Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2043 No one’s face is given

Ulan is never vague about work matters, even if his biological father comes, he will not be accommodating.

At this time, Wang Lecheng was already exhausted mentally and physically. After finding such a breakthrough, he naturally had to find a way to solve it, so he asked in a consultative tone:

"Little comrade, I'm Wang Lecheng. Do you think we can discuss this matter? I won't embarrass you. You can just test it. If it passes the test, can you just collect the milk?"

Ulan hated people who used the back door the most, especially people who felt good about themselves and thought everyone knew them by name, so he replied angrily:

"When it comes to quality and reputation, let alone you, even Ye Wancheng is not good at it, but he definitely has more face than you!"

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Wang Lecheng smiled bitterly and cursed Zhao Xin secretly in his heart. He was not angry because of Ulan's slight. He didn't know you, so he would naturally give face to the old secretary but not you.

I wanted to stop caring about this matter, but considering that the life and fortune of a regiment soldier was staked on those cows, it was impossible to ignore it? In the end, he could only call Ye Wancheng.

Speaking of which, he really had no friendship with Ye Wancheng. Although the two had a superior-subordinate relationship, it was after Wu Tianming retired that he asked Ye Wancheng to retire early.

It's not that he has any personal grudges with Ye Wancheng, it's just that the Ye family is in business, and it's very bad for Ye Wancheng to hold a leadership position for a long time.

After all, my son controls half of the assets of Junken City, and I am the top leader. This is definitely taboo in his constitution, and he really does it for Ye Wancheng's own good.

But who would be grateful for such a good thing? After all, you made someone step down, and it was only with Ye Yuze's investment that Junken City was established, and then Ye Wancheng became the leader of Junken City. How to distinguish right from wrong?

When the call was answered, Ye Wancheng was busy in the laboratory. Liu Qingshan's death greatly stimulated him. The three old men were desperately trying to develop an effective drug to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

But facing a global problem, the three of them were really powerless and could only use the few years left to fight.

He could naturally hear Wang Lecheng's voice. He didn't have a good impression of this leader. After all, he still had emotions about retiring before he was old enough.

Although Ye Wancheng never cared about fame and wealth, it did not mean that he had no emotions. No matter what you say, he is also an ordinary person, and he has no lack of emotions that ordinary people should have.

So, hearing Wang Lecheng's voice, Ye Wancheng just asked lightly: "Is something wrong?"

"Old Ye, that's it..." Wang Lecheng told the story with some guilt, but Ye Wancheng replied angrily:

"Play the piano randomly, take care of what you have to do yourself, and don't cause trouble to Junken City!" Ye Wancheng was about to hang up the phone after saying this.

"Listen to me, Lao Ye, I was at fault. Zhao Xin naturally has to bear his share of responsibility, but what about the comrades of the First Regiment? All their property is staked on these cows."

Wang Lecheng couldn't care less about his face at this time, and quickly explained the seriousness of the matter to Ye Wancheng. He knew that the only thing that could impress the veteran soldiers was the safety of his comrades.

Sure enough, after hearing the last words, Ye Wancheng did not hang up the phone. After a while of silence, Ye Wancheng finally said: "I will ask them to send someone to check it. If there is no problem, you don't have to worry about it."

A stone in Wang Lecheng's heart finally fell to the ground, and he quickly thanked him, but the other party had already hung up the phone, so he could only smile bitterly and shake his head to laugh at himself.

He could have called Ma Rong and the others directly, but the nature of that would be different. They would naturally give him face, but if there was really a problem with the product quality, he would be responsible.

You must know that any of the companies in Junken City today are well-known brands in the country and even internationally. He really can't bear that responsibility.

Ye Wancheng is different. He has retired, and there is no need to give him any face at all. It will definitely work to impress him with the kindness of an old comrade.

The most important thing is that people of their generation are serious about their work and will never do anything against their principles just because of anyone's face.

As for his opinions on how to deal with Zhao Xin, he already has an idea in his mind. Since you are the one who caused the matter, you should be responsible to the end. Stay with me for a few years to calm down the self-righteousness in you.

After receiving Ye Wancheng's call, Wu Lan was a little curious: "Uncle, is this Wang Lecheng calling you? Who is he? Why does this name sound familiar to me?"

