Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2034 Big Trouble

Although Ye Feng is currently making his mark in the business world, compared with other real predators, he is not worth mentioning.

Especially top investment banks like Homan Brothers are simply behemoths to him.

Lehman Brothers sent people to him last month to express their need for financing. Ye Feng agreed without hesitation. Moreover, Ye Feng did not invest as a venture capital investor, but as a shareholder, directly becoming a shareholder of Homan Brothers Investment Bank.

Moreover, it invested US$60 billion in shares, occupying 15% of the shares of Homan Brothers Investment Bank.

When he got the equity, Ye Feng was excited, and could even be said to be ecstatic. Normally, he would not be qualified to contact such a financial overlord, because people would only regard people of his level as Small landowners disdain to pay attention.

Only a few days after buying shares, Ye Feng discovered that Homan Brothers' stock had been falling. It took him by surprise.

Then I started looking for clues on the Internet, trying to find the reason so that I could feel more at ease.

As a result, I was shocked. There was already a lot of negative news about the Homan Brothers on the Internet. This caused people to start selling stocks in large numbers. Otherwise, how could anyone be willing to sell such a company that is usually so popular?

Ye Feng became more and more surprised. He searched all kinds of information sleeplessly, and then sat there slumped, as if all the strength in his body had been drained.

It’s really over. It turns out that the Homan Brothers have reached the end of their rope. No bank is willing to provide financing to him, and the government has made it clear that it will not give him any more loans. This behemoth, which has dominated the American financial market for decades, We have reached the edge of the cliff and may be shattered to pieces at any time.

At that time, he was still ecstatic about the 15% of the shares, but then he realized that they were shackles, which meant that after the bankruptcy of Homan Brothers, he would have to bear 15% of the debt.

Ye Feng quickly called his uncle and Susie respectively and asked them to help find out how much debt the Homan Brothers were in debt? He can estimate his losses and see if he can hold on?

As a result, the old uncle called him back ten minutes later and told him that Homan Brothers Investment Bank currently has a debt of US$800 billion.

An institution like an investment bank has no assets. All it has is the office building. How much can it be sold for?

As for those bonds and various bills, at this point, they are useless paper. This is also the main reason why the US government is unwilling to inject capital into them.

The reason for this phenomenon is the continued sluggishness of the U.S. economy. The investment bank Homan Brothers chose this time to invest its larger funds in real estate.

The end result is that the economic downturn in the general environment has caused countless people to lose their jobs. Without a job, where will the money come from to pay the mortgage?

The United States is different from China. People in the country like to save money, and they only do something with it after they have saved it to a certain amount.

But in the United States, people consume in advance, that is to say, they spend the unearned money first, then pay their wages and then use it to pay off debts.

Now that the job is gone and life has become a problem, how can I repay the loan? I can only give up my confession, my head shrinks, I love it.

Ye Feng leaned on the chair and thought for a long time, knowing that he was finished. The debt amount of 15% must be more than 100 billion. The 60 billion invested in Hohman Brothers Investment Bank has already drained the liquidity of the two companies. If you continue to withdraw funds regardless of risk, it is a crime.

Because both companies have their own shareholders and customers, once the capital chain is broken and the company cannot operate normally, the judicial department will definitely intervene.

The purchase of shares in Hohmann Company is entirely Ye Feng's private act and has nothing to do with the two companies. If it is a resolution passed by the board of directors, everyone can bear it together.

By this time, Ye Feng had already understood that he was finished. The final result would be that his equity in the two companies would be auctioned, and then as a person with bankrupt credit, his future life would have no quality at all.

But what's the use of regret after it has happened? He could only arrange the funeral arrangements in advance, at least settle down Yifei and Yuanfang.

At this time, Susie pushed the door open and came in. She was startled when she saw Ye Feng, who was always neat and tidy, sitting there with an unshaven beard. Ask quickly.

"Dear, what's wrong with you? Did something happen to you?"

Ye Feng smiled bitterly, shook his head, and told what happened.

