Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2723 The Disliked Trio

Chapter 2519 The Disliked Trio

The group divisions were completed. Old John and Liu Xiangdong were both timid and bad at fighting, and they didn't understand infrastructure yet. Naturally, no one wanted to be in a group with them.

Helpless Ye Wancheng, why can't he abandon his old friend? So only the three of them could form a team together.

Considering that they were rookies, Liu Qinghua and Ma Quanyi assigned them to the most remote Puji County.

This county is far away from the capital, with deep water and dense forests. Most of it is swampland. The economy is extremely backward. Even the previous government basically abandoned it.

In fact, Liu Qinghua and the others didn't know the specific situation here. They just based it on the map and population. If they knew the terrain was so complicated, they would definitely not let them come here.

Although those two people are not important, there is Ye Wancheng, not to mention his identity, Guang Yemei can fight them desperately.

In fact, every group is protected by soldiers, so there is no need to worry about safety issues. Yang San and Iron Hammer are both ruthless people. Every time they conquer a place, the local armed forces will not be as simple as maiming them, they will definitely be extinguished.

This is how they are in this place. Don't say anyone is cruel. If they surrender to the armed and tribal forces in these places, you can spare them. They can rebel 80 times a day.

Therefore, you have to beat them to pain or death, and make them tremble when they see you, without any sense of resistance at all to achieve your goal.

Following Ye Wancheng and the others was a small team, about one squad of soldiers. Ye Wancheng didn't want to keep a high profile, so he only asked them to follow them from a distance.

The three of them were driving a Jeep of unknown year. The machine sounded like a tractor.

After all, Suoguo is not a big place. If it were in northern Xinjiang, it would take several days for this car to reach Puji County.

It only took them eight hours to reach the edge of Puji County. The car could not go because it was full of swamps and there was a river winding through it.

At least the soldiers were prepared and got them a rubber boat with an engine.

The water in the river was crystal clear, but it was very deep. Liu Xiangdong happily played with the water splashes with his hands. He was about to express his feelings, and then he exclaimed in fright.

It turned out to be a crocodile, emerging from the side of the boat with its big eyes.

Old John, who was driving the boat, was also startled. He quickly speeded up and kept moving forward.

After walking not too far in the river, I saw a village appearing in the swamp in the distance.

Perhaps because there is no land, the houses here are all built on wooden piles. It is called a house, but it is actually a shed made of wood.

The residences of people here in Africa have always been very simple, and the thatched roof houses are already very good buildings.

As for the houses here, there is definitely no grass, just a wooden frame with a roof made of banana leaves, and some things are sparsely surrounded.

The door does not exist, but there is a door frame, and the windows only have frames. Speaking of which, this kind of house is like a pavilion in a domestic park.

This may be related to the local climate. After all, this is the equator and the climate is hot. It doesn't matter whether the house has walls or not. It will be cooler without walls.

When you see a village, you naturally want to take a look. Aren't the so-called inspections just to solve people's livelihood problems?

There is also wood connecting their houses to each other, but Ye Wancheng and the others dare not leave because they are all one piece of wood. It is the so-called single-plank bridge.

It must be difficult to walk in such a place. Seeing the old man and the child walking so fast on it, the three of them were convinced.

What's more, it's a bit eye-catching. No one here wears clothes. Only the younger women wear a few palm leaves around their waists.

Old John didn't seem to care much about this. He opened his eyes wide and looked hard. Occasionally, his eyes would turn to the man, secretly comparing his abilities with his own.

Liu Xiangdong covered his eyes, but the gaps between his fingers were a little wide. His last hold on was his hand, and he never let go.

Ye Wancheng kept his head down, not knowing how to face everything in front of him. Only the boy driving the boat kept looking at it with a calm expression. After all, these bodies that have been working hard are still very interesting.

When the boat sailed to the center of the village, they turned into monkeys, and the whole village stood on the shelf to watch them.

Old John stretched out his hand and said hello: "Holle!"

A group of people looked at them with expressionless faces, like looking at a few monkeys.

At this time, Ye Wancheng saw a woman lying in a room, struggling painfully, with a belly as big as a drum.

And a man with a head full of feathers was circling around her, jumping and muttering something unknown?

Ye Wancheng ordered the boat to be stopped quickly. Based on his experience, he could feel that this was a woman who was in labor and that she was having difficulty giving birth.

