Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2403 If you hit, it hurts

The stock market is a bottomless pit. People scream or cry here every day, and many people commit suicide because of it.

Originally, capital games are not something that ordinary people should play. It doesn't matter if it is a hobby. You just go with the flow, right? Just grab some soy sauce and run away.

As a result, a group of professionals appeared for no reason, and each of them regarded themselves as stock gods and professionals. They always wanted to buy the bottom and play the big game. The result is irreversible.

Since ancient times, greed has been the main reason for getting yourself into desperate situations, except for natural and man-made disasters.

Professionals, coupled with a huge and scary financial chain. This movement is naturally not ordinary.

By the time the top management of Ruihui Company became alert, the stock price had reached a level that was beyond their control.

Jack stared at the Nasdaq market with a gloomy expression, a small flame burning in his heart.

It is not that he has never experienced competition and mergers and acquisitions between large companies, but it is usually between peers. But which colleague would dare to attack them now? He really couldn't understand.

In fact, the development of pharmaceutical companies is a history of research and development of new and specific drugs. For example, Ruihui’s rise relies on new drugs one after another.

In 1849, Charles Pfizer and Charles Erhart, a pair of cousins ​​from Germany, founded Charles in a double-story red brick house in Brooklyn, New York, with $2,500 in start-up capital. Ruihui Company.

Among them, cousin Charles Pfizer is a chemist, and cousin Charles Erhart is a candy merchant. In the early days of its establishment, Ruihui was a chemicals company whose main business was the production of chemical products. Its main products were iodine, tartaric acid, boric acid, etc.

At that time, Americans were suffering from intestinal parasites due to eating habits and other reasons. Although the commonly used anthelmintic drug santonin is effective, it tastes very bitter.

As a confectioner, Charles Erhart keenly sensed this huge demand in the field of anthelmintics. After repeated experiments, he finally chose to mix almond toffee with Sandonian, trying to improve the taste of Sandonian with the sweetness of candy.

This transformation was a great success and made Pfizer famous.

In fact, this is Tartang, which is still used in our country today. Then, they seized the opportunity of the outbreak of the American Civil War in 1861. The army's demand for analgesics and antiseptics increased, giving Ruihui its first important development opportunity.

During the war, Ruihui provided a large amount of tartaric acid, iodine, morphine, chloroform and other products to the Northern Army. The company developed rapidly as the war progressed. In 1868, Pfizer's revenue doubled from before the war, and its production lines also expanded significantly.

Then there is the production and research and development of a series of drugs such as penicillin and oxytetracycline, all of which took full advantage of the opportunities of World War I and World War II.

The law of the jungle has been fully utilized in the rise of this company.

That is what can be researched and developed, and what can't be researched and developed is to acquire companies with formulas. For example, Ruihui spent US$90 billion to buy Warner Lambert, which was the largest acquisition at the time.

Through this deal, Pfizer has acquired the lipid-lowering drug Lipitor.

In fact, it is because it is one of the best-selling prescription drugs in the pharmaceutical industry and the first drug in the history of medicine to have sales exceeding 10 billion US dollars. Lipitor, a drug, contributed 20% of Ruihui's revenue, helping Pfizer become the number one pharmaceutical company in the United States and the second in the world.

Then came the 21st century. Ruihui, which seemed to be going smoothly, faced many severe challenges. R\u0026D was in turmoil, and the company's revenue went from bad to worse.

To make matters worse, the patent for the "cash cow" Lipitor will expire in March 2010, and the drug's revenue may drop by 40% at that time.

So Ruihui turned to Pharmacia's arthritis drugs Celebrex (celecoxib) and Bextra (vordecoxib). In 2003, Pfizer acquired Pharmacia for $60 billion.

Because high-dose use of celecoxib may increase the risk of heart disease and stroke, celecoxib did not become Ruihui's second Lipitor.

Without internal growth capabilities, Pfizer continues to rely on external mergers and acquisitions for development. Wyeth, a former competitor, entered its field of vision.

In 2008, the sales of Wyeth's antidepressant drug Enox and gastroenterology drug pantoprazole were US$3.9 billion and US$2.7 billion respectively. The world's highest-selling vaccine "Pregnant" and prescription drug "Enli" are also among them. product.

On January 26, 2009, Ruihui entered the biopharmaceutical field by acquiring Wyeth, a rival company, in a combination of shares and cash, becoming the world's number one pharmaceutical company.

At that time, the sales of Ruihui and Wyeth were US$48.3 billion and US$23 billion respectively. After acquiring Wyeth, Pfizer transformed from a chemical pharmaceutical giant into a biopharmaceutical giant, making up for its nearly 20-year lag.

In fact, capital is like this. No matter how lofty slogans it publicizes to the outside world, it cannot change its predatory nature.

Faced with such a company, Ye Feng would naturally be ruthless in his actions.

Regardless of whether Jack reported this to the board of directors or not, the bosses on the board of directors soon knew about it.

Although there are professional managers, the big guys don't care about anything else, but naturally they don't care about shrinking money bags.

In the face of interests, it is difficult for my mother and I to do anything, let alone a hired manager.

So Jack was called to the board of directors and asked to state what happened.

No one is a fool. Although he may be targeted at any time because he is fat, it will never be without reason. The cause of the matter is definitely related to this manager.

Jack looked confused and was at a loss when faced with the bosses' doubts. He wanted to confess that he didn't date women and took a few extra Viagra pills.

It's true that he acts in a high-profile manner, but he doesn't seem to have any enmity with anyone? Therefore, he did not feel that this matter had anything to do with him.

After sorting through all the companies in Europe and the United States, everyone was confused, but no company had this motive? The key is to harm others without benefiting oneself.

Although Ruihui Company's stock has been suppressed, no one has been found to buy it in large quantities? It seems that retail investors are just playing around.

At this time, the chairman suddenly received a call from Ye Feng. His words were very simple:

"Mr. Charles, I am Ye Feng from our brother company. I have acquired 30% of your company's shares. I think we need to talk."

Charles was stunned and didn't remember who this Ye Feng was at first. When I thought about the brother company in front of me, I suddenly felt stupid.

After being stunned for a while, Charles asked with difficulty:

"Mr. Ye Feng, your company doesn't seem to have a pharmaceutical-related industry, right? Why are you doing this?"

Ye Feng said straightforwardly: "Jack went to Junken City to show off his power. This is the price you should pay! If you think it's not enough, I can continue."

It's the end of the month, please swipe your tickets.

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