Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2386 Lineman

The development of Junken City is because there are too many people like Liu Dahong. They have made themselves successful, and they have also made Junken City successful.

Quiet and restless, the plum blossoms are busy traveling again. The old comrades are now wild-minded. They no longer cling to this land as they did before.

In winter, they will go to the Donghai Sanatorium, and in spring, they will go to Yunnan, a city that is like spring all year round. They will stay here only in summer and autumn.

Of course, there are exceptions, and that is the old model Wei Quanyou. In his life, any enjoyment had nothing to do with him.

His only pleasure is to drive cattle and sheep along the border. Not to mention the border guards, even the soldiers from neighboring countries are familiar with him.

Although we are currently good neighbors and friendly, the border is not a gateway and will never be trampled on by others just because of the quality of the relationship.

And he, Wei Quanyou, is a nail, nailing himself here forever.

He is very old, but his legs are still very strong from years of running.

Especially after Ye Wancheng helped him relieve the pain caused by rheumatism, he often forgot his age.

The son-in-law who has always been with him has now become a middle-level leader of the agriculture and animal husbandry group and has no time to accompany him on patrols.

And those comrades are getting older and weaker one by one. According to Wei Quanyou, he is the only young man left in their generation.

Therefore, he became a loner again and again, with only his wife and a group of cattle and sheep to accompany him.

The soldiers at the outpost still call him the old squad leader. Every year when new recruits are assigned to the outpost, their first mission is to visit him.

The leaders of the army also come to the house every year to send greetings. He has become a non-staff soldier of this army who will never retire.

For 50 years, he has been known as a living boundary monument on the Salbulak grassland. To exaggerate, he can clearly identify which country he belongs to even with a piece of grass.

His patrol route spans West Barkol, Sarbulak, and the south bank of the Emin River. Calculated based on the distance he walks every day, the total length of the past 50 years is more than 200,000 kilometers. I have to walk more than ten kilometers every day.

His original division has undergone earth-shaking changes, from an agricultural and animal husbandry unit to a modern city. Only here, nothing has changed.

Several earthen houses made of dry fortresses have been riddled with holes due to the erosion of wind and rain. The cowsheds and sheepfolds are surrounded by wooden fences. But it was trimmed without a single hole.

Nowadays, the cattle and sheep he raises are all for the soldiers at the outpost, and the retirement salary for him and his wife is enough for them to live. Therefore, he no longer needs to raise anything for himself in order to live.

The soldiers are young and the training intensity is high, so they cannot lack meat. He didn't even want the cattle and sheep that were distributed to him every year.

Over the years, he has stopped and turned back thousands of people trying to cross the border, and he has received more awards than can fit on the walls of his room.

Today's young people no longer take this piece of paper seriously, but these certificates are all Wei Quanyou's pride.

My wife's waist is bad and she can no longer do much work. My daughter comes back once a day to help them prepare meals for the day. She is also busy at work now.

Wei Quanyou's dry food has been the same for decades, and steamed buns and pickles are forever. It turns out I can still eat some beef jerky. Now that his teeth are failing and he is reluctant to get them in place, eating has become a problem.

His daughter bought him a large thermos pot, and every morning his wife made a pot of milk tea. At noon, he soaked the steamed buns in the milk tea. The hard steamed buns were softened before he could chew them.

For decades, he has been unwilling to ride a horse. He always felt that he couldn't see many things while sitting on a horse.

Border patrol is not just a walk along the border, it requires observing many things. Precisely because of his rich experience, he was able to accurately encounter people trying to cross the border, as well as lost livestock.

It’s that little hill again. He always likes to have lunch here. The view here is wide and you can see far away.

Although the relationship between the two countries is very friendly now and it is very easy to travel across the border, there are always some people who like to take shortcuts.

Some herdsmen were unaware and drove their sheep out without paying attention.

Some are involved in illegal activities, making it inconvenient to enter through the border crossing.

In the former case, Old Wei always rushed back with a smile and a curse, but he showed no mercy to those with evil intentions.

Even though he was already seventy years old, he was still nimble in his movements. The semi-automatic rifle on his shoulder, although the paint on the handle was worn away, still hit the mark with perfect accuracy.

The reason why he likes to eat here is that this is actually his key prevention area. People crossing the border also like to climb to high places to observe the situation before taking action.

After all, border guards can shoot directly when encountering this kind of thing, and no one dares to risk their own lives.

After climbing up the hillside and observing the situation carefully, Wei Quanyou frowned and then lay down on the ground to look for traces.

Although it was summer and it was difficult to see something walking by, some subtle changes could not escape his eyes.

He found some grass that had been trampled down. Although it was not obvious, it could not be hidden from his eyes.

After observing carefully for a while, he has determined that someone has definitely been here. Herdsmen generally do not come here to graze sheep. They all have their own pastures.

Moreover, the herdsmen all ride horses, so the hoofs of horses will not have such a large area.

Generally, border crossers will choose to observe the situation during the day and take action in the evening. At that time, the visibility is not good and it is not easy to be discovered by soldiers.

Wei Quanyou started searching along the traces and had already taken off the gun on his body.

The semi-automatic rifle army has now been eliminated, but Wei Quanyou likes it and has been using it for half his life, just like his own arm.

Moreover, the bullets of this kind of gun are very powerful. Basically, if it hits, it will lose its ability to move.

Loading the bullet and pulling off the safety, his somewhat cloudy eyes instantly shone like an experienced hunter, no prey could escape his gaze.

He was very familiar with the situation in the hillock. After following the traces for more than ten meters, he could guess where this person was hiding?

But he did not choose to pass by like this. Instead, he took a roundabout way and approached the target.

There is a cave on the southern slope of the hill. It is called a cave, but it is actually a small pit with a depth of no more than two meters. However, there is a big stone in front of the cave, which serves as a shelter. It is not easy for people outside to discover the cave.

He walked quietly without making a sound, quietly came behind the big rock, then pointed the barrel of the gun in the direction of the cave entrance and shouted:

"Don't move, raise your hands!"

There is no sound inside...

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