Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2109 Old comrades who are dissatisfied with their old age

Yang Geyong had a black line in his head, but he couldn't refute it. Isn't it just a seed? He didn't know how much wasted by his father before him?

But looking at the high-spirited looks of the old comrades, he was filled with excitement. This group of veterans had no culture and no lofty ideals. They were just the most ordinary people, but that was it. People created this world with their simplest beliefs.

Yang Geyong asked himself that he could not make such selfless contributions as them, let alone the next generation. When everything began to be measured by value, everything they did had only one word left, and that was "Silly!" "

But this world needs some "idiots" after all...

The group of people took a few trucks, yes, a few trucks with relatively strong off-road performance, and started to set off.

Yang Geyong and Wei Yuxiang originally wanted to exchange buses for them, or simply transfer ten off-road vehicles, but they were sternly rejected by the old comrades.

According to the words of the old comrades, they are here to conduct surveys, not to enjoy the benefits of being uncles.

Because it has been marked on the map beforehand, the route has been roughly determined, so today we will observe the specific road conditions on the spot.

China Railway Corporation has specialized technical personnel with them, bringing various measuring tools.

Not to mention, not long after leaving Junken City, the old comrades played a big role. They were really familiar with the terrain here.

Where there are ditches and where there are mountains, after some communication, they were all clearly explained. Of course, they don't understand things like viaducts.

Therefore, according to their plan, that is how to avoid these places without detouring.

When Yang Geyong told them that many places needed to build viaducts of several kilometers or even more than ten kilometers, Comrade Zhao couldn't help but became furious:

"How much does it cost to play the piano randomly? This is not how you spend your money!"

People from the China Railway Corporation had to explain to them in detail the important role and benefits of the viaduct. When the cost of the railway was finally known, the old comrades fell silent.

They cannot afford such a high price, but they have to surrender to this fact. But when surveying, I became more careful...

Times have changed and they are getting older. There are many concepts that they can no longer keep up with or understand, but so what? After all, they are also people who have changed the world.

Yang Geyong and Wei Yuxiang did not express any opinions from beginning to end. They just silently provided logistical support.

The rest of the time is to help old comrades communicate with people from China Railway Corporation. What Yang Geyong wants to do is to let the old comrades express their opinions and try to meet the requirements, because he understands that this road may be the one they can take in northern Xinjiang. The last way to participate….

When they came out, they brought tents and dry food. This is the style of old comrades. They will not go home until they finish their work.

At every meal, Yang Geyong and Wei Yuxiang were like their orderlies, trying to get them to drink some soup or porridge, but they were often scolded.

"Go away, do you think we are the young masters and ladies of the landlord's family? When I eat fried noodles in the snow in winter, you are not here!"

At this point, an old comrade actually took out his dry food bag, which was actually half a bag of fried noodles.

Many people don’t know what fried noodles are? In fact, you just fry the flour in a pot and rinse it with water when you eat it.

In fact, this kind of food is available in many places, and it can also be regarded as a local snack. But that’s the deluxe version.

When people make fried noodles, they add a lot of sesame seeds and crushed peanuts, plus some other dried fruits, then add sugar and rinse it with boiling water, and it is a complete delicacy.

However, the Bingtuan's fried noodles with oil are a simplified version. At first, there was no oil at all. At most, some salt was added, but the taste was indescribable.

Comrade Lao Zhao grabbed a handful of fried noodles and put it into his mouth, then took a sip of water and swallowed it with difficulty. He looked at Ye Wancheng with a smile:

"What's going on? You can't eat anymore? You child soldiers have never suffered! You're so pampered."

Ye Wancheng gave him a disdainful look: "Don't come here. I'm only a few years older. Don't think we haven't been hungry."

Wei Quanyou laughed "haha": "At that time, he was so high up that he didn't know what the soldiers were eating."

