Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2057 Irrational Jackal

There are two large tribes, one is the Tuva tribe and the other is the Musen tribe. In fact, these two tribes originally belonged to the same nation, but later they were divided into two due to differences in beliefs.

Religion was originally created by people. Just to make people believe it, many myths were created to make people believe it.

In fact, the original purpose of all religions is to make people do good, unite and love each other. As a result, there were many cases where later people had different understandings of the doctrine and eventually turned into wars.

Throughout the history of several major sects, the wars caused by their internal divisions are often the most brutal.

Yang Geyong is a person who does not believe in God, so he has no intention to study anyone else's teachings. He only advocates doctrine and force. If he cannot speak doctrine, he will use force to speak.

Mushrooms and jackals actually come from different ethnic groups, each with their own beliefs. But Yang Geyong taught them something. That is, any faith must give way when faced with righteousness and justice.

Since Tuva and Musen coveted the oil fields, Yang Geyong didn't mind beating them up and just walked around the oil fields when they saw them.

Of course, he didn't act recklessly and take the initiative. He had to be reasonable, right?

After all, our nation has always been a people who do not offend others.

Therefore, after Yang Geyong arranged all the matters here, he did not leave in a hurry, but stayed at the headquarters and waited quietly. At least he couldn't come in vain, right? Be prepared to fight with bayonet security to establish your authority.

Among the two large tribes, the Tuva tribe is the least honest. This tribe has a population of hundreds of thousands, and its own conventional armed forces alone include thousands of people.

These weapons are not primitive weapons with sticks and blowguns, but modern weapons. Of course, this modern era is limited to various firearms, and whether it is advanced or not is relative.

Because Western arms dealers have become accustomed to dumping weapons that they have eliminated long ago here, and they can still sell them at high prices.

Yang Geyong sent the jackals to the Zandong Oil Field, because everyone knew that there would definitely be a conflict here. As for when it would happen, it would depend on the mood of the Tuva tribe leader.

In the evening, the chief of the Tuva tribe had just had lunch and was watching a song and dance with a few elders.

Although they are old, they like to watch young girls dance that kind of exciting dance.

That kind of passionate and energetic dance can stimulate their adrenal hormone secretion and make the whole person look younger.

The chief of Tuva is called the Lion King. He got this name because he was so powerful when he was young that he was said to have torn apart a lion with his bare hands.

Of course, this is just a legend. As for the truth, no one knows. After all, folklore is full of mythology.

The wine brewed by the tribe is very turbid and has a strong coconut flavor. The alcohol is not high, but the taste is good.

The Lion King took a bold sip, and then waved to the little girl who was the best dancer.

The little girl ran over quickly and looked at the chief with her big eyes blinking, wondering what he was going to do?

Everyone in the tribe knows that the majesty of the chiefs and elders cannot be challenged. That is to say, everything in the tribe is their property, including the people in the tribe.

Therefore, no matter what request they make, they must agree to it. Otherwise, he will probably be executed.

Therefore, although the little girl was scared, she still ran to the wrinkled old chief without any hesitation.

The Lion King excitedly grabbed a handful of the little girl's plump areas. The little girl screamed in pain and quickly took a few steps back.

The Lion King and several elders laughed evilly, and then waved to the little girl.

The little girl who looked innocent just now was already trembling with fear. She didn't know what this old man was going to do to her. But she knew she couldn't resist.

The Lion King grabbed the little girl who was close to him, and then stretched out his hand to tear her apart. With a "tear" sound, the little girl's clothes tore in half, and she stood half-naked and shivering in front of everyone.

"Go ahead and dance for me. This way you can dance beautifully." The Lion King commanded with a lewd smile.

The little girl continued to dance in the bonfire with tears in her eyes, but her dance was no longer as vigorous and joyful as before.

The two guarding tribal warriors looked at all this, their eyes full of hatred, but they were just small people.

At this time, a wretched-looking man hurried over, walked up to the Lion King, bowed his head and said:

"My great chief, Zandong Oilfield rejected our request for an increase in rent and wounded the warriors we sent."

