Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2012 A night of fun

As for Mi GeNa, she was raised by Wei Yuxiang, because after her aunt married, her sister held her and lived in Wei Yuxiang's house.

Her parents did not leave the mountainous area. They were used to the life there, but they sent their children to Wei Yuxiang.

Nepali women basically become housewives after marriage, so Mikona's aunt took Mikona sisters over just to have a companion. So when Mikona was seventeen years old, she lived in Wei Yuxiang's house for fifteen years.

Mikona also has an older brother who is now with her parents and the child is now in his teens. A large fish pond was built in the mountains to raise rainbow trout. Business is very good.

As for Mikona's marriage to Wei Yuxiang, this was something brought about by her aunt and sister. As for Mikona herself, that is something she hopes for.

From the moment she could remember, she regarded her uncle and brother-in-law as a god-like figure. After her first love affair, she never had any other man in her heart except her brother-in-law.

As for what Wei Yuxiang thought, it was unknown. Anyway, when he married his sister-in-law, he had no resistance and obeyed whatever arrangements were made.

After listening to Mikona's narration, Ye Yuze was like watching a history of men's depravity. He was helpless and fortunate. In fact, many things were not to blame on men, they were all forced.

The two of them stayed until evening. When the car engine sounded outside, the women and children stood up and went out to greet them.

Ye Yuze and Wei Yuxiang sat on their chairs and did not move. Mikona glanced at them doubtfully. As guests seeking help, shouldn't they be more attentive when meeting their hosts?

Wei Yuxiang came in with his two sons. The eldest son was about fifteen or sixteen years old, and the younger one looked about the same. There were traces of Wei Yuxiang in his appearance, but because he was of mixed race, he was much more handsome than him.

She is also half a head taller than Wei Yuxiang. People here develop early, otherwise Mikona would not have given birth to two babies at the age of seventeen.

Looking at Wei Yuxiang's two sons, Ye Yuze and Wei Yuxiang instantly understood the reason why he was unwilling to go home. He was indeed more handsome than the other two at home! Plus these three wives, it’s a man’s paradise!

Entering the yard, Wei Yuxiang was stunned for a moment when he saw the two people sitting in the yard. He was about to say something, then his eyes narrowed and he grinned:

"Why are you two here? You didn't even say hello in advance?"

Ye Yuze said disdainfully: "If you say hello, can we still enter your house? I wonder what kind of yard they will create to fool us."

Wei Yuxiang's face blushed slightly, then returned to normal, and nodded frankly: "Yes, I have prepared the yard. It is right next to the factory."

The three of them laughed together and hugged each other.

Mikona bit her fingers and was puzzled: "So you guys know each other?"

Wei Yuxiang cursed angrily: "We've known each other since we were naked, and both of them are my bosses. Do you understand that this is called luring a wolf into the house?"

Although Mikona could speak Chinese, she was obviously not familiar with this idiom. She blinked her big eyes and didn't know why.

Wei Yuxiang didn't bother to explain to him. He waved his hand and told them to go cook quickly and have a good drink today.

After saying hello, the two sons went back to their rooms to study. Both of them were a bit introverted. They are all in middle school and will soon be admitted to college.

Yang Geyong looked around, then looked at the house carefully, looked at Wei Yuxiang and asked: "This house doesn't match your identity? Why don't you build it bigger? With so many children?"

Wei Yuxiang shook his head: "It would be nice if the home was warm. If the house is too big, there will be a sense of distance between people. I think it is better for the children to integrate into the environment and not develop the habit of being aloof from an early age."

Ye Yuze nodded in agreement. He has always disagreed that children have a sense of superiority since childhood. Respect is given by others, rather than isolating yourself from others.

After chatting for a while, Wei Yuxiang reported the situation of the branch factory to Ye Yuze. Ye Yuze waved his hand: "Don't tell me this. I don't even read the report. Why do you listen to me?"

Wei Yuxiang was a little helpless: "You don't have a sense of accomplishment when you do this, you know? We worked hard for a long time, didn't we just want you to praise us? You are always so indifferent, and we have lost our fighting spirit."

Ye Yuze had no choice but to nod: "Okay, then you say it and I'll listen."

Wei Yuxiang shook his head: "No more, your attitude is just perfunctory, why should I waste that spit?"