Ye Wancheng laughed angrily: "Damn girl, you have been in the military reclamation system for so many years and you don't even know who the boss is?"

Ulan suddenly realized it, but then he stated his attitude: "Uncle, no matter who it is, I have to stick to my principles, right?"

Ye Wancheng nodded: "That's what I said, no matter who it is, the quality of our products is above all else!"

Wulan agreed and immediately arranged for technicians from the dairy factory to go with her to the Fourth Division with tools. She had to personally check this matter to prevent the people below from being influenced by power.

Today, the business of Junken Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Corporation is also booming. After merging with YM County, half of the land will be added.

The only drawback is that the herdsmen are basically Kazakhs. It is unrealistic to ask them to join the farm, so they can only be placed on the pasture.

As a result, the cultivated land area is still insufficient, and pharmaceutical factories and wineries are like two monsters devouring land crops, and it seems that there is not enough to fill it.

The leaders of the food factory came to complain to her every day, mainly because the food in Junken City could not reach them at all, just like the stepmother.

Four thousand cows in any place belong to Uncle Cattle Farm. Although Ulan cared about it, he couldn't say he paid attention to it.

Over the years in Junken City, she learned one thing. That is, any high-quality product must start from the source. Any carelessness may have very negative consequences.

At present, all the top leaders of enterprises in Junken City have one thing in common, that is, they will not be disturbed by administrative orders, because they are the ones who control the lifeblood of the enterprise.

When she arrived at the regiment, she was received by the regiment leader Zhao Dazhuang and a young man named Zhao Xin. But she obviously had a bad impression of Zhao Xin.

He was young and slovenly like a beggar, and his speech was somewhat hesitant. Ulan dislikes men with this kind of personality the most.

However, from the moment when the next company inspected the cows, Zhao Xin changed completely. This guy seemed to know every cow and he knew all the problems with any cow. This surprised Ulan.

You must know that Kazakhs love their livestock most, and this Zhao Xin not only has this tradition, but also has excellent professional knowledge. How could Ulla not admire him?

After the visit was over, Ulan's frown did not clear up. Looking at Zhao Dazhuang and Zhao Xin who were worried, Ulan told the truth:

"There are currently no problems with the cows, and the samples collected from the cows that can produce milk are also qualified. However, the Junken Dairy Factory has very strict requirements for milk sources, and this free-range breeding model will definitely fail."

Zhao Dazhuang immediately grimaced and glanced at Zhao Xin. He really wanted to scold his mother, but he knew how much the young man had suffered, so he couldn't scold him.

Zhao Xin was no longer so cowed at this time. He raised his head and asked with some embarrassment: "Manager Wulan, can you lend us a sum of money? In three months, I promise to build a modern dairy base like yours." .”

Ulan looked up at this young man who was radiant when talking about business: "What guarantee do you have?"

These words immediately made Zhao Xin lose his confidence, and he whispered in a low voice: "If you lose the compensation, I will work for you for the rest of my life, no salary, just take care of the food."

Ulan couldn't help but laugh. She had fallen in love with this young man ever since she saw the cows. Maybe he was not a business material, but he was definitely a qualified professional.

The dairy farm in Junken City was built by her and her husband. Asking herself, if it were the conditions like Tuan Tuan, she would definitely not be able to do as well as Zhao Xin.

She stretched out her hand and shook it with Zhao Xin: "Okay, then I promise you, you can tell me how much money you need. If you fail, you can come to Junken City to work and just make a living."

Zhao Xin held Ulan's hand and his face flushed with excitement. He didn't expect that the matter would be accomplished so easily.

Zhao Dazhuang was even more excited and would not let Ulan leave no matter what he said. He wanted to give Ulan a good meal.

These days, he is under more pressure than Zhao Xin. Who would have thought that such a reliable expert would trick everyone?

This crucial matter cannot be told to the soldiers yet. Who can predict the consequences once told?

But if he didn't say anything, he wouldn't know how to deal with it once the lactation period arrived? Even if Zhao Xin is beaten to death, will the problem be solved?

Now that Ulan came over and solved the problem with just a few words, how could he not be excited? He knew the strength of Junken City. Not to mention this small amount of money, even if they bought it all, it was just a matter of words.

