Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2240: Cherish the fragrance and cherish the jade

Ye Yuze asked strangely: "What do you want a helicopter for?"

Yang Geyong pointed to the crew: "They are suffering too much and must bring in some supplies."

Ye Yuze curled his lips and just picked up girls. Why did he learn to find some high-sounding excuses?

However, he still took out his mobile phone and made a call. In fact, he didn't know anyone here, but with Han Xiaojing, such a thing was nothing to her.

After listening to the phone call, Han Xiaojing was dumbfounded and cursed fiercely:

"If you are like him, I will turn you into a eunuch!"

Ye Yuze felt a chill in a certain part of his body and swore that he would never ask a woman for help with this kind of thing again!

However, this ravine was really not interesting. Ye Yuze thought it would be better to go out and wait for the helicopter to come and follow.

Because the holiday was only four days long, Yang Geyong had no intention of staying here. For him, getting rid of his love rival is more important than accompanying his lover.

The main reason is that Zhao Liying has not committed to him now. Although the little girl is moved, her self-esteem is still struggling.

This made Ye Yuze couldn't help but lament that age can sometimes be a flaw, especially for someone like Yang Geyong who is still looking for love at his age.

The helicopter arrived two hours later and delivered everything the crew needed, filling the entire cabin. I can almost hold on until the location shooting is finished.

The helicopter couldn't land, so the two climbed up along the rope ladder.

When I came to the capital of Fujian Province, this place was not too developed. I bought some specialties and flew to Guangzhou.

Ye Yuze from the shipyard and clothing factory couldn't remember how long it had been since she came here. According to Mao Doudou, everyone in the factory thought it was her exclusive share, and no one knew that she was actually working for others.

Ye Yuze naturally trusted Mao Doudou so much that he didn't even send a financial person to her.

My old uncle and his wife used to help in the factory, but now that they are older and homesick, they have returned to Tangcheng.

Cousin Mei Hua has his own business. Although he gave them some shares, they didn't worry about it.

Any industry that has been in business for a long time will become a leader. Today, more than 60% of the denim clothing in Europe and the United States is produced by Warrior Clothing.

Although Mei Hua and Ye Yuze founded this huge scale, Mao Doudou has certainly contributed a lot to it over the past few decades.

Mao Doudou is a few years older than Ye Yuze, over 60 years old. But the spirit is still good. On the contrary, her husband Tietou is very old.

This may have something to do with fighting and killing when I was young. It’s not easy to worry about!

We had a meal together, and Mao Doudou brought two people with her, all of whom she had trained. One of them, Ye Yuze, knew him as the company's financial director.

The other was a young man named Ding Nuan, whom he only found out after introducing Ye Yuze. It turns out that this girl also graduated from Harvard. Speaking of which, we are still schoolmates with Ye Feng.

Mentioning Ye Feng, Ding Nuan had a look of admiration on her face, as if he was her idol.

After chatting for a while, Ye Yuze admired this young man very much and already agreed with Mao Doudou's choice.

I have to say that although it was Ye Yuze who made Mao Doudou successful. But in turn, Mao Doudou dedicated half his life to the company. It can be regarded as mutual achievement.

As for the financial director, he has been with the company for more than ten years and has always been very reliable. Now he is in his forties and in the prime of life, so there is no reason why he should not stay on.

After finishing this, we went to the shipyard again. Mr. Bao Bubu was not as enlightened as Mao Doudou. He was already seventy years old, and he was still tossing around in the shipyard every day.

At least there were a few people from the Military Reclamation University here, and Ye Yuze didn't care. It's always a good thing to be dissatisfied. Ye Yuze hopes that he will live a long life. No matter how much money you spend, you can't find a more dedicated manager than Bao Dong!

After all this work, Christmas is over and the store will open tomorrow. Yang Geyong was even more anxious than Ye Yuze and urged Ye Yuze to return to Hong Kong Island.

On the first day of vacation, it started to rain on Hong Kong Island. Although it doesn’t rain heavily in winter, it rained non-stop.

Perhaps the people of Hong Kong have long been accustomed to this kind of climate, but neither Ye Yuze nor Yang Geyong can adapt to it. The dampness was so uncomfortable.

When he woke up early in the morning, he couldn't practice his kung fu, so Yang Geyong simply wanted to go back and squint for a while.

Little Apple wouldn't let him sleep, and forced him to call Yang Wei. In fact, Little Apple has always wanted to see Yang Wei these years, but Yang Geyong didn't let her.

The main reason is that this girl has such a strong personality. Yang Geyong doesn't know what she is going to do?

