Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2132 A fight to the death

Yang San's three men looked at each other, wondering what to do? One of them plucked up the courage to ask:

"Miss, why did you kick our boss down?"

Ye Mei said "Oh" and turned around and raised her legs. This guy also followed in Yang San's footsteps.

Ye Rou threw the two lifebuoys into the sea, then waved her hand:

"Yang San, let's go for a spin by ourselves. You can just do some exercise."

"Auntie, please, can you please stop running around? The boss will kill me soon!" Yang San shouted loudly in the water.

The remaining two team members were at a loss and murmured: "Then shall we jump or not?"

Ye Mei grabbed the collars one by one with one hand and threw them into the sea. She also said:

"As a subordinate, if you don't have the awareness to share the joys and sorrows with the boss, what future can you have?"

At this time, Ye Rou had already restarted the boat. Black smoke was rising from the stern of the boat, and it quickly disappeared on the horizon.

The two girls dared to do this because they were very good at water and had a lake at home. In addition, Boston was originally a port city, so they often went out to sea on cruise ships.

This kind of simple motor-sailing boat is just child's play for them. What should they do if it falls into the water? That's not even within their scope of consideration.

The two girls didn't dare to dive directly into the deep sea. They still had common sense. This kind of broken boat could capsize with a wave, so they could just run along the coastline.

The two of them played for a while, but soon lost interest. The main reason was that the speed of the boat was too slow, and they couldn't even drift if they wanted to.

Since they couldn't fly, the two of them could only drive slowly along the coastline while admiring the scenery along the coast.

The coastline of Africa is exceptionally beautiful with all kinds of plants. From time to time an animal poked its head towards their boat. It made the two girls burst into laughter.

Then, they were attracted by several trees. They knew these trees. The coconut trees were right, but why did the coconuts on them look so weird?

In fact, it was not just the coconuts that attracted them, but also the tree. It was too tall, thirty or forty meters tall. They had never seen such a tall tree before.

There are not many reefs on the coast of Africa, and most of them are straight lines, so you don’t have to worry about collisions with reefs or anything like that when you stop your boat? Just drive to the beach.

It's just a little troublesome to walk, as you have to push into the water. However, the two girls are still strong, and the girls of the Ye family are all men.

Because it is a beach, there is no way to tie the cable. At least the boat is already semi-stranded, so there is no need to worry about being washed away by the water.

When I came under the tree, I couldn't even see the treetops. The tree was more than thirty meters high. When I stood under the tree, I thought, it can only be described as towering into the clouds.

The coconut can be seen, but the key point is that the coconut looks really weird. There are two types of fruits, one is long and somewhat curved, and the other is oval.

The key point is that this shape can make you imagine a certain organ at a glance, which is the most typical one to distinguish between females and males.

"Sister, can I drink this?"

Ye Mei stared at the tree. Although the tree was a bit tall, if you wanted to drink a coconut, it was not impossible. The key question was whether you could drink this unorthodox coconut?

The two of them were hesitating when suddenly a male coconut fell from the sky. Ye Mei was quick to grab it and looked up.

I saw a baboon looking down from above, his expression full of pride.

Ye Mei was furious. She had never been bullied before in her life. She didn't expect that a monkey would want to rebel all the way to Africa.

Ye Mei casually threw the male coconut she just picked up upwards.

It's just that the tree is too high, and the coconut was thrown for more than ten meters before its strength was exhausted and it fell again.

Seeing this scene, the baboon danced with joy, picked off a female coconut and threw it down.

Ye Mei didn't dare to pick it up this time. The coconut was a bit big, but Ye Rou pushed it with her palm when it fell to the ground, for fear of breaking it.

Picking up the coconut, Ye Rou's face suddenly turned red. This thing looked a bit too vivid. I never thought there were such magical species in the world.

They had been to Marseille City when they were children and had some simple understanding of the species on this continent. But are you really not shy when a coconut grows like this?

But shyness is shyness, and curiosity must be satisfied after all, so Ye Mei took out a knife and chopped it on the male coconut first.

