Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2127 Tactics

Relatively more of his people escaped, about twenty or thirty, mainly because the battle just now was too close to them.

But at this moment, the skull wished they were all dead, and two of them had already been killed, because how could these people's lives be exchanged for a new ship?

But there is no point in doing anything at this moment. There are not many ships moored in the port now.

As the biggest pirate leader, he was not worried about not getting a ship, he was only worried about spending money to buy it.

Skull is a very cunning man. Although he lives in a war-torn country, he always maintains respect for the weak government.

It's not that he is afraid, the current group of people are just puppets. Even if they control an army, they dare not attack anyone.

There is no way, the poor can't even afford bullets, because the only money-making industry in the country is piracy.

And Skull would help them from time to time, not because he had any sense of nationality, but because every time the pirates committed something, they would ask the government for mediation or protest.

He found that it was a very good shield. With this sign, no fleets from other countries would casually attack his territory. After all, that's war.

Therefore, he gives alms from time to time just to prevent those politicians from starving to death. After all, they have to rely on them to cover up when trouble comes.

Otherwise, once they publish his name in the media, he will definitely become the target of public criticism.

When the time comes, instead of starting a war, they will directly launch a special forces raid for you. Skull is not yet confident enough to think that his ragtag group can withstand the beheading action.

Therefore, he spends money every year to hide himself. Although he is famous in the circle of peers, there is really no one like him in the media.

After so many years of smooth sailing, he has already developed the habit of being arrogant and extravagant. His mansion is the most luxurious building in the entire Port of Aden.

Surrounding the mansion is his barracks, and his pirate team has expanded to more than 5,000 people.

It's just that there are less than a thousand people who can actually plunder at sea, and the people here are relatively stupid. But robbery at sea is a technical job.

As for why so many people are needed, it's just to build momentum. Anyway, it's just to distribute some food so as not to starve to death.

Dante Port is a very famous and excellent port in the entire Gulf of Aden. It was originally one of the main sources of government tax revenue.

However, with the frequent wars, merchant ships rarely come here to trade. Only some merchants from home countries will go to sea here after opening up the joints.

Naturally, these merchants have to reach an agreement with the skeleton and give him half of the profits. This way the skeleton won't cause trouble for others.

Because there are not many such people, it has caused a serious shortage of domestic materials.

After all, in Africa, most countries have no industry and rely on imports for everything.

These merchants have become independent businesses and can charge sky-high prices. Because it's easy to work with the skull.

Skeleton lost more than 500 people in this battle. At least he was smart and asked some non-professional pirates to increase their numbers.

Even so, his number of professional players was reduced by 300. Otherwise, how could he be so angry?

After losing his temper, Skull finally calmed down. After all, he has always been as warm as spring in front of his subordinates, and he cannot do such things that damage his reputation too many times.

The leader of the ground troops was his brother. Seeing that he finally calmed down, he stepped forward and asked:

"Do you think we need to step up our guard?"

The skeleton turned and entered the room, ignoring him. This mentally retarded person actually thought that someone with a bayonet security dared to come here?

Seeing that the boss was ignoring him, the leader lowered his head and watched his figure disappear inside.

Then he cursed in a low voice to several of his subordinates who were suppressing their smiles and working very hard:

"Cheer up, everyone. If something goes wrong, I'll make you pay with your heads one by one!"

The men immediately stood at attention, with their chests and belly raised, but as soon as the leader came out of the house, they immediately sat on the ground in a mess, throwing the guns in their hands on the ground.

Skeleton is a very insecure person, so there are people standing guard in his living room.

If it weren't for some inconvenient facts, someone would probably have to be on duty in the bedroom with a gun.

But he is self-aware. If he really wants to do that, with his fat three-second brother, it is more likely that his woman will accidentally misfire. I don’t know which bastard got the better of him.

In the middle of the night, everyone was awakened by the rumbling sound of cannons, and the skeleton jumped out of bed like a rabbit.

