Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2028 The wronged Ye Yuze

How could Kevin be willing to be restrained? At first, he still tried to struggle unyieldingly, but gradually his resistance became weaker and weaker. Is there anything in the world that cannot be solved by a fight? If so, then two games.

Sometimes men feel that time is very long, but women feel that it is very short. But if you look at your watch, it will definitely not last more than five minutes.

When the two of them woke up completely, Huang Juanjuan seemed to realize what she had done? He covered his face and cried "Wow".

Kevin opened his mouth. He originally wanted to shout something forceful, but after recalling the process, it seemed that he was not forced to do so, and he lowered his head dejectedly.

Huang Juanjuan cried for a while, and when she saw Kevin's cowardly look, she rushed up to him again, pinched his neck and asked, "Aren't you going to take responsibility?"

Kevin said aggrievedly: "This is not love, this is impulse!"

"I've given you a young girl like this. If you tell me you're impulsive, I'll fight you!" Huang Juanjuan looked like a madman, opening her mouth to bite again.

Kevin was scared for a moment: "I'm responsible, I'm responsible. Let's go propose marriage to your dad soon, okay?"

"Not good!" Huang Juanjuan was hysterical and refused to give up.

Kevin was careful: "Then what do you want to do? Can I just listen to you?"

"Go and propose marriage now. If you are late for a minute, I will jump off the building!" Huang Juanjuan looked determined.

As soon as Kevin got up and put on his clothes, he ran out. He opened the door and suddenly turned around and said, "This is the first floor? It's okay to jump down."

"Get out!" A pillow was thrown at him, and Kevin ran away.

Driving to the downstairs of Huang Yongsheng's house, Kevin wandered around for several times before daring to go up. He had to think of how to say it. He was afraid that Huang wouldn't be able to accept the idea of ​​giving his wife away in exchange for a daughter.

Today's Huang Juanjuan really scares him. Although she is not usually quiet, she is still a well-educated girl, right? Why are you so violent all of a sudden? No wonder the Chinese like to call women tigresses, it turns out they are all true!

After finally opening the door, Yuan Gungun asked sleepily: "Where's Juanjuan, why are you running here in the middle of the night?"

Kevin looked up at the bedroom: "Is Lao Huang awake?"

Yuan Gungun shook his head: "It took a lot of effort to fall asleep, but neither of you can worry. Come back tomorrow if you need anything." After that, he closed the door.

Kevin squeezed in with all his strength, went straight into the bedroom, and shouted to Huang Yongsheng, who was snoring like thunder: "Old Huang, I want to propose marriage to you!"

Yuan Gungun, who followed, looked puzzled: "Who are you proposing to marry?"

Kevin pointed at Huang Yongsheng: "I want to marry his daughter. If he doesn't come tonight to propose marriage, his daughter will jump off the building. Anyway, I mentioned it. I will let him tell me tomorrow if I agree or not."

After saying that, Kevin turned around and left. Yuan Gungun tried to hold him back and asked him, but failed. Kevin had already rushed out of the house and went downstairs.

Yuan Gungun was stunned for a while, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this matter was a bit big, so he quickly shook Huang Yongsheng's body: "Old Huang, wake up quickly, your daughter is getting married."

Huang Yongsheng, who was sleeping soundly, was finally shaken awake and asked in a daze: "Who wants to get married?"

"Your daughter! Just now Kevin came over to propose marriage to you. He said that he wanted to marry Juanjuan. He said that Juanjuan asked him to come. If he didn't come, Juanjuan would jump off the building!" Yuan Gungun reported quickly.

Huang Yongsheng shook his head, as if he couldn't react, but only for a short while, he jumped out of bed, shouted "Fuck!", put on his clothes and ran out.

When Kevin returned home, he stood timidly by the bed: "I've already told your father."

Huang Juanjuan glared at him: "If you get closer, I can still eat you? What did he say?"

"He didn't say anything. I came back after I finished speaking." Kevin answered honestly.

"How is it possible? He didn't respond to you wanting to marry me?" Huang Juanjuan naturally didn't believe it. They had been together for more than 20 years, and she knew better than anyone else how her father treated her.

Kevin shook his head firmly: "He really didn't say anything. When I told him, he was still sleeping."

"Holy crap!" Huang Juanjuan was thinking of killing him: "I asked you to propose marriage, did you say it while she was sleeping?"

Kevin looked aggrieved: "I don't dare even if he wakes up? What should I do if he hits me?"

Seeing him like this, Huang Juanjuan smiled. This foreigner was actually quite cute sometimes.

