Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2110 Rushing

In their impression, even the moon is round like a foreign country. Of course, they cannot be blamed for all this. After all, they are still young people and they will inevitably be misled by some things.

It is mainly some domestic public intellectuals who use their influence to constantly promote the so-called Western freedom in the media.

There are also some exaggerations about foreign social welfare, employment, etc. This makes many young people think that as long as you get to the West, even if you smuggled there, you can sleep peacefully and have enough food and clothing.

Therefore, Yun Qingyang had already decided her true path from the day she was admitted to college, and it really started from the moment she set foot on the soil of the United States.

To be honest, the movie didn't impress her at first. It was only after watching it that her thoughts started to fluctuate.

Although those people seemed so stupid, sacrificing their lives just for a slogan, it still made her cry.

Human beings all have feelings, whether it is love or family affection, there is also a feeling of family and country.

For example, if someone tells you that your hometown is not good, even if you don't refute it, you will definitely feel uncomfortable.

Even if you have told others countless times that your hometown is poor and backward, once others disparage you, you will have the urge to strangle them to death.

The same is true for countries. When you are in a foreign country and there is a strong motherland behind you, you will be proud. At the very least, when you tell others that you are Chinese, your voice will involuntarily be louder.

After all, no matter which country you end up being from, the things in your blood cannot be changed. As a song goes:

"With black eyes, black hair, and yellow skin, he will always be the descendant of the dragon."

The same is true for Yun Qingyang. Although she feels that the air in foreign countries is sweet at this time, she also understands in her consciousness that the land under her feet is the most solid.

After returning from watching the movie, her roommate Luo Xiaoxiao hugged her neck: "Qingyang, are you going? I want to go to Junken City to see what those Junken people are like?"

Yun Qingyang shook his head subconsciously, but Luo Xiaoxiao held his head in his hands: "Don't refuse, let's go by plane, go back quickly, please don't be a stumbling block for me to get one million, okay?"

Yun Qingyang covered her face helplessly. She had been unable to do anything with her best friend.

Both of them come from a small town in the south of the Yangtze River and have been together almost since childhood. inseparable.

If the genders were different, the children would all be confused.

It's just a pity that they are of the same sex and have always been together. And he involuntarily rejects the opposite sex, so that only two people can be together all the time.

Yun Qingyang's family has always been in good condition, so he has never had to worry about life, but this is not the case for Luo Xiaoxiao. There is only one mother in the family, and it is already very difficult to support her with frugal food and clothing. Studying abroad is naturally a luxury.

Yun Feiyang has actually been worried about her best friend. She is not worried that she will not pass the TOEFL exam, but is worried that she cannot afford the tuition.

Although she could help her in life, her family would definitely not be able to agree if they were to spend a sum of money for Luo Xiaoxiao to study abroad.

Seeing how serious Luo Xiaoxiao was, Yun Feiyang immediately agreed. After all, that place made her curious too.

Also, she will also be involved in the brother company's affairs this time. It is really not for herself. If she gets the bonus, she will definitely give it to Luo Xiaoxiao as study abroad expenses.

In fact, there is another secret that even Luo Xiaoxiao doesn't know, that is, Yun Feiyang has a netizen named "Shuai Qing Yicheng" who is from Junken City.

It was a coincidence that I met this guy. Yun Feiyang's online name is Qingwu Feiyang. In fact, she rarely chats online. She usually just checks some information.

I happened to meet this guy on a forum one time, expressing a seemingly unorthodox point of view.

That is, this guy wants to build an airport, and this airport is going to be built on a cliff. The most important thing is that this guy wants half of the airport to be suspended in the air, supported only by one pillar.

Everyone has an idea of ​​how heavy the aircraft itself is, plus the impact of the aircraft during takeoff or landing.

If the ground is not solid, it may be crushed, let alone suspended in the air.

But this guy was very eloquent and kept advocating the advantages of the suspended airport. In the end, he was sprayed all over the body, and he actually brought out the aircraft carrier to make a fuss.

The reason why he added him as a friend was actually because Yun Qingyang was overflowing with sympathy, mainly because the guy was scolded so badly.

Moreover, Yun Qingyang also understood that this guy's idea was actually inspired by the Xuankong Temple. Among China's ancient buildings, temples are undoubtedly one of the more representative buildings.

