Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2241 Five hundred million bet

The black girl's eyes suddenly lit up: "Dad, are you serious?"

Yang Geyong waved his hand: "You can call me dad when you have a grandson, but not now."

Seeing this, Little Apple was unwilling to lag behind: "You can call Mom first. Mom's assets of more than one billion Hong Kong dollars have not yet been inherited by anyone!"

Yang Geyong glared: "What nonsense are you filling in?"

Little Apple glared back: "What do you mean causing trouble? You didn't give me a son and a half, do you blame me?"

Ye Yuze stared at the four people in stunned silence, with ten thousand grass and mud horses floating in his mind. It's really not like one family doesn't want to enter the same house!

The black girl immediately shouted sweetly: "Mom!"

Little Apple's face immediately brightened up, she hugged the black girl and called her a good wife.

Yang Wei asked in shock: "Dad, what should I call you?"

Yang Geyong bowed and got into the car, "You idiot, what do you want to shout?"

Yang Wei said "Oh" and immediately called his mother. Little Pingguo couldn't close his mouth and took Yang Wei's hand to get into the car, mumbling:

"Stay a few more days, and I will transfer the company's shares to you within a few days."

Ye Yuze was silent. This is probably the most expensive title in the world. One word costs more than one billion!

When we got home, things were still stopped by Yang Geyong. Mainly because from the time we met until now, Yang Geyong had never given Little Apple anything?

Now she is still alone and has to keep some money with her. It would not be too late to give it to Yang Wei after a hundred years.

But Little Apple was a man of his word and had to give. Finally, with the coordination of Ye Yuze, he found a lawyer to make a will, and the dispute was resolved.

However, the three villas owned by Little Apple have been transferred to Yang Wei's name.

Looking at the giggling Yang Wei, Ye Yuze also felt quite emotional, fools are blessed!

Yang Wei agreed to Little Apple's request, that is, if he had a child with the black girl, he must send it to Hong Kong Island and let Little Apple raise it.

When things got to this point, the black girl refused to let Yang Wei go no matter what. She would become a billionaire after giving birth to a child. Only a fool would not do this.

For several days in a row, even if he is as strong as Yang Wei, he still feels weak when he wakes up every morning. There is no way. In the war between men and women, men will never win.

Five days later, Yang Wei and Hei Mei were driven away because Ye Yuze decided to watch the market.

Neither Ye Yuze nor Yang Geyong were willing to let Yang Wei get involved in this kind of matter. People at this age have no determination. Once you get hooked, it's easy to go bankrupt.

Li Chaohui and the others go to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange every day. Although the market fluctuates frequently, the overall trend is still downward.

Bill is very experienced, he bought the bottom several times in a row, and then decisively closed his position. Li Chaohui has earned close to 10 billion Hong Kong dollars here.

This time Ye Yuze and the others did not go to the company, but came to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. This was Yang Geyong's strong request to have a live PK with Li Chaohui.

He likes to fight face to face, and making a fortune in silence is not his style.

As soon as he entered the main room, Li Chaohui's eyes were fixed, although in the end he didn't understand who Ye Yuze was? But how could he forget the people he humiliated?

Although Lu Ziang was punished by the Ye family, he had never met Ye Yuze. He only knew Ye Mao.

So there was no reaction to them coming in, especially since the five billion yuan had been completely lost and Yu Shanshan was no longer here. Lu Ziang was too embarrassed to ask for the remaining money in the account.

Now, the 2 billion in Li Chaohui's account is his only chance to make a comeback. So he has been extremely honest these days.

But of course he felt uncomfortable in his heart. The wealthy man who was like a dog actually dared to show off his power in front of him. Why did he take such a tone?

But all he can do now is to be patient. When he returns to the mainland, he will have a thousand ways to deal with him!

In fact, Li Chaohui also has a plan. If he wins this time, he will register a financial company in Hong Kong Island to specialize in agency financial derivatives. He feels that he has talent in this area!

Because every decision Bill makes is actually consistent with his thoughts.

But what he doesn't understand is that there are only two directions for placing orders, but the reason why 90% of people die in them?

It doesn't matter if this kind of thing is done in the wrong direction, but closing the position in time is the most critical thing.

As soon as the market opened in the morning, a big negative line was pulled down again.

Bill decisively ordered to buy more. Ye Yuze looked at this guy's operation and couldn't help but shake his head.

