Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2056 Bayonet Security

After the matter was exaggerated and spread by the media, it became more and more fermented, and the one who benefited was naturally bayonet security.

Ye Yuze did not get involved in this company, but Yang Geyong became a shareholder and Zhou Guihua worked together. It's just that neither of them expected that they were worried about taking on the business, but before they were ready, it completely exploded.

Yang Geyong, who was originally preparing to kill in Africa with bayonet security, had to make up his mind for the sake of business, and for the time being, his primary goal was to train a boxing champion.

No way, who can make everyone like this tune? You can only do what you like.

With the rise of bayonet security, various boxing matches in the United States have also begun to flourish.

Originally, their competitions were quite regular, with a fixed season every year. Even for challenge matches, most of them were held in fixed seasons.

But everything is different now. Boxing matches are everywhere, driving wrestling, and free fighting is also beginning to flourish.

In fact, the initiator of all this was bayonet security. There are never enough bodyguards here, so we can only start training a large number of boxing champions.

But the number of boxing champions every year is fixed, because there are only so many competitions, which also makes the gold content of boxing champions always high.

However, businessmen were seeking profit and saw an opportunity to take advantage of it, so they did not use bayonets for security operations. Various clubs began to hold a series of challenge matches.

A boxing champion was born today, but tomorrow he might be beaten black and blue. There is no other way. This is the fastest way to become a champion.

In this way, the challengers of the boxing champion and the boxing champion basically became famous in one fight. Coupled with the various champions produced by wrestling and free fighting, the number of employees of Bayonet Security increased at a leap rate.

Yang Geyong and Zhou Guihua are both crazy. It doesn't mean that I will take you if you have a boxing championship. Joining Bayonet Security requires abiding by a series of rules and regulations. These must be written into the contract. If you are not bound, don't come.

In principle, the contract period is ten years, which is quite harsh and basically buys out a boxer's golden age.

There's nothing you can do about it, because Bayonet Security recruits bodyguards, not boxers. Hiring you for ten years will allow you to save enough living expenses for the rest of your life. This can be regarded as an explanation for you.

For those who cannot become boxing champions, the treatment is naturally much lower, but this does not mean that they have no chance.

The bayonet mercenaries are there to tell you clearly, do you want to make money? Train well and follow your brother to the prairie to make achievements.

Bayonet Security is expanding at an alarming rate, but the business is also expanding, and finally, the first big customer comes to the door. That is the most famous American Lake Company.

This company is a company whose main business is oil extraction. Their oil fields are spread all over the world, even in Russia, which has always been strong.

This is not to say that they can suppress Russia, but because of mining technology and other reasons, they have cooperation with many Russian oil fields.

Of course, their main business is still in some small and medium-sized countries, where they can mine independently. Profits will be higher.

Meihu Company needs a large security team, which is mostly located in some oil fields in Africa.

The main reason is that the countries where these oil fields are located are constantly at war. They have also hired locals as security guards. However, these locals are too unreliable. When they see someone coming to attack, they will run faster than a rabbit.

Most of those who attack oil fields are local armed forces. These forces can form an inexplicable organization by gathering hundreds of people.

Establishing an organization naturally requires funds, and the local economy is very backward. The local people are so poor that they can't find anything valuable at home, let alone these organizations.

So, they set their sights on those foreign companies. Most of these foreign companies are engaged in local mineral mining, infrastructure construction and other projects.

Of course, they also have principles in doing things. They basically kidnap hostages for ransom and rarely harm anyone.

However, because the personnel of these organizations are mixed, and hostages are often killed after receiving ransom, these foreign companies began to distrust them.

There is no way to believe that we can only choose to protect ourselves, but foreign companies are all staff and do not know how to fight, so they can only hire bodyguards at will.

And most countries have clear regulations for foreign companies, that is, you cannot have armed forces. Otherwise the nature will change.

In fact, this kind of regulation is a joke, because many local residents own guns, but there is nothing they can do. When you go to other people's countries, you have to abide by their laws. Even if this kind of law is targeted at your foreign company.

