Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2027 Kevin was raped

Kevin picked up a piece of sheep head meat and chewed it in his mouth. It tasted like jue wax. Then he took a sip of wine and muttered to Yuan Gungun: "Since you set up the stall, Lao Huang's offal has become more and more tasteless."

"Go away, I'm in a bad mood and blame the food for being tasteless. People say that after I came here, the offal soup tastes better and better!" Yuan Gungun was naturally unconvinced.

"Mom, stop arguing with him, Kevin is in a bad mood." Huang Juanjuan advised, pushed Yuan Gun away, and then sat next to Kevin.

"Drink less, don't you have to go to work in the afternoon?" Huang Juanjuan reached out and took away Kevin's wine glass.

Kevin sighed and asked excitedly: "Juanjuan, do you think I'm not good to her?"

Huang Juanjuan looked at this man helplessly, then looked at her father not far away, not knowing what to say.

If it had been anyone else, Huang Yongsheng would have fought tooth and nail a long time ago. How could he show his emotional frustration to his ex-wife all the time?

But Kevin and Yuan Gungun really broke their cognition.

After the divorce, not only did they not become estranged, but they became like a pair of good friends who talked about everything. The most unbelievable thing is that Kevin gave all of his property to Yuan Gungun and supported Yuan Gungun in handing over the money to Huang Yongsheng for safekeeping.

Huang Yongsheng didn't know what Huang Juanjuan thought, but she definitely couldn't do this herself.

After having more contact with each other, I also got to know this pair of foreigners. They are both relatively simple people who have no scruples in doing things and have no complicated thoughts. There is no need to be wary of them.

Over time, it has become like a family. Whatever happens at Huang Yongsheng's family, Kevin takes it as his own business.

Now Kevin comes over for dinner every morning. After being busy with work for a while, he drags Huang Juanjuan to work together. People who are not familiar with her can never figure out the relationship between the four people.

"Kevin, Mei Ting doesn't love you at all, can't you feel it?" Huang Juanjuan felt that she needed to remind this silly man.

Kevin frowned and said nothing, veins bulging in the hand holding the steering wheel.

"You are not a child anymore. It's like you divorced your wife for another woman, but she still didn't choose you. Love is never something you can get by paying for it." Huang Juanjuan felt that she was reasoning with the children in the kindergarten.

"But I just love her. Whenever I have free time every day, her shadow is all in my mind." Kevin tugged at his few remaining hair, looking depressed.

"But she doesn't love you, and she's too embarrassed to refuse. Let it go, for her sake and for your own sake. Otherwise, even if you get married reluctantly, you won't be happy." Huang Juanjuan continued to talk sincerely.

Kevin didn't say anything this time, drove to Huang Juanjuan's unit, dropped her off and left.

After getting off work in the afternoon, Kevin has been listless. Mr. Ni didn't bother to talk to him a few times when he saw him. Foreigners are all sentimental, and it's useless to persuade him. He has to wait for him to let go.

When he got off work in the evening, Kevin's phone rang. It turned out to be Yuan Gungun, and his tone was a little anxious: "Kevin, you go to the hospital first. Juanjuan was hit by a car and the car ran away. You are close. We Rush over immediately."

Kevin stood up suddenly and rushed out like the wind.

When he arrived at the hospital, he saw Huang Juanjuan, who was jumping on one leg to register. Kevin was relieved. It seemed like nothing was wrong. Otherwise, he would not have come to the hospital by himself. It must have been brought by an ambulance.

Kevin ran over to help her register. The orthopedics department was on the second floor. He didn't take the elevator, but ran up the stairs with Huang Juanjuan on his back.

Huang Juanjuan kept telling him: "Slow down, I have nothing to do, I just want to make a film because I'm worried."

Kevin ignored her at all and trotted to the orthopedics department. After asking the doctor to write a prescription, he ran to the billing office to pay the fee, and then went to take the X-ray.

All this trouble was done behind Huang Juanjuan's back. Huang Juanjuan was so angry that she just wanted to curse: "Why the hell won't you put me down and pick me up again when it's time to film?"

But facing such a stupid man, she really couldn't curse him.

After taking the film, Kevin was relieved to see that the bones were fine. At this time, Huang Yongsheng and Yuan Gungun also arrived. The couple did not have a car and came here on a tricycle.

When the two people arrived, they happened to see Huang Juanjuan wiping the sweat from Kevin's bald head with a tissue.

Knowing that his daughter was fine, Huang Yongsheng felt relieved and asked Kevin to send his daughter home. They would buy some food and have dinner together later.

