Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2404 Law of the Jungle

Although there can be bloody fights in shopping malls, in the circle of upper-class people, maintaining a gentleman's demeanor is a quality.

Just like the island nation must bow before a life-and-death fight. Even if what you are thinking is that labor and management are going to kill you, you must add a word of sorry before it!

This is true for politicians and businessmen, which is why it is said that the higher the status, the more approachable they are.

Because they are already fully capable of duplicity, but ordinary people cannot. Basically, their emotions are displayed on their faces.

But Ye Feng didn't show any grace this time and slapped him directly in the face. This was because he had touched his bottom line.

Charles held the phone and pointed at Jack with difficulty. He was about to curse, but considering that he was still talking to Ye Feng, he still couldn't curse.

After hanging up the phone, he looked at Jack with a gloomy expression:

"Why do you want to go to Junken Pharmaceutical to show off your power? Isn't it that our large sales area can't accommodate you now?"

In fact, when Jack came back this time, he did not report his experience in Junchen City to the board of directors, mainly because it was too embarrassing.

Thinking that he has been in the shopping mall for half his life, he can sit in this position, and he has his abilities. But in the end, he has to follow the rules of the Chinese people and use favors to avoid becoming a laughing stock. This matter really cannot be mentioned.

When he heard Charles ask, he couldn't hide it anymore, so he truthfully explained the situation.

Everyone on the board of directors was silent. As a shareholder, who doesn’t know the company’s development history?

At critical moments, it is basically through mergers and acquisitions that the company can survive the difficulties and make a leap forward?

And Jack just underwrites products, which is really not too much. If you blame him for this, who will dare to work hard for the company in the future?

Charles swallowed and said in a dry voice:

"Jack, we shouldn't blame you, but you have caused a lot of losses to the company. You must solve this problem, otherwise, we can only take action against you."

Charles knew what he said was inappropriate, but what could he do?

They hire managers to create value and profits. Once the goal is not achieved, they will naturally replace others.

What's more, this kind of person who has caused losses to the company has already given enough face if he was not fired at that time.

Jack understood Charles clearly, although he understood that if the two of them changed places, he would definitely do better than him.

However, he still felt uncomfortable and had an urge to walk away. At worst, I wouldn't be able to serve him anymore.

In fact, professional managers also have their own advantages, that is, losing money has little to do with them, and it is not their money anyway.

But think about it, at this age, where can I really find a job? Even if it could be found, it would be impossible to receive such treatment.

This is how people are, it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Therefore, after thinking for a long time, he nodded with difficulty:

"Please rest assured, I will resolve this matter."

A young shareholder rebuked unceremoniously:

"You'd better hurry up. We don't have time to wait. If Uncle Charles hadn't been generous, I would have fired you directly."

Looking at this young parasite, Jack suddenly felt a surge of sadness and anger in his heart. He worked hard to feed this group of people, but they didn't forgive him for any mistakes he made.

Without saying another word, Jack opened the door and walked out, his back looking so desolate.

This world has never been fair, and where you come from determines everything about you.

Cuicui was asked to meet by her best friend again, but she had already declined twice. It's not that she's annoyed by her best friend, but that her best friend is looking for her because of matters related to Ruihui Company.

This kind of thing that harmed the interests of Junken City was enough once. She really didn't have the courage to do it a second time.

It's just that this best friend is very persistent and calls several familiar sisters to make an appointment together. Now Cuicui has no way to refuse.

She solved Jack's problem, but her son Ye Shan did not obey her arrangement, but it also solved one of her worries, that is, she was finally getting married.

Therefore, she does not owe the favor, but this best friend owes her.

It's just that this woman keeps looking for her, which makes her very annoyed. When working for others, she would rather do things within her husband's jurisdiction than interfere with military reclamation of the city. That's the bottom line.

People in the Corps actually have a bottom line, that is, they can have conflicts, quarrel, and quarrels among themselves.

But once there is a conflict with the outside world, it will definitely be faced with the same gun.

There is no other way, they are all soldiers and can give their back to the other person.

The reason why she took action last time was for her son. If it was for herself, she would not care if he was beaten to death.

The reason why she agreed to meet today was because she wanted to make it clear that no one should come to her about the military reclamation of the city in the future.

They also have their own club where they meet. The difference from men is that there are more beauty treatments in this club.

Of course, this club also requires members to enter. But Cuicui didn't spend a penny. If she were asked to spend hundreds of thousands to buy a membership, she would not do such a thing even if she was killed.

It's not because of anything else, it's because I feel sorry for money. Her childhood upbringing made it impossible for her to get rid of her frugality.

But someone must spend the money, but who spends it? Cuicui didn't care, she was following others anyway.

As soon as her best friend saw her, she complained:

"Cui Cui, are you really difficult to invite? If I don't bring everyone together, will you never plan to meet me again in this life?"

Unexpectedly, Cuicui nodded: "Because what you asked me to do is too difficult for me. From now on, don't come to me for anything related to Junchen City."

Several best friends looked at each other. After being in this circle for a long time, they have naturally become tainted with some habits in the system, which is reserve.

Unexpectedly, this Cuicui is still so stubborn.

My best friend smiled awkwardly, and then laughed at herself: "Isn't there no other way? If not you, who else can I turn to? Even if I turn to your old Ye, I won't be able to do anything like you?"

The best friends all agreed and tried to smooth things over, but Cuicui's expression never softened. It's not that she was pretending, she was really nervous. I'm afraid her best friend is looking for her again about the military reclamation of the city.

After her best friend finished speaking, she sighed helplessly and took out a set of cosmetics from her bag when she saw no response.

"Cui Cui, the boss of Ruihui Company gave this to you. He said it was as a thank you."

Cuicui shook her head: "I don't know the boss. The last time I did something, it was because of your face. I don't want his things."

Seeing that the things could not be delivered, my best friend continued to look down.

"Cui Cui, it's indeed Jack who asked me to find you again this time, but this time it's not to do something, but to plead for mercy."

Everyone looked curious, they actually did such a thing as asking for mercy, but they didn't know what kind of favor Cuicui needed?

It’s the end of the month, thank you brothers, I don’t even have a guaranteed monthly ticket this month, but I’m still ranked in the top ten, so awesome, I give you a thumbs up!

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