Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2700 Mythology can actually accomplish great things

Chapter 2496 Myth can actually accomplish great things

Queens were once popular in Europe, and Queen Victoria was the first British monarch to be called "Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and Queen of India."

Her 63-year reign (June 20, 1837 to January 22, 1901) was the most powerful period in the so-called "Empire on which the Sun Never Sets" in Britain.

During her reign until her death, and until 1914, when the First World War began, Britain was called the Victorian Era. After 1914, the Victorian Era ended.

Queen Victoria (Alexandrina Victoria) (May 24, 1819 - January 22, 1901) inherited the throne in 1837 (she was 18 years old at the time), and her reign was second only to that of Queen Victoria in British history. Queen Elizabeth II reigned for 64 years.

In 1837, the 18-year-old Queen Victoria ascended the throne. The new queen wrote in her diary before taking the throne:

"Now that God has placed me on the throne of this country I will do my best to fulfill my duties. I am still young and may be inexperienced in many aspects, but I am sure that there are few people like me who have the best intentions and the best intentions for the country and the people. Really hope.”

The Queen has fully fulfilled her promise: she has exemplaryly performed her duties as a constitutional monarch throughout her life, and is therefore deeply loved by her people.

She was also a model of moral customs of that era, a typical lady, and an excellent housewife. She lives a rigorous life, works hard, and has a strong sense of responsibility for others.

In the eyes of many Chinese people, she is the epitome of that era, and her long 63-year reign was the pinnacle of the country's prosperity.

Victoria's reign is known as the "Victorian Era" and she enjoys the highest reputation among all the British kings.

This is not because she has done anything sensational, but because she does nothing but only abides by her duties as a constitutional monarch and sets an example for her time.

In Europe, the emergence of queens is not a universal phenomenon, but the product of a specific country in a specific historical period.

This phenomenon is closely related to the traditional rules and subsequent changes in European succession laws.

Traditionally, European throne succession mostly follows the primogeniture system, that is, the throne should be inherited by the eldest son born from his father's first wife.

This rule precludes direct female succession to the throne. For example, the "Salic Succession Law" pursued by countries such as France clearly stipulates that women have no right to inherit, which means that there has never been a queen in French history.

However, the situation in the UK is different. Since the Glorious Revolution, although the British inheritance system initially gave priority to men, women can also inherit the throne in the absence of a male heir.

This provision provides a legal basis for female succession to the throne.

For example, when King George VI of England had no sons and only two daughters, Princess Elizabeth, the eldest daughter, inherited the throne and became Queen Elizabeth II of England.

The situation is similar in Denmark. Denmark's throne succession originally followed the primogeniture system, but when the previous Danish King Frederik IX had no sons, the Danish government had to amend the Throne Succession Act to allow women to inherit the throne.

This modification made Princess Margaret the Crown Princess of Denmark and, upon her father's death, she ascended the throne to become the Queen of Denmark.

In addition, the queen of some countries is also related to the marriage and offspring of family members.

For example, Queen Victoria's descendants are spread throughout Europe, and her influence and family connections are also an important factor in the queen's presence in European royal families.

To sum up, the emergence of European queens is not only the product of a specific country in a specific historical period, but also caused by the evolution of the throne succession law and the influence of specific family members.

Ye Yuze is not proficient in European history, so after reading these materials, he has a headache. Everyone follows sequential inheritance. How do you want to create a queen?

He understands Yang San. He can't win back the nine-headed bull no matter what he wants. Otherwise, if he assists his elder brother, with the abilities of these two brothers, this country will definitely be stable and develop faster than Lighter has been in office in the past few years.

But this guy just put on a posture of not being able to tolerate two tigers in one mountain, and went into the world by himself. And it took shape very quickly, which was a surprise for everyone.

In Africa, there are many things that you really cannot measure using common sense.

This continent has a long history, but most of human heritage is still in the tribal era. Therefore, the plasticity is very strong.

I wanted to help this kid out, but I had no idea how to do it, so I could only follow him around.

