Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2133 Two sisters living on a desert island

The two sisters, who were trying their best to confront the jackal, were already somewhat powerless. There were mainly seven or eight jackals, but there were only two of them.

Already, jackals began to bypass them and attack the lions.

The lion has no ability to get up at this moment, but his eyes show unwillingness. The boss just killed an elephant, but he wants to be buried in the mouth of a dog. No one can convince him?

But the situation was like this, and it had no choice but to let out a weak roar and ask for help from the two humans. It was not stupid and understood that the two women were trying to save itself. It's just a bit stupid. Why don't you stay by your side to save yourself? Why do you have to run so far to meet the enemy?

Ye Mei panicked when she heard the lion's roar. She turned around and saw two jackals opening their mouths and biting the lion.

In desperation, she kicked a jackal on the chin. The jackal let out a mournful cry and flew into the air.

How can someone who can conquer even strong men like Gabon and Peter be weak? They just have no fighting experience. Especially fighting with animals.

The blow was effective. Ye Mei possessed herself and drew out the knife. The tip of the knife accurately pierced the throat of the other jackal. She jerked it hard and the whole neck of the jackal was opened.

Seeing how brave her sister was, Ye Rou also stabbed a jackal into the belly. With one stroke, all the jackal's internal organs fell out, emitting a stench that made Ye Rou retching.

At this time, Ye Mei had already ran back to the lion, and killed another jackal with one knife. The other few finally turned around and ran away after seeing how brave the humans were.

After this fight, the two sisters were somewhat exhausted and sat on the ground panting. However, Ye Rou was careful and cut a piece of meat from the elephant and fed it into the lion's mouth.

The lions were shocked when they saw meat, and blood food was the only way for them to recover. Although it is still a little difficult to chew at the moment, it is still working hard.

Ye Mei raised her head and exclaimed, looking at the lion. She didn't know when the sea water had risen.

Although the rising tide has nothing to do with them, does it have something to do with the boat? The boat they were driving was now gone and it was unknown when it was washed away.

Ye Rou sighed: "Just rush away. Brother and Yang San won't ignore us. Just don't stay away from the beach."

Ye Mei felt that what her sister said was reasonable, so she sat down quietly. She was too tired. It was a heavy physical labor just now. Not only was she tired, but she was also hungry.

After Ye Rou fed the lion for a while, she called her sister.

"You go pick up some branches, and we'll roast the elephant meat!"

Ye Mei's eyes lit up, she was really stupid, how could she starve herself with so much meat? It is estimated that the elephant, his sister and the lion could not finish all the food in a month.

The only drawback is that there is no seasoning, but I have never eaten elephant meat. I wonder how it tastes?

The branches were picked up quickly, but only then did the two of them realize one thing, that is, not only did they have no seasoning, they didn't even have fire. What should they do?

However, as prospective freshmen at Harvard University, this difficulty will definitely not be a problem for them. Isn’t it just trying to make fire out of wood? Our ancestors can do it, let alone them?

It's just that things are far from being as simple as imagined. The principle is indeed very simple, but the operation is not generally complicated.

It is easy to drill wood, but it is not so easy to rub the wood to the point of ignition. The two girls were so tired that they almost collapsed before letting the fire start.

It's just that after this operation, I was more tired than killing the jackal just now, and for a while I no longer thought about barbecue.

Bayonet Security dispatched a large number of aircraft to search along the coastline, but there was no trace of the two ladies.

One formation finally discovered an empty ship. When Yang San arrived, he found that it was Ye Mei's ship.

But there was no one on board, and there was no blood. I wonder where the two sisters went?

Ye Feng and Yang San's hearts sank. The situation was already very bad. Their only hope was that the two sisters' boat would capsize if it fell into the sea.

The helicopters went back and forth to the base to refuel, and the gunboats also cruised crazily on the sea. If you can't find it again, you have to go ashore to search. But with such a long coastline, bayonet security does not have enough manpower.

However, no matter what the situation is, Yang San and Ye Feng will not give up. The order they gave to the team members is to see people alive and to see corpses dead.