Ye Yuze knew from the few times he placed orders that this guy had a keen sense of smell. But the pattern is not enough. Financial products are actually a kind of investment.

If you really want to make money, you must dare to be long-term. Otherwise, after going back and forth, the profit earned after deducting the handling fee will be nothing.

Moreover, his biggest problem is that he cannot see the general trend.

Now the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States has once again triggered a global financial market crisis.

Although Hong Kong Island is now economically prosperous, the United States is the economic center after all, and international trade is settled in U.S. dollars. This causes fluctuations in the U.S. dollar, and financial markets around the world will follow suit.

In fact, people from established countries in Europe look down on the United States, thinking that it is a country formed by barbarians with no history.

As a long-established empire, Britain was once known as the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets. As a financial expert in this country, Bill was naturally scornful.

This is also the main reason why he just wants to buy the bottom and does not want to go short.

As soon as Yang Geyong entered the main room, he occupied two computers. Because I have been working in the company, there is no operator for them here.

But Little Apple is a veteran. He has been working here since he was young and has not given up at all for so many years. There is no difficulty in operating it.

Not to mention Ye Yuze, although he has not made any big moves in recent years, as a top industrialist, how could he not pay attention to the financial market? I also play a little bit from time to time.

Seeing Ye Yuze's fate, Li Chaohui's mouth suddenly split wider than the waistband of his trousers.

Ten billion Hong Kong dollars, most people in this world have never seen it, let alone own it, and he earned it in just one week!

Now he is already a star in the big house, but because of the huge amount of funds, no one dares to follow the order.

Ye Yuze looked at the market and found it hadn't moved. In fact, he didn't want to move. Because the general trend has already been clear, there is really no point in closing the position.

Countless people are paying attention to Bill. In the past few days, his operations have been steady and ruthless. Every time he places an order and exits a position, he can reach the peak value. This is really amazing.

The market has not fluctuated much this morning. It has been fluctuating since it pulled down a negative line of 100 points.

Many people gathered behind Li Chaohui and asked in a low voice:

"Mr. Li, are you still issuing orders this morning?"

Li Chaohui definitely wanted to answer: "The order must be issued in the morning!"

Bill glanced at him with admiration in his eyes. Although this kid was a bit uneducated, he was really sensitive to the fluctuations of the stock market.

Yang Geyong felt angry when he saw so many people looking at Li Chaohui.

So he asked Ye Yuze loudly: "Shall we close our position today!"

Ye Yuze naturally understood that Yang Geyong wanted to show off, but this face had to be given, so


"Then place the order!"

Everyone's eyes were focused on it. I wonder how many moves these newcomers had done? Why choose to place an order now.

After Ye Yuze finished speaking, he started to operate, and Little Apple did it at the same time.

Li Chaohui glanced at it and said in a strange tone: "If you have three melons and two dates, don't touch this. This is not something that people of your class can touch."

Just when Yang Geyong was about to go up and teach him a lesson, Ye Yuze coughed lightly. Yang Geyong stopped moving, but looked at Li Chaohui provocatively.

The clear sound of the transaction sounded like raindrops, and everyone's expressions changed from confusion to shock. The key point is that Ye Yuze and Little Apple are still operating, which means they have a lot of orders!

At this time, Li Chaohui began to sneer again: "Friend, this thing can place an order for one contract with a thousand hands. You can't place a few orders with one hand like this!"

Yang Geyong glared at him and cursed angrily: "I'm all selling orders for 10,000 lots per contract!"

Li Chaohui curled his lips and was too lazy to pay attention to him. He was such a braggart!

After the last prompt sounded, everyone looked at Ye Yuze's trading software, and a surprised voice sounded: "Fuck!"

Then there was a series of "wtf" sounds.

"How much is this? Why are there so many zeros?"

A voice shouted.

"God, he...did he earn more than 2,000 points?"

"Yes, he placed the order last week at 6,000 points, and now the market is at 4,000 points!"

A woman screamed: "Does he have 50,000 hands?"

A man said "cut": "Did you learn math from your PE teacher? This is 500,000 hands!"

After the man finished speaking, he froze and pointed at Ye Yuze:

"500,000 hands and 2,000 points, are you...are you still a human being?"

Li Chaohui originally looked disdainful from a distance and was ready to spray them again.