The Lion King roared angrily: "Trash, how many people do they have? How many people do you have? How could you be injured by them?"

The wretched man looked helpless: "My great Lion King, they only have twenty security guards, but they are extremely brave. All the seventy or eighty people I brought were injured by them, and even my arm was injured. "

After saying this, he stretched out his arms wrapped in strips of cloth in front of the Lion King, asking for comfort.

The Lion King punched the arm hard, and the wretched man screamed and sat on the ground holding his injured arm.

The Lion King roared angrily: "Gather the tribal warriors to me, I'm going to attack those foreigners!"

Cheers rang out, and a strong man quickly blew the horn. This strong man was the leader of the Tuva Warrior Legion, named Lion.

This name was given to him by the Lion King, which means that he is the Lion King's most loyal subordinate.

The Lion is brave and resourceful, and has a high prestige among the young people of the tribe. The main reason is that he is considerate of his subordinates and is not as cruel as the Lion King.

Soon, the lion gathered all the warriors at the tribe headquarters, about a thousand people. This was the most elite team of the Tuva tribe. At least they were all equipped with firearms, and even a few machine guns and howitzers.

There are a total of five pickup trucks in the tribe. In fact, these are the mounts of the Lion King and the elders. At this time, the Lion King was so angry that he could not care about it anymore and waved his hand:

"Lion, you first select the most elite warriors to get on the bus, and capture all those security guards and oil field managers who beat people. I want them to know what fear means."

The lion agreed and led the people into the car. He took about seventy or eighty people with him and squeezed them into sardine cans.

A large army is following behind. If the lion is defeated, it will naturally be overwhelming.

At the Zandong Oilfield at this moment, manager Jackson was on the phone to the headquarters. However, he was already off work at the moment and could not contact the senior management. He could only keep cursing at the staff on duty.

"What kind of security company did you send here? A dozen or so people dare to attack someone. What if a large army of people comes to kill them all at once?"

The lady on duty over there could only keep comforting: "Jack, you need to calm down, I will contact the senior management as soon as possible, but they are all asleep at this time, and I can't find them."

"Stupid pig, so many of us will probably be slaughtered in a short while. They are still sleeping. If you wake them up, even if I die, I have to scold them in advance. What kind of security company are you looking for?" ?”

Jackson was really anxious. After Whitewater Company withdrew, the company signed a contract with a security company from the United States. Originally, Jackson was quite happy. After all, it is convenient for compatriots to communicate with each other.

As a result, when the bayonet security men arrived, he was dumbfounded. The leaders turned out to be Africans, and the Americans were all minions.

From that moment on, he felt that something was wrong. He was a relatively populist person and always felt that except for white people, all other ethnic groups were inferior. When he saw a structure like Bayonet Security, he immediately judged whether this company would last long.

But what just happened surprised him. That group of Tuva people were obviously here to kidnap people, but they were beaten away by Jackal, an African man, leading a dozen people.

But although he was surprised, he was even more worried. Because he has been kidnapped twice. He was beaten and scolded without saying anything, and the pigs probably wouldn't eat the food he was given.

The most terrible thing is mosquitoes. You must know that mosquitoes in Africa are very powerful. After Jackson was captured, he was tied up and thrown into the woods, basically feeding mosquitoes.

Seeing the huge mosquitoes drawing blood from his body at a speed visible to the naked eye, Jackson almost went crazy.

If the salary at Meihu Company were not high enough and he owed a lot of debt in China, he would not be able to survive here even if he died.

After Whitewater Company intervened in security, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. He knew the background of this company, not to mention several tribes, even this country was not enough in front of Baishui.

But who knew that the good times would not last long, and Whitewater Company soon withdrew from here due to cost issues. For this reason, Jackson scolded the company's senior management countless times in his mind.

A bunch of Grandet, misers. He doesn't take the lives of his employees seriously, and only cares about the security fee. He knows the profits of the oil field best, and the security fee is not worth mentioning at all.

But just for this little money, the company dared to terminate the contract. What is the difference between this and disregarding human life?

It's just that he has a humble position and has no effect at all? I can only curse in my heart.