After Skeleton and Shark learned the news, they also sent a large number of people to search, but the result was the same, no one could be found.

At this time, Ye Mei and Ye Rou had become drowned rats, and it was raining. It was the rainy season in Africa at this time, and we were on the seaside, so the rain would come from time to time.

The two girls were wearing shorts and shorts, and no other clothes at all, so once it got dark and it rained, you could imagine their plight.

The two girls were not stupid, but they really had no experience in surviving in the wild. They could only collect some coconut tree leaves to cover themselves, even if they had an extra raincoat.

The lion's condition is getting better. For the beast, as long as there is meat to eat and there are no fatal injuries, everything can be recovered.

Most of the injuries suffered by the lions this time were bone cracks and fractures. It takes several months for humans to recover from such injuries, but animals recover very quickly.

They have been in this place for three days, eating the tasteless elephant meat every day, and it is extremely rough.

Now they feel like vomiting when they see elephant meat, and there is no fresh water. At least this coconut tree is enough for them.

Ye Mei kept cursing: "Brother, damn Yang San, why don't you come to us? If you don't come, you will have to collect the body for us!"

Ye Rou smiled bitterly and complained: "Why don't you throw them into the sea because you think they are annoying? Now you are scolding me again!"

Ye Mei wrinkled her nose unconvinced: "Then we always have to show up when needed? We haven't gone far?"

In fact, they didn't run very far and were still within the territory of Suo Country. However, the situation in Suo Country was too complicated and the various forces were divided. The environment they were in was within the sphere of influence of a small pirate.

It's just that this pirate is too weak, and he didn't dare to intercept the ship in the first place. With the initial protection of bayonet security, his financial source was completely lost.

And the area he ruled didn't even have a town. It was basically primitive tribes, and the living environment was so harsh that it was unimaginable.

Waka Village is his territory, but this village is so remote that pirates often forget about this village.

The main reason is that this village is too backward. Although it guards the seaside, it doesn't even have a boat. It can't be said that there are no boats. There are a few canoes, but what can you do by putting the canoes into the sea? I do not know.

Therefore, they would rather hunt in the forest than go to the sea because it is too dangerous, not to mention that the only way they can fish is with a harpoon. There are no big fish on the beach.

The village chief, Moji, is also the chief of this small tribe. He is only in his thirties, but he looks to be in his final years.

There is no way, the long-term lack of food and clothing makes them at least twenty years older than their peers. The average life span of this tribe does not exceed forty.

Since no prey was caught during the day, Moji decided to take people to the beach to try their luck. Everyone in the village had been hungry for a day, and the children began to cry "Wow".

The complaining eyes of the women made Moji's back pierce, and he had no choice but to take the risk and come here. What if there is something to gain?

Villages on the seaside are actually poorer than those in the interior, because ordinary fruit trees are not found on the seaside, and there is not enough food for fruits such as coconuts. Let alone growing food, it is all saline-alkali land.

A group of people came to the shore holding torches. At this time, both Ye Mei sisters fell asleep. Because of the rain, the fire used for barbecue had already been extinguished.

The lion was covered with a few coconut leaves by Ye Rou and fell into a deep sleep.

When a young man saw it, he immediately discovered the elephant carcass lying on the ground. He excitedly reached out and gestured with Moji.

Moji was also so excited that he burst into tears. Was it because God felt sorry for them and brought so much food to their mouths?

Moji carefully observed the surroundings and found nothing unusual, so he waved his hand and asked his men to cut the meat quickly.

There were twelve people in total, all of them were the strongest warriors in the tribe. Only the boy was Moji's son, and everyone called him Little Moji.

The reason why I brought him here is that Moji has always felt that he is weak recently. He wants to take his son to quickly familiarize himself with the hunting process so that he can smoothly take over the position of chief.

Little Moji is very impressive. Although he is only eleven years old, his intelligence is obviously higher than that of the people in the tribe. The only problem is that he is not strong enough.

But the people in the tribe were very convinced of him, not only because he was Moji's son, but also because he gained significantly more after joining the hunting team.