But when I saw everyone's expressions, I quickly came over and sat down on the ground. They had such a large amount of funds and such profits. I am a scumbag in front of others!

500000×2000×50, does this still count? A total of 50 billion, but I only placed an order in a few days. How does this compare?

Yang Geyong had no patience to count 0. After listening to people's discussion, he asked Ye Yuze:

"Is it really 50 billion?"

Little Apple looked excited: "Is this fake? Are you illiterate? There are 10 zeros after the 5."

Yang Geyong looked disgusted: "It's just that little, no wonder people say three melons and two dates!"

He walked up to Li Chaohui who was sitting on the ground, patted him on the shoulder and asked:

"Boss, how many hands did you do this time? I don't know how to count, so your zeros don't seem to be as many as ours?"

At this moment, Bill suddenly gave an order: "Close the position!"

As the transaction sounds, Li Chaohui's order of 100,000 lots was successfully completed.

The profit from the contract of 100 points and 100,000 lots has reached 500 million. This was originally a huge gain, but it is really not worth mentioning in front of others' 50 billion.

Looking at the arrogant Yang Geyong, Li Chaohui remained silent. He was completely shocked today.

Bill raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you still doing it?"

Ye Yuze smiled slightly: "I will do whatever you want."

Bill shrugged: "I'm waiting for an opportunity, why not take a gamble?"

Ye Yuze shook his head: "I only bet with the market, never with others."

Yang Geyong raised his fingers: "I'll bet with you, what are you betting on?"

Bill didn't want to talk to Yang Geyong. This guy was too rude. But Yang Geyong had no intention of letting him go, his eyes were full of provocation.

Bill decided to educate him: "Let's place an order. If I win, you will give me 500 million. If you win, I will give you 500 million."

Yang Geyong immediately took out his checkbook: "Okay, okay, now fill out the check and hand it over to a fair person!"

Where did Bill get 500 million? Although he is an expert, his entire net worth is less than 10 million. However, these few help Li Chaohui make orders, and the commission is calculated as 10% of the profit, which is almost one billion.

So he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, but I have to discuss the money with Mr. Li."

Li Chaohui glanced at Ye Yuze. Although Yang Geyong was more cheerful, Li Chaohui was not afraid of him.

But it was the gentle Ye Yuze who gave him an inexplicable fear.

However, Bill's accurate judgment these days has given him confidence.

Ye Yuze and the others just made a contract. Although the profit was high, it could only be said that they were just unlucky.

Li Chaohui didn't believe that they could still have such a fate, so he stood up and said generously:

"Mr. Bill, I paid the money and let the lawyers of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange do justice."

The procedure for this matter was very simple, just paying the lawyer's fees, and the two of them completed the procedure quickly.

Two checks worth 500 million were paid to the lawyer.

At this time, the market was still hovering at the previous point. But it’s about to close.

Ye Yuze decisively said to Little Apple: "Five hundred thousand lots, all short, and call it a day!"

Little Apple always obeyed Ye Yuze's words. She wished he could give him more orders every day, so she would naturally start operating immediately.

After all 500,000 lots were sold, Ye Yuze looked at Bill:

"I'm done and I don't have time to wait for you. You don't keep your word, do you?"

Bill looked at the market, obviously hesitant. He felt that the timing was wrong.

Yang Geyong said disdainfully: "If you don't want to bet, just say it. We have already placed the order. If it doesn't work, just go short. At most, we will say you are cheating, but we won't count you as a loser!"

How has Li Chaohui ever been so angry? He said to Bill with red eyes:

"Mr. Bill, place your order. How can a veteran like you be afraid of a rookie?"

When Bill heard what Li Chaohui said, he finally stopped hesitating, gritted his teeth, and went long with 200,000 lots. This must be done in the opposite direction to Ye Yuze.

It's just that their funds are not as strong as Ye Yuze's, so naturally they don't dare to make a 500,000 move.

Yang Geyong shook his head disdainfully: "It's so shameful for someone with just three melons and two dates to learn how to trade futures!"

Everyone in the entire big room looked at each other. This guy even scolded them, but no one dared to speak.

No way, who makes people rich? If this guy interrupts, who will he dare to gamble with?

The arrogant gambling god Lu Ziang with a net worth of 5 billion a few days ago was there. Now it has become a crouched one.

No one dares to take this risk anymore.

Thank you guys, it’s really awesome. The next book will definitely cheer everyone up!

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