Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 320 The female wholesale boss

But when he opened his eyes and saw Ye Yuze, his face immediately turned into a chrysanthemum smile. Damn it, the God of Wealth is here, can you not welcome this? Two hands are not enough, so all four limbs can be added to express sincerity!

"Third brother, can you take the five hundred thousand foreign exchange coupons? One to five." Ye Yuze couldn't care less about nonsense. Time was too tight and this matter must be implemented.

Before Ye Yuze finished speaking, the third brother who had just stood up sat down on the steps again with a "poof!" and was frightened. I have been doing this for three years, and this is the first time I have heard such numbers!

"Five...five hundred thousand?" The third brother asked, fearing that there was something wrong with his ears.

Ye Yuze nodded with a serious expression: "This matter is urgent and must be completed today. If you can't eat, you can contact some colleagues, but you can't delay the matter."

When the third brother saw Ye Yuze being so solemn, he naturally understood that this matter was true. He reached out and took Ye Yuze's bicycle: "Lend me the bicycle. You wait for me here. I will be back in about two hours."

Ye Yuze nodded and gave him the car. The third brother immediately disappeared on his bicycle, not caring about his hairstyle and pants line.

Ye Yuze didn't have time to spare. He almost visited all these stalls yesterday. Two of the stalls are larger, one sells men's clothing and the other sells women's clothing. However, these two bosses are quite special. The men's clothing is the female boss, and the women's clothing is the male boss.

First he came to the male boss's stall. When the boss saw Ye Yuze, he immediately ignored the other customers and hurriedly came up to him: "Little brother, are you here to see the goods again? Is there anything suitable today? If you want less, you can just take it. If you want more, I'll give it to you." You get 40% off.”

Ye Yuze smiled, you can listen to what these small businessmen say. But don't take it seriously, you can't be friends if you take it seriously. It's all for profit, why should I give it to you for free? But the people's words were nice, which made Ye Yuze very comfortable.

This guy's stall is three stalls connected together, with a full range of varieties. The only person who can compare with him is the female boss who sells men's clothing.

"Boss, do you have a lot of goods? If I buy one worth 1.8 million, can you organize the supply?" Ye Yuze asked casually. Now he was not sure where to get the goods, so he was just testing.

"The products I have here are the most comprehensive in the entire Yabao Road. If you can't find something here, you won't be able to find it all over the capital. Not to mention 1.8 million, you just sold the Forbidden City to buy my products. , I can also touch it for you!"

At this point, the boss paused: " much did you say...?"

"One million, all large sizes. Can you get it together in two days?" Ye Yuze said again with an emphasis on his expression, his expression very serious. This matter is no joke. If there is a fork, it will lead to international disputes. No one can afford this.

"I can get it together, but can you really afford it?" A voice came from the side. It turned out to be the female boss who saw Ye Yuze and walked over.

Businessmen have a rather vicious vision. The female boss who saw Ye Yuze shopping yesterday knew that this boy was not simple. Later, she saw him helping foreigners buy things, which made her pay more attention to him. It's just that Ye Yuze and the others left in a hurry yesterday and didn't even give her a chance to talk.

Generally speaking, those who practice stalls in the capital are children from civilian families. The population is growing too fast and the economy is not very developed, which has created another group in society called unemployed youth.

These young people had no classes to attend and no place to work at that time. They just hang out in groups on the street all day long. Young people are more impulsive and will have conflicts over trivial matters from time to time. This was also a factor of social instability at that time.

However, there are also some young people who are more lively and do not want to stay at home and grow old. They didn't like the handmade products such as paper boxes and flower arrangements from the street factories, so they found another way to become a bad guy.

It was a hard job to be a businessman at that time, and a trip to Guangzhou lasted several days. I brought cash with me for fear of being stolen, and I didn’t dare sleep along the way. When I came back, I was afraid of losing my goods, so I didn’t dare to sleep. After I came back, the goods were sold out within ten or eight days, and I had to continue to restock them. This kind of suffering is not something ordinary people can endure.

This type of person is easy to identify, their clothes are fashionable, even ahead of their time. They are talkative, and as long as they open their mouths, nothing will happen to anyone else. The male boss falls into this category.

But this female boss seems a little different. The clothes are also very fashionable, but this kind of fashion is not like those people who just wear whatever is popular. There used to be a joke that a businessman even wore a bra on himself to promote it.

The fashion of a female boss is the kind of fashion that fits her temperament very well. Beautiful but not ostentatious, the kind that makes anyone feel comfortable and attracted to it.

The female boss's words made Ye Yuze look at her a few more times. The male boss didn't dare to speak at this time. He could see that the young man was not joking and didn't have the strength, so he didn't dare to interrupt.

Seeing that the male boss stopped talking, the female boss reached out and shook Ye Yuze's hand: "Sun Lanyu, nice to meet you."

Ye Yuze stretched out his hand and shook it: "Ye Yuze, it's nice to meet you too."

The female boss stretched out her hand and made a gesture of invitation: "How about we find a place to talk? I wonder if it's convenient, little brother?"

Ye Yuze nodded and followed the woman into an alley. After walking in the alley for a while, Sun Lanyu stopped in front of a gate and knocked.

After a while, the door "squeaked!" was opened, revealing the young face of a man. Seeing that it was Sun Lanyu, the man said nothing and quickly opened the door to let the two of them in.

Ye Yuze was surprised when he entered the door. The door didn't look special, but he didn't expect that there was a courtyard with three entrances inside. It's just that the two yards at the back have been completely sealed off, and they are full of goods.

Seeing Ye Yuze's surprised expression, Sun Lanyu smiled reservedly. The two dimples on his face were very attractive.

Ye Yuze walked over and looked at the goods carefully, and found that there were both men's and women's clothing. This time he couldn't figure it out. "Don't Sister Sun sell men's clothes? Then what are these women's clothes used for?"

"I actually set up a stall to pay attention to market trends and trends at all times. Most people in this market just buy my products. Because most people have little capital, they can't make much money even if they go to Guangzhou and throw away the expenses."

Ye Yuze was shocked, what a wholesaler! There are very few women in this era who have such a lot of money and such a forward-looking vision.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with the woman's goods, Ye Yuze directly discussed the price. After some negotiation, the deal was settled at 30 yuan per piece. It was already close to August, so most of what Ye Yuze wanted were autumn clothes. This will make it easier for them to sell them when they take them back.

However, because Ye Yuze wanted large sizes, Sun Lanyu didn't seem to have enough here. She thought for a while and said to Ye Yuze: "You pay a deposit of 100,000 yuan. After the deposit is paid, I will take back all the large sizes on the market." .I’ll definitely get it together for you.”

Ye Yuze nodded in agreement and discussed meeting in the afternoon. Then Ye Yuze took some sample clothes and left. Naturally, he wanted to show these things to the foreigners. Only if they were satisfied could he do this.

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