In desperation, they had no choice but to hire a specialized security company. The weapons owned by this kind of company are all legal. At least in Africa, they are completely legal, as long as taxes are paid.

The most famous one is the Whitewater Company of the United States. For small African countries, this company is like a hegemon.

Originally, Meihu Company and White Water Company had a good cooperation. But because of their monopoly on business on the African continent, security costs have continued to rise, which has become a heavy burden for Meihu Company.

No company could accept being a part-time worker for a security company, so after several fruitless negotiations, the relationship finally broke down.

Whitewater Company doesn't have to worry about these things. They have plenty of business. In the face of profit, they don't care about the life and death of their compatriots. What they want is money.

After Yang Geyong and Zhou Guihua went through several rounds of negotiations with Meihu Company, the contract was finally signed.

Then Yang Geyong flew directly to Africa to register the company in the country where Meihu Company's business is located, so that he could send personnel there at any time.

Yang Geyong handled these things with ease, but now his nationality is still Maasai, a pure African.

Moreover, African countries are more direct in handling affairs. They give you money and go through the procedures without having to beat around the bush. This style is exactly what Yang Geyong likes.

After all the formalities were completed, the team set off. A total of 500 people were sent out in the first batch, dispersed to ten oil fields.

This made Yang Geyong secretly stunned. He and Ye Yuze had an oil field, and he understood the profits of the oil field better than anyone else.

The first payment from Meihu Company was US$500 million, which was half a year's cost. In other words, the annual security cost for ten oil fields was US$1 billion.

For oil companies, this is just a drop in the bucket of their profits. But for security companies, this is huge profits.

There is no way, the nature of the enterprise determines the height of your profits. If you are not convinced, just work hard and go to the oil field.

This contract equaled the total number of domestic amateurs in the United States. This made Zhou Guihua red-eyed and insisted on going to Africa with her.

Naturally, Yang Geyong would not agree to this. Together with Ye Yuze, he suppressed the senior sister and then personally led the team to fly to Africa.

This time, Sima was left in Boston and was responsible for training new employees together with Zhou Guihua.

Xima is an infatuated girl, although in their continent, they are very indifferent to feelings. Things like sleep are only related to having children. As for love, you can have it, but it is not a necessity.

But Xima is an exception. Since Yang Wei left, she has never been in contact with a man again.

According to her qualifications, after retiring from bayonet service, she could have entered the government department and obtained a good position. Then live your life comfortably.

After all, although Marseille is not wealthy now, its economic situation is already very good compared with neighboring countries.

The most important thing is that the political situation is stable, and neighboring countries have also been conquered. There is no shadow of war.

But Xima did not choose this kind of life, but stayed in the bayonet mercenary logistics. In fact, the reason for this was because this was the place where she and Yang Wei had fought together.

This time the mercenary team came over, and the leadership was basically the same. Jackal, Mushroom and Xima were the top leaders of the bayonet mercenaries.

After Xima was transferred to logistics, Mushroom and Jackal did not retire, but continued to lead the mercenary.

However, after receiving a call from Yang Geyong, they all chose to take off their military uniforms and come to join their idol without hesitation.

The bayonet mercenaries had two spiritual leaders, the Yang family father and son, but both of them left in the end.

Now that the leader is calling, how could they not respond to the call? The main reason is that there is currently no war to fight in the country. As a professional soldier, this is the most uncomfortable thing.

Mushroom and Jackal took office as the positive and negative presidents of the African Department. Yang Geyong followed just to help smooth things over in the early stage, and it was impossible to stay there forever.

From now on, the entire business in Africa will naturally depend on the two of them. Mushroom has a calm personality and is resourceful, so he naturally becomes the CEO.

The jackal has a violent temperament and strong fighting ability, so he naturally became the executive vice president.

Not all of these five hundred people were equally divided into the ten oil fields. Because there are countries with relatively stable political situations in these oil fields, and these oil fields basically only require a few people on duty.

They chose a location in the middle of several oil fields to serve as the Bayonet Security Africa headquarters, and left a team of 200 people as a mobile force that could reinforce areas in distress at any time.

The headquarters is equipped with a Paschi armed helicopter, which can rush to the scene of the accident as quickly as possible when encountering a situation.

