Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2011 Wei Yuxiang’s new home

After putting their luggage away, the two of them walked down the mountain. The road was a bit steep because they had driven up just now, so they didn't feel much of it, but the slope became a bit steeper as they walked down.

The streets are not long and are filled with small shops. There are several snack bars, as well as tuck shops and fruit and vegetable shops. After taking a quick look, I found that the fruits were nothing unusual and I basically knew them. The quality of the vegetables was also about the same, but not as abundant as in China.

After looking at several snacks, the varieties are relatively simple, just rice and stir-fried vegetables. Strictly speaking, it was a stew. There were local people eating it, and Yang Geyong laughed when he saw it.

It turns out that people here don’t use spoons or chopsticks to eat, they eat with their hands.

Yang Geyong and the others did not resist this. They had been to yurts a lot in northern Xinjiang. Who among the Kazakh herdsmen had those things in their homes? Isn't it all done by hand? The only utensil provided is a knife for eating meat.

The two of them ordered chicken and mutton dishes respectively. Yang Geyong frowned because the portion of meat was too small. It turns out that when people eat here, they mainly use stewed meat soup to mix rice with it. The meat is just for you to garnish, and it's just a taste of it if you take a few bites.

This was naturally unacceptable to Yang Geyong and Ye Yuze, who were carnivores. After some gestures, the two of them directly brought the mutton pot and chicken pot over. They didn't care about money anyway.

Seeing that there was still beer for sale, Yang Geyong asked for two more bottles, but he lost interest after just one sip. The taste was too weak and he could only drink it as a drink.

There are so many spices in the chicken and mutton that it's very unaccustomed to you when you take the first bite. But it tastes really good if you take a closer look. Especially the curry taste, both of us like it.

It was said to be two pots of meat, but it added up to just over two kilograms. The two of them finished it in a short while, then mixed the soup on the rice plate, ate it with a slurp, and burped. It was really comfortable.

The boss also thoughtfully gave me two cups of milk tea, but this milk tea is different from the one in Beijiang. Although the ingredients are the same, too much sugar is added, which makes it a bit tasteless.

In the end, the two people had no choice but to blow the beer into the bottle, and then stood up to pay the bill with satisfaction.

Then he was dumbfounded again. The meal only cost twelve yuan in total. Yang Geyong scratched his head and asked Ye Yuze: "Don't they charge for the raw meat here?"

Ye Yuze rolled his eyes at him: "Unless you raise it yourself, but there must be a cost to raise it?"

Yang Geyong solemnly announced: "Brother, I have decided to live here for a few years. I estimate that ten thousand yuan is enough."

Ye Yuze was too lazy to pay attention to him. This was the type of person who didn't take advantage of him enough.

In addition to the snack bar, I bought some oranges and bananas. I took two more large bottles of Coke, mainly because there was no mineral water for sale, so I could only drink it at night.

Ye Yuze found that there were many varieties of coffee here, so he ordered two cans. He was used to drinking it in Boston. Mainly because people here don’t have the habit of drinking hot water. The only things they want to drink hot are coffee and milk tea.

Back at the hotel, in addition to Roast Chicken Na, there was a woman in her thirties at the bar, dressed in Tibetan clothing. When I saw them coming back, I greeted them warmly.

It turns out that this is the boss's wife, her name is Tsomu, she is Chinese, but she married here.

Tsomo is not pretty, her cheekbones have the typical Tibetan plateau red color, and her skin is a bit rough, but she speaks Chinese very well.

After chatting for a while, the two of them learned that Tsomu came here to make a living when he was a teenager, and later married a Nepali. After giving birth to two children, the man disappeared.

This phenomenon is very common in Nepal. They generally do not need a marriage certificate to get married, but the ceremony must be held in a temple, and a man can marry several wives at the same time, as long as he can afford them.

However, men here are generally a bit lazy. Men don't do housework, and their money-making is more Buddhist. Anyway, I have something to eat today, so I don’t worry too much about tomorrow.

And there is an even weirder custom, that is, when marrying a wife here, not only will the man not give a bride price, but the woman will have to give a dowry, and the amount given is not low.

Tsomu was able to marry her only after she gave more than 20,000 yuan of her earnings to her husband.

But after the money was spent, the man left her and the two children and ran away. It was said that he went to India to make money, but there has been no news for three years.

Yang Geyong was a little angry and was about to open his mouth to curse, but was stopped by Ye Yuze. Marriage is a matter of fighting and suffering. Outsiders can interfere in the end and the two are not human beings.