The reason why she wanted to help him was actually for her daughter. Ye Mei had been arrogant since she was a child, and ordinary people and things really couldn't catch her eye.

It's not that Ye Yuze didn't help her plan for the future, but in the end he found that it was of no use.

He doesn't really like his children to be involved in politics, but if the business reaches a certain scale, it really can't be done without political help.

Especially in countries under the capitalist system, the so-called power is just a proxy for capital.

Nowadays, the position of Speaker is within easy reach, and Susie has also entered the Senate. There are not many such young members of Congress in the Senate.

Kelly has completely succeeded her grandma and become the head of the Wal-Mart family. In fact, the retail industry in today's world is in the hands of a few women.

The largest ones are Wal-Mart and Junken Supermarket.

Kelly naturally strongly supports her cousin, and with the help of the Wharton family, Susie's support will naturally become stronger.

In Africa, capital is really not that powerful, because it is basically a place without order.

If you want to gain a foothold here, you don't need money, but force.

Political power comes from the barrel of a gun. This is what the great man said, and it naturally applies to everywhere. Therefore, Ye Yuze never interferes in matters here.

After staying in the peaceful world for a long time, inertial thinking has formed, and this kind of thinking is likely to mislead children.

Ye Yuze was not a self-disciplined man. The reason why he did not leave any bones and blood in this place was because he did not want his descendants to return to such a life.

Not only the living conditions are poor, but also violent and violent at every turn, how can he not make people worry about him? He can't do what Yang Geyong did and raise his son like a sheep.

I didn’t expect that it would be natural for people to keep their food free. Isn’t this just an adult? He is the head of a country at every turn, and he dares to manipulate even the Queen.

Ye Yuze didn't have any other options. He couldn't help but fall in love. If his daughter couldn't become a queen, he wouldn't marry her, so he wouldn't let her get married. It would be hard for Yang Sanyi, who didn't know how to be generous.

After staying with his daughter for a while, looking at Dasha who was always angry, Ye Yuze decided to go home. The Yang family and his son wanted to follow, but Ye Yuze stopped her.

He wanted to go back and do the ideological work for this German daughter-in-law. Because he understood where this woman's heart was.

Sure enough, Dasha cares about her Germanic heritage. Although Ye Rou is already mixed, she does not allow her descendants to become black. This is the final bottom line.

Ye Yuze didn't say anything nonsense, he just asked:

"Are you in charge of your daughter?"

Dasha's face fell and she muttered in a low voice: "Isn't there still you? She listens to you the most."

Ye Yuze shook his head: "I will not refuse anyone who can woo my daughter at this time. Although our two daughters have survived, I really don't know how they will recover. Since my daughter agreed, I I will definitely agree.”

At this time, Erhong also intervened: "Dasha, listen to Yuze. He is right. He has died once. Anyone who can express love at this time will never be fake."

Dasha finally gave in humiliatedly. She had no choice but to do it. In fact, she had never disobeyed her man.

Yang San returned to the capital. The public security here was very good. Troops patrolled the streets all day long. It was no wonder that it was not good.

Himmler and the gorilla were busy all day shuttling between the Reichstag and the government.

Although the president is gone, normal work still goes on, especially since Yang San's troops have been patrolling the streets, and security is exceptionally good.

There are actually police here, but the police here don't seem to have done anything serious except eating and taking cards.

For example, you tell him: "There is a thief ahead."

He would look at the distance, then look at the sun, and then shake his head solemnly:

"If you continue to stare at him and find a foothold, I will definitely not be able to catch up."

As for someone who actually found the thief's foothold, he would naturally have another excuse. Maybe he was sitting in front of a hawker's stall, drinking free coconut water.

Anyway, apart from doing business, they want to get involved in other things.

Iron Hammer was naturally not used to such problems. When Yang San was away, he gathered all the police officers for physical training.

The first event was to run 3,000 meters under the sun. This time, half of them were eliminated immediately. The rest were engaged in various projects, and at the end of the day, there were almost no police officers in the entire capital.