The most important thing is that the industrial structure of the group will be completely changed in this way. The soldiers will not have to go out to the wind and sun, and their income will be greatly increased. They also used money to help build dairy farms. This is a piece of cake that fell from the sky.

Under Zhao Dazhuang's repeated insistence, Ulan finally agreed to stay for dinner. However, Wulan also made a condition, that is, Zhao Xin has the final say on the dairy farm, and the group can only assist, but cannot interfere.

Zhao Dazhuang naturally agreed, and he admired Zhao Xin's professionalism very much. Especially when he sent someone to retrieve Zhao Xin from Yining, Zhao Dazhuang's first thought was to fight with him no matter what happened.

When Ulan learned about Zhao Xin's experience, he was also very sad. She really admired this young man's tenacity.

She looked at Zhao Xin and said, "What do you think? When the dairy farm is built, transfer it to Junchen City? I'll let you be the manager of the animal husbandry company."

Zhao Xin's eyes lit up: "Do you really want me?"

Zhao Dazhuang was speechless. How come these two guys have no common sense at all? Zhao Xin is now a deputy director-level cadre at the headquarters. How can you, a company manager, transfer him?

But one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. If you really go, your future will be greatly affected, you know?

But he couldn't say this in front of Ulan. He could tell that although this Kazakh woman was the manager of Junkencheng Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Corporation, she didn't understand anything about the system, so he still waited for her to leave. Talk to Zhao Xin.

After a drink, Ulan left overnight. Zhao Dazhuang said to Zhao Xin with the help of Jiu Jin: "After the dairy farm is built, you can go back to the headquarters. Once the gold plating is completed, you should be promoted."

Zhao Xin obviously drank too much, and his drinking capacity was not good, but this did not prevent him from shaking his head vigorously:

"I want to go to Junken City, I want to contract all the pastures, and I want to turn the grasslands in northern Xinjiang into modern pastures."

Zhao Dazhuang bowed and picked him up: "You better go to bed first, there is everything in your dreams!"

Early the next morning, Zhao Dazhuang got up a little late. Wulan drank a lot, so he drank a little too much.

When I arrived at the office, I found that Zhao Xin had been sitting there writing furiously. There was a pile of manuscript paper thrown around. It turns out that Zhao Xin is already designing his ranch. I don’t know when this guy got up? Didn’t you drink too much last night?

Seeing Zhao Dazhuang coming, Zhao Xin pulled him and talked about his idea for the dairy farm. In fact, no matter what mode of modern pasture, the theme is one, which is to make grazing as easy as possible and free up a large amount of labor.

Zhao Dazhuang's eyes opened wider as he listened. Finally, he interrupted Zhao Xin and asked, "You don't seem to need many people like this? What are the other people doing? Who pays them?"

Zhao Xin glanced at Zhao Dazhuang with disdain: "They are all shareholders, and they can get dividends without having to work. Besides, they can go to work, and the group can also build factories, so they can get an extra income, right?"

Zhao Dazhuang walked around the room. He couldn't bear the joy. His cultural level was not high and he knew even less about modern things. This business model was obviously beyond his understanding.

After wandering around the room countless times like a donkey, Zhao Dazhuang grabbed Zhao Xin and said, "I'm not going to lie, are what you just said true?"

Zhao Xin pointed at the drawings and designs on the table: "Look at it yourself, don't make trouble, I have to apply for funds from Manager Wulan after I finish it quickly."

At this time, Wang Lecheng also called. Zhao Dazhuang reported the situation truthfully, and Wang Lecheng sighed and only said:

"Let Zhao Xin do whatever he wants. I'm not suitable to place him."

Zhao Xin went to Junken City that afternoon. Zhao Dazhuang let him use his special car and told the driver that for the next period of time, your group leader's name will be Zhao Xin, and we will all be his logistics.

After seeing the dairy farm designed by Zhao Xin, Wu Lan praised her greatly. She couldn't help but admire the young man's knowledge and forward thinking. She called Liu Neng over and introduced them to them. She seemed to see the future of these two young people together. What it looks like to work collaboratively.

It’s the end of the month, you all know, where are the tickets?

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