Ye Yuze asked Zuomu about the Warrior Steel Factory, and Zuomu pointed to the north.

It turns out that the steel plant was not in the city, but in a place in the northern suburbs of Pokhara, more than 20 kilometers away from the city, close to the mining area.

Then Zuomu asked Ye Yuze: "Are you here to buy steel? I know the boss, and one of his wives has a good relationship with me. If you want to buy something, I can contact you, and it will definitely be cheaper."

Ye Yuze's head was full of black lines and he asked: "How many wives does he have?"

"There are three of them. Mikona, who has the best relationship with me, is my student and has studied Chinese with me for two years." Tsomu was obviously a little proud of being the teacher of the big boss's wife.

Yang Geyong asked with a gossipy face: "How old is this Mi Gena?"

Zuomu counted on his fingers: "I should be seventeen this year, and I will graduate from high school soon."

"Damn it, this old Wei, you really can't see it!" Yang Geyong swore.

It's not that he can't accept this kind of thing. What has Yang Geyong never done in Africa? The main reason is that Wei Yuxiang usually disguises himself too well. It's a bit unbelievable.

Ye Yuze's expression was also very complicated. If someone told him that Yang Geyong would do anything, he would believe it, but if Wei Yuxiang was so unreasonable, he would not believe it even if he were beaten to death.

He didn't want to come this time. In fact, he subconsciously avoided it because he didn't know how he should deal with Wei Yuxiang after seeing him like this.

Although this belongs to other people's private lives, Yu Lan has grown older and younger with him, so naturally he doesn't want a man who grows younger to act recklessly.

Yang Geyong saw his entanglement and complained angrily: "Ling'er also grew up with Yi Yi. Do you control me? And what about yourself? You can't have such double standards as a human being, right?"

Ye Yuze sighed, then smiled bitterly: "Yes, what qualifications do I have to restrain others?"

The two of them rested for a while and decided to visit Wei Yuxiang's house. Just now Tsomu told them the location of Wei Yuxiang's house. It's not far from here, and it's also just around the corner, but the house is larger than here.

Tsomu was afraid that they would not be found, so he called a taxi. The taxi took them to the door of the Wei family villa and left.

Yang Geyong looked at the gate. It didn't seem to be anything special. It was also a three-story building, but the area was larger. There was also a relatively large yard full of flowers and plants, as well as several garages and cars with different brands. It's a warrior brand.

At this moment, a carpet was thrown out in the yard, and a group of women and children were sitting there, basking in the sun. To be honest, Yang Geyong and Ye Yuze were already dizzy from the heat at this moment.

Because of the obstruction of the Himalayas, the airflow from the north cannot pass through, directly dividing Nepal, which is separated from XZ by a mountain, into two climate zones.

They were supposed to belong to the temperate zone, but they directly turned into the subtropical zone, which made Yang Geyong and Ye Yuze who came from northern Xinjiang a little uncomfortable.

The two of them stood at the gate for a while, their bodies soaked with sweat. Just as they were about to leave, they saw a very beautiful little girl running over, holding a few cooked potatoes in her hand.

The reason why it is called cooked is because the surface of the potatoes is burnt, which is definitely not the case with other people's baked potatoes.

The little girl glanced at Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong with some pity, and then said a string of words that the two people could not understand.

Seeing the blank stares of the two people, the girl changed two languages ​​one after another, and finally asked, "Chinese?"

Yang Geyong nodded quickly, he understood this sentence.

A sweet smile immediately appeared on the little girl's face, as bright as a flower.

"Oh, that's me being rude. There's no food at home now. I only have these potatoes. I wanted you to satisfy your hunger. If I'm Chinese, I can't be rude like this. Come in quickly, my distinguished guests. I want to entertain you well." you."

Only then did Ye Yuze realize that he was being treated as a beggar. Look at the clothes that are soaked with sweat and stick to the body, and the sweat on the face is shiny. He looks so embarrassed and embarrassed. No wonder he is treated as a beggar.

He grabbed Yang Geyong, who was about to explain, and said: "Excuse me, it's our first time in Nepal, and everything has been stolen. I heard that there are Chinese people here, so we came here to seek refuge."

"So that's it? That's too unfortunate. Come in quickly, my husband will definitely take care of you. My name is Mikona, don't be polite."

With a look of sympathy on her face, Mikona invited them into the yard, found a place for them to sit down, and quickly ran into the kitchen to get food without being stopped.