Kevin didn't refuse and carried Huang Juanjuan downstairs to his car.

Huang Yongsheng's house is one of the first old buildings in Junken City. There is no elevator on the fifth floor. Kevin carried Huang Juanjuan on his back again in one breath.

When she opened the door, Huang Juanjuan didn't know why? Suddenly he hugged Kevin's neck tightly.

Huang Yongsheng and Kevin both drank a lot during dinner, and then they both got drunk. There was definitely no way to go home, so Yuan Gungun arranged Kevin on the sofa. There was no other way. In a two-bedroom house, Kevin could only live in the living room.

Kevin vomited several times one night, and Huang Juanjuan helped him clean it up. One time, Kevin insisted on calling Mei Ting, and Huang Juanjuan found the number and dialed it for him.

When Mei Ting heard the tone of his voice, she just said coldly: "If you drink too much, sleep well. I'm busy and don't have time to talk to you." Then she hung up the phone.

Huang Juanjuan on the side was a little angry and almost grabbed the phone to scold Mei Ting. She felt that such a sincere man should not be treated like this.

The next morning, Kevin didn't go to work, and Huang Juanjuan would definitely not be able to go to work because of a foot injury these days. Huang Yongsheng and Yuan Gungun went to the stall again, so they could only take care of themselves.

Where can Kevin cook? She also refused to let Huang Juanjuan do it. In the end, she had no choice but to go to the supermarket to buy some semi-finished products and cook an authentic Western meal for Huang Juanjuan.

It's actually just bread and steak, mixed with some lettuce leaves. Huang Juanjuan ate quite deliciously. This made Kevin confident and promised to cook an authentic roast turkey meal for Huang Juanjuan in the evening.

But there is no oven at home, and there is no turkey meat in the supermarket, so I have to make it. There is no market for turkey in China, and it is too unpalatable.

This time Kevin took a long vacation and has been taking care of Huang Juanjuan at home. Because he thought their house was too small, he simply took her to his own home.

So Huang Yongsheng and Yuan Gungun returned here after closing their stalls. After all, Huang Yongsheng, the eldest daughter of his family, was not worried about living in a single man's home.

However, Yuan Gungun returned to this home after two years and was deeply moved. After scolding Kevin, he helped clean up the house. Such a big villa is almost like a pigsty for Kevin.

Thinking back to the time when the two of them fantasized about having a bunch of babies running around the house, it feels like a world away.

Yuan Gungun carefully cleaned every corner, and kept telling Huang Yongsheng beside him about the scene when they first moved in. Almost all decorations and furniture were done by Yuan Gungun, and Kevin didn't care at all.

Huang Juanjuan was placed on a recliner by Kevin and was basking in the sun at the door. It got dark relatively late in northern Xinjiang, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening, and the sun was still shining brightly on the mountains in the west, but it was no longer scorching, just bright. Dazzling.

At this time, Kevin was showing off his skills in the kitchen. Ever since Huang Juanjuan said the food he cooked was delicious last time, this guy seemed to have suddenly become interested in a kitchen he had never been in before.

But unfortunately, all he can do is fry steak and mix a leaf salad. Spread some butter on the bread slices.

Of course, you can also make it richer, such as slicing tomatoes and cucumbers and putting them in bread with the steak.

In the United States, we always drink ice water and ice milk. Even in the cold weather, we drink them from the refrigerator.

However, since arriving in Junken City, this ancestral habit has also been changed. It seems that a warm bowl of millet porridge with milk makes the stomach more comfortable.

When the dinner was put on the table, Huang Yongsheng really wanted to curse. It's the first time I've ever come to your door. Why are you serving half-cooked beef?

But thinking about how much this guy took care of his daughter, I couldn't bear it. Anyway, he had a lot of wine, especially foreign wine, and Huang Yongsheng had never drank it.

This time Kevin learned his lesson and stopped drinking with Huang Yongsheng, mainly because he felt too uncomfortable after drinking too much. Kevin is not an alcoholic.

But I can’t stand that Huang Yongsheng is an alcoholic? This guy is interested in wines he has never drunk before, and Kevin is naturally proud of his collection.

Then they started to show off the bottles, and then they opened them and tasted them. The two of them drank a little more if they liked it. As a result, they tasted too much again.

After drinking too much, Huang Yongsheng refused to stop and insisted on going home. He said that there was no toilet here, so he was led into the bathroom and he ran out again.

Angry, Yuan Gungun picked him up, threw him into the tricycle, and took him home. Huang Juanjuan was a little worried. The house was on the fifth floor and there was no elevator. She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to get up there with her father.

