Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 275 Brother-in-law

"Okay, for Bai Lang's sake, I'll sell you some. How much do you want?"

At this time, the brother-in-law had also come back and looked at Ye Yuze with some confusion, wondering what he was going to do? Ye Yuze took out ten dollars.

"Auntie, please give some to each, and just spend all the money!"

The aunt was stunned for a moment, then rolled her eyes at him: "You little prodigal, is this how you spend your money?"

After saying that, he stopped talking to him and just picked some things and weighed them on the scale. There is no serious meat here, just heads and hooves plus some water. I quickly got him a big bag, and then gave him some money.

"Look, four and two dollars is just a lot. How many people in your family can finish it?"

Ye Yuze stuck out his tongue and laughed. When buying things in Northern Xinjiang, everything is measured by the kilogram. He has never been very sensitive to numbers.

No way, who in northern Xinjiang doesn’t buy more than half a sheep? Someone who weighs only two pounds will be laughed at.

Ye Yuze turned out half of the stuff and handed it to his brother-in-law. The brother-in-law refused to take it, so Ye Yuze forced it into his hand.

"This is not for you, but for your grandma. The pork head meat is relatively soft. Tell her to eat more."

Ye Yuze's words moved his brother-in-law, and he hesitated for a while and then stopped refusing.

"Ye Yuze, I couldn't give you that tuition at that time, my family had no money!"

Ye Yuze waved his hand: "Don't worry about the money, but you have to promise me that I will only pay you back the money you earn! I don't want grandma's money!"

The brother-in-law's eyes were a little red, and he nodded heavily. The aunt was also a little moved when she saw it:

"Your name is Ye Yuze, right? Whatever you want to buy in the future, just come to Auntie, and Auntie will keep the best for you!"

Ye Yuze liked hearing this sentence very much and said quickly: "This is the aunt you are talking about. Don't deny it when the time comes!"

The aunt laughed and cursed and kicked them out. Back home, the second aunt was shocked when she saw Ye Yuze holding such a big bag of braised pork.

"Silly nephew, where did you steal this from?"

Ye Yuze never understood why his second aunt kept calling him silly nephew? Is he really stupid? Another thief today? Am I that kind of person?

"Second aunt, the mother of one of my classmates works in this workshop. He took me there today and gave me a pack like this for two yuan. I have some left at home and I am sending some to my grandpa."

When the second aunt heard that it was only two yuan, she didn't care and nodded in agreement.

"I will take it directly to your grandpa as soon as I get to work. You can go directly to school."

We made rice for lunch, and the second aunt bought salted hairtail fish from somewhere and stewed it for cooking.

There were no electric rice cookers at that time, so rice was cooked in the big iron pot in the yard.

Not to mention, the rice cooked like that is really delicious. Later, when various new kitchen utensils came out, cooking like that basically disappeared, and the original aroma disappeared with it.

Tangcheng is close to the sea. Compared with ordinary inland cities, it eats relatively more seafood, and the most eaten ones are salted hairtail fish and kelp.

At that time, there were basically no fresh-keeping equipment such as refrigerators and freezers. Therefore, the only way to preserve food is to dry it in the sun and then pickle it, or to pickle it directly.

This hairtail is a semi-dry food. Because too much salt is used, people will feel uncomfortable even if it is salty even after it is washed and cooked.

But Ye Yuze really likes to eat, this stuff goes well with rice! After finishing a piece of hairtail, I finished two bowls of rice.

The second aunt is educated and capable. Working in a brigade is a leadership position. My uncle is also a small leader in the Kailuan Coal Mine. Therefore, the family's life was considered well-off at that time.

After all, this kind of vegetable farming team is very popular. Those comrades who have an iron rice bowl like to marry women in the team. There are grain books and free rice. Coupled with vegetables that are always available all year round, life is so beautiful that it’s hard not to miss it.

The most important thing is that the team has built a lot of greenhouses and has grown many vegetables that are only available in summer in winter. In those days, this was a big deal.

If anyone gnaws a cucumber on the street in the middle of winter, the people around you will look at you in one of two ways: envy or jealousy!

Ye Yuze has also been a little worried recently. He has nothing to do with English. If he studies on his own, he can only imitate cats and animals, but language must be read to be considered proficient! If you are dumb, you will learn English in vain, but who can you ask to help you? Ye Yuze didn't know much about the place he was born in, so there was nothing he could do.

Half a month has passed, and Ye Yuze has become familiar with life here. The teachers have never paid much attention to the students in the physical education class.

There are only a few top students in the class, including Hu Yajie and others, but their grades are probably not outstanding even if they were put in an ordinary class!

On Saturday morning, Ye Yuze told his second aunt that he would go to a classmate's house after school and not come back for lunch. My uncle didn't come home at noon. If he didn't go back either, my second aunt would eat directly at grandpa's house.

Grandpa has been talking less and less recently. He often sits there motionless for a long time, and even his thinking becomes slow. Ye Yuze always went there to stay with him for a while at night, but he didn't know what to say. Whenever he talked about this, his second aunt always sighed.

Ye Yuze agreed with his brother-in-law to help him deliver coal to others. Coal for residents' daily use is also rationed, and the amount supplied to each household is based on population. However, when buying coal, you need to go to the coal yard to pull it yourself.

Some families without adults at home can only ask for help at this time. Who has the nerve to ask for help when doing manual labor? Basically, they give me 50 cents as hard work fee. My brother-in-law earns some pocket money through this every week.

Grandma is old and has retired long ago. But the retirement salary was very small at that time. In addition, the brother-in-law's parents' employer gives him a small monthly subsidy to support his two grandparents.

Originally, in this situation, grandma could go to a nursing home and brother-in-law could go to an orphanage, but grandma firmly disagreed with this. She felt that as long as she was here, she would stretch the only root of the Bai family!

So every day I would hug myself and go to the street to pick up some rags and sell them to get some money for my brother-in-law to replenish his health. My brother-in-law is at this age when he can eat, and since he is an athlete, the ration at home is often not enough!

These things were all asked by Ye Yuze from his brother-in-law these days. This guy has a strong self-esteem and a somewhat violent personality. Even in the high school, few people dare to provoke him.

Ye Yuze has always wanted to visit his grandma. This old lady really makes Ye Yuze admire her.

Just like my own grandmother, she raised four children by herself!

But grandma is getting over it now. But the brother-in-law’s grandmother continued to pull her grandson away. The key is that she is already over seventy years old!

After Ye Yuze's repeated requests, his brother-in-law finally agreed to take him home, and the two of them agreed to have dinner at his house at noon on Saturday.

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