Because it wasn't very thick in the first place, when the knife went down, it made a cut, and when I stretched out my hand, it broke into two sections. There is only a little bit of coconut milk in it, and even the coconut meat is pitifully thin.

Ye Mei muttered: "Sure enough, there are not many reliable male species."

Ye Rou covered her mouth and kept laughing. Ye Mei picked up the female coconut angrily, chopped it a few times, and then shouted in surprise.

The cool coconut juice flowed out along the edge of the knife. She hurriedly put her mouth to it and drank several big sips in succession. Then handed it to Ye Rou.

Because it has just been picked, the coconut juice inside is just like being taken out of the refrigerator. It is refreshing and thirst-quenching, and very comfortable.

Ye Rou also took a few big sips and felt that her belly was bulging, so she had to take it away.

In this era, thinness has begun to be regarded as beauty, and girls are very concerned about their figure.

Naturally, the two of them couldn't finish drinking such a big coconut. They had just discussed taking it to the boat to drink when a sudden roar startled the two of them.

When I looked up, I saw a lion and an elephant confronting each other. No matter how confident they were, they didn't have the courage to confront such animals. So, the two just looked at each other and then started to climb up the coconut tree. climb.

This is a survival instinct, at least the heights are beyond the reach of these two creatures.

But the baboon in the tree felt in danger. Perhaps it thought the two humans were coming to retaliate against it, so it screamed "Zhi Zhi" while breaking the coconut and smashing it down.

This action naturally caused trouble for the two sisters. Ye Mei had a bad temper. She roared and accelerated her climb. She wanted to teach the monkey a lesson.

Ye Rou couldn't help shouting from below: "The tree is too tall, keep up your strength!"

Ye Mei lowered her head and glanced at her sister, agreed, and finally calmed down, lowering her speed and climbing up.

After struggling for a while, the baboon saw that there was no way to stop it, and was frightened by the confrontation between the lion and the elephant. Finally, it made a leap, jumped to a nearby tree, and hibernated.

The two sisters finally climbed to the top of the tree. With the branches to draw on, the two of them didn't have to work so hard, especially the wide coconut leaves like a pair of parasols, wrapping them up and keeping them cool.

At this time, I could finally look at the tree with peace of mind, and saw that the two behemoths had stopped roaring. The male lion made a trill in its throat, and then rushed towards the elephant.

Because I rode a lion as a child, I have an innate affinity for this creature. It's just that the size of the elephant is obviously several times that of the lion, so this kind of charge doesn't look very impressive.

Sure enough, the moment the lion came into contact with him, the elephant lowered his head, raised his trunk, picked up the lion, and then raised his head vigorously.

The lion's huge body flew up into the air like a toy, then rolled and landed on the ground behind the elephant.

After all, this is a beach, relatively soft, otherwise it would take half of the lion's life with just one blow.

The elephant turned around and approached the lion. The lion roared and reluctantly stood up. Although it was injured at the moment, the dignity of the king of beasts prevented him from bowing his head.

Seeing the disdain in the eyes of the approaching elephant, the male lion tried to straighten his body and patrolled the elephant with fierce eyes, trying to find a suitable target to attack.

They are all animals that have lived on this continent for generations, and they know each other very well. Generally speaking, lions will not mess with elephants.

After all, this guy is tall and strong. In martial arts, there is a saying that one force can reduce ten. This is the truth. Although the lion is ferocious, there is a huge difference in strength. How can we fight?

Therefore, generally when lions see an elephant, they will go around. Unless a group of lions encounters a lone old or young elephant, they can provide a meal.

It's just that today this male elephant seemed to have nothing to do and took the initiative to find trouble. After seeing the male lion, he kept staying away from him until the lion stopped to rest, and then he came up to him.

It's not that the lion can't run, but the lion's deep self-esteem doesn't allow it to leave just like that. So it decided to fight to the death.

It's just that the elephant's skin is too thick, and the lion has never been able to find a suitable place to bite. If a charge cannot cause damage to the opponent, then it will be hurt. The lion understands this.

The elephant didn't care about the lion's little thoughts at all, and slowly approached the lion with square steps. It was ready to trample the reptile to death with its own legs.

As it walked, its fifth leg was swaying, as if it was going to be used as a whip to beat the lion to death.

