Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2199 The children of the Ye family

Chapter 2423 Children of the Ye family

Yang Geyong suggested that Xiao Hua'er take it over. Ye Yuze naturally had no objection, but to their surprise, Xiao Hua'er refused.

That woman looks weak, but she is a very independent person. All her weakness is just her shell. In fact, there are few people more stubborn than her.

Moreover, this woman would never be attached to any man, even if she knew that Yang Geyong was rich. Because she is destined to be a person dependent on men.

Because of the family's needs, Kelly's son was also taken back and raised by her. This woman was ambitious. Unlike her grandmother, she wanted to train her son to be the successor of the family. Therefore, the son took her last name.

Ye Yuze didn't care much about this. He was his son no matter what his surname was. He had property to inherit, so why should he stop him?

He has always been very strict with his son. His daughter can be pampered without any limits, but his son must be educated since he was a child, because when he grows up, he must stand upright.

Now he has six sons in total, and the age gap is relatively large. He has completely stopped the plan to create humans.

The main reason is that he already has grandsons, and when he creates an uncle for his grandsons who is younger than him, he feels a little embarrassed.

In fact, Ye Yuze is also very conflicted about his son's education. His sons are roughly divided into two types.

Both Ye Feng and Ye Shuai belong to that type of background. They grew up in a good environment and received an excellent education. Therefore, they are polite and polite in dealing with others.

Ye Mao and Ye Fei, on the other hand, are like bandits, with strong personalities and not afraid of anything. Ye Mao suddenly changed later. He was originally weak and vulnerable.

Relatively speaking, although Ye Yuze beats Ye Mao and Ye Fei more often, from the bottom of his heart, he still likes naughty boys.

A man who commits suicide is a boy, and a man who has made no mistakes is not a good man. Ye Feng and Ye Shuai, on the other hand, are the kind of people who know how to exercise restraint since childhood and make their lives very tiring.

Ye Yuze does not belong to that kind of person, because he has been happy with grudges since he was a child, and he never tells a gentleman to take revenge even after ten years. He always avenges himself immediately.

As for Ye Bai, he is still young and can't see much. He doesn't dare to be pampered by Kesselin and Lev. Who knows if he will become a good baby again?

But he doesn't worry about this, because whether Kelly or Kesselin, their sons are raised for themselves and have little to do with Ye Yuze. Because what he ultimately inherits will not be his property.

It's not that he refuses to give it, it's that they won't want it.

As for his daughters, Ye Yuze's basic policy is to spoil them!

Starting from his younger sister Ye Yuji, the girls in the family are becoming more and more powerful. Ye Yuze doesn't care about this. What happened to Ye Yuze's daughter? Affordable!

Of course, girls are not that unscrupulous in character, so Ye Yuze is not worried at all.

The reason why Ye Yuze stayed in Boston for a long time was not entirely because of his children's studies and identity issues.

He has too much influence in Junken City and can influence many things. However, due to institutional problems, he must be very restrained in some things.

Rather than being in so much trouble, it would be better to run far away and hide. And he also likes Boston as a place. The living environment is clean and elegant, like a paradise.

As for the children's studies, he actually doesn't worry much. The main thing is that his children really don't need to work hard for the future.

Instead of working hard for knowledge in books all day long, he could teach them through words and deeds so that they can have an overall view and foresight early on.

Looking at the growth history of every big shot, there may be many ways to succeed, but one thing is similar, and that is the pattern and vision.

Only with these two points can success be possible.

Therefore, Ye Yuze has a targeted education for children. He likes to read books, especially biographies.

Often discuss things in the book with the children and ask them to express their opinions. Ye Bai was still young and couldn't say anything constructive. But Ye Shuai and Ye Fei's methods of dealing with things have been very different.

Ye Shuai likes to see things through without telling them, leaving room for everything.

Ye Fei, on the other hand, has a clear distinction between love and hate, and will not compromise with anyone.

Ye Yuze didn't correct anyone. Personality is sometimes natural and difficult to change.

All he can do is draw a bottom line for the children. As long as the bottom line is not crossed, they can freely express themselves.