Liu Xinghua was not happy at this time and defended Lao Zhao: "At that time, the regiment commander saved all the rations and distributed them. Not only him, no one in the regiment could have enough to eat. He said that the rations should be saved for the comrades in the company. They The work is heavy..."

At this time, everyone was silent. Many things did not need to be said, they all understood it, and no one doubted whether it was true or false, because there was no falsehood at that time...

The surveying and mapping work took a total of half a month. Of course, this was just the first draft, and many things still required professional personnel. But people from China Railway Corporation will definitely give full consideration to their opinions.

Back in Junken City, two of the old comrades fell ill. Ye Wancheng sighed and finally admitted that they were old.

But Comrade Zhao was unconvinced, even though he had several blisters on his lips...

It will be a month before the plan is finalized, and the construction team here in Junken City is already working in full swing.

No matter how the final plan is decided, at least the plan for more than 100 kilometers from Junken City is completely in accordance with their opinions.

The old comrades naturally refused to be idle, but in this era they no longer needed to build roads with pickaxes and shovels. They were only using bulldozers, forklifts and other tools for construction, and they could only look back and sigh.

Of course, they are not completely without things to do, because since there is a high-speed rail, there must be a high-speed rail station.

Because the original station cannot meet the current passenger volume at all, Junken City has actually wanted to rebuild the station for a long time, but the construction has not started yet.

Now that the high-speed rail is about to enter the country, a beautiful station is naturally indispensable. Otherwise, how can it be worthy of such a new thing?

The high-speed rail station is located on an abandoned military horse farm in YM County. This military horse farm was the pride of this place in a certain era.

It’s just that as time has passed, many things have gradually withdrawn from the stage of history, and their replacements are naturally more advanced things.

As soon as the bidding activity was brewing, builders gathered, including Laorou. He is bound to get this high-speed rail station.

It's not that this project is very profitable. After all, the bids haven't been drawn yet. He just wants to make Ye Yuze look good. He's joking. The brother company is the first company here to go out. How can someone else take away such a thing?

There are many people participating in the bidding, including many strong opponents, such as Wang Che Danjia Company, Wanfang Group, and Yang Wei's children's companies.

Ni Zhifu is now quite satisfied. After leaving his brother's company, he became the boss of Zizi Real Estate Company.

He has participated in almost all major projects in Northern Xinjiang. Of course, he is not invincible in this regard.

But Wang Shuqin didn't trust others, so she left the more important projects to him and Laorou.

After this round of fighting, the Zizi company has naturally made a lot of money, and its momentum is unparalleled. Even more than brother companies.

If we talk about size, in fact, among the current domestic companies, he will definitely not be ranked among the top. However, there are so many projects that even the top companies cannot have such a large scale.

Therefore, Ni Zhifu is naturally determined to win the high-speed rail station project. Even when facing his former boss, he has no fear.

To be honest, he was a little afraid of Lili, not because of Ye Yuze, but because that woman often did things unexpectedly, which made him unable to guard against her.

But now that woman is not here. Although Laorou is here to personally supervise the battle, he is still sure of victory.

This is how it is between companies, although Ye Yuze only needs to say to Yang Wei: "I will build this station!"

Yang Wei would definitely have to stay away without saying a word, but Ye Yuze would definitely not say such a thing, and Yang Wei would definitely not ask. This is what is called business is business, and relationships are relationships.

Technical personnel from various companies gather around the newly designated land every day. It is a large area, but it is not the so-called first in China or the first in Asia.

Junken City has never been a city that loves great achievements. Everything they do is down-to-earth and practical.

This time the government did not hire professionals to design the high-speed rail station design drawings. Instead, it asked companies that came to bid for proposals to come up with plans.

In other words, the bidding was not only about the cost, but also the design drawings. This time the scope is much wider.

First of all, a good design drawing will definitely impress Junken City, so compared to the cost, the design drawing is much more important.

Designers from various companies are now all shirtless and working around the clock. They have to produce the work within just one month, which is a difficult challenge in itself.