The lion's eyes lit up and he seemed to have an idea. He slowly stood up straight and no longer planned to pounce. Instead, he imitated the elephant and approached slowly.

The elephant saw the lion's behavior and hesitated in its steps. However, it felt that there was no need to be afraid of the reptile, so it raised its head and quickened its pace, preparing to trample it to death.

Just when their bodies just came into contact, the lion moved. The body of an African elephant is four to five meters tall, and the height of its legs alone is more than two meters, while the height of a lion is only a little over one meter. This size makes it easy for it to move. Entering underneath the elephant's body.

Then the lion pounced and bit the vital part of the elephant that was swinging back and forth.

"Ang!" The elephant's sharp roar resounded through the sky.

No matter how big it is or how high its force value is, fatal points exist for all living things.

As a weak lion, he seized the opportunity at the last moment of his life and gave the elephant a fatal blow!

In fact, it is also the elephant's own fault for underestimating the enemy. Although the capital is sufficient, it can be used to swat flies and kill mosquitoes from time to time, but when fighting, can't you restrain yourself?

How powerful are lion’s teeth? After one bite, a piece of sausage is gone, but where is it willing to let it go? Continue to hold the top piece in one mouthful.

The elephant was already rolling on the ground in pain. The lion pursued the victory and bit the elephant's neck.

However, the elephant's skin is too thick, and the lion's sharp teeth only leave a few holes in the skin.

Naturally, the lion will not give up and continues to cut. Its teeth have been used as saws. It has risked its life and will create a glory for itself no matter what.

The two girls on the tree were covering their eyes with their hands because it was difficult to see some things. But the fingers can be exposed appropriately.

It wasn't until the elephant and the lion rolled into a ball that they looked so shocked that they even forgot to scream.

Two animals with huge differences in size and weight were entangled in each other. Mainly because the lion refused to let go.

The elephant was in severe pain and just wanted to crush the reptile to death with its own weight. But the lion was already desperate, and its teeth had already cut a gash in the elephant's neck.

All beasts have their own special skills in hunting. For example, the lion at this moment, after biting open the elephant skin, immediately found the elephant's blood vessels and trachea.

Although at this time the elephant had already sensed a crisis in his life and rolled more intensely.

But the lion didn't let go at all, even if he was pressed into a photo.

The battle finally ended with the lion biting off the elephant's trachea. The battlefield battle was enough to shock the animal world.

It is simply unimaginable for a male lion to kill a bull elephant by himself, even though the lion seemed to be dying at the moment.

After watching the whole battle, the two girls finally carefully slipped down the tree and slowly approached the lion.

The main reason is that a group of jackals are also trying to approach the battlefield at this moment, and the smell of blood has made them ignore their fear of lions.

The two girls each held a small knife, which was taken from the boat. They did not allow the group of guys to hurt the lion.

This is mainly due to the mount in Marseille City, the Lion King that only the Ye family is allowed to ride.

The two girls were born to regard the lion as one of their own, so they had to protect it. Of course, they were powerless to intervene when fighting the elephant. They were not cowards, they really couldn't beat it.

The jackals were naturally not afraid of the two female humans. They bared their teeth and made threatening noises to get them to stay away.

But Ye Mei and Ye Rou came closer, the knives in their hands glowing coldly, ready to insert into the jackal's throat at any time.

It was said that Yang San finally swam to the beach, and his mobile phone had long been out of use. At least someone on the dock found a mobile phone and called Ye Feng, and then added two boats and started chasing.

There is no way, if something happens to the two sisters, the father will cut himself alive.

It's just that there are no speedboats on the pier, they are all cargo ships. It is obviously impossible for such a ship to chase a motorboat.

But how could Yang San care so much? Even if there was a small sampan, he would paddle to catch it.

Ye Feng was stunned when he received the call. He never thought that two sisters who were always well-behaved in front of him could do such a thing.

He quickly called Mushroom and asked him to send a helicopter to search the sea. At this time, Yang San had already called the escort team, and the gunboats and helicopters had already set off.

Why don’t you even have a monthly pass? This is wrong, brothers.

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