Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2126 The most miserable pirate in history

It's just that the ship is not a carriage. It is impossible to say that it can turn around immediately, not to mention that there are a lot of ships crowded together now.

At this time, Yang San piloted the plane in a dive, and the plane suddenly came over the shark's command ship.

It's said to be a command ship, but it's actually a fishing boat, and Shark is standing on top of the ship, shouting.


Yang San shouted! In fact, he didn't need to shout, the team members inside the plane had already thrown the grenade downwards.

Ye Feng's aim was better, and a grenade hit the shark's head directly, knocking him into the sea with a "pop".

But in his panic, Ye Feng forgot to turn on the safety, and the grenade was used as a stone.

The sudden attack by the helicopter threw the fleet that was just about to reorganize into a mess.

At this moment another volley from bayonet security arrived. The cannonballs roared, stirring up clouds of smoke and fire in the fleet. This huddled fleet did not have to worry about missing, and bursts of screams rang out one after another.

At this time, Ye Feng also became excited and kept throwing grenades accurately to the vital parts of the enemy ship.

The pile of ships has now become a killing ground, with shells and grenades exploding constantly. The pirates have no place to escape, let alone resistance. The only way to survive is to jump into the sea.

But this place is dozens of kilometers away from the nearest coast, and there is a narrow escape from death if the transfer is carried out, not to mention that ships keep sinking.

The undercurrent brought up sucked people on the water directly towards the depths. That's basically a narrow escape.

Ye Feng felt that his blood was burning. He was not a cruel person, but he did not have the slightest mercy when facing this group of inhumane pirates.

After they ran out of grenades, they started firing with machine guns. After a massacre, a certain idea in their hearts suddenly came to light.

For so long, he has been feeling a little depressed because of the incident at Hohmann Company. After all, it was because of him that so many people staked everything on him.

But after the baptism of this war, it seems that nothing matters anymore. Things that many people regard as bigger than the sky, at this time when life is so trivial, what do they mean?

As long as you are alive, there is still a chance for everything. Why should we still worry about the gains and losses of that moment?

Isn't it just some money? I'm so young, I just need to earn my money back, and I just need to repay these people in the future, but I can't walk with a heavy burden on my back.

The shark, with its head above the water, looked at all this sadly.

Only then did he fully understand that there were people in this world that he couldn't afford to offend. What's the use of just regretting it?

Others may not have tried their best, but he gave it his all. With this defeat, even if he wanted to start from scratch, he had no capital at all.

At this time, a cannonball struck. He held the side of the ship and quickly dived into the deep water. There was a muffled sound in his eardrums, and then an undercurrent surged in, slamming his body tightly against the ship's board.

I don’t know how many times this situation has happened? Sharks already have extensive experience evading death.

But his heart at this moment was already more painful than death. Because I don’t know anything after death.

But after surviving, he is no longer the all-powerful pirate, but an ordinary person who has to struggle for three meals a day. This kind of life is worse than death.

Submerged in the water, he felt that he should not rise again. Because he doesn't dare to face the world anymore.

But when the stuff in his chest was about to explode, he finally came up, not because he wanted to, but because of instinct.

There was a huge roar in the sky, and forty helicopters covered the sky and enveloped the entire fleet.

The pirates no longer had the courage to shoot in the air, but rushed to jump into the sea like dumplings falling into the pot.

It's just that not even a wave of their investment can be seen. After all, the water waves caused by the bomb covered everything.

"Keep bombing! Until nothing can be seen! One more day they exist, one more day of killing!"

Yang San's voice sounded from the intercom, cold and mechanical, like an electronic synthesized sound.

At this time, Ye Feng had thrown away everything he could and had run out of bullets. The helicopter's fuel consumption also reached a critical point and it had to return.

"Put down the rope ladder!" he ordered without hesitation.

Yang San glanced at him hesitantly, and finally let it go. Ye Feng began to slide down the rope ladder.

Yang San waved to others to drive the plane back, while he followed Ye Feng and slid down.

After the bombing, the planes had to leave eventually, and as the leader of the convoy, Yang San was naturally responsible for the finishing touches.

