Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2722 Selfless Old Comrades

According to Ye Mei's intention, they were originally going to sail directly to the capital, but the old lady refused to let them go ashore and make up for their lessons as soon as they entered the country of Suo.

Ye Mei naturally knew what her grandmother meant. She wanted to see the real situation here.

After all, the first stop was the small town that Yang San had occupied a long time ago, and the construction here was in full swing.

Originally, after Ye Mei became the queen, this place had lost its meaning, after all, it was a small border town.

But Ye Rou and Ye Mei discussed and regarded this place as a trading port. After all, the throughput of the Marseille port was limited, which could greatly alleviate the tense situation of transportation.

Although Ye Mei had been spending money and trying to change the situation of Suo after he ascended the throne, how could this change overnight?

In addition, the people were used to the old days and had no enterprising spirit at all. As long as they had food today, they would not consider tomorrow's affairs at all, so their lives were still extremely poor.

After several studies, Ye Mei and Yang San decided to build a large infrastructure. That is, to attract foreign investment and rebuild all urban housing and infrastructure.

Originally, such a method was not suitable for Somalia. After all, the country was weak, so how could it afford to do these things?

However, this time, after Ye Mei had attracted investment in Marseille, she gave her a surprise.

Today, Marseille is a developed country in this area, and such a country is most likely to attract foreign capital. For example, Western financial groups, such as Chinese businessmen.

Once a country matures, there will be fewer investment opportunities, unless the country opens its doors and relaxes regulatory measures.

However, few future generations can bear the consequences. You must know that capital is bloodthirsty. For example, Soros and his ilk will even snipe your currency. They dare to attack even developed countries like the United Kingdom. Imagine how these small countries in Africa can bear it?

At least in the early days of the founding of the country, Lighter hired Ye Yuqi and others, and when formulating policies, they perfectly avoided this risk.

However, Ye Mei is much crazier than Xiaogu, and adopts a completely liberalized policy. Therefore, although Somalia is still devastated, once those capitals pour in, there will naturally be earth-shaking changes.

Meihua and her friends are not businessmen, they are just ordinary builders, and they have grown up in construction all their lives.

So, from the moment they stepped into the brother city, their eyes stayed on how to plan this place.

This is especially true for the old comrades, who have been building houses since they were young, and no one is more knowledgeable about construction than them.

When Marseille was built, a large number of Chinese construction companies were tendered.

But Yang San didn't care, and only invited builders from nearby countries, so the progress was slow. Liu Qinghua and others frowned.

It takes three people to transport sand, one to load, one to push, and one to pour. The key is that both loading and unloading are men, and the one who pushes the sand with his head is a woman.

How can this person work? It takes two years to build a building, right?

Liu Qinghua couldn't bear it any longer, so he took the basket from the woman and handed it to the man who was loading the sand:

"You carry it yourself!"

The man understood what Liu Qinghua meant through the translator, and shook his head to refuse:

"I am a skilled worker, and only women can do this job, they don't know how to load it!"

Liu Qinghua grabbed the shovel and handed it to the woman:

"You load the sand, and let him carry it!"

The woman was very obedient, took the shovel, and quickly filled it with sand.

The man looked at the group of old comrades who were staring at him, and could only carry the basket on his back, walked about ten meters, and came to the man who was unloading the sand.

Just as the man was about to take it, Liu Qinghua shouted: "Let him do it himself!"

The man had to stop, and the man carrying the sand bent down and poured the sand into the sand pile, and then walked back.

Liu Qinghua handed another basket to the man unloading the sand:

"You carry it too, you two carry it, and the woman carries it!"

The man had no choice but to carry the basket and walk over, and then one woman filled it and two men carried it, and the speed was more than doubled immediately.

The site supervisor looked at all this in surprise. Can it be done this way? So he wanted to follow suit, but he had just started to make arrangements. A group of men have already resigned. They don't want to do it anymore.

The reason is that they are skilled workers. If they work as laborers, their wages will be much lower. This is unreasonable, so they don't want to do it anymore.

The supervisor looked bitter, not knowing how to solve it. Although he didn't know the origins of these Chinese people, he saw the prime minister and the queen standing behind them, and naturally understood that he couldn't afford to offend them.

Ye Mei was furious and roared: "Stop!"