Angela meant to train her son to be a politician, but in Ye Yuze's view, Ye Shuai and Ye Feng were the ones suitable to be politicians.

However, Ye Feng retreated bravely at the critical moment and was willing to stay behind the scenes. This was actually a very smart move.

Among the classes in the United States that really control many things, how can any one of them stand at the front?

The current Ye Feng seems to be very successful. Although he borrowed a lot of strength, there is no need to start from scratch since there are shortcuts, right?

If you don't let your children start from the most basic things, they will be out of their minds. They have been exposed to it since childhood and have already had innate advantages.

Another good thing about Ye Yuze's stay in Boston is that all women can come without any scruples.

If you were in Junken City, you would definitely be discussed by others. No matter how awesome you are, you can't stop others.

Moreover, Ye Yuze has never been so confident that he really regards himself as a god.

The reason why a person is admired by others is that it is never you who they admire, but the aura around you.

Once these auras disappear, you are just a loser!

Ye Mei and Ye Rou have no intention of being the heads of the family. They are not only young and older, but more importantly, they are also excellent in all aspects.

Ye Shuai has a good relationship with his two sisters, but it is Ye Fei who will resist from time to time. Although the final result will still be suppressed, this does not prevent continued resistance next time.

In the blink of an eye, the two sisters are already in their second year of college. You don’t have to go to American university for four years. You can apply for the exam at any time. As long as you pass, you can graduate at any time.

Both of them are good at studies. They are preparing to apply for graduate school, but they have differences in their choices.

Ye Mei wants to continue taking the exam of international trade, while Ye Rou wants to take the exam of commercial law.

Ye Mei definitely didn't want her sister to be separated from her. With her strong personality, she even started to force herself.

However, Ye Rou, who seemed to be weak, was not used to it at all this time and still went her own way.

In the end, you can only follow your heart.

Other girls started dating boys when they were in junior high school, but the girls from the Ye family seemed to be born with one thing missing. Not to mention puppy love, none of them took the initiative to date boys in college.

However, there are people of the opposite sex who play well, and in the end they all successfully become buddies.

Nowadays, Ye Mei and Ye Rou are famous in the business school. Not only do they have great looks, but they are also top academics.

The most terrible thing is that the force value is extremely high, even the once arrogant president of the boxing club. Now he is acting as their little brother honestly.

Regarding the future, the two sisters actually do not have a clear plan yet. Sometimes planning is of no use.

For example, Ye Yuji and Ayi Jiang were ambitious at the beginning to help Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong build their business map.

As a result, he got into the system by accident and became successful.

Therefore, Ye Yuze never helps plan a girl's future. His principle is that even if you lie down, I will let you have whatever you want in this life.

At present, Ye Yuze's favorite twins are Ye Hong and Ye Bai, mainly because this age group is when children are the cutest.

Innocent, full of curiosity about everything, and extremely clingy. As soon as Ye Yuze left, the two of them would make the most calls.

Ye Yuze had just finished dinner and was drinking tea with Yang Geyong on the recliner. The two little ones immediately came over and served tea and water in a serious manner.

But after only a few minutes of getting down to business, he started to climb up on the chair.

Yang Geyong does not have this patience, so his daughter is not that clingy to him. Speaking of which, among his children, the one who has received the most care from him in this life is Ayi Jiang.

Mainly because at that time, the father and daughter had always been dependent on each other, so they had a very deep relationship.

However, something happened later, and Ayijiang once had some estrangement with his father. Although it was later eliminated, Ayijiang has become a big girl, and father and daughter can no longer be so close.

It may also be that Yang Geyong's mood has changed a lot after this incident. At the very least, he is not that close to the children anymore.

At this time, Yang Xue was also very close to her father. As long as her father was at home, she liked to stay by his side.

But Yang Geyong couldn't let the child play around him like Ye Yuze did. After a while, he became impatient and asked her to play by herself.

Therefore, for a long time, Yang Geyong's two daughters were closer to Ye Yuze than Yang Geyong, so Ye Yuze was often confused as to who was the real father?

The fourth child would come over from time to time to get together with his eldest brother. His status was already very high. If it weren't for the fact that he was not born in the United States, he would have dared to run for president.

