Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 200 Wu Tianming’s Tears

"There is also a Corps special rice, do you know what it is?"

Wu Tianming was so secretive that Ye Yuze really didn't know about it. He has always had a mother, and he has never eaten anything from those rough old men.

Wu Tianming smiled.

"It's just soaking the noodles! Soak the noodles in a hot pot. When they're soft, add some suet and salt and eat them like that!"

After saying that, Wu Tianming couldn't help but lick his lips, as if that thing was a rare delicacy.

Ye Yuze felt a chill in his heart. He probably wouldn't be able to eat that thing even if it killed him.

But he didn't know that his father and Dr. Li had a meal last year.

Wu Tianming took out a bottle of Maotai from the kitchen.

"Come on, let's have some luxury today. You can have two drinks with your uncle."

After saying that, Wu Tianming got a glass of wine for Ye Yuze, and he also got a glass and drank it first, and then got another glass.

Ye Yuze knew that Wu Tianming liked wine. But looking at him like this, it seemed like he hadn't drank for a long time.

"Old Wu, you even have Maotai, but you still look like you haven't had any wine?"

Wu Tianming sighed. "With everything to do, there's no time to drink!"

Ye Yuze hesitated and asked: "Old Wu, I don't think the sign over there is right? What's going on?"

Wu Tianming patted him on the shoulder. He first told him to go back and say nothing, and then explained the matter in detail.

It turns out that the name Corps ceased to exist as early as 1973, and its current name is the Northern Xinjiang Agricultural Reclamation Administration.

There are many historical and political reasons why this happened.

But most of the grassroots units of the Corps did not know about this, including Ye Yuze's father and the others.

This is not to deceive them, but based on many considerations.

After all, most of the soldiers in the Corps are soldiers. Although they have changed careers, their status is still in the military, including their children who were born in the military.

What will be the consequences if once the soldiers know that they have been removed from the title of soldier? No one really dares to think about it.

People of that era were different from later generations in that they did not use material things as values.

The reason why the Corps has reached its current size is because of the orders from above and the soldiers who fought for it with their sweat and lives!

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, when everything was in ruins, Chiang Kai-shek took all the country's gold reserves to Taiwan. The mainland is in misery, and where is the financial resources to support the Corps?

"But do you know what was going on in Northern Xinjiang at that time?"

Speaking of this, Wu Tianming suddenly asked Ye Yuze.

Ye Yuze shook his head, he wasn't there at that time. How could he know?

Wu Tianming wiped his tears again.

“The total output value of industry and agriculture in Xinjiang is only 720 million yuan, of which industrial output value only accounts for 0.5%.

The vast majority of rural areas are extremely poor. On average, each poor farmer household has only one soil trowel and one sickle, and every six households only has one soil plow.

The per capita possession of grain in Xinjiang is 195.7 kilograms. Excluding land rent, rations and seeds, farmers of all ethnic groups have very little grain left.

How is it possible to have money to support the construction of Northern Xinjiang in such a situation? Just being alive is already very difficult. "

Ye Yuze was moved. When he came to Northern Xinjiang, he saw farmland everywhere. Not to mention that he didn't have enough to eat, he didn't even eat whole grains. And I don’t like to eat without meat.

How could he have imagined that Northern Xinjiang would be like this when his seniors entered Xinjiang?

"I will always remember the general's speech at that conference."

Speaking of this, Wu Tianming's eyes began to moisten.

Ye Yuze seemed to have arrived at that era as Wu Tianming told him.

Grandpa Wang stood on the makeshift platform. Below him were countless young people, but they were all patched up with regimental tactics.

The old man loudly asked the soldiers: "We want to build northern Xinjiang, but what should we do if we don't have money to build factories and farms? Should we ask Chairman Mao for it?"

The soldiers shouted together:


"Do you want it from the people of Northern Xinjiang?"

The soldiers shouted: "No!"

"Where did the money come from?"

The soldiers were all dumbfounded and looked at each other. They can sweat and bleed! But they really have no money!

Grandpa Wang looked firm, waved his hands and continued shouting:

"There is only one way, and that is to come from ourselves!

Doesn’t the country also pay us wages? Then let’s save this money to build Northern Xinjiang.

We are all paupers and are used to living in poverty. Is it okay to have one set of military uniforms every year instead of one set every two years?

We don’t have any money, so many pockets in a military uniform are useless. Can we change it to two pockets?

You don’t have to be a soldier to open up wasteland for farming in the Gobi Desert. Can you just take off your collar?”

The 100,000-strong army roared: "Agree!"

Wu Tianming's tears flowed down, and Ye Yuze also cried.

Wu Tianming rubbed his eyes and continued:

"Since then, the double collar of the military uniforms of the corps soldiers has been changed to a single collar in order to save the outer section.

In order to save fabric, the four pockets of cadre clothes were replaced with two upper pockets.

The two sets of single clothes issued each year were changed to one set, and the one set of cotton-padded clothes issued every year was changed to one set every two years.

Every day, half a catty of grain and 9 cents and 6 cents of vegetable gold were plucked from the mouths of cadres and soldiers. A good life was considered a full meal of corn noodles and steamed buns.

"In this way, after several years of hard work, our Corps not only did not ask for a penny from the country, but also began to support the country with a large amount of food.

We have a large amount of land, and not an inch of that land was obtained from the local people. We dug canals to divert water ourselves and turned wasteland into fertile farmland!

Not only do we have land, we also have our own cities, mines, and factories!

But you asked me to tell the soldiers that they are no longer soldiers. I can't say this! "

Wu Tianming burst into tears when he said this.

"At any rate, many people have realized this mistake now. They have sent people to report it to the higher authorities. The elderly are also running around and have some clues."

Ye Yuze also cried, letting tears flow freely on his face.

He has not lived through that era, and all he knows are people who look ordinary and even have many problems with them.

He did not expect that these people would use everything they had to achieve the prosperity of Northern Xinjiang today. They all have a common identity.

That's "Regiment Warrior!"

It is this identity that allows them to do all this.

Ye Yuze didn't understand why such a unit would be abolished? Maybe they also have considerations above?

But Ye Yuze felt that if he and Wu Tianming switched identities, he wouldn't be able to talk about it.

It’s not that I don’t dare to say it, it’s that I can’t bear to say it! He didn't even dare to look at those helpless eyes.

The meal lasted until late at night, and both of them drank too much.

Wu Tianming seemed to have finally let out what he had suppressed for a long time, and he seemed completely relaxed. Slept peacefully.

Neither of them went to bed, but each occupied a sofa to sleep on.

At any rate, Wu Tianming still had a servant who helped them cover them with quilts.

The sky in the provincial capital is not as clear as that in the regiment headquarters, but it has a more modern atmosphere. Human progress always requires losing something.

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