Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2033 Chapter 2228 You must learn from Wei Yuxiang in life

Wei Yuxiang drove over to pick up Ye Yuze himself, and Ye Yuze did not call Yang Geyong and Chen Tianjiao. They also knew that the two people had something to say, so they didn't join in the fun.

When I got home, the stew was mutton and a chicken. The two of them didn't have a good time drinking, they just had a drink.

Ye Yuze picked up the wine glass and clinked it with Wei Yuxiang: "Brother, don't be so self-disciplined in the future. Life is short, so you have to leave yourself something worth remembering."

After saying this, Ye Yuze suddenly laughed. He actually repeated Yang Geyong's quotations.

Wei Yuxiang also smiled: "Yuze, in fact, the most proud thing in my life is that I have a brother like you to achieve this career. Is there anything else worth remembering than this?"

Ye Yuze nodded. He also understood that the older men get, the less tempting love affairs are to them. Instead, more and more energy is spent on career.

Glancing at the women and children playing in the yard, Ye Yuze asked, "Why did you marry three people like these?"

Wei Yuxiang was a little embarrassed, but still didn't want to deceive Ye Yuze. After hesitating for a while, he finally confessed honestly.

"Wei Yuxiang was fascinated by Mikona's eyes when she was very young. The reason why he married her aunt and sister was because he wanted to be tied to this family and wait patiently for Mikona to grow up."

Ye Yuze laughed dumbly. He didn't expect this guy to be so disgusting. But I have to admit that his patience is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Just like his control of the Warrior Steel Factory, it was never vigorous, just like the spring rain, it took root and sprouted everywhere on the earth silently.

Ye Yuze asked curiously: "Do you have a wife elsewhere?"

Wei Yuxiang shook his head firmly: "Don't talk about my wife, I don't even have a one-night stand. If it weren't for Mikona's eyes, I wouldn't stay here."

Ye Yuze nodded reassuringly: "It's not easy for Yu Lan either. She loves you very much. Don't owe her anything."

Wei Yuxiang smiled: "All my savings are with her. The living expenses at home here are just the dividends from my factory here."

Ye Yuze knew that Wei Yuxiang was a reliable person, much more reliable than Yang Geyong. Then the two of them talked about some things about the steel factory, and then Wei Yuxiang sent Ye Yuze to the airport.

Anu stood alone at the door of the hotel, looking towards the intersection down the mountain, her tears never drying up.

Roast Chicken Na wiped her sister's tears and comforted her: "He's gone and won't come back. Go back to eat and don't wait any longer, okay?"

Anu shook his head firmly: "He will come back. As long as Anu is here, he will definitely come to see me."

At this time, Yang Geyong came over, squatted down and looked at the little girl: "Your brother Yuze asked me to tell you before he left that as long as you study hard, he will take you to study in the United States."

Anu's eyes immediately flashed with light: "You won't lie to me?"

Yang Geyong nodded firmly: "We will never lie to others, I promise."

Anu wiped her tears and ran back to the house to read. Perhaps, because of this promise she made today, her life will be completely different.

Roast Chicken Na glanced at Yang Geyong and wanted to walk back to the bar. Yang Geyong sighed later: "Do you know what a good man you missed?"

Roast Chicken Na paused and murmured: "He is different from you, and I don't deserve it."

Then he left with some staggering steps. What Yang Geyong didn't see was that Roast Chicken Na's face was full of tears at this moment.

As the plane flew through the sea of ​​clouds, Ye Yuze took a nap habitually, then took out his mobile phone and called Ye Feng.

Although the schedule for this trip was very tight. But it had been more than ten days, and even though Wang Jianying was at home, he was still a little worried.

As for Kesselin, Ye Yuze has never regarded her as an adult. That guy is not as mature as Ye Mei and Ye Rou.

When the call was connected, Ye Yuze heard Ye Feng's voice full of exhaustion and asked in surprise: "Son, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Feng smiled and explained: "It's okay, Dad, are you back?"

Ye Yuze was still worried, because Ye Feng had been a child like an adult since he was a child. What can rarely be seen emotionally? Call him sensible or scheming, but Ye Yuze understands that it was his sister who left him prematurely that affected the child's character and made him more independent.

Since he was a child, he rarely troubles others, and will face things by himself if he can do it himself.

"Son, just tell dad if you have anything to do. Although you have grown up and have your own career, I am still your dad no matter what."

Ye Feng said "Yeah" and then hung up the phone.

Ye Yuze thought for a while and then dialed Susie's phone number. After all, he was the person on his pillow. Ye Feng's matters are usually not hidden from Su Xi, and he can't hide them either.

The phone was picked up as soon as it rang: "Dad, why did you call me? This is the first time? Do you miss me?"

Although she became a member of Parliament, Susie's character has not changed much. Especially in front of Ye Yuze, he was just a child.

"Do you know what happened to Ye Feng?" Ye Yuze didn't bother her and went straight to the topic. His son's performance today made him a little worried.

"It's okay, he has always been happy." After saying this, Susie suddenly said "Ah": "Dad, we haven't contacted each other for three days. This is unbelievable. It's my fault. I'm too busy. Dad, I Go find him now."

Ye Yuze wanted to give some instructions, but a busy signal came from the receiver, and Ye Yuze was so angry that he just wanted to curse.

Susie hung up the phone and started calling Ye Feng. After calling three times and no one answered, she quickly called her home phone number. Kesselin answered the phone and said that Ye Feng hadn't been home for three days.

Susie stopped talking on the phone this time and drove to Ye Feng Company.

Ye Feng currently has two companies, namely Pan American Insurance and Angel Investment. He prefers to stay in angel investment, because there are many projects faced here every day, and he needs to identify projects with investment value among these projects to invest.

Although the name of the fund is Angel, where do angels come from in the capital market? Unless the company is extremely profitable, an angel can become a demon in the blink of an eye.

Ye Feng stayed in his office, staring at the stock market. He recently invested in an investment bank on Wall Street. Unexpectedly, after investing in the investment bank, the stock price of the investment bank began to plummet, which seemed to be a huge drop.

Ye Feng was very anxious. You must know that investing in a bank requires very strong funds. When the bank approached them, Ye Feng had doubts.

You must know that the Homan Brothers investment bank is a well-known presence in the United States and is fully qualified to stir up trouble on Wall Street.

Comrades, our cohesion has been a little weak lately! Where are our subscriptions and tickets? Don't be left far away, okay? Put on your bayonet and charge!

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