Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 231 Men can be jealous no matter how young they are.

Ma Guoqing came to the door of Yinhua's yard and happened to see Yinhua walking out of it.

"What are you going for? Shall I take you fishing?"

Yinhua originally wanted to play with Ma Rong and the others, but she didn't have many friends in the company. Ma Rong and Yu Lan are considered girls who can play together.

Looking at Ma Guoqing's pleading eyes, Yinhua felt a little soft-hearted.

She knew that Ma Guoqing was somewhat isolated in the company these days.

It's not entirely because of his father's affairs, but because this guy himself sometimes has no bottom line. So much so that no one likes to talk to him.

After hesitating for a while, Yinhua nodded.

"Do you have a fishing net? Just go fishing."

Ma Guoqing nodded quickly and ran home quickly to get the fishing net and pole.

The fishing nets in the infrastructure company are all homemade by the adults. They just use a willow stick bent into a bow shape and nailed with a horizontal bar underneath.

Then sew the gauze into a large triangular mesh bag and fix it on the bow.

Finally, a vertical rod is fixed on the bow like a bow and arrow as a handle.

When fishing, the flat surface of the bow is inserted into the river bottom, and another person uses a long wooden pole to hit the river surface from upstream to drive the fish into the net.

When the wooden pole hits the edge of the fishing net, the person holding the net just needs to lift the net.

There are many fish in northern Xinjiang, so the net will never be empty every time.

Naturally, this job involves Yinhua holding up the net, and Ma Guoqing catches the fish from above, because in order to catch the fish fast, he has to run. This is a job that ordinary girls cannot do.

Yinhua took off her shoes, rolled up her trouser legs, and got into the water. Ma Guoqing helped her find a flat place on the river bottom to set up the net.

He gave an instruction. "Be careful!"

Then quickly ran upstream.

After reaching about thirty or forty meters upstream, Ma Guoqing began to catch fish.

The pole is about three meters long and is also made of willow wood. It is a bit difficult for him to turn at his age.

But Yinhua was watching from below, how could he act like a weakling?

Ma Guoqing started banging on the river with all his strength. While banging, run downstream.

You must know that the river is full of pebbles, and it will hurt when you step on them with your bare feet.

After all, pebbles are generally smooth. If they encounter sharp ones, the sole of the foot will make a cut.

This happens quite often, and people are often injured.

Ma Guoqing stumbled over and Yinhua looked at him nervously.

This was her first time doing this job, and Ye Yuze would never let her get into the water when he was here.

But what kid doesn’t like to play? Now that no one cares about it, she must like it.

Ma Guoqing finally ran to Yinhua's side and fiercely helped Yinhua lift the net.

He grabbed the wooden bow and lifted it up, and Yinhua also used all her strength to grab the wooden handle and lift it up.

As a result, Yinhua used too much force and sat down in the water. The net also fell into the water, and she saw several fish swimming out of the net.

Ma Guoqing quickly lifted the net and reached out to pull Yinhua. Yinhua stood up and dragged the net toward the river.

When we got ashore, there were five or six small fish left inside. It's called pike here, the kind without scales.

It should be the same species as the loach, but there is no mud here, only sand and stones. The species of this thing has also changed a bit.

The two people laughed and poured the fish into the small bucket, then went into the water and started fishing.

The place where they fished was to the east of the company, close to the intersection. The two of them were just happy and didn't notice a jeep parked on the side of the road.

Ye Yuze was sitting in the car, looking at the two figures in the river, and the anger in his heart had begun to rise.

If there is anyone in the infrastructure company that he hates, then Ma Guoqing can be said to be the only one.

It was not that he had never had conflicts with other children in the company, but the past was in the past and he didn't care.

Only this Ma Guoqing disgusted him from the bottom of his heart. The main reason is that this kid has evil intentions!

From the moment I met him, I never noticed that this guy had done anything good.

Even in that local fight, he lay on the ground and pretended to be dead without waiting to fight the opponent.

And that time when three groups came to arrest Wang Honghua, Ye Yuze noticed the joy in this guy's eyes! You must know that Wang Honghua is also very good to him.

Ye Yuze really disdained such people.

But now looking at the excited silver flowers in the river, he felt mixed emotions in his heart.

Yinhua fell again, and this time she lay completely in the water. Ma Guoqing ran over and picked her up.

She originally wore less clothes in summer, but now Yinhua was completely soaked, revealing her exquisite curves.

Well, too small and no curves yet. But Ye Yuze could even clearly see the outline of the underwear he bought last time.

Ye Yuze really couldn't bear it anymore. He opened the car door and ran to the river in a few steps.

At this time, Ma Guoqing had not let go of Yinhua and was trying hard to carry her to the shore.

Yinhua chuckled, not caring at all that there was anything wrong with her posture?

The moment she saw Ye Yuze, Yinhua's eyes were filled with surprise.

But before she could shout, Ye Yuze had already pulled her out of Ma Guoqing's hands.

Ma Guoqing was stunned for a moment and looked at Ye Yuze at a loss.

Ye Yuze raised his foot and put it hard on Ma Guoqing's chest.

Ma Guoqing screamed and fell into the river.

Although the water in the river was very shallow, he was lying down and his whole head was submerged in the water.

Because I was caught off guard, drinking water was no longer a matter of time. Instead, the nose sucked in water.

This is what people often call "choking water!" Many people who drown in diving actually did not drown, but choked to death.

Yinhua was stunned for a while, turned around and saw Ma Guoqing struggling in the water, shook off Ye Yuze's hand and rushed into the river.

Ma Guoqing coughed violently after being pulled out of the water. His whole body was coughing into an arch shape, and his face turned red to the color of pig liver.

Ye Yuze hadn't vented his anger yet, so he went up and kicked him again.

Unexpectedly, Yinhua stepped in front of Ma Guoqing.

Ye Yuze kicked his foot out and couldn't control it at all. He just saw Yinhua in front of him and restrained his strength.

This foot is firmly stuck on Yinhua's body. She leaned back suddenly and fell on Ma Guoqing.

Ma Guoqing, who was still coughing, had just felt better when he fell into the water again, with someone on top of him. You can imagine the taste.

But because he wasn't kicked directly, his mind came to his senses. Instead of sucking water through his nose, he held his breath.

Ye Yuze jumped into the river and pulled Yinhua up, and Ma Guoqing also climbed up quickly. He didn't want to try the taste just now.

Yinhua stared at Ye Yuze angrily, as if looking at a stranger.

"Ye Yuze, get out of here, I don't want to see you again!"

Angry roars reached Ye Yuze's ears.

Looking at the girl he had always loved as his life, his heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

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