Ye Yuze laughed and was about to continue attacking, but Yang Geyong said with a clear tone:

"What's there to say? What profit can this poor place make? Isn't it because of these wives that you've been staying here? Otherwise you would have left long ago."

Wei Yuxiang smiled mysteriously: "Although the purchasing power of this country is not good, there are many aid construction projects? Roads, railways, bridges, which one does not use steel?"

"In addition, our neighbor Ah San is quite xenophobic, and foreign-owned factories are relatively marginalized in their country, and their demand for steel is so huge. Instead of spending money to transport it from overseas, why not buy it from my immediate neighbor? At least the shipping cost is much cheaper. no?"

Yang Geyong's eyes widened instantly. Did he really not expect that the market in this small country would be so huge?

Ye Yuze also understood at this time, patted Wei Yuxiang on the shoulder and praised: "Young people have done a good job, the future is yours!"

Wei Yuxiang pushed Ye Yuze's hand away: "Little brat, I'm two years older than you!"

Ye Yuze shrugged: "But your wife is only seventeen? My youngest is already 28."

Wei Yuxiang had a dark look on his face, but he had no way to refute. Who calls myself fashionable?

The dishes cooked for dinner were all Chinese, but the women obviously preferred Nepali spices, so they cooked a Chinese-Nepalese dish.

Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong actually like the seasonings here, and the food is quite appetizing. After dinner, several of Mi Gena's classmates came over to play. Yang Geyong's eyes glowed green when they saw them, and they all looked very good-looking.

Wei Yuxiang poked his waist: "Which one do you like? I'll ask Mikona to tell you."

Yang Geyong scratched his head: "I can't tell the difference, they all seem to be good."

"Beast!" Ye Yuze and Wei Yuxiang both despised him. This guy was such an embarrassment to the Chinese people.

Several girls were singing and dancing around a karaoke machine. Ye Yuze was well-informed and had to admit that the people in this country are really versatile. It’s unreasonable for her to have such good looks.

Of course, this is only a small part, which means that most of those high-caste people still have nothing to boast about and are very ordinary. It's just that his facial features are better-looking, but his skin is dark and dirty.

Several girls also murmured and kept looking at Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong. Don't know what to say?

Mikona was obviously constantly explaining to her friends. Looking at the eyes of those girls, she was obviously very interested in them.

Ye Yuze felt a little unnatural, as if he was watching a monkey. Is this really okay?

Yang Geyong, on the other hand, didn't take it seriously and looked at the girls with piercing eyes, looking like a wolf whose ambition was exposed.

After a while, a slightly fat child came over and said something to Yang Geyong?

But Yang Geyong looked confused, he really couldn't understand! I wonder what the little girl wants to do?

Mi GeNa came over to explain that it turned out that the girl invited Yang Geyong to dance.

Maybe because of the climate and terrain, people in Nepal are generally not tall. Obviously, Yang Geyong's figure can easily attract the attention of girls. As for age, people here don't seem to care too much.

Yang Geyong immediately stood up and walked to the TV with the girl, but he definitely didn't know how to dance in Nepal.

However, this guy learned a lot of dance in Africa. Although he is tall, his hula dance is quite awesome, and his butt shakes like a motor, which is the so-called twerking.

This unique skill quickly conquered all the girls. Even Mikona's eyes shone, but Ye Yuze was left aside in the cold.

Mikona's sister was more mature, so she pulled Ye Yuze into the crowd and started twisting.

Ye Yuze definitely doesn't know how to hula, but he was also the little disco prince back then. He often danced around the tape recorder with his brother-in-law on the side of the road. Now he looks very good when twisting, but it's just a little out of tune with the music.

The group of people played until midnight and then dispersed. Wei Yuxiang made room for them to live in. Ye Yuze looked at the group of children and refused directly. The rooms were ready, so he might as well go to a hotel.

Wei Yuxiang is not here either, they are all his own, so it would be boring to be too polite. So I drove to see them off.

Yang Geyong refused and took the car keys directly, saying that he wanted to send the girls away. Ye Yuze smiled bitterly and let him go.

Then, Ye Yuze drove, and Yang Geyong sat in the passenger seat, with the fat girl sitting on top of his already tall body. The remaining four girls were all crowded in the back seat, chattering very excitedly.