To be honest, the brother company has no advantage in this matter now, because the brother company under the leadership of Lao Rou has not had many design talents.

Because since the establishment of the brother company, it has focused on quality and reputation, rather than flashy appearance.

Even the most famous military reclamation international community only adds some northern Xinjiang elements, and the most important thing is practicality.

Therefore, as soon as the bidding plan for Junken City came out, the old man became a little anxious. He had no choice but to let others directly poke his own weakness?

You absolutely can't call Ye Yuze about this matter. It's not that I'm competitive, but that once something happens there, I feel like I'm suspected of cheating.

After all, Ye Yuze's status is there, and his influence on Junken City is even more undoubted. Coupled with the intentional and unintentional beatings from Ni Zhifu and several other company bosses, Laorou's pride did not allow him to ask Ye Yuze for help.

It's just that it's definitely not possible without foreign aid. After discussing with Xiaohui for a long time, he decided to call Lili.

Lili has not worked in the company for almost a year because she gave birth to a child. She stays at home for no major events.

Laorou felt that it was time to ask her to end her maternity leave, because the reputation of the brother company was at stake, and this person could not be lost.

Lili picked up her daughter and gave her a kiss. The little one burst out laughing. Although her daughter had a name, Lili always liked to call her "Niuniu."

The one-week-old child's hair is still a little sparse, soft, and very slender. This has always made Lili a little regretful that she can't give her a nice hairstyle.

However, the child's facial features are very beautiful, especially his big eyes, and he has completely inherited the blood of the Ye family.

The phone rang, and Lili quickly picked it up. She had always arranged the company's affairs very well, and no one would call her unless there were special circumstances.

Lili was also a little surprised to find that it was an old man. She wondered why the boss was looking for her.

When Laorou explained the reason, Lili suddenly became excited. She really didn't know about this beforehand.

Lili took the affairs of Ye Yuze's hometown more seriously than an old man. After just a little hesitation, Lili made a decision and spent a lot of money to recruit talents!

This is the method Ye Yuze liked to use in the past. It's very vulgar, but it works. After all, today is a commodity society, and no expert or scholar will remain indifferent to the RMB.

So Lili decisively began to contact colleges and universities in Beijing that had architectural design departments. Decided to create a photo contest with prizes.

Of course, this does not limit the framework, but relatively speaking, it is more professional and reliable.

However, Lili put forward a condition, that is, the contestants must have watched the movie Junkenren.

Because this is the high-speed rail station of Junken City after all, contestants must have a certain understanding of Junken people before they can design a work that best suits Junken City.

Things were quickly arranged, and once adopted, the bonus was one million. As for the two supplementary works, the prize money is 500,000 yuan.

This kind of thing is naturally not suitable for a series of rewards. Having two backups is already the greatest comfort.

In the capital, the teachers and students of the design department were busy. After all, there was no age or academic qualification limit for this thing. The reason why the department was notified was just for convenience.

Time is very tight, only seven days, and I have to watch the movie Junkenren beforehand. Many people have seen it, but there are always some who have not, so the school decided to replay the film.

Because time was so tight, everyone started composing the picture after watching the movie. In fact, it is not difficult to draw a drawing, the main thing is creativity.

Yun Qingyang is an architecture student at Huaqing University and will graduate soon. She is fully preparing for the TOEFL and is preparing to study abroad in California next year.

After receiving the notice from the department, she did not take it seriously. Although the bonus was very tempting to her, relatively speaking, she still felt that there was no need to waste her time on a train station in a small city.

Although she is a talented young person, she has repeatedly won awards in various design competitions.

However, while watching a movie, she was dragged away by her sisters in the same dormitory. Because her best friend and best friend are an existence that she cannot refuse.

Although Yun Qingyang has a good character, like young people of this era, he is a bit obsessed with foreign things.

At the end of the month, don’t forget to clean up the inventory, comrades.

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