Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2198 Just leave

Chapter 2422 Just leave

Yang Geyong seemed to have eyes on the back of his head, kicking one leg back at an incredible angle.


Before the gorilla's fist could reach Yang Geyong's head, he was kicked hard in the forehead.

Although the gorilla is huge, Yang Geyong's strength was enough. His huge body was kicked up into the air and landed in front of the sewer.

How could the gorilla get up after suffering such a heavy blow? Lying down at the mouth of the sewer, whining like a dead dog.

Everyone in the room was dumbfounded. The people in the room were immediately shocked when they looked at Yang Geyong.

Among various human emotions, "fear" is always the most effective way to scare people.

Yang Geyong had no intention of paying attention to them, so he lay down and fell asleep.

Because he couldn't think of a way to solve it and his head hurt from thinking about it, he had to go to bed. He didn't care about so much and left it to Ye Yuze to deal with.

Ye Yuze was naturally anxious when he received the call. If something happened to Yang Geyong, how could he sit idly by and do nothing? Even if you ask yourself to do it for him, he will do it.

It’s just that the place itself really doesn’t matter? I didn't know how to deal with this for a while.

Wei Yuxiang called him soon and told him the current status of the matter.

Among the seven people Yang Geyong beat, three were seriously injured. Among them, Tsomu's ex-husband was the most seriously injured. The knife stabbed his lungs. He is still in first aid. It is still unknown whether he can survive.

Although Wei Yuxiang has a good relationship with the mayor of Pokhara, this country has an independent judiciary and the mayor has no way of influencing the judge's attitude, so the matter is very difficult.

After thinking for a long time, Ye Yuze decided to use a team of lawyers, not only from his own company, but also two of the most famous barristers in the United States.

After being called together and discussing the entire case in detail, they decided to use this man's abandonment of his family and children as a breakthrough point.

When Tsomu's ex-husband left, the eldest daughter was just over a year old and the younger daughter was still in her infancy.

The key is that he left without even saying hello, and he left for ten years. Moreover, during these ten years, not only did he fail to fulfill his responsibility of raising his daughter, he also had no contact with Tsomu at all.

On this point, whether it is Western law or domestic law, it will definitely not favor the man.

Even they didn't get a marriage certificate. When they got married, they just held a ceremony in the temple.

However, each country has its own actual situation. If you put it elsewhere, it would not be considered a marriage, but here, it has the same legal effect.

After numerous discussions, the legal team set off and flew directly to Pokhara.

During the walk, Yang Geyong saw the injuries on Chen Tianjiao's face. This must have been a beating in the cell.

Yang Geyong looked at him without any concern for the guard next to him.

"Who hit you?"

Chen Tianjiao lowered his head and did not dare to speak. He was afraid of being beaten. Ever since he entered the room yesterday, about ten people had humiliated him in various ways.

He is a scumbag in terms of fighting ability, let alone facing so many people?

Seeing that he didn't dare to speak, Yang Geyong looked at the people around him.

A burly man with a mustache looked at him contemptuously, with an expression like "I'll hit you, you'll bite me."

Yang Geyong strode over, followed by the people in his cell.

Yang Geyong was a little strange, what are these people doing here? After hunting the gorillas yesterday, I didn't pay any attention to them at all.

But he didn't care at all, he was on fire. At worst, they fight together.

Seeing him coming, a dozen people quickly gathered around Mustache, with joking expressions on their faces, looking at Yang Geyong as if he were a fool.

Instead, a smile appeared on Yang Geyong's face, and he quickened his pace. The moment the mustache was about to open his mouth to speak, a whip leg was already whipped hard!


The mustache was smashed to the ground like a wooden stake, and the whole body was twitching.

The gorilla roared, and Yang Geyong raised his leg and was about to kick it, but found that something was wrong. It turned out that the gorilla led the people in the cell and rushed towards the other people in Chen Tianjiao's cell.

For a moment, there were endless screams, and the group of people was quickly wiped out by the gorillas. Every one of them was miserable.

Chen Tianjiao also came to his senses at this time. The humiliation he had endured for half a day and night had already made him hate him until his teeth were broken, and he couldn't beat him.

Now that there is an opportunity, it is Sun Tzu who does not take action!

Chen Tianjiao kicked Mustache hard on the face, and after he was satisfied, he changed people to hit him one by one.