Sure enough, when they came up, they saw that the woman was in pain and almost unconscious, but the people around her were indifferent, as if all this had nothing to do with them.

However, two men stopped Ye Wancheng and others from approaching the house.

What did the translator say when the boat was sailing? But they refused to give in. Ye Wancheng became angry and cursed:

"If you don't get out of the way, I'll call the army to deal with you!"

The interpreter told him what he had said, but the natives were unmoved, so the interpreter blew a loud whistle.

Then two speedboats came quickly and stopped below. The soldiers climbed up with guns and pointed their guns at the interceptors.

The natives suddenly became frightened. Although they lived in a remote place, how could they not know guns? Being ignorant does not mean that you are not afraid of death.

After forcing the people back, the three men broke into the house. At this time, the woman had closed her eyes and fainted, and one of the baby's feet was exposed.

At this time, the witch doctor who had just performed the ritual was explaining something to the people around him? Ye Wancheng looked at the translator.

The translator shrugged and told him that it was the tribe leader, who was also their doctor. The team leader said that the gods wanted this woman and the child, and they were destined not to stay in this world and accompany the gods.

Ye Wancheng's eyes turned red after hearing this. Isn't this a disregard for human life? But at this time, he didn't care about the theory and ran to the woman.

He had a medicine box. This was a habit formed over decades. He disinfected it, put on gloves, and quickly straightened the fetus.

First, he had to put one of the baby's feet back, and then find a way to straighten the fetal position, otherwise it would not be born at all.

Although Liu Xiangdong and Old John were also doctors, they really didn't understand this and were at a loss for a while.

Ye Wancheng shouted, "Old Liu is using acupuncture, the woman's heartbeat is almost gone. Old John, you help too, this is your strong point!"

The two old men suddenly realized and quickly took action. Liu Xiangdong took out the silver needle and quickly pierced the acupuncture points one by one.

Old John injected a cardiotonic injection, then kept pressing on the pregnant woman's chest, and occasionally gave artificial respiration.

Ye Wancheng kept moving his hands on the pregnant woman's belly, and his movements were extremely skillful.

After all, they were old, and the weather was so hot, so the clothes of the three old men were soaked with sweat in a short while.

However, the three people did not dare to stop for a moment, and they were busy with their own work. The soldiers saw it and felt a little sorry, so they took out towels and kept wiping them.

The patriarch was indignant at this time, pointing at the three people and scolding them, and accusing the people around him, telling the three people's crimes.

It was nothing more than that the woman and her child were dead, and they were gathering with God at the moment, and they should not disturb them.

However, facing the soldiers with live ammunition, no one in the tribe who had always been obedient dared to do anything?

After all, Yang San and Tiechui's soldiers had swept here not long ago, and there was no local armed force left in this area. Who dared to risk their lives?

The chief jumped around for a long time without any effect, and could only stand there and glared at Ye Wancheng and the others, panting.

Seeing the woman wake up, Ye Wancheng commanded the soldiers to keep turning the woman's body, and his hands kept moving on the woman's belly.

Although there were no instruments, his years of experience allowed him to clearly sense the body position and direction of the baby.

The woman had already lost her strength at this time, and she was at the mercy of a puppet. Half an hour later, Ye Wancheng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The fetal position was finally corrected, but to give birth, the woman had to exert herself, but the woman was so weak that she only had one breath left. Where did she get the strength?

At this time, Liu Xiangdong took out a long needle and injected it into the Baihui point on the top of the pregnant woman's head.


A cry of surprise rang out. With such a long needle, even a good person would die, not to mention a person who was only half alive.

The clan leader jumped and cursed: "Devils, they are all demons, kill them!"

At this time, Ye Wancheng said decisively: "Push hard, it will come out soon!"

The woman was very obedient, and with the physique trained by long-term labor, she exerted force violently.

The baby, whose head had already come out, landed on the earth in an instant with the mother's force.

The umbilical cord was cut, and the baby was held upside down and slapped several times. Because it took too long, the baby, who was almost suffocated, cried out "wow".

Ye Wancheng sat on the ground with his buttocks, and there was no strength in his body. But he didn't forget to give Liu Xiangdong a thumbs up.