Yang Geyong smiled bitterly and looked at Ye Yuze: "Look at your image, is it no wonder you are regarded as a beggar?"

Ye Yuze was too lazy to pay attention to him. He seemed to be so neat and tidy. His T-shirt was wrinkled and clinging to his body. He didn't even put on his leather shoes. He stepped on his heels like slippers. He didn't look like a beggar.

There were seven or eight women in the yard, with more than a dozen children in total. Yang Geyong smacked his lips: "Does this guy have as many children as we do?"

Ye Yuze sighed, never expecting that Wei Yuxiang, with his honest face and thick eyebrows, would be here today.

Mikona first brought two cups of milk tea: "You Chinese like to drink hot things, drink the milk tea first, and I will make you a big masturbation."

Ye Yuze quickly stopped her: "We just had a big meal down there, just have something to drink."

Mikona looked surprised: "Weren't all your things stolen? Where do you get the money to eat?"

Ye Yuze touched his pocket and saw that he had exchanged a lot of Nigerian coins at the airport, so he explained: "The box was taken away, the documents were gone, and the money was not stolen in the pocket."

Mikona patted her chest, looking very lucky, but the turbulent waves on her chest made the two of them afraid to look directly at her.

Yang Geyong looked at the children playing and asked Mikona: "Are these all your children?"

Migona shook her head: "Those three belong to my sister, those two belong to my aunt, and the two youngest ones are mine."

Ye Yuze couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and was thankful for Wei Yuxiang. These children were all little girls. According to Nepalese custom, he had to put in a large sum of money for the dowry alone.

But then Mikona's words made Ye Yuze almost collapse.

"But they are all my husband's children, and my two sons are already grown up and have gone to factories."

Yang Geyong also had a dark look on his face, and asked in a low voice: "Are you Wei Yuxiang who married your aunt, your sister, and you?"

Migona nodded: "Yes, he married my aunt first, then my sister, and finally he married me."

"Damn, what a fairy life!" Yang Geyong couldn't help but sigh, this guy spent more money than he did.

Ye Yuze now fully understood why Wei Yuxiang did such a good job of keeping secrets. If someone from Junchen City knew about this kind of thing, they would definitely be beaten to death.

At this time, Mikona's aunt and sister also came over, but the age gap was a bit big. Mikona's aunt was almost forty years old, while her sister looked in her late teens, Mikona was only seventeen years old.

Nepali women, like herdsmen women in northern Xinjiang, tend to gain weight after middle age. Mi Gena's aunt is already as big as a bucket, and her appearance is also older. She looks more mature than Yang Geyong.

Mikona's sister's figure has also begun to change. Although she is still pretty, she is already two sizes older than Mikona. No wonder Wei Yuxiang would continue to marry afternoons like this.

Yang Geyong once again sighed: "If Mikona has a niece or something, I guess that guy won't let her go. This family is really too beautiful."

Ye Yuze agreed in principle with Yang Geyong's statement. This Wei Yuxiang has fallen into depravity. He must be criticized well when we meet him. How can he be a good person for the whole family? Why don't you try it with someone else?

Mikona's aunt and sister are not good at Chinese and only know some simple vocabulary. However, the children speak well and their pronunciation is even better than Mikona's.

But their spoken language is mixed with the flavor of Northern Xinjiang Mandarin, and it sounds like it was taught by Wei Yuxiang himself.

It turns out that Mikona is a big family and the whole family lives together. When Wei Yuxiang came, her grandparents were still alive, and she had three aunts and four children from his father.

Their home used to be in a mountainous area, where Wei Yuxiang built a steel plant. Because it involved demolition, the local people were not happy, and disputes arose.

Later, Grandpa Mikona came forward to mediate the matter, and the factory was constructed smoothly, and Wei Yuxiang and Grandpa Mikona became friends.

Later, Mikona's two aunts got married, but the younger aunt refused to marry anyone else, so she fell in love with Wei Yuxiang. Then Mikona's grandfather made the decision and ensured that his daughter would not go to China, so Wei Yuxiang married the younger aunt.

Later, when my sister grew up and her grandparents passed away, Wei Yuxiang basically took care of Mikona's family. Her father was afraid that Wei Yuxiang would like the new and dislike the old, so he resorted to a trick and married his sister to Wei Yuxiang again.

Basically, it is a kind of cooked rice, so Wei Yuxiang can only follow it. No way, I have a strong sense of responsibility.

Brother bookworm, Brother Liang Zhu, xiao fei xiA are awesome, you are the best

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