After hanging up the phone, he looked at his subordinates in the office who were as anxious as him:

"Don't be too panicked. Tuva people are not stupid. They are captured for ransom. As long as you don't resist, you won't lose your life."

He had no choice but to comfort his men in this way. He knew how the Tuva people did things, but he couldn't guarantee whether they would die at this time, because the jackals just beat the Tuva people so badly.

At this time, Jackal had just finished calling Yang Geyong and was feeling refreshed.

He has no burden on his heart. If he were to fight with mercenaries, he might still be a little stressed. For him, opening a stand with the tribe was like shooting mosquitoes with an anti-aircraft cannon.

When the enemy escaped just now, they clamored to retaliate soon. The jackals didn't take it seriously at all and just came. Who is afraid of whom?

At this time, Jackson suddenly broke in, pointed at the jackal and cursed: "You nigger, who told you to do it just now? I'll just give you the money, why do you want to intensify the conflict?"

Jackal's English was limited, but looking at Jackson's expression, he probably didn't have anything nice to say, so he looked at the translator next to him.

The translator was also a black man from the United States, so he was naturally angry with Jackson, a nigger, so he stared at and translated Jackson's words truthfully.

The jackal was furious, and grabbed Jackson by the collar of his neck, which was a big sinus. The beating made Jackson's face look sad and he burst into tears.

The jackal is a Maasai with a bad temper. In his eyes, there is no distinction between human races. If he has to distinguish between enemies and friends.

This hairy guy spoke so unpleasantly that he was immediately classified as an enemy, so he directly told the translator:

"The Tuva people will come back soon and push this guy out."

The translator translated the original words of the jackal with a relieved look on his face. Jackson looked angry, covered his nose and roared:

"Our company paid to hire you, so you have to listen to me. Now you not only beat me, but also give me to the robbers. Do you believe that you won't get a penny?"

The jackal smiled contemptuously: "I'm sorry, you have already paid for half a year in advance. Besides, we are just trying our best to ensure your safety. If there is a real war, who can guarantee that no one will die? If you die, even the American army will not be able to protect you."

Jackson was shaking with anger, but at the same time, fear also stopped him from being arrogant. He could see that this black man really dared to do anything. Who knows what the consequences would be if he were pushed out?

Jackson turned around and walked out of the jackal's house. He wanted to go back and continue making phone calls, and quickly asked the head office to replace him. Otherwise, even if he was not kidnapped, the jackal would be angry to death.

The lion took five cars and stopped a short distance away. He is not a reckless person. The chief has always been blind and arrogant. He is not that kind of person.

In fact, he now has a very high prestige among the younger generation of the Tuva tribe, but it is just because of the Lion King's power for so many years that they have to obey him.

But a dozen of them can defeat dozens of them. He doesn't think that if his dozens of people go there, he might as well wait for the large army to advance together. Even if there are planes and cannons over there, he doesn't trust a dozen of them. I can beat a thousand of them.

At any rate, we were not far out, and the large army soon followed. The lion told the driver to move forward slowly. Anyway, it was only a distance of more than 20 kilometers, and we arrived in three hours.

After Yang Geyong received the call from Jackal, he did not rush into action. The headquarters was about fifty kilometers away from the Zandong Oilfield. They had cars and planes, and they would definitely be able to get there in half an hour.

However, for the sake of caution, Yang Geyong asked a few people to set up helicopters to investigate the situation. Then deploy the action.

The helicopter flew over the Lion Force in twenty minutes. Looking at the chaotic team, the investigators knew that they must be heading for the oil field. He immediately reported to Yang Geyong.

Yang Geyong smiled as soon as he heard it. He was waiting for them and they were delivered to his door. He knew best about the combat effectiveness of the tribal army, and that was to fight the five scum properly. His two hundred elites could defeat five thousand of them without any problem.

But after thinking about it, he ordered the investigators: "Throw a few bombs down, don't let them go so easily."

When several team members on the plane heard the boss's order, they immediately became excited and threw down all the explosive objects on the plane.

It’s a bit difficult to write, so where should I develop? Do you guys have any suggestions?

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