Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2756 Mutual Aid Association

Chapter 2552 Mutual Aid Association

As a result, the Somali Women's Mutual Aid Association made its first donation, and this organization could be officially established.

During this period, Ye Yuze helped push forward, calling on businessmen who came to invest in Somalia to make donations. And include this item in the investment record.

Somalia has a record of businessmen, especially foreign investors, and gives them scores.

Don't underestimate this rating. Any future projects in Suoguo will be tendered based on the merchants' ratings.

In other words, if a project has similar strengths, then the government will be more selective for businessmen with high ratings.

Once this regulation came out, how could businessmen not take it seriously? Start donating now.

In just a few days, another $20 million was obtained.

Naturally, Mei Hua will serve as the president of the newly established mutual aid association, with Ye Di as her assistant.

Originally, Ye Mei wanted to be the president, but due to her status, she could not favor one between men and women, because they were all her subjects.

Therefore, several people discussed and gave her the title of consultant.

The first thing Ye Di did was to go find Sang Mu. That poor woman became her heartache.

Although she could not be fired, Ye Di felt that the factory naturally had its own rules and regulations, and it was impossible to change them for anyone.

After arriving, I saw Sam in a daze with several children.

I bought some daily necessities with the money I received and had enough food for a few days, but then I ran out of money again. Seeing Ye Di coming over, he glared at her fiercely and turned his head away from her.

Ye Di didn't care about her and took her to a store. It turned out that Ye Di had helped her rent two houses.

The inner room is where they stay, and the outer room opens a grocery store so that their family can survive.

When things have reached this point, how can Sang still scold Ye Di? Many thanks.

Ye Di waved his hand: "This money is lent to you, not a gift from Wuchang. You must manage it well and return the money to me as soon as possible."

Sang Mu nodded with tears in his eyes, saying that he would return the money to her.

Ye Di started to go to the next house, and the mutual aid association's current goal had been determined. That is to help women and children who have lost their men first.

Of course, for those who have men but are irresponsible, the mutual aid association will help them divorce so that men will no longer bother them.

This problem among African men is very serious. If they marry a wife who doesn't like her, they just ignore her. They go off to live happily without knowing where they are, while their wives and children eat bran at home.

One day when he got tired of playing, he came back and everything his wife earned was his.

The revision of the new marriage law has completely eliminated this loophole, that is, if a man leaves home without any news for three months, he can be automatically divorced.

Sang Mu is currently in this situation. Her husband has been away for a year for no reason, and she doesn't know whether he is alive or dead.

Originally, they lived in the village and had their own land. Later, when her husband left, the land was taken back by her father-in-law, and even the previous house was not given to them.

The reason is that Sam made the man angry and this woman is not virtuous.

Sam, who had three children by himself, had no choice but to come to the capital city. At least there were many rich people here, and sometimes he could fill his stomach by rummaging through the trash cans for some food.

Otherwise, how can a woman with no special skills support three children?

After Ye Di waited for her shop to open, he decisively filed for her divorce.

Although they did not have a marriage certificate originally, the new marriage law now stipulates that.

Marriages without a marriage certificate are considered invalid and a new marriage certificate must be obtained.

All grassroots personnel now treat this matter as a big deal. It is currently the fastest progressing thing besides infrastructure construction.

As for those who marry several wives, let them choose, and only one is allowed to stay.

Although this matter also makes many women dissatisfied, it is useless for anyone to make trouble about something that is not allowed by the law.

Sam's shop is very lively, and she is quite hard-working. She used to be late for work because she couldn't accommodate her three children.

She is a foreigner and doesn’t even have a place to live. Where do you want her to put her child?

Now that she has her own shop, all this has been solved, and her children can even help her with some work.

Now she not only sells things, but also runs a food stall. The sima she makes is very popular.

Don't underestimate the cornstarch. If you want to cook it well and be able to grab it and eat it in a ball, this is really a skill.

Samsima is not only good at kneading dough, but also has a very strong taste, which requires a lot of skill.

People here are not particular about eating, they just eat whatever they want to satisfy them. So for a while, there were so many customers that the grocery store became a side business.

Ye Di often comes to help her when she is fine. As the first rescuer of the mutual aid association, the relationship is always different.

Moreover, Sam paid back the money in only half a month. This will definitely be publicized by the mutual aid association as a typical example!

The original intention of Meihua to establish the mutual aid association was not to be a simple welfare organization, which was meant to help the urgent but not the poor.

This situation of poverty is partly caused by external factors and partly caused by internal factors. There are few real poor people who are hardworking.

Hard work may not make you rich, but it will definitely keep you from going hungry, except for special circumstances, of course.

Now Sam is not only financially independent, but also able to pay taxes. This is the significance of the establishment of the mutual aid association.

Nowadays, the mutual aid association in Marseille is not only not short of money, but also has more and more money. This is the greatest success.

The mutual aid association will also use its funds to invest in some projects to make a profit.

After all, in addition to mutual aid, there are many other aid targets.

For example, people with acute illnesses or people who are unable to work, they can only be given money, there is no other way.

The reason why Meihua did not regard the mutual aid association as a charity organization at the beginning was because she did not want to support idle people.

The reason why many charitable organizations have changed is also like this.

Taking the money donated by others and squandering it wantonly, it will eventually be spent anyway, so it is better to spend it yourself.

However, those who control the mutual aid association do not allow this, at least to ensure the good circulation of funds.

Otherwise, every time you beg for food, you will beg everywhere, and then give alms, which is a joke in itself.

This day, Ye Di was busy all day and went to Sam's shop again. Now if she does not come for a day or two, she feels like something is missing.

Maybe this is the first meaningful and successful thing she has done in her life. So every time she comes, she feels full of accomplishment.

But when I just got here today, I felt something was wrong. There were many people in front of Sam's shop.

A pot of freshly cooked Xima was knocked over, with the pot and the stove.

Ye Di was startled, pushed the crowd aside and rushed in, and then his eyes were full of fire.

I saw a tall and thin man, who was beating Sam on the ground, and a woman was beating three children.

Where is the free monthly ticket?

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