Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 201 Soft Sleeper Car

Early the next morning, Wu Tianming went to work. His driver took Ye Yuze to the station. Ye Yuze picked up Wang Sihai by the way, and the two of them found the stationmaster.

The procedure was completed smoothly and the goods were shipped directly.

Ye Yuze went to Wu Tianming again, and he opened a letter of introduction. This letter of introduction can be used to buy bus tickets and stay in hotels.

This letter of introduction was really useful, when Ye Yuze handed the letter and money into the window. The conductor's formulaic face immediately came to life.

"How many do you want? Will they be arranged in a private room?"

Ye Yuze nodded, guessing that the conductor must have regarded him as a family member of an official. After all, there are very few people who can hold a letter of introduction of this level.

The train went directly to the capital. At that time, there was only this train line to Northern Xinjiang.

Entering the soft sleeper compartment, it was empty. There seemed to be only four people in the entire carriage, including him and Wang Sihai.

Wang Sihai threw his somewhat fat body on the bed and groaned happily.

How have you ever been treated like this in all these years of running around outside? Often there aren't even any seats, and sometimes there are plenty of seats if you stand for more than ten hours at a time.

Wang Sihai didn't know who Ye Yuze was looking for? But you can ship the goods directly and take a soft sleeper. It is definitely not something that people with low energy can do.

At that time, there were no food sellers on the trains, so you basically had to bring your own food. After all, a veteran like Wang Sihai is here, how can he be hungry?

After entering the carriage, Wang Sihai opened his big leather bag.

It was stuffed to the brim, and in addition to some cooked food, there were also naan, dried fruits, luncheon meat, and canned food.

He also took out two bottles of wine. It seemed that this old Wang decided to make his journey happy to the end.

Ye Yuze took out a note from his pocket, which contained Wang Honghua's phone number. Lao Wu gave this to him, asking him to drop by to see his daughter. And brought some things.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Honghua had not been seen for several months, and Ye Yuze really missed her.

Her sister is good at everything, but she is too introverted and easily bullied.

Wang Sihai's mood has been in a state of excitement these days. There was nothing I could do. In those days, you could buy more than 10,000 yuan in a few days, and no one could calm down.

Maybe it was because he hadn't slept well for several days, so he started to drink on himself as soon as he got in the car, and soon he drank too much.

The rocking of the train seemed to become a cradle, allowing him to sleep extremely peacefully.

Ye Yuze couldn't sleep, so he wandered around in the carriage. When he reached the hard-seat carriage, he ran back without even daring to enter.

There are too many people. If one of the extra people pulls out a foot, that place is guaranteed to be occupied by others.

If you want to put that foot back, you probably have to wait for someone to lift it up.

The aisles, car doors, and bathrooms were filled with people.

Ye Yuze returned to the carriage and stood alone in front of the window looking at the scenery outside.

It's already April, but the land in northern Xinjiang is still covered with white snow. As far as the eye can see, there are countless snow-capped mountains that never melt all year round.

The vastness of Northern Xinjiang can only be truly felt on the train. Stations that stop every hour or even half an hour elsewhere do not exist here at all.

You must know that this railway was built along a line in northern Xinjiang where the population is relatively concentrated.

After watching for a while, Ye Yuze fell asleep. He was just about to go back to sleep when he saw a private room open and an old man holding a teapot as if he was going to fetch water.

Ye Yuze saw this person from the moment he got in the car. The provincial capital was the departure station, and it seemed that only four of them were on board this carriage.

That box seemed to belong to an old couple.

Ye Yuze quickly walked over and took the tea vat. "Grandpa, can I help you fetch water?"

The old man seemed stunned for a moment, then smiled.

"This, isn't this too troublesome?"

Ye Yuze smiled. "Grandpa, it's okay, just go back to the house and wait!"

Ye Yuze picked up his teapot and walked to the dining car. There were no electric water heaters at that time, so train conductors would carry aluminum jugs to deliver water to people.

As for how many times it will be delivered? It all depends on your mood.

In a situation like a hard-seat carriage, probably few conductors would dare to deliver it. There was nothing they could do except check the tickets, and they would not easily enter the carriage.

Ye Yuze passed through several carriages. The dining car was at the connection between the sleeper carriage and the hard-seat carriage. It's just an insulated bucket covered with a quilt.

By this time the water inside was no longer too hot. Ye Yuze had no choice but to take the fight and come back.

Knocked on the door and entered the old man's carriage. The old couple looked in their sixties, and they looked not in good health.

They were about to eat, and there were two steamed buns and pickles in a can on the table.

The steamed buns were obviously a little hard, and the two old men couldn't bite them. They probably wanted to soak them in some water and eat them.

Ye Yuze looked a little sad and quickly put down the water and returned to his car. He picked up a box of lunch meat, opened it, and sent it to the old couple's private room.

The old couple pushed for a long time but refused to take it. Ye Yuze explained again and again:

"I brought too much. If I opened this and couldn't eat it, it would be better for you to help eat it instead of letting it go bad."

Finally, the old man sighed and accepted. He didn't say anything else, he just cupped his hands towards Ye Yuze.

Back in the box, Ye Yuze also lay down to sleep. But I have been wondering who these old couple are?

Those who can ride in the soft sleeper carriage are not ordinary people. But why are the old couple so shabby?

Ye Yuze fell asleep in a daze. The train left at around one o'clock at noon. It was already after five o'clock in the afternoon.

It's dinner time, and the small speaker in the carriage announces today's dishes.

To be honest, Ye Yuze hasn't eaten on the train yet. Every time I take the train, my mother always prepares plenty of food.

The broadcast also woke up Wang Sihai, who sat up sleepily and stretched.

"Yuze, let's go, I'll invite you to the dining car for dinner!"

Ye Yuze wasn't hungry yet, but he was curious about the food on the train and wanted to take a look.

The two people walked through several carriages and arrived at the dining car. At this time, there were a few people sitting in the dining car.

The restaurant waiter is holding a menu and introducing today's dishes to people.

In the middle of winter, there isn’t much food. It's nothing more than fried shredded potatoes and stewed radishes. Mushu meat and stuff like that. The staple food is rice and steamed buns.

Each dish costs two or three cents, and meat dishes are more expensive, about fifty cents.

Two people ordered three dishes plus an egg soup.

One portion of rice per person, and we couldn't afford to waste it at that time, so the two of us ate everything.

When it came time to settle the accounts, it was only two yuan, so Wang Sihai generously paid for it.

When he walked to the door of the dining car, Ye Yuze suddenly remembered something and bought two more box lunches.

Wang Sihai thought Ye Yuze was saving it for dinner, so he didn't stop him and even paid to settle the bill.

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