precision power products such as air switches and leakage protectors.

One wall of the power station is entirely covered with wooden boards. On the wooden board, there are several rows of huge old-fashioned black guillotines hanging.

Ye Yuze couldn't understand these things. He's looking for what he needs.

The things inside the power station are very messy. Various knives and wires. Motors are everywhere.

After walking around, he actually found two treasures. A small motor with an extended shaft.

Although it is small, its power is not bad. It's a three-phase motor with a power line.

There is also a fan blade with a diameter of half a meter. This should be a fan for a large motor. The thickness of the fan blades is almost as thick as a finger.

Ye Yuze couldn't help but secretly sigh that people in this era used real materials to make things.

This kind of fan blade can probably survive half a year if used directly as a cutting machine!

After moving these two things together, Ye Yuze found some angle iron and iron plates to make a shelf.

Of course, you need a welder to make the shelf. Don't worry about this. They are all inside the power station. Not only the materials, but also the people.

Uncle Wei himself is a very good welder.

At first, he didn't agree to help Ye Yuze with these tasks.

But when Ye Yuze drew a big cake, he just followed it.

Although I don’t understand what an icebreaker is. But Uncle Wei's wife also spends the whole day breaking ice in the canal. Every time I come back wet.

His wife is from Jiangsu. Her personality is a bit coquettish. The body is also weak. It made Uncle Wei feel very distressed.

But as a Corps soldier, you have to do your job. Uncle Wei is an honest man. He is physically strong, but his mouth is a bit clumsy.

Every time his wife got cold, he could only hold her and cry silently.

Now Ye Yuze said that he can make an icebreaker, and that once it is completed, it can be operated by one person. No more company members to break the ice!

Regardless of whether this kind of thing is true or false, he will definitely help. Not to help Ye Yuze, but to help his wife!

Although Ye Yuze is a bit unreliable. But you have nothing to lose by giving it a try.

Yang Geyong is a person whose actions are more effective than his words. The three of them were busy working together.

A monster with a handle that can move freely like a machine gun was born.

There is a large fan blade on the extended shaft of the motor. The motor is mounted on a base. The base is heavy. Completely withstand the vibration of the motor.

The base is extended and there are two handles at the back. There is also a structure similar to a universal wheel below. The base can be turned flexibly.

The moment this weapon is opened. A demonic wind blew forward. Small objects in the house were blown around.

Wei Zhongyi's big eyes suddenly widened completely. He is considered a skilled person in the company.

The moment this thing started moving. He just understands. Sure!

He was a little excited, and his hands were rubbing on his legs in confusion.

He really wasn't excited about this invention. But I am excited that my wife finally stops smashing ice!

This base needs to be fixed on the ship, which is a trivial matter for Wei Zhongyi.

There was no need for Ye Yuze to worry about the power supply problem.

Three people moved the new weapon to the boat and fixed it. Then it started facing a big piece of ice.

As a result, no abnormal noise was heard. The piece of ice turned into dregs under the agitation of the fan blades.

Wu Tianming touched this thing. He made hey sounds from time to time in his mouth. The tenderness seemed to be caressing his wife.

By the way, does Uncle Wu have a wife and children?

Ye Yuze wanted to ask, but didn't.

After the experiment was successful, Ye Yuze told several people not to tell anyone. And asked Wu Tianming to go home and sleep. Come back tomorrow morning.

Wu Tianming did not refute at all. He turned around and left.

Wei Zhongyi patted Ye Yuze on the shoulder. He sighed and left without saying anything.

During dinner in the evening, I saw my father still frowning. Ye Yuze quickly comforted:

"Dad, hurry up and eat, I'll help you solve the problem!"

Dad was immediately amused by him.

Mom slapped him on the head.

"You'll be helping your father by making less trouble."

Then he looked at her husband. "Is there no result yet this afternoon?"

It turned out that my father proposed at the branch meeting that Wu Tianming could not be responsible for the ice-breaking task of the water channel alone. He is not in good health.

Although the first and third platoon leaders and the division chief all supported him.

But Ma Quanyi also had the support of the deputy company commander and deputy instructor.

Plus instructor waiver. Dad has no way to overturn Ma Quanyi's decision.

But my father’s temper is something that even nine cows can’t stop.

He only insisted on one thing, that is, Wu Tianming was not in good health. Not suitable for such heavy physical labor.

But Ma Quanyi didn't care at all. Just one sentence to talk back what my father said.

"Have you ever seen someone with a heart condition drink like that and be okay?"

The branch meeting continued in the evening. Originally, Ma Quanyi was not prepared to pay attention to his father. But Dad insisted on dragging several allies to find the company commander and instructor one by one.

Ma Quanyi wanted to show his democracy and open-mindedness. I generously gave my father another chance.

Ask him to come up with sufficient reasons and evidence. As long as he can prove that Wu Tianming does have heart disease, he can not be allowed to accept the task alone.

Ye Yuze really admired his father.

He has no selfish motives at all. The reason for all this trouble is because Wu Tianming is a patient. I'm afraid that he really had an accident.

After dinner in the evening, my father pushed away his rice bowl and walked towards the company headquarters. Ye Yuze followed closely behind his father.

Dad turned around and asked, "I'm going to a meeting. What are you doing?"

Ye Yuze raised his head, "I'll solve the problem for you!"

Dad smiled and let him go. After all, after this son comes back. Being sensible is heartbreaking.

When he was only eight years old, he already took over all the housework. The couple suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. Who doesn't like such a child?

The company headquarters was in a separate row of houses. This row of houses is a large auditorium. Plus company headquarters, health room, and finance room.

This auditorium is a multi-purpose hall. Usually it's the cafeteria. It's also here when the company holds meetings. You can also play movies inside in winter.

There are a lot of Bingtuan movies shown. Two or three times a month, projectionists from the regiment would ride horses to each company to show movies. At that time it was a festival for the entire company.

The company headquarters is small, with a few tables and two benches.

There were no boss tables, sofas or anything like that in that era.

The desk used by the company's top commander is a four-legged desk like that of an elementary school student.

Of course, the chief is also more senior than a primary school student. That desk has three drawers.

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