Ye Feng never concealed anything from Su Xi. From the time the two met until now, although they are lovers, they are more like partners.

Su Xi had complained about Ye Feng's marriage. After all, she loved this man so much, but he married someone else.

But after hearing him tell his complete love history, Susie forgave him. Susie is a kind-hearted girl, so it is impossible for her to destroy those beautiful things.

As for herself and Ye Feng, just keep it like this. Anyway, her wife is in China, and the two of them are like a real couple. After she adapts to work, they can have a child. Why do you have to get married?

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Susie was silent for a long time. Due to family reasons, she has been obsessed with power since she was a child, so she has been working hard in this area since she was in school.

But because she has a low status in the family, she has never been taken seriously, so even though she was admitted to the Harvard School of Administration, the family didn't plan anything for her?

On the contrary, after meeting Ye Feng, the man helped himself up forcefully. And it comes at the expense of one's own political future. How could Susie not be grateful to such a man?

Su Xi understood the seriousness of the matter better than Ye Feng, but after just thinking about it, Su Xi put her arms around Ye Feng's neck:

"My dear, don't be afraid. At most they will take away your personal property. As for your life, don't worry, I will take care of you."

These were the heart-warming words that Ye Feng heard for the first time in despair. His nerves, which had been extremely tense and numb for the past few days, suddenly relaxed. Holding Su Xi's waist, Ye Fengqing couldn't help but shed tears.

Su Xi held Ye Feng's head in her arms in distress. She had never seen this man vulnerable since they met. Seeing his tears, Susie felt her heart break.

After snuggling for a while, Ye Feng finally recovered and told Su Xi:

"Don't tell my dad about this? I know his character. If he knows that something is wrong with me, he will sell all his property to help me, but Warrior Cars and Warrior Steel are the products of his hard work for so many years. I I don’t want these things to fall into other people’s hands.”

Susie nodded solemnly: "I understand."

Americans are relatively self-centered. Even if you are a parent or brother, from the time you become an adult, their affection will only remain within their capabilities. I will never affect my quality of life for you. In fact, this is understandable. They have raised you and they don’t expect you to take care of yourself in old age. You only need to be responsible for yourself.

However, Su Xi understands Ye Feng's family situation. This family will definitely sacrifice everything for each other. Although she can't understand this kind of thing, she is also moved.

"Come on, honey, come home with me to take a shower and dress up. Dad will be back soon. If you don't want to let him know, just clean yourself up quickly."

Ye Feng stood up obediently and followed Su Xi out of the company. Susie took him to buy some clothes first, just to change his mood.

When paying, Ye Feng was about to move forward when he was stopped by Su Xi. He smiled and raised a finger and said, "I will support you from now on. This habit of paying bills must be changed."

What did Ye Fenggang want to say? Then I stopped moving forward. Yes, some habits need to be changed.

Ye Feng and Su Xi went to pick up the plane together. Ye Yuze saw that his son was in good spirits and couldn't help but ask: "You little bastard, why don't you answer my call?"

Ye Feng smiled "hehe": "Isn't that inconvenient?"

Susie complained: "Dad, can you please stop calling at critical moments? It will affect the birth time of your grandson."

Ye Yuze shut up quickly. You can't discuss this matter with an American girl. She doesn't care what your relationship is with her and she dares to say anything. As a Chinese father-in-law, Ye Yuze said that he is very shy.

They talked and laughed along the way, and soon they arrived home. Kesselring came up and hung on him like a koala, giving him a breathless kiss.

The children haven't finished school yet, and Wang Jianying is preparing meals. The third and fourth children are also on their way.

When they came back this time, Yifei and Yuanfang had prepared things. Yifei prepared beef jerky and some dried fruits. Yuanfang, on the other hand, bought some Beijing cakes like Donkey Roll.

The children loved to eat these things, but Suzy opened the pastries and tasted two pieces, and then praised them profusely.

Soon the third and fourth elders arrived. After chatting for a while, the fourth elder said he had some personal matters that he wanted to talk to his eldest brother. He also called the third elder brother away and went to Ye Yuze's study.