A large number of temples are built on mountains, and they are all very unique. Among them, Ganlu Temple in Fujian is the most magical.

People will be confused when they first see this temple, because Ganluyan Temple has no foundation and the entire temple is built on the mountain, supported only by one pillar.

The temple in Nuoda only relies on one pillar to maintain its stability. What's even more unimaginable is that there have been no accidents in this temple for thousands of years and it is still stable to this day.

I have to say that the architectural craftsmanship of thousands of years ago is really amazing. Experts came here to investigate, but they still don’t know how this temple was built back then.

There is also a long legend about the origin of this temple. A long time ago, a highly respected monk passed by this place and accidentally looked up and found that the entire mountain looked like the face of Buddha, so he decided to build a temple here.

However, this area is not suitable for building houses, and it will definitely be more difficult to use ordinary methods. After the monk's hard thinking, a specially constructed building was born.

Every year, many overseas architects come to this temple for inspection, and they are all shocked by the ancient Chinese architectural craftsmanship. After all, the wisdom of our ancestors is endless.

In fact, for a country with thousands of years of history, there are still many strange-looking buildings, and Ganluyan Temple is only a small part of it.

Yun Qingyang's professional level is very high, but she does not have the courage to make such a design because it completely violates the principles of mechanics.

Yun Qingyang occasionally chatted with Shuai Qingyicheng for a while, not because she was interested in him as a person, but because his unconstrained thinking sometimes gave her inspiration.

The two people have never communicated about each other's personal situation, such as what are their names and how old are they? Bad street questions like what to do.

Their chat was limited to professional aspects, and gradually Yun Feiyang discovered that this guy was actually quite talented.

The reason why I knew he was in Junken City was because I accidentally mentioned Junken Electrical and Mechanical Equipment once. The guy said that he could use it if he ran for ten minutes.

Women all have a kind of curiosity. Although the two of them have not had any substantive communication, and the handsome man Qing Yicheng has not shown the slightest interest in her, the more so, the more Yun Feiyang is interested in this person.

So, the two of them quickly asked for leave and booked air tickets to Junken City. The time was too tight, and Luo Xiaoxiao felt that it was better to see the city with his own eyes.

When getting on the plane, Yun Feiyang sent a message to Shuai Qingyicheng, telling him the time when he would arrive in Junken City and wanting to have a chance to meet.

Yun Feiyang is not a shy girl, but she has little interest in men and women. She wants to consider these issues after studying abroad. After all, it is fundamental to establish a career first and then start a family.

The flight from Beijing to Junken City lasted five hours. The two girls suffered from back pain and leg cramps during the ride, mainly because the distance between the plane seats was too tight. No wonder rich people fly business class.

After finally waiting until the plane landed, the two of them walked down the ramp and saw a tall Dou Warrior cross-country parked next to the shuttle bus not far away.

Luo Xiaoxiao's eyes instantly glowed, and the clouds flew into the air:

"Wow, this car costs over a million dollars. It seems there is a big shot on our flight, otherwise we won't be able to get in the car at the airport!"

Yun Feiyang turned around and took a look. Since the two of them were almost the first to rush off the plane, he could only look behind him to see if there was anyone who looked like a big shot.

After looking around for a long time, I didn't find any suspicious targets. At this time, I heard Yun Feiyang's cell phone ringing. After the phone was connected, a voice asked:

"Is it Qingwu Feiyang? Your plane should have arrived, right? Have you seen the black jeep? Just come up here. I'll be waiting for you in the car."

Yun Feiyang was stunned for a moment. Suddenly he realized that he had told Shuai Qing his cell phone number when he left the message. Could it be him?

"I'm here. Are you handsome? I saw the car. I'll go there right away."

Yun Feiyang hung up the phone and took Luo Xiaoxiao, who was still looking around, and walked towards the jeep.

Ye Mao in the car looked confused. He looked at his cell phone and said to himself, "Why is it a woman?"

Before he could understand, the car door had been opened, and a beautiful smiling face stretched out. He was about to speak but was stunned.

"Who are you?" Yun Feiyang couldn't help but ask.

"Who are you?" Ye Mao also asked.

