Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2701 The Situation in Somalia

Chapter 2497 Situation in Solomons

Yang San waved his hand nonchalantly: "I can be anything as long as the queen can take the throne."

Himmler hesitated for a long time, and finally asked:

"You can only be the prime minister. What position do you think is suitable for me?"

Yang San squinted at him for a long time, and finally made up his mind. You should be the Minister of the Interior. First of all, our Solomons must get rid of the bad habit of polygamy.

When the queen ascends the throne, the marriage law will be implemented, and the first article will stipulate monogamy.

The gorilla shuddered again. There was no one left for this Nima soldier, and this wife would soon be gone. What was the meaning of life?

So, looking at Himmler with a bitter face, he felt that he was much happier than himself, because he had nothing to lose.

I don't know where Himmler came from? Although he was the prime minister, he never married and had children, let alone a mansion. It seemed that he was a workaholic and spent all his money on socializing.

Then came the election of members of parliament. Everyone else was electing a president, but the Somali parliament elected a queen. This is unprecedented in the history of elections around the world.

When the queen ascended the throne, she wore a gorgeous dress with African characteristics. The crown made of gold was inlaid with diamonds and gems, which was extremely expensive.

However, Queen Yemei didn't know why she wore a half-silver mask, which discounted her beautiful appearance.

Not long after, Marseille also had a queen. Both queens were hereditary, had the power to appoint and dismiss officials, and usually did not participate in the country's governance and political activities.

However, this incident did not cause any waves internationally. The country was too small and it was Africa. Occasionally, it was just a topic of conversation after dinner.

After the queen ascended the throne and was crowned, there was a big wedding. This wedding was very strange. The two couples held their weddings in Marseille and Somali respectively.

Only then did people know that the two queens were sisters, but they looked very different.

Ye Mei is a standard oriental beauty, with a subtle beauty, but the more you look at her, the more you love her. Ye Rou, on the other hand, takes into account all the aesthetic standards of the East and the West, like a rose, breathtaking.

Yang Da and Yang Sanru, like two proud roosters, slowly walked down the red carpet with their brides, and the guests knelt down devoutly and worshiped them.

The white wedding dresses made the two queens more colorful, like two fairies, descending on the earth.

There is a Zan country between So and Marseille, which is smaller in area. Although the political situation is not stable, several major politicians have attended the two coronation ceremonies and weddings respectively.

In addition to some other countries that are friendly with Marseille and So, the specifications are not low.

Today, Marseille is very strong in all aspects, so the surrounding countries are basically protected by them.

Ye Mei lay in the newly built palace, took off her long skirt and crown, and several maids hurriedly removed her makeup.

When she took off half of the silver mask, the skin color near her left cheekbone was obviously whiter than other places.

This is the transplanted skin, which has not yet fully grown. Fortunately, the left eye has been saved. Although the vision is a little weak, it has no effect.

The maids withdrew, and Yang San, who was wearing pajamas, walked out of the bathroom.

He hugged his wife lovingly: "Let's go, today I will personally serve the queen to bathe."

Ye Mei nestled in his arms intimately, like a little bird. Ye Mei has a strong personality, but when facing a man with a stronger personality than her, she showed the gentle side of a woman.

The Marseille Palace is obviously much more gorgeous than Ye Mei's palace. Ye Mei's palace was built entirely of wood because of the rush.

Ye Rou's palace is magnificent and has the flavor of an oriental palace.

Ye Rou looked at the man who was slowly walking towards her with admiration. He was handsome, unrestrained, gentle, and there was a firm and fearless light in his eyes.

Ye Rou has fallen madly in love with this man, because this man voluntarily gave up the right to be president for her to become queen.

I guess there are not many men in this world who can do such a thing? Anyone who can get to this position is a hero, and power is far more important to men than to women.

If Yang Da's behavior is written in history books, it will definitely be described as a typical love of beauty rather than the country.

Although the queen today is more symbolic than practical, her power is not small. At least, any resolution and policy of the government must be approved by the queen.

Yang Da slowly took off Ye Rou's clothes. Her body was beautiful, but unfortunately her left body was covered with scars, and her left breast was obviously much smaller.

