Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2765 Bloody plot

Chapter 2561 Bloody plot

Ye Mei is also a person who likes to do everything personally, so she inspects everywhere all day long. She didn't stay in the palace for a few days.

Nowadays, the country of So is in ruins, and the couple often don't see each other for several days.

Both of them are young and full of energy, so they are naturally vigorous and resolute in handling things. Of course, they will inevitably make mistakes, but what's the matter?

The establishment of a country naturally requires a domineering leader, otherwise, there will only be wrangling.

Tom's court went smoothly, which may also be because the judges are all young people, some of them hate evil, and the jury is also full of justice.

The final verdict is suspended sentence, three years suspended for two years, Tom can go home after the verdict, Sally and Sophia burst into tears, this is an unexpected result.

It was only after the three people returned home that they found that Liu Qinghua was missing. The mobile phone was also turned off, and the two girls were anxious and ran out to find him.

Tom called them and asked with a serious expression:

"Why are you so anxious when he's not here? Didn't he go back to the hotel sometimes before?"

The two girls were stunned and at a loss. After a while, Sophia said unhappily:

"Father, you got into trouble this time. Thanks to Lao Liu's help, not only did you get out, but the business in the store is still so good. Why do you question this?"

Tom said seriously: "It doesn't matter if I die, but I won't allow my daughter to fall in love with someone who can be my father!"

Sally's face changed suddenly. She was timid, and her father's words made her heart ache.

Sophia didn't care: "Father, we have grown up, we can decide our own things, you have no right to interfere!"

Tom was so angry that his face turned red: "How old are you? You are only eighteen, what can you decide?"

Sophia did not back down: "Here, you can get married at the age of fourteen, what can't I do?"

Tom raised his palm: "If you don't listen, I will beat you to death today!"

Sophia straightened her chest: "Even if you beat me to death, I still love Lao Liu! I will not marry him!"

Tom was so angry that he trembled all over. He never thought that Lao Liu, whom he regarded as a friend, would actually let a wolf into the house!

But he couldn't bear to let his daughter, who had never touched her since she was a child, so he could only slap himself hard!

Sally saw her father slap her face, rushed over and held his hand and cried:

"Dad, I was wrong, I will never dare to do it again!"

Tom was struck by lightning. At first, he just thought that his younger daughter and Lao Liu had physical contact, and his older daughter was obedient and would not do anything out of line without his consent.

As a result...

The old guy didn't let anyone go. Tom's eyes suddenly turned red. He went into the house, got a kitchen knife, and ran out.

Sophia followed him out, and then Sally.

The three of them pulled away a little, and no one could catch up with each other for a while.

Tom went to the old comrades' station to find Liu Qinghua. He had been there before, and it was the best hotel in the capital.

What he didn't know was that they had returned to China now, and Liu Qinghua stayed because of him.

The station was a little far away, and after running for a while, Tom was caught up by Sophia.

Although Tom couldn't run faster than his daughter, he was much stronger than his daughter. With just a throw, Sophia was thrown to the ground.

Sally helped her sister up and asked anxiously: "What should we do?"

Sophia stood up and chased again: "Let's go together. We can't let him hurt Lao Liu even if we die!"

Sally nodded, and the two chased after him side by side.

But by this time Tom had already run to the hotel, but the hotel had security guards, so he would not be allowed in if he rushed up with a knife.

So, several security guards used explosion-proof forks, electric batons, and pepper spray. Within a minute, Tom was lying on the ground, looking miserable.

The main thing was that his eyes could not be opened at all, and they were red and swollen as if he had cried.

Then the police car came. The hotel they came to was a foreign-related hotel, and it was originally a police protection unit. This time Tom violated the taboo again, and at least he had to be detained.

As soon as he arrived at the police station, a sheriff who knew him was happy:

"Tom, the Chinese people finally got you out, but you insisted on staying here for a while?"

Tom angrily cursed: "That's a beast. He raped my two daughters in the name of saving me. I'm going to sue him!"

The sheriff knew how much attention these Chinese people had received from their superiors. When he heard him yelling like this, his face turned pale and he covered his mouth with his hand:

"Don't talk nonsense. It's also illegal to frame someone!"

Tom was so angry that he stamped his feet: "The bastard wrongly accused him. I'm going to call the police!"

The sheriff turned around and left: "Your case is not my responsibility. Go find whoever arrested you!"

Just kidding, he's not stupid, he won't take such a case.

At this time, Sophia and her sister also chased in. They failed to stop the police in the hotel just now, so they chased all the way.

Seeing his father gossiping, he was also furious.

"Why are you like this? If you go in, how can people help you? How can they help me and my sister? Even if you have no conscience, you shouldn't repay kindness with enmity, right?"

Tom struggled violently: "Then he shouldn't do something worse than an animal, no matter who he is? I'm not done with him!"

Sophia's face turned cold, and she said to the police escorting him:

"Sally and I got him drunk and had sex. He didn't know about it until the next morning. Please arrest both of us. We are the ones doing it!"

Several police officers looked at each other, dumbfounded, with expressions of disbelief on their faces. Then they looked at the two delicate girls, their eyes filled with doubts. Can they really be so fierce?

Sally looked at her father and finally nodded, admitting what she and her sister had done to Lao Liu.

Tom collapsed instantly and shouted to the police:

"I won't sue, they are talking nonsense, let them go home quickly!"

The policeman leading the team sneered: "You will sue if you say so, but if you don't, you won't? It's too late!"

After saying that, he asked his men to handcuff the two girls and then go to interrogation. This is already a criminal case and must be taken seriously.

Especially when it comes to matters involving the Chinese people, no one knows better than them. How much have the Chinese people done for this country?

The transcript is very clear. Because the victim did not report the crime, although there is a confession from the suspect, it still needs to be verified.

Tom lay paralyzed in the detention room like a dead dog, his whole body collapsed. How could he have thought that things would turn out like this?

The police reported the matter to the superiors and involved Lao Liu. Naturally, the matter was finally reported to Yang San.

Yang San was stunned for a long time and then laughed out loud. This story is quite bloody. This Grandpa Liu is really not an ordinary person!

I have been on a business trip these days and the updates are unstable. I apologize and ask for votes.

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