However, his position naturally has the advantages of being able to influence many things without being constantly monitored by political opponents.

And the fourth child's character is not a sharp one by nature, so the people in the Senate are very good. What he needs now is that his qualifications and influence are still small, otherwise the position of Speaker may not be guaranteed.

Now of the four brothers of the Ye family, two have already been involved in politics, and one has made outstanding achievements in the field of research and development.

In comparison, Ye Yuze became the least conspicuous one. This couldn't help but make him smile a little.

However, in family meetings, Ye Yuze is still the well-deserved boss, and his younger brothers listen better.

According to the fourth brother's idea, the eldest brother should also immigrate, and the Ye family will take root in the United States and develop in the future.

Ye Yuze thought about it and still refused. He would not interfere with the children's choices, but there was one thing that was still rooted in his heart, and that was that fallen leaves return to their roots.

No place in the world can replace Junken City's place in his heart. The so-called hometown is actually the place where you were born and raised.

As for hometown, it is just a blank that needs to be filled in on some information. In fact, it has little to do with him.

Although his grandma was also the person he was closest to, after her death, he never went back to that village. Because he couldn't find a reason to go back.

Perhaps a few years later, after he goes to the mountain where his fathers went, his descendants will eventually think the same way as him. No one would call it home.

But so what? The development of the times is like this. No matter how great a person is, he will eventually be submerged in the long river of history.

Ye Fan comes here with his father every time. He is very close to the brothers and sisters here, and he goes to the same school as Ye Shuai, Ye Fei and Yang Xue.

Whenever his father went to Washington, he would come and stay here for a few days.

The fourth child’s approach to educating children is different from that of the eldest brother.

Ye Yuze pays more attention to the children's physical exercise, but the fourth child only cares about learning. In his consciousness, everyone's energy is limited, and he just needs to do well.

However, Ye Fan didn't seem to be that obedient, and would learn a few tricks from Ye Shuai and Ye Fei from time to time.

Looking at the clever Ye Fan, Ye Yuze couldn't help but think of Lao Si when he was a child. This guy did have the same education method as he does now. He only focused on one thing, and that was eating!

So much so that the Ye family had such a fat man, and he had been fat from the beginning.

However, it is precisely because of his simplicity that he has achieved his current achievements, which makes doctors sigh. Time is also destiny!

Ye Fan obviously did not inherit this excellent gene from his father, and he was not that particular about food and drink.

Ju Ye Yuze observed that Ye Fan was not completely unlike Lao Si, but his focus was different.

The fourth child is concentrating on eating. Ye Fan is obsessed with sex. He is about the same age as Ye Shuai. He has just entered junior high school, but there are many girls around him.

On the other hand, if I look back at my silly son, he will drive away girls who take the initiative to get close to him.

Ye Shuai, on the other hand, is liked by many girls, but this guy is picky about food, and there are few things he can do with excuses.

Today is the weekend again, Ye Mei and Ye Rou are back. The two girls have basically never left Ye Yuze, and they are very close to him casually.

But forget it about her mother, Ye Mei dared to say in front of Er Hong that she had no mother.

As soon as Ye Yuze entered the door from the two sisters, he noticed something was wrong with Ye Mei's expression, but he wouldn't ask if the child didn't tell her.

One thing he learned here was to respect the children's privacy. If it was time to tell, he believed that the children would never hide it from him.

The dinner was sumptuous, which was also Wang Jianying's pleasure. Now this woman has already regarded the Ye family as her home.

Therefore, at every gathering, she does her best to make everyone happy.

The third daughter's two daughters have never been close to this place. Maybe it has something to do with their original family. Their diet and living habits are very different, so they don't come here often.

This used to annoy the third child, and Aunt Cindy also educated her two granddaughters.

But many things won't come true if you force them, especially when the children grow up. People also have their own choices and trade-offs.

In addition, those two girls were not in the same school as Ye Shuai and the others, so they usually had little contact with each other.

In the end, the helpless Lao San had no choice but to let them go.

It’s the end of the month, tickets are on clearance and the battlefield is being cleaned up!

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