Originally, all this could be changed through surgery, but Yang Da stopped it because he didn't want to bury any hidden dangers just to cover up the flaws.

Ye Rou was very moved by this. Although women are born to love beauty, it doesn't matter if her man loves her so much.

Although Yang Da is gentle and elegant, when there are only two people exercising, he is like a lion, galloping, so that Ye Rou doesn't want to move her toes at the end.

Originally, Yang Da wanted to stop several times, but Ye Rou clung to him tightly and refused to stop.

Yang Da was afraid that Ye Rou would not be able to handle it because it was her first time, but unexpectedly, Ye Rou was fine.

This made Yang Da sigh that it turned out that practicing kung fu was really useful.

After that, Yang Da hugged his wife and asked, "What do you want to do most in the future?"

Ye Rou didn't even think about it and answered directly that it was too inconvenient for Zanguo to be separated from Marseille and Suoguo.

Yang Da was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly. Who said women don't have ambitions? He Yang Da didn't dare to use his brain. How dare his wife!

Yang San and Ye Mei haven't finished taking a bath yet, but the water in the tub is basically gone. The maid had obviously filled it up at the beginning. But now it all flowed to the ground.

Yang San gasped and lay on the edge of the bathtub, his whole body limp, while Ye Mei looked at the ceiling with leisurely eyes:

"Let's replace this roof tomorrow and replace it with desert."

Yang San is weak. Isn't the bathroom full of beaches? Why do you want a desert?

Ye Mei curled her lips: "Whatever kind of sea, I will drain it dry and turn it into a desert."

Yang San felt his butt tighten, but Xiongfeng was not there, and the noodles under his crotch were floating feebly in the remaining water, stretching.

At this time, Ye Mei's body was close to her, and Yang San didn't dare to move. Men are inherently disadvantaged in this kind of thing!

Ye Mei gently pulled Yang San's body, and a numb current instantly spread throughout Yang San's body.

Yang San shivered, as if he was being charged, and immediately the force started to rise again, and he rushed towards Ye Mei with his teeth and claws open.

Ye Mei raised her eyebrows and raised her fingers: "Come on, my man, conquer me!"

The little water left in the bathtub was finally gone. And the two people in the bathtub were finally drained.

At this moment, Ye Mei finally became gentle again, gently pulled Yang San's chest, frowned and asked:

"Husband, our two fathers' oil fields are both in Zanguo, and we are separated from Marseille by Zanguo. It's too inconvenient."

Yang San was too lazy to open his eyes and waved his hand: "Queen, if you see anything that doesn't suit your needs, just give me an order. I promise to attack it for you."

Ye Mei laughed out loud: "I just ascended the throne, isn't this bad?"

Yang San shook his head: "It is precisely because you have just ascended the throne that you need to establish your authority! Now Iron Hammer is leading the army to sweep through various armed forces in the country, and will soon return to the court. Just make time to get this done. "

Ye Mei scolded angrily: "I am the boss of Bayonet Security, but in the end, I became your private soldier, fighting for you everywhere. Are you embarrassed? You didn't even let me attend the wedding."

Yang San was helpless: "You think I want it? Why don't you let him go? What do you think this kid said to me when he left?"

Ye Mei shook her head, how could she guess such a thing.

Yang San pinched his nose and lit a cigarette:

"This guy actually said that if he had known that senior sister could marry me, he might as well have taken action earlier. Now that the toad has eaten the swan meat, he doesn't want to be associated with the toad."

Ye Mei chuckled. Thinking about that silly senior brother, he didn't expect that he had a crush on her, so he couldn't help but ask.

"Then he didn't say why he didn't chase me?"

Yang San recalled it for a while and finally remembered.

"He said that he was a bigger toad than me. He didn't have the courage, so he took advantage of me."

Ye Mei chuckled again, making the flower branches tremble and the two huge objects trembling.

Yang San quickly supported him: "Stop laughing, grandma can't bear it."


Ye Mei kicked him over and was supported by Yang San. As a result, she was so happy that she quickly covered her face in shame.

"Can't see, can't see."

Yang San smiled mischievously, but he wanted to be a thief but was powerless and could only continue to smoke.