The Hammer does not take it seriously and cannot recruit new ones. As long as young people with some academic qualifications pass the physical fitness test, they will be admitted.

The police are an iron rice bowl, who wouldn't want to be a police officer?

It turns out that the police officers were recruited through various connections, which proves the shortage of this profession.

Iron Hammer has conducted strict training for the newly recruited police officers. If he doesn't know much about the law, he can find professionals to do it.

After Yang San came back, he called Himmler and the gorilla together and said only one sentence.

"I don't want to be a bitch president anymore. The country of Suo will implement a queen system in the future. Her name is Ye Mei. You can do whatever you want."

His tone left no room for doubt, and he left it alone. Wasn't Hammer busy managing the police? Then he will train the staff of each unit.

Check the post from time to time every day to see what these guys are doing? Those who are absent from duty three times will be dismissed on the spot, and those who fail to perform well will be fined and fined.

For a time, everyone in the capital knew about these two people. No one knew their specific positions. Anyway, the army outside belonged to others. It's really hard for you to disobey.

The gorilla was helpless with the task assigned by Yang San, but Himmler had received Western education and knew this aspect very well, so he could only rely on him.

If the Queen thing is difficult, then create a god. When something is really difficult to implement, god is the most appropriate reason.

Although there are a lot of gods in Africa, and everyone believes in their own, as long as they believe, Himmler will have room for maneuver.

He first had photos of sisters Ye Mei and Ye Rou hanging out riding lions distributed throughout the capital.

Then he told everyone that this is the only god in Suo country. If she can be welcomed back to the capital, then all the people will live and work in peace and contentment.

No one believed it at first. People were just surprised that two delicate women could ride on a lion.

Many Africans make a living by hunting. It is not that no one has killed a lion. There are even many legends about a certain warrior hunting a lion alone. Folklore is full of such things.

Of course, this is just a legend. As for which warrior actually killed the lion himself, no one has ever seen it.

After all, the lion is a ferocious beast in Africa. Under normal circumstances, no one messes with it. Nowadays, such a ferocious beast is willing to be ridden on the crotch of others. What is this if it is not a god?

There are more and more legends about Ye Mei. In China, retired old ladies usually like to spread these things.

But it is different in Africa, because people here are relatively laid-back, and most of the gossipers are men. Women are not qualified to talk about any issues about God.

An old man smoking a hookah said to everyone solemnly:

"This is the true god of Suo, a goddess who can lead all tribes out of hunger and poverty."

The people who were still talking a moment ago all fell silent. The old man is the wise man here, and people in several streets respect him very much.

There are many such wise men. The Suo people who entered the capital have lost much contact with the people in the tribe, and such wise men have become their new spiritual pillars.

People with faith will always find something to believe in wherever they go, because they are used to relying on it.

There are many wise men throughout the capital. They are equivalent to God's messengers. They can convey various wills on behalf of God. They are also people who the people can trust and worship.

Originally, each wise man believed in different gods, but I don’t know why this time? They all unanimously regarded Ye Mei as a messenger sent by the Supreme God to the human world.

As long as she can be invited to be the queen of the Suo Kingdom, then all the people will be able to stay away from wars and disasters and live and work in peace and contentment.

Such little essays were circulated more and more, and almost all the people in the capital believed it, shouting to bring the king back quickly.

Yang San currently lives in a big house, which used to be the home of one of the richest men in Suo Country. Now the whole family has disappeared. Who knows where they went?

Yang San leaned on the sofa and fell asleep, while Himmler clicked on the calculator. After half an hour, Himmler finally raised his head:

"Boss, it cost a total of 3 million US dollars to bribe these wise men."

"Bah!" Yang San spit out the half-smoked cigarette and cursed:

"These bastards, when the queen comes, let them spit out twice as much."

The gorilla trembled, it seems that this queen is more ruthless than the boss!

At this time, Himmler said again: "Now the time is almost ripe to mention it in parliament, but with the queen, you can't have a president, you can only be the prime minister."


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