"What's going on? Has anyone reported it at the dock?"

At this time, the phone in the living room rang, and the skeleton rushed to the living room to answer the phone.

As a result, there was a "pop" sound, and he tripped over a sleeping guy lying on the ground. He fell to the ground like a dog and couldn't get up for a long time.

Finally, one of the men was woken up by the ringing of the phone. He got up and picked up the phone while mumbling curses.

"Hey, do you know what time it is? Why did you call here and wake up the big boss? You don't want to live anymore?..."

But before he finished his reprimand, he said "ah":

"What, you mean the bayonet security men came to attack the dock? How is that possible? Okay, I'll report to the boss right away!"

The men hurriedly ran into the house, only to feel their feet step on something soft and let out a scream. But he couldn't care less.

There was no light in the bedroom and it was dark. He shouted and no one answered, so he moved toward the bed.

At any rate, the room was not big, so I quickly reached the bedside and called "Boss". When I didn't hear any response, I stretched out my hand and touched it out.

It was soft and elastic. The men were sure that this must be the boss's fat body, so they grabbed a handful hard.

Then an earth-shaking sharp scream sounded: "You...what are you going to do?"

His subordinates were so excited that they ran away. Oh my god, why did they become a woman?

I ran back to the living room and heard a weak voice on the ground: "Help me up, I'm going to kill you!"

Looking down, he saw that the person he had stepped on just now was his plump boss. So, he ran away. He couldn't help it. His behavior today was a bit bad. If he didn't run, he wouldn't be able to survive!

The skeleton finally got up from the ground. At this time, almost everyone woke up and helped him to the phone.

"What's going on at the dock? Why are there so many cannons?"

The microphone was very noisy, and his No. 2 general reported angrily:

"Boss, the security men with bayonets are coming and they are firing. The brothers can't stand it anymore! If it doesn't work, we will withdraw."

"Get out of here and hold on tight. Take a step back and I'll pull you all out to feed the dogs!"

The skeleton roared so loudly that the roof shook. He was really going crazy.

The younger brother came after hearing the news. After learning the situation, he didn't waste a moment. He gathered everyone nearby and surrounded the skeleton's mansion.

The skeleton has a total of eighteen wives, and they are all gathered in a large room at this moment.

As for their life and death, the skeleton didn't care. He had already run to the basement, where he had all his property, including gold, gems, and rolls of US dollars that were almost moldy.

In addition, there are a batch of new weapons, such as grenades and heavy machine guns, which are sealed in oily boxes and have not been opened at all.

The skeleton left the personal guards at the entrance of the basement and ordered that they were not allowed to leave their posts until they died.

Ye Feng commanded the gunboats to shoot towards the shore in turn. All enemy positions were on the dock. They relied on the various buildings on the pier as bunkers to hide themselves. He didn't even dare to fight back.

Ye Feng was a bit frustrated in this battle, why the hell did you fight back? At least I'm not wasting bullets.

What's the point of lying down behind a barrier without even farting?

Originally, he and Yang San had agreed to hold a meeting first and attract enemy firepower here. By the time Yang San arrived, almost all the armed forces in the city had been attracted.

As a result, after fighting for a long time, not only did no reinforcements be found, but none of the people on the shore fought back. They all lay there and pretended to be dead.

Ye Feng was so angry! Are these pirates still doing all kinds of evil at sea?

When you faced merchant ships, weren't you all majestic and fearless? Why are we calling you at the door of your house, yet all of them are so cowardly?

At least from the beginning, Ye Feng did not let all the gunboats fire. Otherwise, how many shells would have been wasted after this bombardment. Who would reimburse them?

Seeing that the other party had not responded, Gabon jumped up suddenly: "Boss, can I lead someone to rush forward?"

Ye Feng was a little hesitant. Both Gabon and Peter were his sister's apprentices. They did well after coming to Africa. Gabon is now Yang San's deputy.