The two of them have been together for a long time. Kevin has always cared for her like a child. Huang Juanjuan is also very close to him, otherwise she would not suddenly fight for him.

As a result, I got a little tempered, and before I could get out of my anger, I got myself involved. But it’s good to think about it carefully. Kevin has a better personality, but he’s a bit older, but he’s very skilled! Who doesn't know that he is the pillar of Junken Machinery and Electrical Engineering?

Junken City has always attached great importance to technical personnel. This group of people has the highest income, and only they can live in villas.

Moreover, Kevin is actually quite handsome and does not look old. If you think about it, it will not be embarrassing to follow such a person when going out in the future. Huang Juanjuan just thought about it. Besides, the raw rice has already been cooked, so who else would dare to ask for her?

Huang Juanjuan took Kevin's hand and asked him to come up and sleep. This tossing was gone for half the night, and she was tired.

But this sleep was definitely not going to last. As soon as the two of them lay down and drifted off, the door was opened. Huang Yongsheng held up a stick and was carried into the house by Yuan Gungun.

Kevin turned on the light and was shocked when he saw the stick, but Huang Juanjuan decisively stood in front of Kevin: "You beat him to death first, otherwise don't even think about touching him!"

Huang Yongsheng struggled on his round shoulders, but he was not in the same rank and could not get down at all.

However, he couldn't move his hands but his mouth was not sealed. He pointed at Kevin and cursed: "You beast, he is only 25, and you are 45, so you can really do it!"

Huang Juanjuan raised her head high: "Dad, he didn't do it, I took him down, and now he's not willing to give in!"

Huang Yongsheng was stunned for a moment, and the stick fell to the ground with a clang. He stamped his feet and beat his chest: "Daughter, why are you doing this?"

Huang Juanjuan spoke righteously: "For the sake of reputation, for the sake of dignity!"

Seeing Huang Yongsheng wilted, Yuan Gungun put him down.

After listening to his daughter tell the story of what happened, Huang Yongsheng suddenly forgot what he was doing. He gave his daughter a thumbs up and praised him: "This is what you have to do. What's so great about her?"

"Okay, Dad, since you agreed, we will go get the certificate at dawn, and you can just wait to hold your grandson." Huang Juanjuan promised her father.

Huang Yongsheng walked out of the gate with his head held high, deeply proud of his daughter. He was thinking about who to invite to the wedding.

Ye Yuze, who was far away in Boston, suddenly received a call from Huang Yongsheng, inviting him to attend his daughter's wedding.

Ye Yuze originally didn't want to go. He traveled thousands of miles just to have a meal, so he just asked his wife to order whatever she wanted.

But when he learned that the groom turned out to be Kevin and that the wedding was just three days later, he said hello to Kesselring and left. This is so scary.

On the way to the airport, he called Mei Ting and asked what was going on.

Mei Ting didn't hide it and told the truth, but she really didn't know that Kevin was getting married three days later.

After knowing the truth of the news, Mei Ting also decided to go back. Thinking about the past two years, Mei Ting did owe Kevin, no matter what the reason was, she should return the favor.

When she decided to leave, Yaojina had been sending her to Kathmandu. Mei Ting knew that she wanted to see her elder brother. But she can't help with this kind of thing. There are so many sisters-in-law, and the eldest brother is not willing to mess with other girls anymore.

In this regard, she admires Yang Geyong, who treats every relationship with enthusiasm. Now he is planning to develop the barren hills at Grandpa Roast Chicken’s house, and has already bought coffee seedlings.

Chen Tianjiao, on the other hand, is busy preparing to build a cement plant. He is very busy. This Chen Tianjiao is really a good man. It is really rare that he has such affection for an ordinary-looking woman with two children when they meet by chance. .

There is no direct flight from Jiadu to Junken City. You have to go around the capital and then fly to Junken City. This journey is actually very smooth. When they arrived at Junken City, Ye Yuze hadn't rushed back yet.

Mei Ting thought about it for a long time, but still didn't go to Kevin alone for fear that the guy would become angry. She still felt a little guilty about this matter.

Just like Huang Juanjuan said, tell people if you don't love them, why bother dragging them around like this? Based on Kevin's conditions, what kind of girlfriend can't he find?

Ye Yuze arrived soon. The reason why he rushed back was really not because of his good relationship with Huang Yongsheng, but mainly because of Mei Ting. This girl is really a little out of character in her actions. If possible, he still wants to promote Mei Ting and Kevin.

The main reason is that he knows both of their personalities well, and he has a very good personal relationship with Kevin. If he really becomes his brother-in-law, he will kiss them.