After sending them home one by one according to the route pointed by the girls, the three of them returned to the hotel. Yes, there were three of them. The fat girl didn't go home. It turned out that her home was also in the village and it was inconvenient to go back, so she stayed in the hotel with them.

As for where she lived before? This kind of thing must not be asked at the moment. It is not appropriate and should not be known.

Roast Chicken Na was very happy to see them back and took them back to the room. As for the girl, she didn't say hello at all, which seemed to be commonplace.

Ye Yuze did not come out after entering the room. It was not a good time to chat tonight because Yang Geyong was too busy.

In fact, he really thought wrong. After Yang Geyong entered the house, he took a shower first, then arranged for the girl to lie on the bed to rest, while he took a blanket and slept on the floor.

As for why you don't go to sleep in Ye Yuze's house? Because there is a girl in this house who needs his protection, so it is naturally not convenient for her to leave.

However, after sleeping for a while, the girl seemed to be dishonest in her sleep and fell to the ground. For safety, Yang Geyong had to hold her to sleep. Even if a Chinese man is as rough as Yang Geyong, he still knows how to be considerate.

My daughter is very well-behaved and brave. Although the two people don't understand each other, sometimes language is the most useless thing.

It's just a pain for Ye Yuze. The walls of the houses here are relatively thin, and the sound insulation and heat preservation properties are extremely poor. After a night of tossing and turning, he swore that he would change rooms when he got up in the morning and would never be a neighbor with Yang Geyong.

Early the next morning, Yang Geyong, who was full of energy, pulled up Ye Yuze, who had dark circles under his eyes, saying that he was going shopping.

Ye Yuze said nothing and did not move, but he was not as strong as Yang Geyong, so he just dragged him up and left.

Wei Yuxiang called to pick them up for breakfast, but Yang Geyong refused, telling him to put work first and not to curry favor with the leader.

Ye Yuze looked helplessly at this guy who was getting younger and younger as he lived. He didn't know how to praise him?

The three of them left the hotel just as Roast Chicken Na got off work. She worked all day and all night yesterday and has today off.

Ye Yuze thought for a moment and asked her to come with him so that he could pay her salary. Roast Chicken Na happily agreed.

The salary in Nepal is relatively low, only 300 yuan a month. Who can resist if you can make extra money?

The reason why Ye Yuze called her was because this girl was good at Chinese and could act as a translator when shopping, so that she wouldn't be able to communicate later.

The fat girl's name is Amy, she is also seventeen this year, and she is Mikona's classmate. On the other hand, Roast Chicken Na is two years older than her and is a college student.

Although Nepal is a poor country, young people are relatively self-reliant. Starting from college, they basically don’t ask for money from their families, and they have to work to earn their living expenses.

After knowing the situation of Roast Chicken Na, Ye Yuze admired this girl quite a lot. No matter where they are, motivated children are popular.

Amy directed Yang Geyong to drive to the clothing market. They were all small shops with very cheap prices. Yang Geyong frowned and asked Yaoji Na: "Is there a better clothing store?"

So Roast Chicken Na took them to a big brand store, which turned out to be a foreign fashion brand. Yang Geyong laughed as soon as he saw it. It was a spring night, so he had to buy something decent for others.

However, the national conditions determine the price. An item of this brand in China starts at a thousand yuan, but here it only costs three or four hundred yuan, which made Ye Yuze curse.

Yang Geyong usually doesn't pay attention to this, but Ye Yuze has a clothing business at home and knows a lot of information in this area.

Yang Geyong is a generous man, and this small amount of money is just a drop of money to him. Therefore, as long as Amy took a second look at something, he would buy it immediately.

After walking around for a while, the bag in my hand was full. Ye Yuze felt embarrassed and also bought a sportswear for Roast Chicken Na.

Roasted chicken Na refused for a long time, but Yang Geyong forced it into her hand, and she reluctantly accepted it.

Then they went to the mobile phone store. Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong both had to buy mobile phone cards, otherwise others would not be able to find them here.

Yang Geyong bought one for Amy by the way. Seeing Roast Chicken Na's envious eyes, Ye Yuze simply bought one for this girl too, and they all bought Huawei.

Ye Yuze had to admit that this Mr. Ren was really not a simple person. He actually brought his business to such a closed place. Every inch of land was really fighting for it.

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