Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2044 Zhao Xin was incorporated

After Liu Neng and Zhao Xin had a conversation, they seemed to regret that they had known each other so late that they insisted on dragging him to dinner together. Zhao Xin glanced at Ulan in embarrassment.

Ulan waved his hand: "Go, go, you young people can be free together, and don't bring me, an old lady. As for money, you don't have to worry about it. There will be dedicated financial personnel going to your side. I We must ensure that every penny is spent on the construction of the ranch.”

Liu Neng called out several diehards in the company. He was now the manager of an agricultural company, and when he was in high spirits, he would naturally brag when he met a confidant like Zhao Xin.

Several young people drank from noon to evening. Liu Neng seemed to have found a treasure, while Zhao Xin opened up a world. He felt that his future world would be a boundless grassland for him to roam.

Zhao Xin really doesn't need to worry about the construction of the ranch. After all, Junken City has rich experience and specialized construction personnel.

Zhao Dazhuang organized his men to build barbed wire fences to surround the pasture. If it overlaps with the local area, just go to them to replace it, so as not to let others suffer.

In fact, the modern dairy farms in northern Xinjiang really don't need to be that advanced. After all, they are mainly based on grazing, and they are only kept in captivity during the winter months.

The main thing is to purchase milking equipment to ensure that the milk source is not contaminated during the milking process.

This is the reason why Ulan insists on centralized breeding and milking. The feed of each free-range breeder is different, and milking is done manually. You can’t just test the source of milk from household to household, right?

Zhao Xin patrols the ranch every day in his own car, mainly for the construction of several settlements in the summer. We also need to set aside a winter feed base, so we can’t just buy all the hay, right?

Zhao Dazhuang, on the other hand, sat in a truck and watched the soldiers in the company surround the barbed wire fence with sledgehammers and shovels every day. Basically, he works in a different company every two days, and his comrades jokingly call him a non-staff soldier in the company.

The people in the agencies directly under the regiment headquarters, under the leadership of the political commissar, are busy working at the base every day.

Wang Lecheng took the time to come over and help with the work for a day. If he hadn't been dragged away by his secretary, this guy would have wanted to be a soldier here for a few more days.

There is no way, the hot battle is the favorite scene of every soldier of the corps. This is a tradition left by the first chief of the 359th Brigade. No matter how many generations later, this tradition will be preserved.

After this incident, Wang Lecheng's ideas also experienced great changes. He is a soldier, and his behavior has always been simple and rough.

However, after the reform and opening up, the planned economy has turned into a market economy, and administrative units have gradually transformed from leading departments to service departments. Without following this law, it will be difficult for the economy to develop soundly.

He is already considering how to create the most favorable development space for Junken City, rather than being limited to one city. After all, it was impossible for him to merge the entire corps into Junken City and become the mayor there.

Now the ice vineyard and ice wine established by Wang Shuqin have already been sold overseas, and the prospects are very good.

The red date planting base and the date product company are also operating well. The only regret is that foreigners seem not to be interested in red dates, so they have not opened up overseas markets.

As for Junken City's report on establishing an industrial zone, Junken City withdrew it. Tacheng Industrial Zone has relieved a lot of pressure on them. Although the tax revenue does not go to Junken City, these enterprises are all based on Junken City. Naturally, there is no need to worry about profits.

The verbal war between him and Aimaiti also came to an end. The dispute was quietly settled by Wang Shuqin after a long time. The key point was that he had not spent a penny from it. Aimaiti was too embarrassed to show off this victory to him because he didn't even have it. What's going on?

Wang Shuqin has been living in a tin house these days. The Tacheng Industrial Zone Headquarters was established, with Wang Shuqin personally serving as the commander-in-chief and having food and accommodation at the construction site.

As for the personnel of the Industrial Zone Management Committee, the leadership team of Tacheng is still being selected, and Wang Shuqin must personally check these people.

Road construction has been in full swing. This place was originally a grassland because there are abundant aquatic plants on the banks of the Ili River. When changing with the herdsmen, it took a lot of words. After all, for herders, pasture is everything to them.

There were originally no roads here, only the narrow paths used by herdsmen to herd their animals. At least the terrain is flat, and trucks can drive freely across the grassland.

Wang Shuqin did not build the road to Tacheng, and was not rich in funds. Good steel was used on the blade. Anyway, this industrial zone is based on Junken City. It only needs to open up the road to Junken City.

And how can those companies that have signed contracts have the patience to wait for the road to be repaired? We started shipping building materials to build the factory early. For businessmen, time is money, and no one can afford it.

Wang Yifan and Wang Yidi were one of the earliest merchants to build the factory. Because Wang Shuqin gave Wang Shuqin a meal, she took great care of them.

It sounds like fate. If they hadn't met that day, Wang Shuqin really wouldn't have taken these two children seriously.

