Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 321 Sudden mutation

When sending Ye Yuze out, Sun Lanyu glanced at him curiously: "My little brother is not from the capital, right? How long have you been coming to BJ? Can you tell me what you do at home?" She was curious about Ye Yuze's identity. How can ordinary people have such great abilities?

Ye Yuze nodded and counted on his fingers. "It's been almost ten days, right? My dad is herding sheep in northern Xinjiang, and my mom is making clothes."

Sun Lanyu almost fell to the ground with her butt, what a hard background, I believe you are a ghost!

Not long after returning to the Coke store, the third brother came back panting with a few people. He introduced a few people to Ye Yuze, what about the second brother and the fourth master. That's it. Ye Yuze always nodded and said hello. Anyway, we are all on the same page with these people, so there is nothing to be polite about.

"Little brother, we have collected the money. When do you think we will trade?" The third brother asked with a look of anticipation on his face.

Ye Yuze pondered for a moment: "In the afternoon, after you finish your meal, go to the Bank of China in Wangfujing. I don't want cash this time, just give me a passbook."

The third brother nodded in agreement and they separated. Ye Yuze went directly to the Capital Hotel. It was already noon. Ye Yuze went directly to the western restaurant and saw Wang Honghua and the others already sitting at the dining table.

Western food is eaten with knives and forks, and there are certain things to pay attention to when eating. The two college students were better off, but Yang Geyong and Zhao Ling'er did have grim faces.

Zhao Linger is not used to eating half-cooked steak. As for Yang Geyong, the portion was too small, and even the little bits of food that he served were not enough for him to eat. Ye Yuze couldn't help it. Who asked them to eat Western food.

After finally finishing their meal, Ye Yuze returned to the room with them. Ye Yuze opened his bag and took out the samples and asked them to check them. If it works, you can pay the deposit. Several people looked satisfied after reading it. Especially when they heard that each item cost only thirty yuan, they were even more excited and hugged Ye Yuze one after another.

Ye Yuze also mentioned that one foreign exchange coupon can be exchanged for two RMB. Several foreigners cheered in the room, which made Ye Yuze always regret it, feeling that he was too kind and gave too much.

Next, the foreigner is responsible for exchanging U.S. dollars for foreign exchange coupons. The amount was too big, and Ye Yuze didn't dare to step forward. If he changed it to foreign exchange coupons, he wouldn't have so many worries. That's equal to Chinese currency.

Fifty dozen foreign exchange coupons were packed in a big bag, which was heavy. Ye Yuze was a little uneasy and asked Yang Geyong to go to Wangfujing with him. When the two people arrived at the Bank of China Savings Office, the third brother and his gang were already scratching their heads and ears like monkeys.

Because the money was pooled together by several people, Ye Yuze also traded with them one by one. He would give the foreign exchange certificates to whomever the money was deposited in his name first.

The amount of money for several people is about the same, so this is probably what they had discussed in advance. Each person has about a hundred thousand, and the third brother has slightly more. After the transaction was completed, several people insisted on dragging Ye Yuze to eat. Only then did Ye Yuze realize that these guys didn't even eat.

Ye Yuze had to rush to pay the deposit. He had no time to eat, so he left in a hurry and promised to make an appointment next time. Then he and Yang Geyong rushed to Yabao Road to see Sun Lanyu.

Sun Lanyu was still surprised to see Ye Yuze come back so soon. In fact, she only believed half of Ye Yuze's words. After all, he is still a half-grown child. How can such a big thing be so simple?

Ye Yuze directly put the 100,000 deposit on the table: "Sister Sun, I'll put the money on this matter and it's settled. You can't let it slip halfway, otherwise none of us will be able to afford it if something goes wrong, and it will be a diplomatic dispute. Tomorrow You have to gather the clothes for me and bring them here, and I will bring someone to pull the goods tomorrow afternoon."

Sun Lanyu also solemnly agreed, and then wrote a note with the deposit received and handed it to Ye Yuze. So they were busy separately.

There was nothing much going on in the afternoon, so Ye Yuze and the others took two little country bumpkins around the capital. Unfortunately, I don’t have a car, and I only have two bicycles, so it’s not convenient to get anywhere.

In the evening, I went to Donglaishun to eat hot-boiled mutton. The little girl Zhao Ling'er still grinned and said it was far worse than the mutton from Beijiang. It tasted old and bad. Ye Yuze is also helpless. If you compare feed sheep with lamb meat from Northern Xinjiang, is there any way to compare?

Early the next morning, several people went to watch the national flag raising. This time Zhao Ling'er and Yang Geyong arrived with solemn faces. Every Chinese person has a sense of sacredness when they arrive here. It is not a simple flag raising, but an oath of sovereignty.

By noon, Ye Yuze couldn't stay any longer. He called Yang Geyong and went to Yabao Road. Although it was scheduled to start trading at four o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Yuze felt uneasy.

When I arrived at Yabao Road, I saw a large group of people surrounding me from afar. There seemed to be Sun Lanyu's voice, very angry. Ye Yuze's heart "thumped!" and he hurriedly squeezed in with Yang Geyong.

After listening for a while, Ye Yuze realized that the male boss was dissatisfied with Sun Lanyu's collection of clothes, which he had paid for. Why do you, Sun Lanyu, just take it back when you say you can? You can take it back, but you have to pay ten times the price.

He only made things difficult because he knew about the deal between Ye Yuze and Sun Lanyu. He wanted to make a profit from it, so not only did he refuse to provide goods, he also contacted a group of stall owners to do the same with him.

Ye Yuze was a little angry. He knew that the price added by Sun Lanyu to their goods was not high, and some people with less money basically took the goods first and paid later. It's a bit unjust to do this for this benefit now.

There were several people behind Sun Lanyu, who seemed to be her helpers. But there were too many people around the male boss. There were not only vendors, but also some weirdly dressed gangsters who were whistling in a glib tone and teasing Sun Lanyu with words. Sun Lanyu was so angry that her face turned red but there was nothing she could do.

What Ye Yuze hates the most is this kind of person, who falls into trouble and takes advantage of others' danger. At least Sun Lanyu didn't make things difficult for anyone when receiving the goods, right?

"Hu Fuquan! Pay me back the money you owe me, and I will never do business with you again!" Sun Lanyu's patience seemed to have reached its limit, and she had decided to break up.

The male boss is called Hu Fuquan, and he is a mixed bag. The people I have been dating since childhood are quite mixed, but this guy is quite shrewd and knows how to make money, so he has done well in the past two years.

After hearing Sun Lanyu's words, Hu Fuquan was stunned for a moment and looked at the people around him: "I owe money? What a joke, am I, Hu Fuquan, someone who owes money?"

A bunch of gangsters around him started to boo, "No, where did Mr. Hu owe anyone else's money? Others owe Mr. Hu!"

Sun Lanyu took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Hu Fuquan: "Open your eyes and see who wrote the IOU?"

Ye Yuze secretly thought: "It's going to be bad!" As expected, Hu Fuquan snatched the IOU and tore it in half, threw it on the ground, crushed it with his feet, and then raised his head: "What did you see?"

"I didn't see anything!" The gangsters booed again.

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