Yang Geyong was originally worried that the guards would intervene, but he didn't expect that the guards who were facing them turned around one by one, pretending they didn't see him.

While Yang Geyong was wondering, the gorilla grinned at him with an extremely flattering expression.

Yang Geyong instantly understood what was going on? It turns out that the world is as black as crows, and the relationship between gorillas and their guards is unusual.

After being beaten, Mustache and his companions loudly begged for mercy and vowed never to do it again.

The gorilla looked at Yang Geyong, who sighed and finally let them go, but he was a little worried about Chen Tianjiao.

The gorilla patted his chest and promised Yang Geyong not to worry, he would take care of it.

The break didn't last long. After an hour, all the prisoners returned to their cells. Because of his performance just now, Yang Geyong no longer had any hostility towards the gorillas and the others.

After the conversation, Yang Geyong found out that this gorilla was actually a mercenary. It was only because he had been away from home for a few years. After he came back, he found out that his sister had been raped and his father had his legs broken. He was so powerful that he was still getting away with it.

The gorilla was so angry that he killed all the men of the opponent. Then he was arrested.

Fortunately, there is no death penalty in Nepal, otherwise he would have been finished long ago. But even though there is no death penalty, he will never want to leave in this life.

Therefore, he is not afraid of anyone inside, and even the guards will not provoke him casually. He can't get out anyway, so what if he kills him if he gets provoked?

After hearing his experience, Yang Geyong couldn't help but admire this guy for being a man. The two of them didn't know each other before, and they quickly became friends.

When they learned that Yang Geyong had his own mercenary team in Africa, the eyes of the gorilla and the people in the cell all lit up.

At night, the gorilla woke up Yang Geyong from his deep sleep and lifted the mattress under him. Then a dark hole appeared in front of him.

Yang Geyong looked at him in surprise. The gorilla smiled slightly and leaned in.

Yang Geyong followed behind, covering his nose, the wife in here fucking stinks!

It turns out that the gorillas dug a small hole and connected it directly to the sewer. Because the rain in this area has always been heavy, the sewer was built very wide, and a cat could run in it even with his waist up.

But at this moment, the sewage deep in his calf contained everything, and the smell almost made Yang Geyong faint.

Looking behind him, all the people in the cell were following him. Only then did Yang Geyong realize that they had planned it for a long time and he just happened to get it right.

If I had come two days later, they would have disappeared long ago.

I don’t know how long I walked before I saw a thick iron fence in front of me, and outside was the city’s sewer.

It's just that the fence is too thick, and the iron rods are as thick as a child's arm. Even if Yang Geyong is born with supernatural power, it is impossible to break such a thing.

Only now did he understand why these people called him over. It turned out that he couldn't get out. They asked him to think of a way, but there was really no other way and they had to go back and keep him locked up.

Yang Geyong frowned and thought for a while, and suddenly remembered a method Ye Yuze said, which happened when they were young.

Yang Geyong took off his coat and asked for the gorilla's coat. Then he wet the two pieces of clothing, twisted them into a rope, and wrapped it around two iron rods. Then he found another wooden rod and started twisting it.

The gorilla and his companions were confused. They couldn't understand what effect two pieces of weak clothing could have on such a thick and hard iron rod.

Then, a miracle happened. The increasingly tight clothes began to bend the iron rod. The gorilla screamed, rushed forward and started to help Yang Geyong turn the wooden rod.

"Creak, click, click, click, click!"

The iron rod made a tooth-numbing groan, and finally broke off from the welding joint below with a "snap" sound. Yang Geyong jumped into the wider sewer.

A group of people moved quickly along the sewer. They knew very well that once daybreak, even if they ran out, they would be discovered. Therefore, they must get into the mountains before dawn.

There are mountains everywhere in Nepal. Once a person enters, it is difficult for others to find him unless he comes out.

They were very smart and did not follow the sewers blindly. Instead, they kept walking in one direction because this was the best way to leave quickly.

Yang Geyong suddenly became worried. What should Chen Tianjiao do? But now he has no good solution.

After walking for more than an hour, and guessing that the distance was almost there, Yang Geyong climbed up along a sewer opening.

He opened the manhole cover with both hands and jumped out.