Yuan Gungun patted his hill-like chest: "I'm not resisting him once. With his weight, I can run back and forth twice without any problem."

In fact, Huang Juanjuan is quite satisfied with Yuan Gungun, a foreigner stepmother. She is really down-to-earth and capable.

It doesn't matter that I gave my father my savings as soon as I walked in. I didn't let them do any housework. Now it's all about the stall, and the round shape is almost round.

There are three rooms on the first floor of the villa, a study room and two guest rooms. Because he drank too much, Kevin fell asleep in the guest room. Huang Juanjuan's legs were weak, so she naturally had to live on the first floor.

Kevin slept for a while and woke up asking for water. Seeing how uncomfortable he was, Huang Juanjuan poured him a glass of honey water.

In a daze, Kevin told Huang Juanjuan how much he missed Mei Ting, and even shed tears when he talked about the emotional parts.

Huang Juanjuan comforted him a few words, but the more she persuaded the guy, the more she became more and more energetic. Huang Juanjuan was so angry that she ignored him.

Kevin took out his cell phone and started calling Mei Ting again. After calling twice, Mei Ting hung up. But Kevin persevered and dialed back again.

This time Mei Ting answered the call, and as soon as she got through, she started asking: "Kevin, am I busy here? Can you please stop calling me over and over again? If you drink too much, go to bed!"

Kevin's consciousness was not very clear. When he heard Mei Ting's voice, he shouted excitedly:

"My dear, where are you? I miss you. Come back soon. I want to hold you and let you sleep in my arms."

"Kevin, please respect yourself. Our relationship is still friends. If you say such shameless things again, I will block you and don't contact you in the future."

Mei Ting was immediately irritated. She didn't love Kevin in the first place, and her relationship with him was basically to give Ye Yuze an explanation. At this time, she was offended and naturally exploded.

Huang Juanjuan, who had been listening by the side, couldn't bear it anymore. She grabbed the phone and started arguing with Mei Ting. She wanted to scold this woman last time, but she just held back.

"Mei Ting, if you don't love him, please tell him. Don't use a man's infatuation with you as a way to humiliate him. I know you are very arrogant, but when it comes to identity and status, Kevin is definitely better than you. You That is to say, you are a relative of the Ye family, and others only look up to you, otherwise who are you?"

A girl who was born and raised in the Corps has a naturally hot temper, especially since she has regarded Kevin as one of her own.

Mei Ting was suddenly lectured by a stranger. Naturally, she became angry and shouted angrily: "Who are you? What qualifications do you have to criticize me? It's his business if he loves me, and it's mine if I don't love him. What is your relationship? What time is it and you are still with him? What is your relationship?"

"Who do you care about me? You're just selfish. Yes, it's your right to love him or not, but if you don't love him, please tell him! What's going on with him hanging so unclearly? Kevin can't find it. When it comes to women, she is just stupid to let a flashy woman like you deceive her!"

Huang Juanjuan also lost her mind and began to scold Mei Ting.

Mei Ting naturally refused to take the blame and started to fight back: "What did I lie to him about? I just agreed to try to date him, but I didn't become boyfriend and girlfriend with him. If you like him, you can do it? You want to do something with me Well? I wish he would stop pestering me."

"Just do it. Don't think that you can't find a woman if Kevin leaves you. How many people in Junken City can compare to him? If you contact Kevin in the future, be careful that I come to settle accounts with you. Don't think that Uncle Ye and I I’m just afraid of you, I, Huang Juanjuan, have never been afraid of anyone in my whole life!”

Huang Juanjuan was so angry that she threw the words out without caring. Then he suddenly threw the phone against the wall, and the phone fell apart instantly.

Kevin was frightened awake by the anger of the two women. He looked at Huang Juanjuan timidly: "I..., I don't love you."

Huang Juanjuan was so angry that she had no place to vent her anger, but this guy got into trouble. The key was that she vented her anger for him, okay?

"Son of a bitch, who do you love? The person you love doesn't love you and treats you like a fool. Why are you still so determined?" Huang Juanjuan grabbed Kevin's arm and bit her. She was really mad.

"But love cannot be forced. As the Chinese saying goes, a melon that is forced is not sweet!" Kevin couldn't break free from Huang Juanjuan's mouth, but he still insisted on his principles.

Huang Juanjuan's eyes were blazing, she let go of Kevin's arm with her teeth, and then asked viciously: "The melon that is twisted is not sweet, is it? Even if it is bitter today, you have to give it to me!"

After saying that, he pounced on him like a wolf, completely ignoring Kevin's resistance.

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