Ye Yuze asked with a smile: "What else can be kept secret from your nephew? Aren't you deliberately making him unhappy?"

The fourth child had a heavy expression: "Brother, I'm sure Ye Feng didn't tell you anything, right?"

Ye Yuze was stunned: "What does he need to hide from me?"

The fourth child sighed and told what he knew about the situation. It turned out that after Ye Feng called, while the fourth child was checking the debt situation of Homan Company, he also found out that Ye Feng had recently invested in the company.

Although the fourth child was angry, he had nothing to do. Although Hohmann Company concealed its business situation and invited Ye Feng to become a shareholder, as a businessman, you must understand the company's situation before deciding whether to join. So even litigating this kind of thing is useless.

Ye Yuze was surprised. He knew the economic situation of the United States in recent years, but he didn't understand what the subprime mortgage crisis was? Let the fourth child tell him.

The fourth child pondered for a moment and then started telling the story to his elder brother. The subprime mortgage crisis is well understood. Subprime loan credit evaluation standards have led to a large number of speculative financial institutions injecting credit into people with unstable private repayment abilities.

You all know that every time the bank cuts interest rates, it will inevitably cause capital to flow out of the bank and invest in society. Because interest rates are insufficient to offset inflation or fail to meet the value of capital requirements, new industries with high returns have become the focus of capital injections.

At this time, there was a certain need for private capital intervention, and some financial departments in the past also gave the green light. For example, lower credit rating standards. It is equivalent to opening the floodgates and releasing water, allowing these funds to flow into society more conveniently and quickly.

Where did they flock to? Let's take a look. Under normal circumstances, if there is a flow of funds between capitals, such as loans to entities, then the demand is two-way.

If a company feels that the interest rate is too high or the profit is not enough to offset the payment costs, it will not accept loans from various subprime mortgage institutions, investment funds, or angel investors as we often call them in China.

But the public is different. People's consumption is often blind. As long as a market is established, it will form a trend. This is a threshold that financial instruments cannot cross when it comes to economic stability.

However, when the housing market has experienced unprecedented growth, a large number of ordinary people in society who cannot afford to pay still choose to take loans to buy houses, which itself also contains speculative psychology.

There is nothing wrong with the route, provided that housing prices do not collapse. As long as they do not collapse, all debts are not debts, but can be called assets.

In other words, it’s time to play tricks.

As a result, people continued to buy houses, and subprime mortgage institutions continued to invest. But the funds of subprime mortgage institutions are also limited. What to do? They use these loans as collateral to raise funds from other social capitals in the form of financial instruments.

Then it snowballs to increase the scale of social debt. At this point, as long as housing prices do not collapse, there is still no solution. If judged by moral standards, no one in this crisis bubble is innocent.

Do people deserve mercy? No. When they aspire to become the middle class or move to a higher level through this model, they drink the blood of those who come after them. Did they hesitate?

The more Ye Yuze listened, the more he frowned. Although he was a businessman, it would be more accurate to call him an entrepreneur.

How can an industrial entrepreneur understand the tricks played by today’s capital? But he understood the reason why the Homan Brothers went bankrupt.

That is to say, the investment bank of the Hohman Brothers is a pyramid scheme company. They absorb funds with high-value reports and use the money of later customers to give to those in front. In the end, there are no more customers and they will go bankrupt.

The fourth child nodded, although what the elder brother said was not quite accurate. But this is probably what it means. The current situation of Homan Brothers is caused by a large number of dead debts and bad debts.

Ye Yuze suddenly felt a toothache and asked, "Can't Ye Feng accept compensation for the 60 billion?"

The fourth child smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Brother, he is the major shareholder. When he goes bankrupt, he must liquidate all the properties under his name, not just your property in a company."

Ye Yuze stopped talking. He was calculating his assets. If all the shares in his name were sold, it would definitely far exceed Ye Feng's current debt amount.

Life is not easy, come on

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