The workers realized that it was Her Majesty the Queen who came, and they knelt down to greet her.

"Why don't you do it? If you don't do it, will you have food to eat? Give me a reason, or I will let you starve to death!"

Ye Mei's temper has always been bad, and her temper suddenly came up at this moment. Her words are like an imperial decree. If she says she will starve you to death, she can starve you to death.

A group of people quickly explained: "Your Majesty, we only have 180 shillings a day, but the laborers only get 100 shillings. We have to support our wives and children!"

Ye Wancheng pointed at the baskets and asked: "How many baskets do you carry every day?"

The men looked at each other, none of them knew.

But the women who were carrying sand could remember: "About 100 baskets, sometimes more, sometimes less, but it's about this number."

Ye Mei simply calculated that 100 baskets in eight hours, 1.8 shillings per basket, such a simple math problem that anyone can do.

The key is that these 100 baskets are completed by three people, that is, 33 baskets per person, 180 shillings per day for two men, and 100 shillings for women. Add up to 460 shillings.

This is 4.6 shillings per basket. Ye Mei frowned and asked Liu Qinghua:

"What do you think is suitable, Grandpa Liu?"

Before he answered, Ma Quanyi had already spoken:

"When your father was a few years old, he gave us the doctrine of more work, more pay."

"Isn't it 4.6 shillings per basket? Do your own work, more work, more pay!"

The supervisor was a little confused. He took a calculator and calculated for a long time. Finally, he nodded, and then asked blankly:

"Will this not affect the progress of the construction?"

Meihua was very disappointed and took out a stack of money: "Come on, I will settle today's wages. Go ahead, one basket, one basket of money."

Seeing the money, people are motivated. 4.6 shillings per basket, ten baskets is 46 shillings, and one hundred baskets is 460 shillings. What else can I say?

This is a five-story shopping mall. Because there is no construction equipment, it is all done by manpower. That is the method used in China in the 1970s and 1980s.

It is built by hand, and the building materials are all thrown up. Therefore, it is not the bricklayers who limit the speed, but the transportation of raw materials.

As the saying goes, there must be brave men under a big reward. When the first person gets the money, the rest will have nothing to hesitate about.

So within an hour, the sand, which was originally the slowest to transport, was piled up into a mountain.

Then the cement, steel bars, bricks, and various materials were calculated by piecework prices, and finally the bricklayers' piecework.

The bricklayers here are big shots. On the construction site, sometimes they don't even listen to the supervisor's words. They smoke and drink coffee while working. You can eat five meals a day.

So it is very difficult to give them piecework. As soon as Ma Quanyi said it, the price has not been revealed yet, and several masters went on strike collectively and went to drink coffee.

Ma Quanyi pointed at their noses and scolded them, but it was useless. Anyway, they didn't understand. You would stop scolding when you were tired of scolding.

As a result, Ma Quanyi rolled up his sleeves, picked up the tile knife and started working. The old comrades also climbed the ladder, and the wall was built straight, and even less cement was used.

The bricklayers were dumbfounded. They didn't expect these old men to be so capable. Speaking of bricklayers, the salary is the highest. If they are really fired, where will the money come from to support their families?

So they came over dumbfounded, but didn't know what to do? Because the tools were occupied by the old comrades.

Ma Quanyi saw that these people were honest, and then he returned the tools to them. Education:

"Work hard, so you will earn more than before, but you will definitely not get paid if you don't work well."

A group of people quickly nodded and agreed, took the tools and went to work. After wasting two hours here, the speed of the construction site was many times faster.

Ye Mei's eyes lit up. If construction sites across the country were done like this, the progress of the project would be much faster.

So they quickly arranged it. After all, the labor force was all civilians from Somalia. Even if other companies sent people, most of them were technicians. If all the construction teams came, the cost would be high.

If this set of theories is summarized, the benefits will not only benefit the civilians, but also the construction units.

Ye Mei suddenly felt that these grandfathers were really treasures. They solved a big problem as soon as they got off the ship.

She had lived in the United States for a long time, and that place was actually not a place with high efficiency. It was simply incomparable with the speed of military reclamation.

So she decided to set up an organization to specifically deal with this problem. In fact, Somalia, like other African countries, has the most serious problem of low production efficiency.