Above the dim street lamp is the bright starry sky. Today is a full moon, and the bright moonlight illuminates the earth as if it were daytime.

Yang Geyong let out a sigh of relief. If he had never lost his freedom, he would never be able to experience the excitement in his heart at the moment when he regained his freedom.

Their location was at the foot of a mountain, close to the Warrior Steel Factory. Yang Geyong looked around and suddenly found a drunk guy sleeping soundly on the roadside.

I walked over and looked at him politely, took out his mobile phone, and quickly dialed a number:

"Old Wei, I'm at a certain intersection. Get me a truck quickly and have enough gas."

Wei Yuxiang was still awake at this time and had just finished talking to Ye Yuze. When Yang Geyong said this, he naturally understood what it meant?

He rushed outside without saying a word. How could he do this to others?

Just half an hour had passed when a large truck rumbled over.

Yang Geyong looked at the gorilla group:

"Take care, see you soon!"

But the gorilla looked pleading: "Boss, we will follow you from now on, you can't leave us behind."

Yang Geyong was a little impatient. What he wanted from Wei Yuxiang was a truck. In fact, I just want to help them.

But taking this group of people with you will definitely be a bit cumbersome. Because there is no friendship between them.

But looking at their pitiful little eyes, I really couldn't bear it for a while. So he simply waved his hand:

"Everyone get in the car!"

Wei Yuxiang suddenly stopped him: "Where are you going?"

Yang Geyong pointed casually: "Let's go to Asan Kingdom, and we'll think of a solution when we get there."

Wei Yuxiang shook his head: "Your plane is at the airport, just go directly from there."

Yang Geyong's eyes narrowed: "Isn't that just throwing yourself into a trap?"

Wei Yuxiang smiled slightly: "I have a way."

So everyone got in the truck and the truck drove straight to the airport.

The Pokhara Airport was very quiet at night. Wei Yuxiang took out a stack of US dollars and went to the dispatch room...

Ten minutes later, a plane took off and flew directly to Marseille...

Looking at the panting Wei Yuxiang, Ye Yuze was angry and funny:

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? What would happen if the incident involved you?"

Wei Yuxiang shook his head: "There are all crew members on the plane, and there is no third person on the plane."

Ye Yuze was too lazy to pay attention to him. He was so old that he learned bad things.

"Will the lawsuit still be fought?" Wei Yuxiang asked.

Ye Yuze nodded firmly: "Fight, otherwise how will we get Yang Geyong and the others out?"

Wei Yuxiang was stunned for a moment and then shut up. He just kept muttering: "This old man is so bad."

The prison escape incident didn't cause any turmoil. People also want to save face, right? Such a big thing is too embarrassing to be made public, so we just need to step up the search.

On the west coast of Africa, a plane landed at a temporary airport.

Yang San ran up excitedly: "Dad, are you here?"

Yang Geyong patted his son on the shoulder: "I have to go back quickly. These people are left to you. Practice carefully before using them."

Yang San glanced at the gorilla group, and the gorilla felt a chill in his heart, as if he was being targeted by a poisonous snake.

The legal team filed a complaint with Pokhara Court in Pokhara over women's rights issues.

And this typical case was disclosed to the outside world, which immediately caused an uproar in the public opinion circle.

After several rounds of trials, it was finally determined that the marital relationship between Tsomu and her ex-husband no longer existed. Therefore, the actions of Chen Tianjiao and Yang Geyong were self-defense.

Although Tsomu's ex-husband lost his life because of this, it was his own fault.

His accomplices have all been severely punished by the law, and this is the price for helping others commit evil.

Because of this case, the Nepalese Parliament decided to amend the marriage law and provide marriage certificates to families who do not have marriage certificates.

Furthermore, it was decided to set a time limit for the large number of men who left without saying goodbye. That is, after one year of loss of contact, the court can unconditionally dissolve the marriage.

Of course, this still requires a series of lengthy processes to implement.

As for the disappearance of Yang Geyong and the others, the news was not broadcast, and there was no case record at the police station. Anyway, they were a group of people with few relatives and friends. If they didn't see them, they would just disappear.

Ye Yuze returned to Boston, and Yang Geyong went to pick him up. This was the first time the two met after the accident.

We hugged each other, the weather is so nice today. Then the calm days returned.

It's the end of the month, it's time to clean up the monthly passes.

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