He was already holding a machine gun in his arms and was already impatient to hold it against the shore and use it as a firecracker. He had long since lost interest.

At this time, he was already the highest official here, so he could act easily. It's just that Ye Feng is here, and he really doesn't dare to act without authorization.

Ye Feng frowned and thought for a moment. Although he had agreed with Yang San that his team would not go ashore, the situation was like this and there was no way to go as planned. He just had to leave people to protect the ship.

I can bring some people with me to annihilate the enemies on the dock first. At the very least, it can reduce the pressure on Yang San and others.

Ye Feng waved his hand: "Then come on, arrange for people to guard the ship, and let's go up and kill him!"

Today's battle has aroused the ferocity in Ye Feng's heart. Although he received an elite education, he still had the blood of the Ye family in his heart.

Gabon smiled "hehe" and quickly issued an order. In order to confuse the enemy, the sound of artillery did not stop, but was sparse. The boat has quietly approached the dock.

Gabon was the first to rush onto the pier and fired the trigger at the pirates behind the obstacle. The bullets formed fire snakes in the night and fired mercilessly.

Waves of screams were heard, and those who were not hit ran away with their heads in their hands. For a moment, messy footsteps could be heard everywhere on the dark dock.

Gabon has a violent personality, and he was a little aggrieved because he was unable to operate on land with Yang San and the others this time.

But he still had to protect Ye Feng, so he had to accept this arrangement. Now that he got this opportunity, how could he let it go?

When the team members saw how brave the captain was, how could they not rush to the front? One by one, tigers descended down the mountain, shooting and chasing.

Although these pirates may not be good at fighting, they are not slow in running. Even the Maasai people, who are always good at running, couldn't catch up in a short period of time. This shows how powerful the explosive power is at this moment.

The main thing is that the bayonet security team members are all fully armed. Even the equipment and weapons add up to a load of dozens of kilograms. Naturally, they are not as easy to run as they are.

These guys started running, even throwing away their weapons, and they looked like rabbits.

Even so, as the journey lengthens, the advantages of long-term training of the bayonet security team members also become apparent.

While the pirates opened their mouths one by one and began to breathe desperately, and when their legs could no longer move at all, the bayonet team members were all busy, their eyes full of teasing.

The battle ended in this ridiculous way. Few of the pirates even had time to shoot.

Ye Feng couldn't help but shake his head, wondering why these guys were galloping on the sea?

There were about five to six hundred enemies on the pier. When one of them charged down, most of them surrendered.

Looking at these cowards, Ye Feng was about to ask someone to collect their weapons, but unexpectedly Gabon stopped him and suggested:

"Why don't we let them be the vanguard? Help us attack their lair. This will also reduce our casualties. There will definitely be some capable people in their lair."

Ye Feng looked confused: "Can they be obedient? Aren't you afraid that they will turn their guns against us?"

Gabon grinned: "Don't worry, this matter will be taken care of by me."

Ye Feng no longer stopped, Gabon stood on a high platform and shouted loudly:

"You are all working for the skeleton, and I don't want to embarrass you today. If anyone is willing to join us to attack the skeleton's lair, I will forget about your past affairs and reward you with a hundred dollars for every enemy you kill. "

Having said this, he glanced at them fiercely, and then continued:

"If you don't want to go, I won't force you. After all, our bayonet security guards are benevolent. Just put down your weapons and wait to be shot."

The members of Bayonet Security laughed and couldn't help but admire how talented the deputy captain was.

Ye Feng had a look of despair on his face. Is this called kindness? Was this guy taught Chinese by a physical education teacher?

The pirates looked at each other. In this case, no one would dare to resist, so they had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Comparing it, it seems that my companions are easier to deal with. These bayonet security guards are all animals and cannot be defeated!

As a result, the bayonet security team, which originally had only a hundred people, instantly became seven or eight hundred people.

The dock was about three kilometers away from the skeleton's lair. When they arrived, it was already starting to get dark.

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