Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2757 Lawsuit

Chapter 2553 Lawsuit

Ye Di didn't know where he got the courage. He rushed forward and pushed the man hard.

The man was fighting vigorously when he was suddenly pushed.

When he turned around and saw such a little girl pushing him, he couldn't help but became furious. He reached out and picked up a bowl on the ground and threw it at Ye Di hard.


Ye Di only felt a coldness on his forehead, and a stream of heat flowed down his forehead. In an instant, blood donation made his eyes blurred.

But Ye Di didn't care about himself at all. He picked up the mop and hit the man on the head hard.

The man screamed and tried to resist. At this time, Sam picked up the kitchen knife and slashed the man several times.

The woman screamed, put down the child, and rushed towards Sam.

Sam stabbed the woman in the neck. The woman couldn't even scream. She covered her neck and fell to the ground. She died in a short while.

Soon, the police car arrived. Currently, the most elite team in the country is the police, because this is the most basic guarantee for an emerging country.

The man was sent to the hospital, but the woman was no longer worth rescuing and had died long ago.

Sang Mu and Ye Di were taken to the police station and suspected of murder. Naturally, it cannot be settled easily.

The man died after being rescued in the hospital for a day. As for who was killed by Ye Di? It was Sam who was hacked to death, and it was difficult for the forensic doctor to make a clear conclusion.

Therefore, both Sang Mu and Ye Di became murderers and were detained, and the three children were sent to the orphanage.

After investigation, it was discovered that the man was Sam's husband and the woman was his wife.

After they learned about Sam's current situation, they came to occupy the store. Of course Sam refused, so a conflict broke out, and things finally evolved to this point.

This incident naturally alarmed Ye Mei and the old queen, and the two of them went to visit Ye Di in the cell in person.

Perhaps the contrast was too great. Ye Di looked a little haggard, but his mental state was not bad, and he was full of fighting spirit.

Mei Hua held Ye Di in her arms: "My child, you have endured hardship."

Ye Di shook his head: "Mom, I don't regret it. If I had to do it again, I should have taken the knife first, and I shouldn't have put Sam in danger. She has three children."

Ye Mei looked gloomy, said nothing, and walked out.

The media reported this matter that day, and some reporters even mentioned Ye Di's name and background.

Public opinion was in an uproar, and the matter was classified as murder. Although there was a reason for the incident, many people still had traditional concepts and felt that a woman's property should originally belong to her husband.

Although the marriage law has been changed and is currently being enforced, it is not that simple to change the concept.

Just like the day the fight happened, so many people knew Sang Mu and had good relationships with her, but no one came forward to help her.

It is because that man is her husband, and it is natural for a husband to beat his wife, and no one else has the right to interfere.

Some media also used this to make a fuss, and tried their best to spread Ye Di's identity. After all, the establishment of this country hurt the interests of many people.

Many of them are still in their positions. After all, Yang San cannot replace everyone as soon as he takes over. A transition is needed.

So these people took the opportunity to fan the flames and manipulate public opinion. In fact, they did not know Ye Di. The reason why they wanted to kill her was simply because her surname was Ye.

The public opinion was overwhelming and very unfavorable to the two women.

And Yang San cannot directly censor these media. After all, freedom of speech is stipulated in the constitution.

But at this time, the old Queen Mother personally took action. She called Nurjiang over, and now the mutual aid association in Marseille has become an existence that even the government dares not ignore.

And Nurjiang has been in business for so many years, so he is naturally comfortable with this aspect of work.

Nuer Jiang brought many people here, all of whom were elites in the mutual aid association.

As soon as these people arrived, they immersed themselves in the crowd, started talking to the daughters who were in miserable situations, and helped them solve the difficulties in their lives.

People's hearts are all made of flesh. Who is good and who is bad can't be convinced by a few high-pitched words, but by the accumulation of down-to-earth things.

The mutual aid association soon grew at an alarming rate, and the cases of Sam and Ye Di quickly became the focus.

In the past, the media would swarm them and denounce them.

Now, the trend has begun to change, because more and more people are beginning to face the facts and look at this matter from a fair perspective.

First of all, the two women certainly cannot be defined as intentional murders. At most, they were excessive defense.

And as a vulnerable group, when you and your children are personally threatened, how do you define what is excessive?

You can't just push people away and be done with it, right? Because it would be impossible to eliminate the threat.

In this way, the matter finally came to a trial in the confrontation of public opinion. The police are only responsible for detecting cases; judgment and conviction are a matter for the courts.

Because men and women are equal, every unit has female officials, instead of being all men as in the past.

And male officials have begun to have this awareness when doing things, and they will no longer treat women as human beings.

It took a full day from the opening of the court session to the sentencing. The prosecutor and lawyers reviewed the entire incident in detail.

From law to morality, and from morality to consciousness. One debate after another took place.

In the end, Sang Mu and Ye Di were acquitted on the spot.

Outside the court, there were countless women. When they saw Sam and Ye Di walking out of the door side by side, they cheered together.

They were acquitted, which meant that the country was standing up in a brand new posture.

And the women had truly become the masters of the country, and they were no longer humble.

And those who made a fuss about this matter began to panic all day long, because they knew that their days were coming to an end.

When the situation stabilized, it was natural to assess and select officials.

These things were not done during the transition period because they wanted to maintain stability. Now that the overall situation has been determined, Yang San will naturally not indulge these people.

And Ye Mei behind him was even more powerful. She even started to replace a large number of officials without waiting for the normal process to be completed.

The selection of new officials was directly recruited, facing the entire society, including Marseille.

Although they do not belong to the same country, so what? They are not bound by rules.

Yang San began to be a little cautious about Ye Mei's approach, afraid of any trouble?

But soon this worry was dispelled. This country was built by strength, and the truth has always been within the range of cannons.

In troubled times, heavy punishments are used. In the early days of the founding of the country, some means must be used to build a framework first, and as for the rest, they can be done slowly later.

The old queen's strategy made the mutual aid organization take root in the hearts of the women of Suoguo, and also made them unite.

The new book has not been opened yet, brothers, what should I write

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