After this round of bombing, there was not a complete ship left on the sea. Broken ship planks and various supplies were floating, mixed with countless corpses. The sea was black and red, exuding a strong smell.

The red ones are blood and the black ones are oil. I believe that a shark will be attracted to it soon. Then it will be like nothing happened here again, and the water will still be clear. The sun is still so bright...

Sometimes, killing is to reduce killing, and after all, there are some people in this world who should not exist.

The people in the convoy were salvaging the living people. Those who couldn't be saved could just be shot.

There were very few people alive, and they were pulled up for treatment. The shark hugged a piece of ship plank and was pulled up together with the plank.

The desire to survive made him yell, and he was eventually brought to the boat where Yang San and Ye Feng were.

Because Yang Geyong's name was always included in his shouts, the team members did not dare to deal with it without permission, because it was the God in their hearts, and they could only let the son of God come.

After the interrogation, Yang San finally figured out what was going on? I couldn't help laughing and called my father.

After Yang Geyong listened quietly, he couldn't help but laugh:

"Son, this guy is very lucky. We, father and son, have not killed him twice. It means that this is an enemy specially left by God for us. Let him go."

"I got it, Dad!"

Yang San agreed happily. His father was right, you should always leave some enemies to train yourself, otherwise the world would be too boring.

A total of three of Shark's people and him survived. When they were sent to the shore, Yang San and Ye Feng decided to take a look.

Mainly because they haven't seen what a pirate stronghold looks like?

Walking all the way, Ye Feng and Yang San couldn't help being shocked. How could this be a pirate stronghold? It was clearly a small seaport town with beautiful scenery!

Just because of neglect, sewage flows across the streets and garbage is everywhere. Angry, Yang San punched a sinus:

"Don't you know how to clean your own territory?"

At this moment, the shark was as dull as a walking zombie. He didn't react at all when he was hit, but his lips were slightly opened:

"It's yours now. Just ask someone to clean it."

Yang San kicked him again: "What nonsense are you talking about? Aren't you a country? Are you going to give it to me as you say?"

Shark looked aggrieved: "I have always had the final say here. They were all driven away by me and the school was disbanded. Why don't you believe it?"

Yang San and Ye Feng looked at each other in confusion, mainly because it was hard to believe what this guy said. What do you mean by driving away? Can you, a pirate, really drive the government away?

But believe it or not, people on the road looked at the shark with awe. Even if his hands were tied at the moment, no one dared to look directly at this guy.

For safety reasons, Yang San and Ye Feng led a team of 100 people ashore. After all, this is their home base. Who knows what will happen?

It wasn't until he was approaching the door of Shark's house that two guys with guns finally appeared.

They looked sleepy, as if they had just woken up, then suddenly picked up their guns and fell to their knees.

Yang San looked confused and asked Ye Feng, "What do they call etiquette?"

Ye Feng almost couldn't help but kicked him. Is this called etiquette? Is this surrender?

Because this time the shark team was almost in full force, only a few old, weak, sick and disabled were left.

And Yang San and the others escorted them all the way. The people went from fear to curiosity. Seeing that this team didn't say anything bad to them at all, they couldn't help but follow them along the way.

Shark's house has a yard, but no gate. I don't know who demolished the gate a long time ago. This place was originally the police station of the small town. From the gate, you can see everything.

When Shark's sister saw her brother being escorted back like this, she knelt down on the ground and begged:

"Don't kill him, I'll give you all the money!" After saying that, he ran into the house, dragged out a big box, and then knocked it upside down on the ground.

The group of people looked disappointed. There were only some jewelry, clothes, and a few guns.

Yang San looked disgusted and kicked the shark again:

"Are you just asking for food? Are you going to give this job to your wife for just this little thing? Are you going to embarrass the pirates?"

Shark looked helpless: "I gave it all to my subordinates, plus buying weapons, I don't have any money here."

Seeing that there was really no money to be made, Yang San pulled Ye Feng and turned away. Anyway, dad said to keep this guy, since he can’t kill him, let’s go. Anyway, there were basically zero casualties on our side in this battle, except that some ammunition was destroyed.

