Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2741 Meng Yunlong

Chapter 2537 Meng Yunlong

The old lady didn’t have many teeth in her mouth, and now one of them has been beaten away.

Now that she saw someone helping her, she didn’t complain, but said anxiously:

“Hurry up and leave, this Meng Yunlong is inhumane. If you leave too late, you won’t survive.”

Yang Geyong glanced at Meng Yunlong who was sitting there. He was short, with a big head and a thick neck. In this stinking dock, he was wearing a snow-white Tang suit. No matter how you look at it, he looks so pretentious.

Yang Geyong walked over and asked, “Can’t I get out of this dock?”

Meng Yunlong shook his head: “We are all Chinese, how can you say such things? Can you believe the old woman’s mouth?”

“Then why are you older than the old ladies of this age? Aren’t they Chinese?”

Yang Geyong is used to being strong and never beats around the bush when speaking.

"People who are rude should be taught a lesson at any age. Didn't you see how I beat his son? If she wasn't this old, she would have been the same as her son."

Meng Yunlong said with a look of compassion, as if it was his gift that he didn't beat him lightly.

Yang Geyong kicked Meng Yunlong to the ground with one kick, but Meng Yunlong got up, flicked the dirt off his clothes, and turned away.

Yang Geyong wanted to chase him, but was stopped by Ye Yuze. He was naturally not an ordinary person to have such tolerance and patience.

He helped Wang Jiangfeng up and drove him home. Wang Jiangfeng told a lot of Meng Yunlong's crimes along the way.

Everything was too numerous to list, but when Ye Yuze asked for evidence, Wang Jiangfeng couldn't produce any.

In fact, it was all about things that happened at sea. When someone had a fishing boat and had a good harvest, something would happen.

It was a big deal, and neither the people nor the boat could return. This happened dozens of times, so that now only Meng Yunlong's offshore fishing boat is left in the fishing port.

As for why Wang Jiangfeng knew about it, it was because when his son got into trouble, two crew members were lucky enough to be rescued, saying that they were hit by Meng Yunlong's boat.

At the beginning, this matter made a lot of noise, but in the end, it was forgotten with the death of the two crew members.

One crew member drowned, and the other also drowned.

For fishermen who have been making a living on the sea for a long time, drowning in a pond at their doorstep is undoubtedly a joke.

But drowning is drowning, and the person is floating there, and the family can only fish him out and bury him.

After hearing all this, Ye Yuze asked, "What kind of person is Meng Yunlong?"

Wang Jiangfeng sighed, "You can say he is a kind man. He will help anyone who has problems at home, especially because he has a very good relationship with the Ye family. As long as the Ye family collects all the fish, he will not sell it to fishmongers no matter how cheap it is."

Ye Yuze's expression was a little complicated: "So now, does anyone else have ocean-going fishing boats?"

Wang Jiangfeng shook his head, "I have one, but it basically doesn't go out. The rest are offshore boats."

Yang Geyong, "According to what you said, doesn't he control offshore fishing boats?"

Wang Jiangfeng shook his head, "No, he can even help anyone who wants to buy a boat but doesn't have enough money."

Ye Yuze lit a cigarette and looked at Yang Geyong.

Although he didn't know whether Wang Jiangfeng's words were true or not, the way Meng Yunlong did things was obviously that of a tyrant.

In fact, both Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong appreciated such people.

Especially this person's IQ, he was beaten by two outsiders, but he left without saying a word, and he has no ambitions in the future. Such a person really can't be underestimated.

Put Wang Jiangfeng and his mother aside and find a hotel to stay. They have to take care of this matter, but they must have solid evidence.

Just half an hour after the registration, Ye Yuhe called, his voice was a little nervous:

"Brother, have you been to the fishing port?"

Ye Yuze nodded: "How did you know?"

Ye Yuhe: "Brother, I don't care about other people, even if I'm in the company there, can you not touch Meng Yunlong?"

Ye Yuze: "Why? Give me a reason."

Ye Yuhe: "Over the years, he has been an important supplier of Ye's Seafood Company. Now, most of the raw materials of Ye's Seafood Company are supplied by him. If he has something wrong, the seafood company may suffer a great loss in a short time."

Ye Yuze sighed: "I ask you why you know I'm here?"

Ye Yuhe: "You have the information registered in the hotel. Brother, I only ask you this time."

Ye Yuze opened the window, the blue sea and blue sky, the world is so clean that there is not even a wisp of cloud.

He took a deep puff of smoke and then slowly exhaled:

"Yuhe, there are privileges in this world, but it will never be our Ye family. Once we put ourselves in that group, within three generations, the Ye family will be defeated..."

Ye Yuhe was silent. He understood what his elder brother meant. But he still wanted to fight for it.

"Brother, when Ye's No. 1 went into the water, I almost got into trouble. He risked his life to save me."

Ye Yuze sneered: "That's not a reason for him to do whatever he wants. Tell me, do you know something?"

In front of his elder brother, Ye Yuhe did not dare to hide his private information, and said timidly:

"Capital is bloody. Although I don't know anything, which rising person would be so clean?"

Ye Yuze nodded: "Okay, I understand. If he is fine, I will definitely not embarrass him. Even if it is a trivial matter, I will let him go because he saved my brother."

After that, Ye Yuze hung up the phone. He didn't want to talk about this topic anymore, which would affect his judgment.

He is a righteous man, but he also protects his brother. This man saved his brother's life. Just for this reason, Ye Yuze will also treat him as his own.

But if this person is really like what Wang Jiangfeng described, how can you let him go?

Dozens of ships, how many lives? How can you not investigate it clearly?

Next, the two began to visit households, and they didn't deliberately investigate anything?

The local people were very respectful when they showed their identities. Although they didn't hang their photos, they also respected them as gods.

Just visiting countless families, Meng Yunlong was undoubtedly mentioned in the chat, and the people praised him, as if he was the third god under the two gods.

This made Yang Geyong very depressed, and he said angrily: "Is he so cunning? Can he do things perfectly?"

Ye Yuze looked at him and said: "Don't be prejudiced and think he is a criminal. In fact, it's best if he is fine."

Yang Geyong thought: "Yuze, do you hope he is fine?"

Ye Yuze lit another cigarette: "I hope everyone is fine."

After dinner, the two of them strolled outside and accidentally met two children playing in the water by a pond. They were having a lot of fun.

But a woman rushed out unexpectedly, grabbed the ears of the two children, and dragged them away.

Votes, all relying on you

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