Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 362 Warrior Jeans

Regarding Sun Lanyu's situation, Ye Yuze didn't have any good solutions. No matter how good his brain is, he can't solve this fundamental contradiction unless he has a very good vision and follows Sun Lanyu to purchase goods. But he asked himself that he didn't have the ability.

"How about I produce a batch of large-size jeans first, and you try to contact foreign businessmen." That's all Ye Yuze could help her with.

Sun Lanyu rolled her eyes at him: "I've been miserable for a long time and you have this little sympathy? Am I still your sister? Don't talk nonsense. First, here are five thousand pairs of jeans, two thousand for domestic code and three thousand for foreign code. Except for us Tang In our own store, no one is allowed to give you these pants for the time being."

Ye Yuze looked at her with some suspicion: "Why do you want so many? Don't you have any foreign businessmen? Don't throw away three thousand pieces, because they can't be sold in China!"

"Don't talk nonsense. I'm going to get the money now and I'll follow you back to Tangcheng in a while. Auntie has just started, so I'll pay first." Do you think your sister can't even afford thousands of pairs of jeans? Sun Lanyu looked a little unkind.

Ye Yuze quickly laughed: "How can you? I didn't mean that. I won't go back today. We have to find a place to make the trademark first. Otherwise, what's the point of such high-end pants without a trademark?"

Sun Lanyu came to his senses: "That's really what happened. Let's do this. I know several manufacturers that make trademarks. Come and take a look with me. Those things are cheap, only a few cents each."

Ye Yuze knew that she was talking about the kind of white trademark stuck on the inside of the waistband, but he didn't want to do that. He remembered that the jeans David wore that time had a leather label with a cowboy pattern on them, which he had always liked.

So he found a pen and drew an image of a regiment soldier riding a horse. The word "Northern Xinjiang" is written on it. Because his painting skills were so poor, it took him a long time to explain to Sun Lanyu before he understood what he was painting.

"You want to call the brand of jeans "Beijiang"? Sun Lanyu asked. To be honest, he didn't agree with the name, but she had no objection to the pattern.

Ye Yuze didn't feel too satisfied either, so he packed up and walked out. "I'm going home first. I haven't seen my sister for a long time. I just want to discuss it with her."

Sun Lanyu didn't stop him. To be honest, she was sometimes quite jealous of the relationship between Ye Yuze and Wang Honghua. They were really closer than siblings. This Ye Yuze would risk anything for this sister. She had wanted to drive him back. But after thinking about it, it’s better not to cause trouble and let them have a nice chat.

Back home, Ye Yuze unexpectedly found that the door was open. Didn't my sister go to class? Opening the door and walking in, Wang Honghua was sitting under the big tree in the yard, holding a book and reading in trance. Ye Yuze had even walked up to him without realizing it.

Ye Yuze coughed, and Wang Honghua woke up. He quickly stood up and hugged Ye Yuze in his arms. This is a small move between the two of them. Wang Honghua would never do this when there are outsiders.

"Why do you have time to come here? Are you skipping school again?" Wang Honghua said with some blame in her tone. She liked everything about this little brother, but it was his failure to attend class that gave her a headache, but she couldn't help it.

Ye Yuze let out a long sigh pretending to be mature and told everything that happened during this period. Wang Honghua was shocked and stunned. How many months has it been? Uncle Ye lost his job and Aunt Mei resigned. She didn't even know.

"Sister, how are you? You're about to graduate. What are your plans? Do you still plan to study abroad?"

"I have already passed the TOEFL exam, applied to Harvard, and am now waiting for notification from the United States. If I fail, I will prepare to return to work in the Corps after completing the graduation exam."

Because Wang Honghua and the others are the first class of college students to resume the college entrance examination. This group of people has a quota for studying abroad at public expense, and the school organizes unified examinations for this. However, there are only three places in the entire Chinese department, and nearly half of them took the exam. Now Ye Yuze finally understands why Zha Hongying dropped out and went to the United States. Publicly funded exams are too difficult.

"So how do you feel? Are you sure?"

Wang Honghua nodded, then shook her head: "English is okay. Several professional subjects are too heavy, and I'm not sure about this. Wait, it's just a try anyway."

Ye Yuze couldn't help him either. Even in elementary school and junior high school, he could still manage to become a top student. After reaching high school, he was able to take cultural classes, but the English really stumped him. He himself always wondered whether he had learned too much Russian and was at odds with English. Those sentence patterns and grammar always made his mind confused.

In fact, he also learned Russian half-heartedly, and he didn't learn it again after arriving in Tangcheng. No one will. Now he has accepted his fate. It is God's will whether he can pass the college entrance examination, but at that time, the English score in the college entrance examination was also 100 points. This hit Ye Yuze very much.

"Okay, sister, if you pass the exam, let's bring enough money. I won't let you wash dishes there to earn living expenses. Your brother and I don't have anything else but money. Let's take the US dollars and go hit those yellow-haired guys. Blue-eyed guy.”

Wang Honghua covered her mouth and laughed: "You fool, there are many races in the United States, not just those with yellow hair and blue eyes. Besides, I study abroad at public expense, and the state pays for all the expenses. I can't spend any money."

Ye Yuze curled his lips: "With that little money, you can probably only eat bread in the United States. I won't allow you to live like that. Anyway, tell me as soon as you get your grades and I'll come over. By the way, I'll tell you my phone number."

Ye Yuze copied the factory phone number to her. Speaking of this, Ye Yuze thought about the trademark again. The two of them discussed it for a long time and finally decided on the jeans brand "warrior" which means warrior in Chinese. However, in the upper left corner of the trademark, there are two Chinese characters for "Bing Tuan".

Early the next morning, Sun Lanyu drove to pick up Ye Yuze. Wang Honghua was fine these days. Then he also left with them. Find a trademark factory to finalize the trademark. I paid someone to make it quickly. At least this template was easier to make, so it was ready on the same day.

On the next day, more than 10,000 trademarks were printed. The three people drove back to Tangcheng. Ye Yuze was shocked when he arrived at the factory. The factory is very busy. Dad was there to help put on the fabric and then distribute the cut fabric. There are more than a thousand pairs of jeans in the warehouse.

But as the workers' proficiency increases, the garments are made faster and faster. When Sun Lanyu saw those jeans, it was like seeing gold, and his eyes were filled with blue light.

Ye Yuze removed all the labels and asked his mother to arrange for workers to sew them on his pants. Not only my mother is satisfied with this trademark. Even my dad, who has never had much of an eye for aesthetics, likes it very much. He said he was going to wear one back this time.

As long as he could remember, Ye Yuze remembered that his father only wore military uniforms. He really wanted to see his father wearing jeans.

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