But today I was desperate and had to make a call. Yang Wei was in Donghai City at this time. Since the resort was built, the elderly have come here to spend the winter every year.

Every time at this time, Yang Wei would come over to make arrangements. Although the people here were very nice, he still felt uneasy.

After all, these grandparents all contributed to the military reclamation city. If something went wrong, his father would probably skin him alive.

Black girls are very capable, and business at Qinjiawan Resort is booming now.

The black girl was naturally extremely grateful to Zhang Qianjin for bringing them all this. According to her character, she would definitely conquer this man.

But with the appearance of Yang Wei, she gave up this idea. It's not just because Yang Wei is handsome. Mainly because of his domineering attitude that fascinated her.

The black girl is fierce and capable, and all the men in the village are afraid of her. The people who can conquer her are naturally those who are stronger than her.

Yang Wei is already at a lustful age. In many cases, you should not use rules and regulations to restrain young people. If you do something ridiculous at your ridiculous age, God will forgive you.

Therefore, every time Yang Wei came, he stayed at the black girl's house.

With the development of Donghai City, buildings are rising one after another. To develop this place, Yang Wei did not transfer people from Northern Xinjiang. Instead, he acted as a developer and the builders were found locally.

There are not many construction companies here, but they are smaller in size. But after a few projects are completed, it will be mature. After all, residential buildings are not high-end projects.

The black girl bought a house in the city as a love nest for her and Yang Wei. Although Yang Wei might only come here once a year, she was willing.

She is not short of money. Now, in the entire Donghai City, the black girl's assets are also among the top few.

She herself felt that no one was worthy of her except Yang Wei.

When Yang Geyong called, Yang Wei hadn't gotten up yet. After a night of lingering, the black girl was still paralyzed on the bed.

Because he doesn't come very often, every time they meet, the black girl wants to squeeze him dry.

Of course, the consequence is that she often can't get out of bed for a long time. After all, Yang Wei's fighting ability is not comparable to that of ordinary men.

When the phone rang, Yang Wei was a little impatient, picked it up and asked angrily:

"Who are you? You don't want to go to bed so early?"

"Little bastard, what time is it that you still go to bed? You won't practice when I'm not around, right?"

Listening to the roaring voice from the microphone, Yang Wei woke up instantly. Isn’t this the father? Why is he calling?

Yigulu jumped out of bed, not even bothering to put on his shoes, and stood at attention. Although Yang Geyong is not here, Yang Wei has already formed a conditioned reflex.

"Dad, I'll start practicing right away!" Yang Wei said firmly.

"What kind of exercises are you practicing? Come to Hong Kong Island immediately!"

Yang Geyong’s tone left no room for doubt.

Yang Wei didn't even dare to put down his phone and quickly found something to wear: "I'll be there right away."

The black girl's big eyes rolled around for a while, then she got up and looked for clothes to wear.

Yang Wei said angrily: "I'll sleep with you while I go to Hong Kong Island."

The black girl shook her head firmly: "I'll go too!"

Yang Wei had a headache: "My dad called me, what are you going to do?"

The black girl said confidently: "I'm not going with you, I'm just going to have fun! What does it have to do with you?"

Yang Wei was speechless. He naturally knew the black girl's character. Since he said he wanted to go, even eight cows wouldn't be able to pull her back.

After all, it's not far from Shenzhen City, and it only takes two hours to get there. The two people said hello and left.

Brother company, the collective bidding data was a bit scary. Yang Geyong was confused and asked Ye Yuze:

"How's it going?"

Ye Yuze looked calm: "It's a matter of earning more or less."

Yang Geyong looked happy, but then he became very angry:

"That means Li Chaohui also made money?"

Ye Yuze was helpless: "They are going in the same direction as me, so I can't earn compensation from them, right?"

In the main room of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Lu Ziang's face was as gloomy as ice. Although the market opened in a few minutes, he would also watch the call auction.

Bill looked at him with pity. He had been annoying this young man for a few days, but he kept letting him succeed. Today he finally got his revenge.

Li Chaohui looked excited. It had been his first time placing an order in nine days, and it seemed pretty good.

Finally, the market started to float, and a blue pillar suddenly stretched out to 800 points!

"Clear out!"

Bill gave an order, and several traders shook their fingers and typed out a series of numbers.

With a few "ding dong, ding dong" sounds, Bill won a big victory. 100,000 hands, 800 pips.

The profit of one hand is HKD 40,000, the profit of 100,000 hands...

Looking at the long string of zeros behind him, Li Chaohui was completely stunned, and then he exclaimed like a madman!