He also knew how to acupuncture, but he never thought that Baihui acupoint could really stimulate potential. But even if he knew it, he didn't dare to prick it, at least he didn't dare to prick it with such a long needle. It seems that the more skilled, the more courageous!

At this time, Liu Xiangdong had already started to pull out the needle, and Old John held the little baby and couldn't let it go.

If they had come a little later, there would have been two dead bodies, and life is so precious, but it is not cherished here.

At this time, the patriarch jumped up again and pointed at them and kept shouting. Old John pulled out the pistol from his waist and pulled the trigger.

After a few gunshots, the patriarch fell from the wooden frame and was soon submerged in the sewage. Then many unknown insects swarmed in, and then everything returned to peace.

The pregnant woman took the little baby, full of joy. After putting it down, she hugged Ye Wancheng and kissed him. Ye Wancheng rolled and crawled out of the house, and there was a burst of laughter in the house.

But Old John opened his mouth and said, "Come on, the Chinese are too reserved and not suitable for such unrestrained emotional expression. Come to me for this matter."

The parturient lived up to expectations, opened her mouth wide, wrapped Old John's mouth with her thick lips, and gave him a passionate kiss.

Old John was satisfied. This contact full of primitive taste without brushing teeth was really good!

Liu Xiangdong was confused, not knowing whether he was disappointed or not. The pregnant woman, no, the parturient, did not forget him and gave him a big kiss on the face.

Liu Xiangdong covered his face for five seconds, then packed up the acupuncture box with satisfaction and went after Ye Wancheng.

Old John stayed in the house and began to ask about his well-being. Alas, there was no way, the people here really needed to popularize health knowledge.

Ye Wancheng just walked out of the house and encountered a single-plank bridge. To be honest, he was not young anymore, and this was really a challenge for him.

At this time, a girl stood in front of him, looking at him with two innocent big eyes, as if she wanted to say something?

But Ye Wancheng couldn't bear to look directly at her, mainly because he was really not used to seeing the opposite sex without clothes. It was too eye-catching.

However, the desire in the girl's eyes still defeated him. Although he didn't know what the girl wanted to do, he was still led by her and walked across the single-plank bridge.

If the previous room just had no walls, then the girl's house didn't even have a roof.

It's not that there was no roof, but there were a few broken pieces of the roof, and there was only the place where they slept, and they couldn't see the sky.

The so-called bed was a pile of leaves, with a few sheets sewn from woven bags on it, and the pillow was two saddle-shaped wooden blocks cut from wood.

At this moment, a little girl was lying on the bed, about ten years old, but her cheeks were red at this time, and her whole body was twitching from time to time.

"Malaria!" This was a thought that flashed in Ye Wancheng's mind. Then after a careful examination, his judgment was indeed correct.

Malaria has always been a disease with a high mortality rate in Africa. Although the girl's disease was serious at this moment, it was not yet life-threatening.

Ye Wancheng quickly opened the medicine box and gave the girl an injection. For their bodies that rarely accept antibiotics, the medicine is very effective.

He asked the girl to boil some water, but looking at the turbid water in the earthenware jar, Ye Wancheng frowned and asked the translator to bring two bottles of mineral water. He fed some to the sick girl and asked the rest to the sister.

At this time, the house was full of people again. He just saved the dead, and the parents of these two girls died early. They were raised by the villagers.

Because the sister was sick, no one in the village dared to come now, because the disease was contagious. The elder sister's name was Huaer, and the younger sister's name was Caoer.

There was a bowl of black stuff next to the sister's bed. It was given by the patriarch who was beaten to death by Old John. She had drunk it for a few days, but it was useless.

Just now, Ye Wancheng saved the dead, so he was naturally regarded as a god by the villagers. Now seeing Ye Wancheng saving people again, they naturally wanted to eat melons.

Liu Xiangdong also came over, his old face was red and covered with saliva. He couldn't remember how long it had been since he had touched a woman, and his body was still shaking.

Ye Wancheng asked him to sit down. In fact, there was no place to sit, just sit on the ground, but because the floor was made of wooden boards, it was okay to sit.

The drug took effect quickly, Cao'er opened her eyes in a daze, and then saw her sister sitting down with two strange men, so she shouted.

Ye Wancheng asked Hua'er to feed her the remaining water and took out a pack of biscuits.

It's the end of the month, clean the warehouse and throw everything out.

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