Luo Xiaoxiao looked at her best friend in astonishment, pulled her back and said:

"Why are you so rash? We don't know anyone here. Why are you holding someone's car door open?"

At this time, Ye Mao came to his senses, got out of the car and asked, "Are you Qingwu Feiyang? Why are you a woman?"

Yun Feiyang nodded, looked at Ye Mao and asked, "Where is Shuai Qing Yicheng?"

Before Ye Mao could answer, Luo Xiaoxiao burst out laughing.

How can someone who can get into Huaqing have a low IQ? How can I not understand that my best friend is meeting a netizen.

But it's a bit strange that a graduate student and a fifteen or sixteen-year-old child have become netizens. It seems that people regard her as a man.

At this time, Ye Mao pointed to his nose: "Of course it's me. How can anyone else be so handsome? I'm the most handsome kid in Junken City!"

"Pfft, haha!" Luo Xiaoxiao and Yun Feiyang laughed again. The key point was that Ye Mao was so confident that he really thought he was the most beautiful one here.

But after laughing, the two Huaqing graduate students took a closer look at Ye Mao and couldn't admit that, except for the fact that he didn't have long hair, this little guy was really handsome.

At this point, Yun Feiyang no longer cared about Ye Mao's age and asked with a stern face:

"Whose car did you borrow? Why did you drive it into the airport? If others find out, they will be arrested."

Ye Mao didn't take it seriously: "This is my car. Don't worry, people from the airport let me in. I have already arranged your accommodation for you. Put your luggage away and go to eat."

Yun Feiyang naturally didn't believe what he said, but at this point, he had no choice but to get out quickly, otherwise it might be really troublesome when the police came, so he quickly got in the car and urged him to leave.

The airport is in the suburbs. Wheat is being harvested at this time. Countless large harvesters are working in the wheat fields. There are also pastures, which have been cut into neat squares when they come out with large lawn mowers. Luo Xiaoxiao and Yun Feiyang are watching. His mouth was wide open, with a look of shock on his face.

Seeing the two women like this, Ye Mao couldn't help but show contempt at the corner of his mouth. He was so ignorant.

However, as a landowner, Ye Mao felt that he had to introduce it to them, then slowed down the car and began to explain to them the principles of these agricultural machinery.

To be honest, as a mainlander, I have never seen such modern agricultural machinery, especially two Jiangnan women.

After all, there is relatively little land there, and most of it is paddy fields. When they learned that the per capita land here reached almost one hundred acres, they were petrified.

This would have been unimaginable in their hometown, but now this scene was truly unfolding before their eyes.

When they arrived in the city, the streets were neat and clean, and the streets and alleys and shops were extremely lively. Especially those people wearing national costumes mixed in with the crowd, making the two beauties think they were abroad.

Ye Mao naturally arranged for them to stay at the Peninsula Hotel. When they saw the building, not to mention Luo Xiaoxiao, even Yun Feiyang felt a little nervous.

The main reason is that it is too luxurious and they are afraid that they cannot afford it financially. Having lived in the capital for a long time, they naturally have some knowledge of the Peninsula Hotel. The prices here are definitely not for the ordinary class.

But after being sent here, why can't I be cowardly in front of a child? Yun Feiyang had already made a plan. As soon as Ye Mao left, they would check out, or at the worst, find another hotel.

But when they entered the room, they were even more stunned. It was a huge suite with complete facilities and a dedicated guest room butler.

Ye Mao sent them into the room and said goodbye. The main reason was that the two girls had to wash up and it was inconvenient for him to sit inside.

He made an appointment to pick them up downstairs for dinner in two hours, and then left.

In fact, Ye Mao was in a hurry to go back to class and sneaked out to pick up someone today. If I don't go back after school, someone will definitely bring the matter to my mother, and she will get scolded again.

All mothers in the world are the same. No matter how well you do, she won't praise you. And if you make a mistake, you won't be able to clean up your ears in a few days.

Every mother hopes that her son will be an omnipotent superman, but she never thinks about her own height.

The reason why Ye Mao originally left the United States, where the teaching environment was relatively relaxed, and settled in Junchen City was because he naturally had his own plans.

On the penultimate day, comrades, the charge horn is blowing!

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