Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2387 A man of steel

Wei Quanyou sneered and continued shouting: "Do you have to let me shoot? I'll count one, two, three. If you don't come out, I'll shoot!"

After saying this, he really started counting:

"One, two!"

"Don't shoot, I'm coming out!"

The man in the cave finally got scared and came out with a cry and raised his hands. However, when Wei Quanyou asked him to squat down with his head in his hands, the guy seemed to be frightened and continued to move forward.

"Stop, stop!"

Wei Quanyou shouted twice in succession. At this time, this guy had walked sideways and walked behind Wei Quanyou. Just as Wei Quanyou was about to shoot, the guy had already squatted down with his head in his arms.

Wei Quanyou held a gun in one hand, took off a rope from his waist, and wanted to tie this man up.

Unexpectedly, footsteps suddenly came from behind, and it turned out that they were two people.

Wei Quanyou didn't hesitate for a moment and decisively shot at the man in front who had stood up and wanted to attack him.

The guy's body that had just stood up fell to the ground in an instant.

But at this time, the person behind him still rushed over and locked Wei Quanyou's neck. Tighten as hard as you can.

These two men are both strong men in their thirties. If they were to compete for physical strength, Wei Quanyou would definitely not be able to match him. Let alone now, when he was young, he might not be stronger than them.

It's just that after many years of service, how can fighting rely on strength? Especially when facing life and death, courage and skill are the only magic weapons to win.

Wei Quanyou's head slammed back, and this time the back of his head hit the strong man's nose hard.

The strong man screamed, his nose sore, and his arms relaxed.

Wei Quanyou twisted his body and stabbed hard from behind with the butt of his gun.

The strong man noticed his move, and although his nose was sore, he still dodged his move.

Then he quickly pulled out a dagger from his waist and stabbed Wei Quanyou in the back.

At this time, Wei Quanyou's back was still facing the strong man, and the knife was about to be pierced in the back of his heart. Wei Quanyou turned around suddenly as if he had eyes on his back.

The knife failed to penetrate his back this time, but as he turned around, it opened a long gash.

Summer clothes are relatively thin, and the blood immediately started to flow, and the lower half of the top instantly turned red.

Wei Quanyou couldn't see the wound, but as he was experienced in fighting, he only felt a slight chill in his body and knew that he must be injured.

But he didn't panic. When he turned around, he still raised the barrel of the gun, aiming to shoot at the strong man.

As a result, when he turned around, he found that the strong man had disappeared. It turned out that when he turned around, this cunning guy was lying on the ground and rolling down the mountain.

It is difficult for a gun to hit such a moving target. Wei Quanyou chased a few steps forward, but suddenly found that he had no strength left.

There was too much blood, and for a person of his age, the impact was undoubtedly huge. His movements became slower and slower, and his vision even began to become a little blurry.

So Wei Quanyou stopped, lay down on the ground, blinked hard to make his vision clearer, and then designed.


A wisp of calm smoke came out of the muzzle, and the high-speed rotating bullet hit the strong man's buttocks as he rolled down the mountain. His body went limp and he fell to the ground.

Wei Quanyou secretly said it was a fluke. If he had replaced it with a fully automatic rifle, it really wouldn't be as accurate, and the critical range might not be enough.

Seeing that he was hit, Wei Quanyou got up again and chased after the strong man.

Just after running two steps, his legs weakened and he fell to the ground. He knew that he had lost too much blood and was about to faint.

Looking up, the strong man who was shot in the butt can't run, but can he crawl? He was climbing down the mountain using his hands and feet.

Once down the mountain, it will become a blind spot in the field of vision, and Wei Quanyou will not be able to see him at all.

Looking at the first guy hit, lying there motionless, Wei Quanyou took out the crawling technique he had practiced for decades and started crawling too.

He wouldn't let a bad guy get away from him until he was dead.

After climbing for a while, his strength became weaker and weaker, so he simply followed the example of a strong man and rolled down the mountain.

The strong man did not dare to get out because his butt hurt, but he, Old Wei, was not afraid. Even if he shed the last drop of blood, he would still catch up with the criminal.

From time to time, sharp stones hit his body, causing the newly healed wounds to open again and again.

The pain had become numb, and Wei Quanyou didn't care at all. The strong man found a relatively flat place to roll down.

However, Wei Quanyou chose the steepest slope so that he could go faster.

In order not to damage the gun, he held the gun tightly in his arms, and his body rolled down the mountain quickly like a stone.

When the rolling stopped, Wei Quanyou was on the verge of fainting. If it weren't for his strong mental strength, he wouldn't have been able to hold on.

The thin old military uniform was in tatters, and there were countless wounds on his body, but the gun was protected by his body without even a scratch.

Looking up the mountain, the strong man saw that he had rolled in front of him. He was a little overwhelmed for a moment and froze there.

Wei Quanyou aimed his gun and shouted in a weak voice:

"Lie there and don't move any more, or I'll kill you with one shot!"

The strong man understood that Old Wei was not telling lies, so he quickly turned over, like a bastard who had turned over, with his feet in the air and motionless.

The distance between the two people was not far. Wei Quanyou approached him step by step with his gun raised, then took off the strong man's belt and tied him up behind his back.

After tying the person up, Wei Quanyou exhausted his last bit of strength and sat down against a big rock.

In fact, the wisest thing for him to do is to kill this guy with one shot. Otherwise, once he faints, not only will this guy still run away, but his life will be threatened.

But surrendering the gun, not killing, and treating prisoners preferentially were military disciplines that he had been reciting since he joined the army. Although there were no outsiders around him at the moment, even if he did that, no one would report him.

However, the two words "military discipline" were like a mountain that he did not dare to cross. If a soldier can't even abide by military discipline, what else can he stick to in this life?

With strong faith and steely will, the originally old Wei Quanyou stood there like a poplar tree...

I don't know how long it took, but the soldiers from the outpost finally appeared next to Wei Quanyou.

The platoon leader saluted Wei Quanyou, who was sitting on the ground with his eyes slightly closed:

"Old squad leader, on behalf of all the commanders and fighters at the post, I would like to express my gratitude to you!"

However, Wei Quanyou remained motionless, as if he had become one with the stone behind him. The platoon leader felt Wei Quanyou's pulse and shouted:

"First squad leader, you are responsible for taking the person back, and I will take the old squad leader to the hospital!"

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