Unexpectedly, Shark suddenly knelt down in front of Yang San and hugged his thigh:

"Please, don't leave. Why don't you take me away? Otherwise, I won't be able to survive if you leave."

Ye Feng turned his head and glanced at the people gathered behind him. Many of them had anger in their eyes, and some were staring at Sister Shark, full of lustful evil.

I sighed in my heart, it seemed that this shark was right. If they left like this, the fate of this shark and his sister would probably be a thousand times more miserable than death. For a moment, he didn't know what to do?

Yang San was very calm, raised his eyebrows and asked:

"Give me a reason to let you live. In fact, this is not about sparing your life, but about saving your life. If you have no value at all, I will not care about you."

Shark gritted his teeth: "How about I take you to raid other pirates' lairs? They have a lot of money!"

Yang San's eyes lit up, what a great idea! The key to today's battle is that although there were no casualties, there were so many artillery shells and missiles, which one was not bought with money?

Yang San is not an ordinary teammate, and he will definitely not think that these have nothing to do with him. After all, Bayonet Security is his father's company.

But Ye Feng was there and probably wouldn't agree with him doing such a risky thing, so he took a sneak peek.

Unexpectedly, Ye Feng was also looking at him at this time. As soon as their eyes met, Ye Feng nodded firmly.

Yang San was overjoyed and picked up the shark: "Let's go, take us away. If the harvest can make up for our losses, I won't treat you badly."

Shark secretly complained: "Nima, if you call this a loss, what do I call it?"

Shark waved to his sister: "I'll be back soon, don't worry."

Through this incident, he has completely understood. No matter how much he hurt this woman, this woman always valued him more than her own life.

If he doesn't treat such a woman kindly, she will really be worse than a beast, even though she is not worse to begin with.

He is not afraid of death, but is afraid of tortures that are worse than death. He could clearly see what was revealed in the people's eyes just now. That means eating his flesh!

The bayonet security team set off again. This time they were divided into two groups. Yang San led a hundred people from the land, while Ye Feng led the gunboat from the sea.

Originally, Ye Feng wanted to go by land. Although Yang San was afraid of him, he firmly refused for a very strong reason.

"Your father only has a few sons, and I have so many, so I can die, but you can't!"

Ye Feng's nose was sour. He used to be too rational, including when it came to feelings. So that I missed a lot of things, maybe I won’t in the future?

Shark's first stop was to directly attack the Somali sailors' lair. It wasn't that Shark wanted to trick Yang San. Although he knew that there would be no shortage of troops on Skull's side, he had inexplicable confidence in the bayonet security team.

The key point is, who has ever seen a war where so many people were killed but there were no casualties?

Shark is about five hundred kilometers away from the Skull Station. Anyway, there are a few big trucks on Shark's side. There aren't many roads here, so it will take about ten hours to get there.

The sea route is much closer. After all, they are all ports, but the Shark side is the largest port in their country.

Carrying oil drums and dry food to eat on the road, Yang San and the others set off quickly.

Seeing the sharks mingling with these soldiers, the people who had gathered around finally dispersed. Bullying the weak and fearing the strong is the essence.

After Ye Feng returned to the ship, he also ordered the team to leave quickly. Although the main force of this battle must be on the land side, Ye Feng also wanted to contain the enemy's strength as much as possible.

At this time, the skull was furious. Within a few hours, the hundreds of people he sent were basically wiped out.

The person he feels sorry for is really not a human being, after all, human life is not valuable here. It was his ships that he felt sorry for.

After all, he is the convener. Even if he doesn't go out to fight in person, he still has to show his sincerity, right? Therefore, half of today's ships are from him.

He even launched his favorite small ship. Although it was old, it was a decommissioned thing from the real navy. It was his lifeblood, and it was gone without even making a sound.

Thank you David and the bookstore brothers for your monthly passes. Both monthly passes and subscriptions have been a bit sluggish recently. Can you support yourself? We are comrades!

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