Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 232 Xia uses force to break the ban

After looking at them for a while, Yinhua had already stopped looking at him. Instead, he asked with concern how Ma Guoqing was doing?

Ye Yuze turned around and walked away in a very tragic way. He could no longer explain how he felt in his heart.

Ye Yuze started the car and turned around. He did not go to the company or return to the regiment headquarters. Instead, he went to Lao Yumin.

I haven’t seen Master for a long time and miss him a little.

The car stopped at the door of the blacksmith shop, and the master saw him from a distance. He stopped the hammer in his hand and said hello with a smile.

The master's wife even ran over and touched Ye Yuze's head and said happily:

"Why haven't you been here for so long? What are you busy with?"

Ye Yuze was not very interested and simply said he was busy.

Seeing that the child was depressed, the blacksmith did not approach him. Instead, he pointed at the wooden pile and said:

"It just so happens that Yang Geyong is here too. You go back and practice Zhuang Kung Fu first. I will test you later. Let's have dinner here at noon!"

Ye Yuze looked up and saw that Yang Geyong was really standing there, so he walked over.

A punch hit the wooden post, which hurt a little. But Ye Yuze was completely unaware. The anger and disappointment in his heart turned into strength and vented on the wooden stake.

Usually they drive piles with rhythm and force. He just couldn't use up all his strength, and he hit alternately with fists, palms and legs. This generally won't hurt.

But how could Ye Yuze care about this today? He seemed to regard the wooden stake as a life-and-death enemy and just punched it.

The master's wife was attentive and soon discovered something was wrong with Ye Yuze. She threw down the hammer and ran over.

When he grabbed Ye Yuze's hand, he found that the fist was bloody and bloody.

The master also ran over. When he saw this situation, he cursed "Nonsense!" and pulled Ye Yuze into the house.

After giving the medicine, the master did not ask Ye Yuze what happened. Instead, he poured water for him and Yang Geyong and asked them to sit down at the table.

"Do you know why there are so few people practicing martial arts now? And there is nothing really good for fighting?"

The two people shook their heads, the master's question was really their doubts.

Boys all have martial arts plots in their hearts. Even if there are very few movies and TV shows nowadays, even if they do exist, none of them will act like this.

But how could two people not know about the thousands of years of inheritance of the Chinese nation? Not to mention those fierce generals in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms who were defeated by ten thousand people.

There are also those good men in Shuibo Liangshan who are generous and generous.

What Ye Yuze likes most are the knights who come and go among the Three Heroes and Five Righteousnesses.

The southern hero is Zhan Zhao, and the northern hero is Ouyang Chun. There is also Bai Yutang among the Five Rats. These are Ye Yuze's idols.

The master took a sip of water and then slowly began to tell them.

In ancient times, they were basically cold weapons. Therefore, the people of that era were at their peak as warriors.

Although the characters in many novels are certainly exaggerated, their real strength is also shocking.

It's just that the people in power in every era are the same. They will limit the strength of civilian warriors and use force to break the ban. If warriors with superior force cannot be used by the government, they will definitely take action against them.

After thousands of years of this, warriors gradually began to decline. The simple and direct fighting skills of the army became the mainstream.

At this point, the master sighed.

"But our Chinese martial arts has developed to this day, but there is almost no inheritance! You must know that no matter which school, you have to practice it from a young age!

How can decades of training be matched by those who have been training for several years? "

"But there are always people practicing martial arts? Why does Master say there is no inheritance?"

Yang Geyong asked curiously.

The master touched his head. “Practice martial arts is actually a very boring process, and the foundation of martial arts is practice.

It's just that this progress is very slow, and it's not easy to produce results, so fewer and fewer people practice it.

And most of the inheritances nowadays are basically all kinds of routines. The kind of showmanship that makes people dazzling when they practice it. This is what attracts attention. "

Ye Yuze couldn't help but nodded. The master was right. Chinese martial arts has a long history, but more and more of them are just famous and showy.

The master pointed at the two people. "What I teach you is nothing fancy. As time goes by, your strength will not be comparable to that of ordinary people.

So I hope that when you encounter problems in the future, you must use your brain instead of your fists. Otherwise, everything taught today may ruin you!

And if you let me know that you have committed any crime, I will clean up the house myself without the government! "

The master's words were very serious, maybe because of the violence Ye Yuze showed today.

Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong both nodded. The master had already said this when they first entered.

But Master said the same thing. I, a member of the Baji Sect, will not cause trouble, but I will never be afraid of it!

After dinner, Ye Yuze was going back, and Yang Geyong went back to the company with him.

When he reached the intersection, Ye Yuze stopped the car.

"You go back, I won't join the company. Get ready, I will take you to the regiment middle school before school starts."

Yang Geyong looked at him. He knew something was wrong with Ye Yuze today, but he would never ask unless Ye Yuze told him.

After getting off the car, Yang Geyong went directly to Yinhua's house. He still has this bit of brains. There is no one else but her who can make Ye Yuze's mood fluctuate so much.

Yinhua was sitting in the shade of the tree at the entrance of the yard in a daze.

She went home after Ye Yuze left in the morning, not even asking for the fish Ma Guoqing gave her.

Not only was she angry today, she was also disappointed. She felt that she no longer knew Ye Yuze.

During lunch, her family asked her what was wrong, but she didn't say anything.

Yang Geyong walked up to her and asked.

"Have you seen Ye Yuze today?"

Having been together for so long, the two of them have a very close relationship because of Ye Yuze. No matter what happens to Yinhua, Yang Geyong will never look back.

Yinhua nodded and said "Yeah!"

Yang Geyong looked at her, as if waiting for the next step, but it was obvious that Yinhua had no desire to continue.

Yang Geyong turned around and left without even asking Ye Yuze, let alone this girl. Besides, he doesn't understand emotional matters.

Looking at Yang Geyong's back, Yinhua thought of Ye Yuze's loneliness when he left. My heart ached a little.

Even though Ma Guoqing was beaten, he almost choked to death. But he was extremely proud.

He wanted to find Ma Rong to tell her what happened today. Although he couldn't defeat him, he felt it was a victory if he could make Ye Yuze angry.

The reason why he looked for Ma Rong was because he always felt that only Ma Rong was in the same circle as him.

Even Yinhua, Brother Yang and the other children from the platoon leader's family felt they were not on the same level as him.

I don’t know where this feeling of superiority comes from? No matter what others think. As long as he thinks it's right.

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