But thinking about Ye Mei's words, he really had an idea in his mind.

You know, Dad and the others not only have oil fields but also refineries in Zambia. If they develop in the long term, their economy will soon improve rapidly. At present, the country with the worst economy is Zambia.

""Although he gave his wife the title of queen, this is a country full of holes, and he has the responsibility to make it prosperous.

He picked up his mobile phone and broadcast: "Big man, where are you now?"

The sound of hammers and bangs came, mixed with the sound of sporadic gunfire.

There are many countries in Africa that are in chaos, but Somalia has been able to win the "laurel" of the "most failed" country for a long time, because other African countries have a central government, but Somalia does not even have a decent central government.

The territory of Somalia is triangular and protrudes to the northeast, so it is called the "Horn of Africa". It borders the Indian Ocean to the east, the Gulf of Aden to the north, and the top is Cape Guardafui. It is located at the junction of the two continents of Asia and Africa, and the sea lanes between the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean. To rush.

This position is both important and useless.

The political development history of African countries after independence has a certain fatalistic commonality.

At the beginning of independence, the multi-party electoral democracy of the mother country was transplanted, but it did not work smoothly. The democratically elected government was quickly replaced by military dictatorship or strongman rule.

It was not until the 1990s that military governments and strongman politics came to an end in most Africa, ushering in a new round of democratization.

In Suoguo, the story went a little awry. The strongman who was overthrown was Mohamed Siad Barre.

But what followed was not a new round of democratization attempts, but a state of no (central) government under warlord rule.

The country under Barre was a Marxist-Leninist-led military government.

However, it didn't take long for them to break with the Soviet Union and switch to the American team.

He has been in power for more than 20 years and is a veritable military and political strongman.

After the fall of Siad Barre, the country quickly fell into disintegration, and for a while all the heroes emerged.

The first to appear was Mohamed Farah Aidid, who was the main force behind the overthrow of Siad Barre. He had served as a general in Barre's government.

1 Barre suspected that he was plotting a coup and arrested him and sentenced him to six years in prison.

But Somalia's actual mobilization ability lies in the tribal audience. The tribes that supported Aidid established the Somali United Congress, regarded him as the leader, overthrew Siad Barre's rule, and controlled the capital Mogadishu and most of southern Somalia.

Although he overthrew the Barre government, he could not control all the territory, and even if he called himself president, he was not recognized by the international community.

On May 18, 1991, the northwestern region of Somalia, which had long been at odds with the central government, declared itself the "Republic of Somaliland" under the leadership of Abdirahman Ahmed Ali Toor, the leader of the independence movement.

Then, in order to compete for control of the capital Mogadishu, the "United Congress of Somalia" split, and Aidid and Ali Mahdi Mohammed, the leader of another armed group in the United Congress of Somalia, competed for control of the capital.

These two warlords mainly controlled the capital Mogadishu and surrounding areas. The two sides fought for four months without a clear winner, and finally drew a "green line" to control their own territory.

Many local warlord forces relying on local tribal forces have emerged in various parts of Somalia. These warlord forces appealed to local tribal demands or personal interests and split off from one side.

Subsequently, the United Nations decided to send troops in, and the United Nations Security Council successively passed Resolutions 733, 746 and 794, authorizing the establishment of a peacekeeping force led by the United States to intervene in Somalia.

In 1993, the United Nations peacekeeping force entered Somalia. A large number of countries participated in the two UNOSOM operations, which aimed to restore order in Somalia and pave the way for the United Nations to provide humanitarian assistance in the later period.

But the funny thing is that their president at the time believed that the UN's military intervention was a threat to his rule, so he resisted the UN's decision to deploy peacekeeping forces in Somalia and launched urban guerrilla warfare against the peacekeeping forces, which were mainly composed of US troops.

Among them, the famous one was the Battle of Mogadishu in 1993. The famous story of "Black Hawk Down" took place in this conflict, which caused the deaths of 19 US soldiers and nearly 1,000 Somalis.

The picture of the Somali national militia dragging the charred US military dead was transmitted back to the United States, which greatly stimulated the emotions of the American people, and finally the UN peacekeeping forces were forced to withdraw from Somalia.


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