Little Moji didn't hesitate at all. He took out his knife and started cutting the elephant skin. If this thing was used as a cloak, it would be very fashionable, right?

The warriors began to cut the meat, but before they could cut two pieces, a pile of leaves not far away began to shake and growl. They were all so frightened that they dropped the meat in their hands and ran away.

It's so scary. Even the leaves of the trees here can scream?

The lion shook off the leaves on his body and stood up. The warriors gathered around and pointed the long hair from their backs at the lion.

In fact, Africans are not very afraid of lions, because in the legends of each tribe, there are stories of warriors of their own tribe tearing lions apart with their bare hands.

Although no one has ever seen this kind of thing, the more I hear about it, the less afraid I am of lions.

But one thing they still knew was that they couldn't defeat the lion, and a dozen people had weapons in their hands, so they didn't have to be too afraid when facing a lone lion.

Although the lion was able to stand up, its injury had not recovered and it was only able to walk so far. Its purpose was to scare the group of people away.

Unexpectedly, people didn't care about it at all, and every one of them even wanted to duel with it.

The lion knew that he couldn't defeat him at this moment, so he just tried to scare him. If he didn't run away, he would be intimidated.

Now that it was clear that he was going to deal with it, he could only yell and call for help. It doesn't understand why those two girls are so big-hearted? There are so many people coming to grab food, and the snoring can't stop.

The roar of the lion finally woke up the two girls. In a daze, they finally saw the same kind holding a torch. It’s called kindness in my heart!

Ye Mei stretched out her hand, shook it vigorously, and greeted warmly, "How are you?"

As a result, people ignored her at all, mainly because they didn't understand her.

Ye Rou remembered the language she learned in Marseille and tried to say hello. However, African languages ​​are not universal, so those people still looked at them with big eyes and small eyes.

Moji wondered why the two white women were guarding the lion. Of course, the reason why he regarded them as white people was because in his eyes, all skin colors except black people belonged to white people.

The two girls both came from the civilized world and felt close to the same kind. Although they couldn't communicate through language, the smiles on their faces still allowed Moji and the others to eliminate their hostility.

Little Moji stared blankly at these two angel-like sisters. Well, he didn't know what angels were. He could only say that the goddess-like sisters were stupid.

He has never been out of the village since he was this old, and he never knew that people's skin could be so white.

Looking at the silly little Moji, Ye Mei couldn't help but find it interesting. Women like to give delicious food to children when they see them. However, both of them have been chewing elephant meat that is tasteless for three days. Where can they get it?

However, looking at the thin little Moji with only a big belly, he finally picked up a piece of roasted black meat and gave it to him.

Little Moji glanced at his father and saw that he had no objection, so he ran over, took it, and took a bite.

The dry and hard elephant meat was chopped like tofu under his sharp teeth. It was obvious that he was hungry.

But after taking two bites, Little Moji seemed to feel that some of the flavor was missing, so he took off a small animal skin bag from his waist, carefully poured a little something on top of the barbecue, and then started chewing again.

At this time, Ye Rou had already walked up to the lion, touched its head that was holding high and whispered comfortingly:

"They are not bad people, they are just hungry. Let's give them some meat."

The lion, who was pretending to be a tiger, didn't know whether he understood her words or was demoralized by her touch. He roared and lay down again.

Moji and the others looked at each other, wondering why this woman could communicate with lions. Could she be a god?

The more backward the place, the more people have faith, because they need sustenance, and all unsolved things, or things that cannot be reached by strength, can be attributed to miracles.

Therefore, Ye Rou's behavior at this moment is automatically regarded as a god by them.

At this time, Ye Rou pointed to the elephant on the ground, then opened its mouth and made a chewing motion. Most people immediately understood that this was asking them to eat meat.

"Hoola!" A group of people knelt down automatically and slapped Ye Rou and Ye Mei. They had no choice but to respect God!

The two girls didn't stop him. They also knew a little about the etiquette here. I can only continue to point at the meat and urge them to eat it quickly.

After kneeling down, the natives cheered and immediately rushed to the elephant meat. They had never eaten this stuff before!

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