When the two met, Ye Yuze asked Mei Ting with a straight face: "What are you doing here? The person I have been dating for such a long time suddenly invited me to drink his wedding wine with someone else?"

Mei Ting sticks out her tongue. She understands Ye Yuze's character. Although this man can be domineering at times, he is very kind to the people around him, especially relatives and friends. Sometimes the word "love" cannot be overstated.

"Brother, I really don't love him. In fact, dating him has always been because of your face, but there is really no way to force this kind of thing. Marrying someone you don't love, what fun is there in marriage?"

Mei Ting shook Ye Yuze's arm and started acting like a little girl. Angry Ye Yuze gritted his teeth but couldn't lose his temper.

"You just die at home. How old are you? Are you still so careless? What is love? Have you ever seen a couple who is romantic all day long? The essence of life is food, rice, oil and salt, and love is just what young people use to satisfy their desires. Whitewash!”

Ye Yuze started educating his sister with an old-fashioned expression. Still a little sad.

Mei Ting opened her eyes wide. This was the first time she heard someone define love like this. Asked in surprise:

"Brother, do those sisters-in-law only say they love you because you want to sleep with them?"

Ye Yuze, who had black lines all over his head, gave a serious education: "Don't compare me with others, your brother, am I an ordinary person? My ideological realm has already transcended the scope of ordinary human desires and has been elevated to the level of thought."

Mei Ting took it seriously and nodded heavily: "My brother is no longer a human, he is a god!"

Ye Yuze finished his words, but couldn't refute it. People praised him as a god. The key was to follow his own words.

Sighing, I finally gave up on treating this sister, but I still had to wipe her butt. After all, there must be an explanation from my cousin's side, his wife's side, and my mother's side.

Ye Yuze didn't have any burden on Kevin. After all, he was marrying someone else. Although Mei Ting was at fault, the main fault was still with Kevin.

Accompanying Mei Ting home, this girl didn't even dare to go home. Her parents were worried about her marriage, and she didn't dare to face it. She just waited for her brother to come back to put out the fire.

With Ye Yuze coming forward, Mei Ting's parents didn't say much. After all, Ye Yuze helped Mei Ting shift the blame to Kevin, and Mei Ting didn't have time to spend time with him because she was busy with work. There is nothing anyone can do about this.

Back home, this test was not so easy. Why is Meihua so easy to fool? He was reluctant to scold his niece, but he would not spoil his son, so Ye Yuze, who was nearly fifty years old, was scolded by the Queen Mother, who was in her seventies.

Anyway, the Queen Mother has lost her physical strength over the years and doesn't like to use feather dusters anymore. However, Ye Yuze misses the smell. He doesn't know how many years it has been since he was whipped?

Ye Mao would open the door to peek from time to time, feeling indescribably relieved in his heart. He wished he could hand the feather duster to his grandma. He had been beaten by his father since he was a child. Seeing that he finally met his fate today, he felt relieved.

Yu'e has been comforting her mother-in-law. For this daughter-in-law, Mei Hua has never been willing to say a harsh word since she got married. The main reason is that she is too sensible and virtuous. Mei Hua asks herself that she cannot do this, so she can only respect her.

Tired of scolding, Meihua sighed: "Forget it, never mind, just go be your female bachelor. Who will care about you when you get old?"

Mei Ting didn't take it seriously. She had already seen Ye Mao's little movements, so she waved him over and wanted to hold him in her arms, but Ye Mao dodged him.

He is a big boy, and it is awkward for his mother to hold him, let alone his aunt.

Mei Ting didn't take it seriously and asked him, "Ye Mao, will you take care of me when my aunt gets old?"

Ye Mao nodded: "I will send you to a nursing home."

Meihua laughed "haha" and stroked her grandson's head: "Be good, this is how you treat female bachelors!"

Ye Yuze glared at his son and cursed angrily: "What were you doing sneakily just now? Don't think I didn't see it."

Ye Mao quickly explained: "Dad, aren't I afraid that grandma will whip you with a feather duster, so am I ready to rescue you at any time?"

After saying that, Ye Mao took out the feather duster: "Grandma, this thing hasn't been used for a long time, and it has collected so much dust."

How could Ye Yuze not see his son's sinister intentions, so he took the feather duster and slapped it on his son's butt.

Mei Hua and Yu'e suddenly became anxious and snatched the feather duster away. Ye Yuze pulled Mei Ting and fled in embarrassment. Later, the queen mother's feather duster fell down.

Ye Mao covered his butt and complained to his grandma: "Your strikes are becoming less and less swift."

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