These two hundred mobile troops are composed of soldiers who have experienced the war, including members of bayonet mercenaries and some retired soldiers from the United States.

Currently, the leadership is temporarily filled with bayonet mercenary veterans. In fact, Yang Geyong understands that many people are not suitable for leadership positions.

But there is no way, the time is too short, so I can only do this for the time being, and then slowly start to improve after a period of running-in. After all, this is just the first business. In the future, as the company develops, who knows how big it can expand to?

Yang Geyong inspected each station with mushrooms and jackals, and properly arranged the left-behind personnel. And a strict system has been formulated.

There is no way, the current team can be said to be a rabble. There are bayonet mercenary members, retired soldiers, and some slightly famous boxers.

Naturally, when these people come together, no one will obey the other, and they must rely on strict institutional restraint. I'm not afraid of them being disobedient, they are all here to make money. You can do whatever you want, but you don’t get paid, and you can just pack up and go home at any time.

First arrange the remaining personnel in each oil field, and then start to choose the headquarters location. Yang Geyong chose the same method as Baishui Company. Instead of leaving the headquarters in the city, he chose a relatively deserted place.

This is mainly due to the need for confidentiality. After all, the headquarters will have some heavy weapons and usually require training. It is too shocking in a crowded place.

The headquarters is located in a very small country. This country is still a chieftaincy system. Several large tribes have united to form a government. Although it is said to be a country, it is actually nothing like it. Even the president is held by several chiefs in turn, with no election at all.

Yang Geyong likes a place like this. If something happens, he can discuss it carefully. If he can't, he will do it. Who is afraid of whom?

Among these oil fields, Yang Geyong is most worried about the Zandong oil field in Nigeria. Among all oil fields, this oil field is the largest and has the highest oil production.

Nigeria is a very strange country, and it is also a multi-ethnic country. The government has made it more formal, and various functional departments are well-equipped. Members of the National Assembly are also elected by each tribe based on population proportion.

However, the matter of elections is very mysterious. It can be said that it is public opinion, but it can also be manipulated.

But all this has nothing to do with Yang Geyong. What he is worried about is that among the several large tribes in this country, no one will obey the other.

Originally there was an institution like parliament, where everything could be discussed, and the minority just had to obey the majority.

But here the method changes. They often adopt the method of fighting first and talking later, that is, to convince you first and then go to the parliament to discuss it.

What else are you talking about? Wouldn’t it be enough to just obey unconditionally? But it doesn't work, because there are members of other tribes, and they have to raise their hands in a decent manner to pass.

The Zandong Oilfield is located right in the middle of three tribes, including two large tribes and one small tribe. They often have conflicts over rent, which makes Meihu Company very troubled.

Generally speaking, rent will be paid to whomever stands on the land, and taxes will be paid to the national taxation unit.

Regarding these matters, Meihu Company has actually always been relatively disciplined. After all, as a foreign company, no one will give themselves trouble for these things.

But here you can't even think about the rules. The three tribes all say that the underground oil they mine belongs to them.

According to the actual situation, this land should have belonged to the smallest tribe, so the rent from Meihu Company had always been given to them.

As a result, the two large tribes immediately became jealous when they saw how much money the oil fields were making, and found various reasons to obstruct the oil field's exploitation.

Meihu Company had no choice but to discuss with the small tribes and give a portion of their rent to the two large tribes.

The small tribe did not want to cause trouble, so they agreed and gave half of the rent to the two large tribes every year.

After living in peace and harmony for two years, the two large tribes became dissatisfied again. After finding trouble to no avail, they directly began to kidnap oil field personnel.

Meihu Company did not follow suit and directly hired security guards from White Water Company. Not only did they rob people, they also made serious protests to the government. These tribes were suddenly frightened.

Originally, this matter would be over, but as soon as White Water Company withdrew, the two tribes began to make moves again.

It’s really depressing. I was careless last month and didn’t get full attendance from Qidian and other platforms. I feel so bad about the money! There is no other way, just work hard, just spend your money chasing girls, brothers Xiongqi.

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