Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2742 Poisoned Coffee

Chapter 2538 Poisoned Coffee

Listening to the two children crying "Wow", Ye Yuze felt a little unbearable:

"Sister, are the children okay playing in the water? Look, you made their ears bleed."

The woman burst into tears: "You seem to be fine playing in the water here, but do you see anyone playing with it?"

"You two outsiders, don't come here to be good people. Their father drowned here!"

Yang Geyong was stunned and refuted with his eyes wide open: "The water here is not even knee-deep, how could someone drown?"

The woman suddenly covered her face and cried loudly: "But the child's father, a fisherman who went to sea when he was only a few years old, drowned here!"

The woman's cry is helpless and sad, full of despair for the world.

Ye Yuze didn't speak anymore. He remembered what Wang Jiangfeng said today. Two fishermen who had survived the disaster drowned in a small pond.

After the woman's cry became a little quieter, he asked:

"Didn't you call the police when your man died?"

The woman sobbed and nodded: "Report it. The forensic autopsy said it was drowning because he drank, but he clearly didn't drink. He went to buy food for his children."

Ye Yuze silently took out a wad of money from his pocket and handed it to the woman.

"Take this and buy some things for the child. By the way, isn't there another one who drowned? Where are his family members?"

The woman cried "Wow" again: "The whole family died. That woman had a fierce temper and went to fight Meng Yunlong. Then the next night, her house caught fire. Three children, two old people, six No one came out."

Yang Geyong kicked down a small tree on the roadside and cursed:

"Lawless! I'm going to kill him!"

Ye Yuze waved to him: "You must have evidence when doing things, otherwise it will be easy to be passive!"

Yang Geyong was unconvinced: "Do we need to have any scruples here?"

Ye Yuze was helpless: "It is precisely because of Yang Da and Ye Rou that we need to be more careful. Otherwise, if everyone follows suit, wouldn't this country be in chaos?"

Yang Geyong stopped talking and sent the mother and daughter home, and then the two of them continued walking.

"Call Yang Shiyi. I want the autopsy reports of these two people."

Ye Yuze told Yang Geyong to pick up the phone and call immediately. He also asked him to keep quiet and come quietly.

Early the next morning, the two men went to the police station and found the forensic doctor.

The forensic doctor was a fat, middle-aged man with a bald head. He was very kind and gave them all the original information directly.

The autopsy was very detailed and recorded clearly what time the two people drank and how much they drank.

If there is any doubt, it is that they are too consistent. The second one is almost a copy of the first one.

Yang Geyong didn't have the patience to look at this, so he grabbed the forensic doctor by the collar and asked:

"Did you personally attend this scene? And then dissected it?"

The forensic doctor looked panicked. Where did he pass through this formation? I was grabbed by the collar and threatened in the police station.

But he quickly calmed down: "Yes, I did it myself. I won't do this kind of thing to others."

The sound got louder and someone knocked on the door. Ye Yuze opened it and saw a tall and thin man in casual clothes standing at the door with a serious expression.

"Director Morimu, are you here?"

The forensic doctor said as if he had seen a savior.

Senmu glanced at the two people with sinister eyes, and asked in an emotionless voice:

"Are you two the ones who want to see the autopsy report? What do you do?"

Yang Geyong smiled: "Why didn't you ask the person who informed you? Ask us instead? You don't have to show it to us."

Lin Mu paused for a while: "This is not a lawless place. No one can do whatever they want. Just watch and don't threaten anyone."

Ye Yuze naturally understood that it was impossible for Yang Shiyi to call and give instructions in person, after all, he gave instructions yesterday.

He said calmly: "I've finished watching it. The two people died one day apart and the cause of death was exactly the same. They probably discussed how to die, right?"

Morimu remained expressionless: "This can only be asked to the deceased, because they were all dead when we saw them, and we didn't know each other before they died."

Ye Yuze nodded: "That's it, we'll come back later."

The two people walked out of the police station, no one saw them off, and no one recognized them.

As soon as he went out, Yang Geyong shouted: "There must be something wrong with the death of these two people. Why don't they just give up after a beating? Why are you so easy to talk to?"

Ye Yuze shook his head helplessly: "Do you want to be exposed and go to the media?"

Yang Geyong shook his head, that would be too embarrassing.

Back at the hotel, the two people turned on the TV. After a while, there was a knock on the door, and a waiter brought a plate with two cups of coffee on it.

"Coffee from both gentlemen, please call me if you need anything else."

Ye Yuze looked at the waiter strangely. He was very young, sixteen or seventeen years old, and very beautiful.

He was surprised because they didn't ask for coffee at all.

Yang Geyong picked it up and started to drink it. He liked this stuff, mainly because he was used to drinking it over the years.

Ye Yuze grabbed the cup and asked the waiter with a smile:

"Who asked you to bring us coffee?"

The waiter was stunned: "Didn't you order it? I just thought the room manager asked me to deliver it!"

Ye Yuze stood up: "Let's go, take us to see him."

The waiter didn't know what was going on, so he led them out. As soon as they arrived in the lobby, they saw a man walking out.

The waiter shouted: "Supervisor, the customer is looking for you!"

The man looked back, but instead of stopping, he turned and ran away.

Yang Geyong rushed forward and grabbed his hair.

Ye Yuze said politely to the two front desk staff on duty in the lobby:

"I'm here to ask you to witness something."

The waiters didn't understand, and went upstairs with the waiter who had just delivered the coffee. Several guests also came up to watch the fun.

When they arrived at the room, Ye Yuze asked Yang Geyong to let go of the supervisor, and then picked up a cup of coffee:

"We won't make things difficult for you. You asked for the coffee to be delivered. Drink it yourself."

The supervisor's face was ashen, and he shook his head desperately.

Yang Geyong realized at this time that there was something wrong with the coffee. He picked up the coffee, pinched the supervisor's mouth open, and poured it directly into the cup.

He couldn't get angry after pouring a cup, so he poured another cup into the cup.

The supervisor's face was ashen, but he couldn't resist at all. Just two minutes after drinking it, he foamed at the mouth, his limbs twitched, and he was motionless after a while.

Yang Geyong was frightened and broke into a cold sweat. If it weren't for Ye Yuze's alertness, he would have been finished today.

The waiter who served the coffee trembled and knelt on the ground:

"I really don't know anything. He brought it to me and asked me to serve it."

Ye Yuze helped her up: "Don't be afraid, we don't blame you, just call the police."

The police came quickly, and after understanding what happened, they asked Ye Yuze and others to follow and make a statement.

Votes, dear friends

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