Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2766 Yang San's plan

But no matter how he laughed or cried, as a prime minister, he naturally did not dare to joke with the law. Although this matter could be resolved privately, he really did not want to do so.

He naturally had his own ideas, but if he really implemented them, he still felt guilty.

He was not afraid of Liu Qinghua, but of his father and Ye Yuze. If these two people got angry with him, they would not be able to beat him up.

But if he really had to give up, he would naturally be unwilling, so he hurried home to ask his wife, Her Majesty the Queen.

Ye Mei laughed when she heard it, and slapped him on the butt:

"You look stupid, and you have a lot of tricks, but I like it, so let's do it!"

Yang San asked hesitantly: "What if the two fathers beat me?"

Ye Mei patted her chest: "Don't worry, I'm here, I'm your strong backer!"

Yang San left happily, and then Liu Qinghua, who had been sleeping in the hotel, was woken up and taken to the police station.

A sheriff asked seriously: "Someone accused you of rape! Do you plead guilty?"

Liu Qinghua stood up suddenly: "Who said that? Fuck his grandma, I am Chinese, how could I do that?"


The sheriff uttered a name lightly, and then looked at him meaningfully.

Liu Qinghua was stunned for a moment, then sat back in his chair dejectedly, lowered his head, pondered for a long time, and then sighed:

"I did it, you can kill me or cut me up as you like!"

The sheriff also sighed: "I know you have done a lot for this country, but the law is the law, and everyone is equal before the law."

Liu Qinghua didn't say a word. When the sheriff interrogated him for details, he was confused. The key point was that he really didn't know anything at the time...

So, all four people were detained, one for provoking trouble, and three for rape.

It's just that the latter three can't be convicted because they all rushed to take responsibility. How to define this?

The chief was an experienced old policeman. He held a pipe in his mouth and listened to his subordinates' reports silently, then exhaled a puff of smoke.

"If everyone rushes to plead guilty in such a case, what does that mean?"

Several subordinates looked confused, they didn't know.

The chief looked helpless: "Are your heads full of Xi Ma? You can't understand such a simple thing, this is love!"

Several people suddenly realized that this is love? They just made a mistake!

Several people turned around and walked out, ready to let people go. Such a beautiful thing, how could it be treated as a criminal case?

"Stop, what are you going to do about this?"

The chief's loud voice came.

They stopped, at a loss.

The chief was angry and pointed at them and scolded:

"We not only have the responsibility to protect citizens and fight crime, but more importantly, we have to increase their happiness index."

Several people looked at each other again, not understanding what the boss meant, mainly the word "increase happiness index", they didn't understand.

The director shook his head: "Take them to get married, may lovers in the world finally get married!"

The director is a very literary person. When he said this, his face was full of longing, as if he was the one who was going to get married.

"But... there are two women..."

One of his subordinates finally expressed his doubts, because the latest marriage law clearly stipulates monogamy.

The director was angry again: "He is a foreigner, what impact can the laws of the Solomon country have on him? What else can we do?"

Several people suddenly realized that success was never a fluke, but they were just inflexible.

Several people opened their minds, and after some discussion, Tom was taken out of the detention room.

In two days, Tom aged like a different person. To be honest, he was not afraid of death for this family, but even his daughter was trapped, or because of his stubbornness, he couldn't stand it.

Daughters are all his hopes and motivation to live, but they are now imprisoned together, making him live a life worse than death.

His voice was hoarse from shouting these two days. He said he would not sue and that he was talking nonsense, but no one paid any attention to him.

When Liu Qinghua came in, he was locked up in a room next to Sally and Sophia, not knowing whether it was intentional or not.

There was an iron fence between the two rooms, and no wall at all. So when the two girls saw him, they were all stunned.

Sophia shouted excitedly: "Old Liu, why are you locked up?"

Did Liu Qinghua really not know that the two girls were also locked up? Seeing their haggard faces, his body twitched with heartache.

"Come here! I did everything, what right do you have to lock them up?"

Old Liu's angry voice echoed in the cramped space, but no one paid attention to him.

Sophia tightly grasped Liu Qinghua's hand across the railing:

"Don't worry, it will be fine, at least you will be fine, it was us who did it, it has nothing to do with you, it was my father who was foolish enough to sue you."

Sally's eyes were also blurred with tears, and she grabbed Liu Qinghua's other hand:

"You will be fine, don't be angry! We have said everything."

Liu Qinghua opened his eyes wide: "What did you say?"

Sophia told him what happened, and Liu Qinghua stomped his feet in anger:

"Foolish! Why are you talking nonsense? How old are you? Your life is ruined like this, and I should take responsibility at my age!"

In the interrogation room, Tom was tired of shouting, and he looked at the sheriff with lifeless eyes.

The sheriff cleared his throat: "Tom, you and your two daughters are guilty. Today's interrogation is just to tell you the actual situation."

"Can I not sue? Don't sentence my daughters, they are innocent!"

The sheriff snorted coldly: "Innocent? Innocent, why would they do such a thing? Liu Qinghua came to help us, you and your daughter actually treated him like this, it's a shame for the Solomon people!"

Tom shouted at the top of his lungs: "They are young and ignorant, give them a chance, please!"

The sheriff said with sympathy on his face.

"It's not impossible, but you have to agree to this."

Tom's eyes lit up: "What can I do? Tell me quickly, I'd be willing to die!"

The sheriff patted his shoulder: "You don't have to die, just say that Liu Qinghua is your son-in-law, and this matter will not be established!"

Tom was stunned for a moment, and looked up suddenly after a while:

"He is my son-in-law, he has been one for a long time, and has always lived in my house. I falsely accused him because I disliked his old age!"

The sheriff shook his head helplessly: "You guy, it's okay to cheat Liu Qinghua, but you also cheat your own daughter, how can you have no humanity at all?"

Tom was desperate: "I'm not a human being, I'm really not a human being!"

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