"Holy shit, shit, 4 billion? Real or fake?"

On the other side, Lu Ziang sat down on the ground. If someone earned 4 billion, it meant that he lost 4 billion. He even forgot to close his position.

If he doesn't speak, how can others dare to touch his plate? At this time, the market continued to fall. Yu Shanshan let out a mournful cry and shouted hoarsely:

"Close the position, close the position quickly!"

But at this time, Lu Ziang had already lost his mind. How could he still know how to close the position? He was sitting on the ground mumbling something.

Until the computer beeped several times in succession, the position was liquidated, and Yu Shanshan's account was forcibly closed. At this time, the balance was only a few tens of thousands of Hong Kong dollars.

Li Chaohui glanced at Lu Ziang with pity and said nothing.

He knew better than anyone else that this money was definitely not Lu Ziang's own, otherwise he wouldn't even value one hundred thousand yuan.

Now that he still has 2 billion in his account, this is his only hope for a comeback.

After Bill finished the order, he turned around and left decisively:

"Withdraw. It's easy to lose your mind if you do it today."

After taking Lu Ziang back to the hotel, Yu Shanshan looked dull and sat on the floor, but no one cared about her. We are all adults, and we are the only ones responsible for the decisions we make.

"Aren't you coming out yet?"

Little Apple looked at the market and Ye Yuze with eyes full of admiration and admiration.

In fact, she is where she is today entirely because of this man. In her heart, this man was like a god.

Although she and Yang Geyong are lovers, if Ye Yuze needs it, she can even give up her life!

Ye Yuze shook his head slightly, then turned around: "Let's go, I haven't watched it for the past few days, it's probably another stock market crash!"

Yang Geyong followed Ye Yuze without hesitation. Little Pingguo looked at the market and asked worriedly:

"Is it really not going to grow anymore?"

Ye Yuze didn't even look back: "Even if it goes up, it will be a few days later."

At the Peninsula Hotel, several people gathered around Lu Ziang. At this time, Lu Ziang also regained his consciousness and hugged Li Chaohui's arm:

"Help me, from now on, as long as your business, Li Chaohui's business, is my business!"

Li Chaohui looked arrogant: "Mr. Lu, you made the order yourself. I have no obligation to help you pay off the debt."

Seeing that Lu Ziang was about to fall out, Li Chaohui spoke again:

"You can take your 2 billion back, and I can also give you the 10 million you earned, but you have to tear up the original contract."

In fact, Li Chaohui has done his best to do this. Where can I get the money and exchange it back before using it? This is a contract with black and white letters and a big red seal.

Who would have known that Li Chaohui's words made Lu Ziang's eyes tear up, and he pointed at Li Chaohui's nose and cursed:

"You idiot, don't think that I can't do anything to you on Hong Kong Island. Today's Hong Kong Island is also China's land!"

Li Chaohui's expression suddenly turned grim. He was originally studying in the UK and was not that clear about many things in the country.

Although I know that Lu Ziang is not easy to mess with and has great energy. But to reach this point today and still telling him what to do was something he simply couldn't bear.

He opened Lu Ziang's hand and said, "Go away, you don't have any money, you can sue me! Otherwise, I will call the police and accuse you of threats!"

Lu Ziang was stunned for a while and walked out of the room. Bill looked at Lu Ziang's back and shook his head contemptuously, but said nothing.

In the afternoon, Li Chaohui and Ye Yuze seemed to have discussed it, and no one looked at the market.

Li Chaohui is satisfied, his assets have increased virtually by 40%, what more bicycles do he need?

Yang Wei arrived in the afternoon, and Yang Geyong, Ye Yuze and Little Apple went to pick him up. Yang Geyong was stunned when he saw a beautiful girl following Yang Wei.

After divorcing Ye Qianqian, I saw my new girlfriend Wang Xiaomeng and Yang Geyong. This is obviously not the case, right? Have you found a girlfriend again?

Yang Wei was shocked when he saw his father and Uncle Ye coming to pick him up. This was the first time in his life that he had been treated like this.

In fact, what he didn't know was that Little Apple had done all this, otherwise how could Yang Geyong come to pick up the child?

Seeing his father's questioning look, Yang Wei didn't know how to introduce him.

On the other hand, Hei Mei generously wanted to extend her hand: "Hello, Uncle Yang, my name is Hei Mei, and I am Yang Wei's girlfriend."

"She's not!" Yang Wei defended in a low voice for fear of being beaten.

Yang Geyong said angrily: "Just have a baby quickly!"

come on

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