The construction of the factory is relatively simple. There is no shortage of land here, so there is no need to build a building. They are all big bungalow workshops.

However, every factory has office buildings and dormitories, but they are not high, mostly three stories. The technical content of building such a building is not high, and ordinary construction teams can do it, so there is no need for a large construction company.

Wang Yifan didn't know what kind of relationship he had, but he actually invited the construction team from Junken City. Compared with other manufacturers, his construction site was obviously much more regular, with all kinds of machinery and equipment, so the progress of the project was naturally much faster.

Since the two young people knew Wang Shuqin's identity, apart from busying themselves with their own affairs, they spent the rest of their time hanging around her, specifically asking about military reclamation machinery and electrical matters. It seems that she has done some research and found out that she once worked in Junchen City.

Wang Shuqin likes these two young people very much and sees their intentions, but she doesn't care about being used. After all, if a person has the value of being used, it means that he has the value of existence, right?

Although the factory buildings are built by the company itself, Wang Shuqin still has some requirements for the factory. In addition to the rigid regulations on the quality of the houses, there is also the area of ​​​​green belts.

You can't blame her for this. Tacheng is not a wealthy area, and the finances are struggling to pay wages. Naturally, you can't expect to spend any money to build an industrial zone, so you can only think of other ways.

Northern Xinjiang has an arid climate and strong winds and sand, so planting trees is actually good for the factory. After all, when the wind blows, the sand is everywhere and will also enter the workshop. If there are trees blocking it, it will be much cleaner.

Today's factories are no longer rough processing companies. Many of the equipment are CNC machine tools, and the requirements for the environment are becoming more and more stringent. Sand, in particular, has become a taboo for processing companies. Therefore, current factories have strict requirements.

Just as Wang Shuqin sat down in the office, Wang Yidi walked in with a smile. Followed by Wang Yifan.

One of them got a quilt, and the other got coffee. They said it was Hainan charcoal-roasted coffee sent from home. It tasted very good and asked Wang Shuqin to try it.

Because Ayijiang returned to the provincial capital and Zhang Qianjin was busy with other things in Tacheng, Wang Shuqin was currently on her own and often forgot to eat when she was busy.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, the two young people took the initiative to take care of Wang Shuqin's life.

Although Wang Shuqin is relatively self-disciplined, she still doesn't care about these little things. She can't consider a few steamed buns, a plate of stir-fried vegetables, and a cup of coffee as bribery, right? The cost of crime is too low.

Wang Shuqin knew that they must have an agenda, but she didn't care. After so many years of experience, she knew better than anyone what she could and couldn't do.

Watching the two young men make coffee, they started chatting about everything. In fact, there are not many common topics. If two generations can talk about speculation, it must be that the young are making do with the old.

The coffee is good, with a mellow aroma. Wang Shuqin is not a fashionista who likes to taste bitter coffee. Coffee, if there is no sugar added, is just Coptis chinensis to her. Anyway, she can't understand why some people still like this thing?

After chatting for a while, Wang Shuqin saw Wang Yidi's little hand stabbing Wang Yifan from behind, but Wang Yifan's face turned red but his eyes did not dare to look at Wang Yidi. She thought it was funny. She had never enjoyed this kind of childishness.

Seeing that Wang Yifan did not dare to speak, Wang Yidi became a little anxious, glared at him fiercely, then walked up to Wang Shuqin and said:

"Sister Wang, can I ask for something?"

Wang Shuqin nodded: "Yes, as long as I can do it."

These two little guys kept calling them sister, which made Wang Shuqin feel very comfortable. As expected, no matter what occupation or age women are willing to look younger in the eyes of others.

At this time, Wang Yidi pulled Wang Yifan out from behind: "Look at how useless you are, tell your sister, if it works, it won't work. What's there to be embarrassed about?"

Seeing that he was pushed out, Wang Yifan had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "My sister, I want to create a mobile phone brand by myself, but the approval is always difficult. I want you to help me find Junken." It’s a matter of relationship with the city, so we can complete the procedures.”

Wang Shuqin was stunned for a moment: "Don't you produce mobile phone accessories?"

Wang Yifan blushed: "Sister Wang, after all, accessories are just processing. Only by having your own mobile phone brand can you find your own way. I'm still so young, why do I have to make a breakthrough?"

Wang Shuqin's heart is also in turmoil. It's not that she can't see the rapid development of the mobile phone industry. If this thing can really happen, it means that Northern Xinjiang will also have its own mobile phone brand.

Although there are soldier mobile phones in Junken City, they are only a series produced by Huawei. It is not a real Beijiang mobile phone.

"The key is that making a mobile phone is not that simple. Can you do it?" Wang Shuqin was a little worried.

"My family makes copycat phones, but I want to make my own." Wang Yifan's tone was firm.

Come on, brothers, keep up the good work and fight all the way through.

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