With the same manpower and time, the work done is not one-tenth of that of others. This seriously restricts the development of the economy.

There are only two ways to solve this situation. One is to increase modern equipment, and the other is to improve efficiency.

Nowadays, these old comrades are obviously experts in this area. If such talents are not used, wouldn’t it be a crime?

So, Ye Mei, who was still angry just now, smiled and said to Liu Qinghua and Ma Quanyi:

"Grandpa Liu, Grandpa Ma, I want to hire you as consultants for the infrastructure department of the Republic of Somalia, specifically responsible for infrastructure. What do you think is a suitable salary?"

Liu Qinghua and Ma Quanyi shook their heads together: "Girl, don't mention money, it will be awkward."

At this time, Xi Dehe and Li Mujiang's group were unhappy:

"Why only hire the two of them? We are no worse than him!"

Ye Mei hurriedly explained: "Hire all of them, for the national infrastructure, I think you are not enough, I will discuss the salary with Grandpa Liu and Grandpa Ma first."

"No! If you pay us a salary, we will not work!"

Xi Dehe, who has always been obsessed with money, was the first to raise his hand to refuse.

Everyone nodded in agreement. Ye Mei looked embarrassed: "If you don't want a penny, I'm embarrassed to hire you!"

Ma Quanyi laughed: "Girl, which of your grandfathers doesn't have an annual salary of more than one million? Your small country is so poor, and you still want to pay us? Anyway, we have nothing to do, so let's just use our remaining energy."

A bunch of old comrades laughed together, which made Ye Mei blush.

She really didn't have much money. Her mother's property showed that she didn't give her any. It was just the pocket money her father gave her every month.

The eldest brother also gave her money every month, but it could only ensure that she had enough food and clothing. As for the national treasury, she could only say "haha".

The staff salaries have been delayed for who knows how long, how can there be any surplus? Since you are the queen, you have to find ways to do things yourself.

The solution that Ye Mei has come up with now is to sell the land and jointly develop it, and then collect part of the profits.

In fact, she asked her eldest brother Ye Feng for help, but Ye Feng obviously had no interest in this small country. She made a fuss for a long time before he agreed to come and see it in a while.

In fact, Ye Feng was also angry about his sister marrying Yang San, otherwise he, a crazy sister-loving demon, would never be so cold.

Ye Wancheng also chimed in: "Forget about the salary, we don't need your little money, how much can you give? Just think of it as the grandfathers helping you."

Ye Wancheng's words were a little emotional, and Ye Mei's eyes couldn't help but moisten:

"Okay, then thank the grandfathers, I will definitely ask someone to take good care of you."

Meihua also smiled at this time and said: "And the grandmothers, don't forget that the largest textile enterprise in Suo Country is still built by us."

Ye Mei opened her eyes wide: "Grandma, do you mean to build a textile factory too?"

Meihua nodded: "Not only a textile factory, but also a garment factory, and then all of these will be given to you as your dowry."

Meihua was really sad. The most beloved granddaughter actually married to such a place. The queen was so poor that she probably couldn't even afford jewelry.

The old ladies chattered: "Meihua, you can't spend this money by yourself, you have to count us in."

Meihua scolded angrily: "I'm giving this as a dowry for my granddaughter, what's your business?"

Liu Sannu glared at her: "You're talking as if it's not our granddaughter, what's wrong, who wouldn't want to spend 1.8 million dowry each?"

Ye Mei couldn't say a word, and regretted her performance on the boat just now, these were her relatives.

After deciding these things, they set off again. At this moment, a large number of businessmen from Marseille also rushed to the capital, and many things needed to be handled by Yang San and Ye Mei.

This time they set off again, just to hurry, but Ye Mei and the others took the old ladies away.

The old comrades took the security personnel to check along the way, and gave instructions as long as they saw the construction site.

Because there were too many people, no matter where they went, they would mobilize a large number of troops, so Ye Wancheng discussed with everyone to go separately.

So they spread out the map and studied it, and decided to divide into 20 groups, disperse to various towns, and make some plans.

After all, this is a large infrastructure project, and a comprehensive plan is needed to avoid a rush to start it and then low utilization.

They not only inspected the infrastructure, but also some factory-related plans. After all, so many businessmen came, and naturally they had to investigate how big the market in various aspects of this country was.

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